
The lithe form of the elf was cast in shadow by the light of the moon. Facing away from him and yet Aragorn could see so very easily the image of his calm features. Did he dare approach further? He tried to recall when he had known Legolas to be sad. He himself had been enraged at Boromir's death and grieved at leaving Arwen behind. He was sure that Legolas had known so much heartache in his many years and yet Aragorn knew very little of it. His mind began to question whether Legolas trusted him enough to let his guard down and he reprimanded himself for being so selfish.

He knew then that even though he may not know how to help him, he was willing to try. He approached the quiet tranquility of the scene. A lake more beautiful than any Aragorn had seen outside of Rivendell, mist drifting hazily across the surface. Slowly, he stepped beside Legolas where he stood and glanced to his face.

"I'm so sorry, Legolas."

The elf turned to look at him then and Aragorn realized that he had never known heartbreak until this moment, for surely it would split within his chest at the sight of such grief.

"He fought well," Legolas said simply and looked to the water. Raising a hand, he placed it on the elf's shoulder but was surprised when Legolas pulled him into a tight hug. They embraced for a few moments before breaking apart.

"You will see him, Legolas. In the undying lands," Aragorn reminded him. He thought perhaps he had made a mistake when Legolas looked even more pained.

"You will not," he heard his friend whisper. It hit him then with violent force. Aragorn had suffered a great deal at the thought of never seeing Arwen again should she choose to be with her people but he had never fully considered when he would bid farewell to Legolas. Their eyes met and they both assessed the gravity of the situation.