Daryl Draws Beth Part 2

This is a continuation of the first chapter of Masterpiece. Enjoy folks!

He never regret it in a million years, drawing her and her asking him to draw her nude. He figured they'd been coming towards this moment for a while now.

As he slid his hand over her shoulder, he pulled his mouth from hers and he was surprised to find that she pulled his lips back to hers just as quickly, her mouth urgent against his. He was having a hard time wrapping his mind around the fact that he was in bed with Beth Greene. He was kissing her, and holding her and touching her and he thought he might go crazy from it. His fingers fairly throbbed to touch every single part of her and all at once.

She didn't want him to pull his lips from hers, that was fine but he had to touch her somewhere with some part of his body or he would lose it. He couldn't explain exactly how he wanted to see her as he did now. As a woman. As a beautiful woman that clearly wanted him as badly as he wanted her. He slid his fingers down to her breast, his hand hovering over it, suddenly unsure until he felt her breast fill his palm. She had arched her back into him, pressing her chest fully into his hand and her nipple was already hard beneath the palm of his hand. He massaged her breast fully, groaning into her mouth and flexed his thumb to the side to brush the pad of it over the pebbled bud wanting nothing more than to run his lips over her entire body.

She finally pulled her lips away from his when his thumb grazed her nipple and he watched her pupils blow wide as he took her nipple between his thumb and forefinger rolling it lightly between them until she groaned and whispered. "More." He grasped it a little harder and watched in amazement as her head dropped back and her mouth fell open, her breathing a little erratic.

"I wanna taste ya." Daryl whispered as he repositioned himself so his lips were lined up with her breast, reaching under her, his skin sliding along her shoulder blade as he pressed his lips to her breast and sucked gently at first, then harder and Beth couldn't help it. Her hips bucked off the bed. She was aching between her legs at this point, her clit throbbing for attention. She had never been touched by a man before, not like this. It had only ever been over the clothes stuff with Jimmy and things with Zach had never gotten too far before he'd been ripped from their lives.

Beth had to wonder now as Daryl's tongue laved over the other nipple if this was what she had been saving herself for. For this man that she was pretty sure she loved with her whole heart, no matter that he was twice her age. It didn't matter. Nothing mattered except how she felt when she was with him and right now, she felt like she might die from the build up.

Her skin tasted sweet and slightly salty and he could smell her arousal and he moved his lips lower, his tongue darting out to her tiny belly button. A giggle burst from her lips and he looked up in surprise. "Ticklish?"

Beth nodded, a twinkle in her eyes at the situation.

"Ain't no Casanova ya know. Ya might have to tell me how to do stuff." Daryl said looking at her sheepishly and Beth would have laughed at the absurdity of them talking about things like this with his face perilously close to the place she most wanted his lips to touch. But this was Daryl and they had moved way past awkward now. They could get to know each other as lovers on their terms, just like they did everything else.

"It's not like I'm all that experienced either Daryl." She blushed.

Daryl looked at her in surprise. He'd thought she and Zach might have done things.

"You look surprised. I mean I wasn't a total goody-goody but I'm a virgin. So you might have to teach me things." There it was again, that mischievious spark in her eyes.

"Guess we'll learn together then." He flashed her a wolfish grin and went back to exploring her hot little body with his mouth, savoring each and every inch of soft flesh, exposed for his eyes only. He opened his eyes as he approached the apex of her thighs. He reached down and let his hand rest on her knee, squeezing slightly and sliding his fingers in between her tightly clenched knees, sliding his fingers up the crease between her thighs and coming to rest at the top of her pussy just as his lips reached the line that began the darker triangle of curls.

"Spread your legs for me baby girl. I wanna taste ya." He repeated his earlier words and looked up at her. He wanted to see the want in her eyes.

Daryl asking her to spread her legs was quite possibly the most erotic request of her life and she happily complied, letting her legs fall to the sides and watched as Daryl positioned himself between her legs. Seeing his head with the dark shaggy hair positioned with his mouth hovering over her pussy was enough to make her nearly cum where she was.

