
Thanks to JK Rowling for the creation of the Harry Potter universe.

Before you start reading PLEASE NOTE that I will be continuing my other series as well!

After the Maze in the Tri-Wizard Tournament Voldemort returns to life. Before he kills him he offers the boy a choice; Join him or die? He turns against everything that he once believed in. Was it all just a lie that was created by Dumbledore to manipulate Harry? Important characters change as the story moves along! Dark!Harry

There will probably be some future shall but I don't know who with, this time it won't be with Ginny because he is with the Dark Lord now.

A/N Everything is totally rewritten myself.

Don't forget to look at my other story my clicking on my profile!

Thoughts & Parseltongue

Harry watched as Voldemort came back to his true form. He looked like a snake, totally disfigured. This man, why did he look like this? He was in a dark graveyard; unable to move. He didn't want to die. He was young and afraid; he stared into the night sky wondering what to do.

"Wormtail take out your hand" Voldemort said

He stretched out his right hand which wasn't there "Thank-you Master" He whimpered

"The other Wormtail" He snarled

He stretched out his left hand which depicted a picture of a skull and snake. It was black. It was the same dark mark which he witnessed in the sky at the Quidditch World Cup when a wand was used to display the mark. It appeared in the sky and tens of Deatheaters arrived in a black smoke. It seemed his most loyal followers came.

Harry was blurred by what which happening, he felt sick and unable to concentrate, the blood from his hand lessened and he started to feel a bit better a few minutes later. It was only then when his attention was caught.

"-Not even you Lucius" It wasn't a surprise to Harry that Lucius was a Deatheater after he almost killed him in his second year after freeing his house elf and due to the fact that he gave Ginny Weasley the diary in his second year which could bring back Voldemort. Lucius pleaded for forgiveness and the mask that he had was turned into thick black smoke.

Harry cried in pain, which he regretted instantly "Oh Harry our guest! How rude of me to forget all about you" Voldemort laughed as well did his followers.

In a flick of his wand Voldemort freed Harry and he scrambled on the ground "Go on! Pick up your wand!"

Harry barely crawled across the floor; he found it impossible to get up. He picked up his wand, he was crying in pain. In a flick of his wand he managed to use a healing spell that he learned in charms to cover the wound to stop infection and scrambled to his feet. The Deatheater crowd laughed at the boy crawling in pain on the dirt they think he doesn't even deserve to stand on.

"You don't have to do this" Harry stated

"But I do Mr Potter, I want to rule the world" He grunted laughing at his feeble attempt to live another second… last minute searching for his inner heart wasn't going to save him now.

"I know that" Harry said weakly, he was afraid of dying "Let me join you"

Voldemort's face changed from laughter to confused "Why would I want you to join me when I could end it now?"

Harry thought desperately for ways to redeem himself "In my first year when you offered for me to join you I never said no… I just called you a liar and that was true; you couldn't bring my parents back"

"Yes Mr Potter very good, but that doesn't answer my question"

"I could help you win without having to kill many of your own people, I could help bring it down from the inside out" Harry continued "Do you think I like it, having a stupid Headmaster who manipulates me? I regret not joining Slytherin in my first year. I was young, naïve but now I have changed."

"How can I be sure that you wouldn't instantly run off and fight me again?"

"I swear it" Harry sighed "I don't want to die"

"Give me a minute, if he tries to leave make sure he will regret it"

They all nodded in appreciation and Voldemort left. The Deatheaters all scurried over to the boy who was barely standing and made sure that the cup was well out of his sights. They were all in thick black robes. He could see them all.

"I see Mr Potter wants to join with the right side?" Lucius snarled "You should have taken the chance I gave you in second year or my son's attempts in first year"

"I hope in time you forgive my arrogance and ignorance" Harry cried and was afraid of the words that followed "If I live this"

At that moment Voldemort appeared again, in his hand he carried a ring.

"I accept your offer Harry, if you wear this ring" He pushed the ring towards his hand and placed it to the right of the middle finger on his right hand.

"What does this do?" He asked curiously

"It's the equivalent to the Dark Mark" He said "I can only place it on your hand and I can only remove it. If I find out you have betrayed me I will kill you. I can't have you branded in-case someone accidently finds out which we wouldn't want that to happen now would we?"

"Thank-you and I wouldn't dare" He thanked him immensely

"You will address me, as my lord"

"Yes, sorry my Lord"

"Ok Mr Potter your first task" He said "You will explain to Dumbledore that you did all in your power to save the Diggory boy, but it was so unfortunate that he died near the cup and you couldn't leave him. Tell your Defence against the Dark Arts teacher to 'council with him'; he will know what I am saying."

"Yes my lord"

"Take the Portkey back" He said smiling.

Harry grabbed Cedric's body and brought him to the Portkey. Harry Potter was now the property of the Dark Lord, and Voldemort loved this. He forced tears to come out his own eyes, pretended to sob. His cheeks turned rosy red and he grabbed the cup.