Daryl groaned as she spread her legs wide, exposing her lower lips to his hungry eyes. "So pretty." He remarked as he brought one finger up to trace the narrow slit, his fingers dragging through her wetness. Without ceremony, he dipped his head down and flicked his tongue out to sample her and fuck if it wasn't the sweetest thing he'd ever tasted, sweet and tangy and all her.

It was a good thing his dick was harder than a rock or thinking about his lips, his dirty redneck lips all over Beth's pussy, his tongue fucking her until her hips were coming off the bed, it would be enough to send him running for the hills. This was Beth Greene he was driving to orgasm. Her hips were writhing beneath his mouth and she reached for him to come join her again at the top of the bed and as he reached her side, he bucked his own hips off the bed as he felt her suddenly, very expertly reach for his cock and take his length in her hand, palming him and cupping his balls on the down-stroke. Now it was his turn for his mouth to drop open and his breathing to become erratic.

"Thought you didn't have any experience girl." He managed before he groaned again, her fingers creating the most fucking pleasurable friction he could imagine. Way better than any of his wet dreams and certainly better than rubbing one out after she'd gone to sleep the past couple of nights.

She laughed. "I kept Jimmy around for almost 3 months even though I had no intention of sleeping with him."

Daryl threw his head back and laughed. Then he sobered at realizing that she was giving herself to him. "But you're gonna sleep with me?" The words were out of his mouth before he could reel them back in. He waited the space of a second before he added. "I mean if that's what you decide to do."

Beth smiled at him softly. "Of course that's what I want to do Daryl. I want this."

He had wanted to see her come apart beneath his mouth but right now, this moment was more important somehow. Something in what she wasn't saying was calling to him louder than anything he'd ever heard.

"Don't you want this too?" Beth's eyes were shy, downcast.

"Course I want this, girl. Course I do." Daryl breathed as he slotted his body over hers tracing the line of her jaw with his finger before dipping his head down and brushing his lips briefly over hers. He pulled back to look at her. "But you're sure? You wanna give this up just to be with me? Said you weren't intendin' on sleeping with him."

"I wasn't planning on sleepin' with anybody til I was married." Beth said.

"What changed your mind?" Daryl asked her.

"You. Me. I changed. We've both changed Daryl. Can you feel it?" Beth snaked her tiny hand back up his body to rest over his heart, where it lay beating like it was trying to escape. "I don't want to be with anyone else Daryl. Not ever. And I want this with you. I want to feel everything with you, like I feel right now. Make love to me Daryl?" Beth felt bold, brazen for such a request slipping between her lips laid out for him to consider.

Daryl nodded readily. Hell yes he'd make love to her; a thousand times over if he had the chance. And somehow he knew it wouldn't be the last. He knew that this was it. This thing that seemed to have been building with them ever since the shine shack had grown, crowding out everything else until there was no room for anything but the truth. And that was that he loved Beth Greene.

Daryl Dixon had never counted himself as a lucky man, but lying there now he felt like every birthday wish he never got, every present he never saw under his tree on Christmas morning, had led to this moment where the girl he never even dreamed of was offering herself to him. Him. Daryl Dixon. A redneck nobody with nothing but the clothes on his back.

Daryl reached down between them his eyes trained on hers the entire time watching as those crystal blues were strangled by the darker hue of her pupils.

Beth's heart fluttered beneath her breast and every nerve ending in her body was singing, waiting for Daryl to touch her again. In some abstract way as he was going down on her, she had thought, "holy shit, it's Daryl Dixon down there." And she had blushed but then with his tongue doing such delightful things she couldn't help but give herself over to thoughts of doing all sorts of unmentionable things with him. When he reached the juncture of her thighs she dropped her legs open again, spreading herself for his fingers, his cock, his tongue. Quite simply she was ready.

Daryl worked his fingers downward, dipping in her dripping wet folds and watched as she began to writhe beneath his hand when he zeroed in on her clit. He worked his fingers at a furious pace, watching her as she threw her head back and moaned loudly at his movements. He bent his head to her nipple and drew the pert bud into his mouth, suckling gently and then harder. He felt her hand fist in his hair holding him to her breast, then gripping the sheets as she continued to work his fingers to a fever pitch. He pulled his lips away from her breast just in time to see her eyes roll back in her head and her hips came up off the bed. He reached over to still her hips, remanding her to feel every single thing his fingers were doing to her.

She moaned loudly and finally screamed his name. "Daryl!" He knew for a fact no sweeter sound in all the world had ever been heard.

As Beth came down from her release, Daryl was on top of her and positioned at her entrance and she met his eyes, so uncertain, so wary and in that instant she loved him more than she ever had. But she knew if she said it now, it would be another hour before they'd get there and they were so close. She nodded at him. "I want this, Daryl." He needed permission, she knew that. Just like when he'd been across the room his eyes seemed to ask for her blessing each time they came to rest on her naked flesh.

She felt him position himself at her entrance, sliding his dick between her lips, guided by one hand as he braced the other on one side of her head. She looked up at him and nodded as he waited for her signal.

Just before Daryl slid himself inside her dripping wet center he looked into her eyes and he had never felt more accepted than he did in that moment. Like she knew all his tells and it was okay. And it was okay to be here with her now, just him and her and whatever was happening to them taking them somewhere neither had ever been. He slid inside her, meeting with resistance at first and he was uncertain as to how to proceed and he looked into her eyes hoping to find the answer. She surprised him then by bucking her hips upward and she cried out a little tears coming to the corners of her eyes and he almost pulled out then. He didn't want to hurt her.

She felt it. Of course she did. She locked her ankles around his hips. "Don't you dare pull away now." Her voice was breathless and full of wonder. Her facial features became completely relaxed and he knew it was okay. It was okay to push himself all the way in and as he did she made a gasp and he wasn't sure if it was pleasure or pain until she ran her fingernails across his back making light marks over the old ones and he suddenly didn't care a bit about his flaws. She saw them anyway and she didn't care so why should he.

He pulled nearly all the way out before sliding, slowly luxuriously back in and bottoming out and then they established a rhythm riding out their urgency together until finally they slowed their movements and it was languid and purposeful and almost haunting the way her doe eyes were looking up at him now like he held the world in his hands and since his were roaming over her body right now he guessed it was true. Because she was his whole world and as far as he was concerned nothing of the outside world gone to shit mattered.

It was nothing like her girlfriends had described and everything all at once and she just knew that she would never have had this experience with Jimmy or Zach. No, she'd been saving herself for the right man because Daryl was it. He was a good man, the best kind there was and she knew her Daddy would approve.

Even in that moment with Daryl doing the most sinful things to her and she to him, she knew her father would to be happy to know his daughter was cared for, taken care of.

His breathing became erratic the more he moved inside her and he went a little faster establishing a rhythm that was both tender and urgent at the same time. She had seen Jimmy cum enough to know that Daryl was close. "Cum for me baby."

He felt it building before he knew it and when those words, so dirty and so pure all at the same time, the term of endearment resting on his ears like a dream sequence, he pulled out of her and reached down to grasp himself. A few jerky movements of his wrist and he was done for. His orgasm rocked through him like a fever, burning him up from the inside out, licking along his spine and making every muscle in his body sing like he'd been running for ages, and he spilled his hot seed onto her belly, before flopping on his back.

She followed him soon after, her hair mussed and the sweet scent of their lovemaking hanging in the air between them. She rested her chin on her hands, tracing her delicate finger over his chest, then tanging her hand in the hair there. She sighed softly and he looked down at her. She looked like a damn angel except what they had done pretty much precluded her from that title but she still was to him. His heart rent in two looking at her and what they'd just done and what he wanted to do again. Soon. "I love ya, Beth." His words broke at the end and he looked at her helpeless as ever but knowing she'd know what to say.

"Shhh." Her voice soothed as much as her hands as they came up to either side of his face and she rested her lips over his. She pulled back to look into his eyes. "I know. I love you too, Daryl."

"Have for awhile now." He admitted. He may as well tell her all of it.

"Me too." She smiled at him softly and he wrapped his arms around her, her head fitting under his chin like she was made to fit there.

He'd never had anything like this before. Hell he'd never had anything before. Except now he had her. He had Beth and that was worth more to him than any amount of money in the world.

Well there it is, the surprise second chapter of Masterpiece. Hope you guys liked it since it was FULL OF SMUT! Almost 3000 words in fact. Until next time loves, xoxoxo