The crowd's erupted from the stands. The sound of trumpets and drums could be heard as soon as they came back. People were smiling and cheering in their numbers and they couldn't believe it was Potter back. Harry was lying on the body of Cedric sobbing, pretending to cry. Cedric's father came along. He was quite tall with brown hair and eyes wearing glasses. He was flustered by the sight of his son and was running along to him to make sure he was alright.

"I couldn't leave him" He sobbed as Dumbledore and Amos arrived.

"Cedric… Cedric… is he… dead?" Amos cried

The crowd immediately stopped cheering and some got up from their seats. Dumbledore and Harry fought, Dumbledore trying to get him up. "Get up Harry"

A few others came along to take him off the dead body and they fought him off. Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley came over, they were his best friends and they couldn't leave him there alone.

"Harry… Harry… Are you alright?" Hermione asked in tears

"I-I-I-I coulll-ddd nnn-ott hhhelllp h-h-immm Herrrmioneeee" He cried I could not help him Hermione

She rushed over giving him a hug trying to sooth him

"It is ok mate" Ron said "It's going to ok, you don't need to talk"

Alastair Moody, his Defence against the Dark Arts teacher came over to him and grabbed him by the neck. "It is alright Potter come with me"

Harry whispered so no one could hear "Council with him"

A switch in the teacher's brain flicked on "Thank-you for telling me this, I must leave"

He let Potter go and Harry was flustered to what it meant and what connection he had to the Dark Lord, he was an Auror typically someone who fought Deatheaters rather than sided with them. Everyone in the stands was upset, crying over the death of an extremely strong student. When people asked him questions the Headmaster simply told them he wasn't in a state to talk yet and that he would explain things in the morning.

The boys brought him to the Hospital Wing and he cried himself to sleep.

Although he was upset of Cedric's death, which could have been easily avoided if they didn't touch the cup together, he tried to compose himself as best he could. His scar stopped burning at night and he felt slightly better than normally. He made his way to the Great Hall the next morning; the award ceremony would be later but today was a day of grieving for Cedric. Classes were dismissed and when it was time for Funeral everyone attended. Harry was called up to talk about his last few moments with the boy.

He got up to where the Headmaster normally talks and he tried to compose himself with all his tears.

"Cedric was great" Harry began "He was a friend that I needed during the Tri-Wizard tournament. I know everyone here wants to know how he died but I cannot be certain. When I saw the cup I ran for it. I turned around it see if anyone was near, I was gloating to myself which I wish I didn't and then I saw him. He looked like he was dying. His face was turning pale and he looked in terrible pain. I looked at him and I looked at the cup, I didn't know what to pick. I eventually did what I thought was best and I ran back to help him but he was already struggling to move forward.

"I looked at him in the eyes and all I could see was a boy wanting to come back" He looked down to the floor sobbing, the hall was extremely quiet. Not a whisper "I tried to help him come forward but it wouldn't work. I got him to the Portkey and then he coughed his last breath and died in front of my eyes.

"I can remember the last words I spoke to him very clearly 'We can get through this together' and he said in the faintest whisper trying to look courageous and brave 'thank-you Harry'" At that moment Harry burst into tears. Even the most cynical of people were sad, crying for the boy whom they saw in the corridors such a kind person.

Harry limped to him seat, the Great Hall was filled and as he left people patted him on the back. The speech's continued throughout the day and nobody dared to question what happened because it was such a delicate matter and his story seemed to be true.

When Harry went to bed in his dormitories that evening he knew the award ceremony was the next day and he had butterflies in his stomach about receiving it. Although he was incredibly rich already; another thousand galleons wouldn't hurt. He started to dream.

Very good Mr Potter, the voice in his dream said, I need you to keep low for a while and try to look like the Headmasters golden child for a bit longer. I will come to meet you whenever school has finished.

After that short message from the Dark Lord he had drifted into a deeper sleep.

"Congratulations Mr Potter" The Headmaster cheered "Tri-Wizard Champion!"

The crowds erupted in cheers even those from the Slytherin table got up to cheer, obviously Draco Malfoy's father Lucius told him to be nice to him.

"Mr Potter shall be awarded with a thousand galleons and the Tri-Wizard cup"

At first Harry though that he was going to give the money to the Weasley's twins however he thought it was better not to fund the opposing side. They were clearly enemies of the Dark Lord and no amount of persuasion, that Harry could be bothered with, would change that. He accepted the cup with great pride and he shook hands with the other champions and Cedric's father as a sign of respect.

School was almost over and exams were cancelled.

A/N I know that exams were not cancelled during that year but I thought that I would just add it in so that he could pick up better for the next year.

Depending on how well people enjoy this fanfiction I might do this more often however these will probably be posted once a week. If you want to see it more than once a week then leave a follow/favourite/review and it will show a sign of support to continue it further!

Thanks a lot for the support.