Wish 7

Hey, sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I haven't gotten any inspirations until today, when I thought of a good beginning of a chapter for this story. I wish I would've made the characters older... oh well.

Oh yes... This chapter is dedicated to GodsGirl7 because I haven't seen her in forever, and it makes me sad.... *sniffle* she's really nice...


Disclaimer: I do not own Cardcaptor Sakura or any of the characters used in this story.

Chapter 7: Dance the Night Away

Sakura was sitting on the beach watching the waves crash to shore. Her hair tickled her face in the strong wind. She was resting after another hard days work. Syaoran and she had worked hard the whole week to catch up all the training they had missed when Warui had come.

She continued to trace patterns mindlessly in the sand. Sakura couldn't get Syaoran off of her mind ever since she saw that look on his face. The look when he saw Warui and her together when she was brainwashed. The look of hurt and jealousy on his face. He didn't know it, but when she was brainwashed by Warui, she could still see everything that went on in "her" life, like watching a movie in a big black room with big windows. Every time she looked in the corner of her eye, there was Syaoran watching them with that look on his face. Sakura couldn't help but feel guilty, and it stuck on her mind no matter what. At the end of everyday she went to that beach to think.

The wind pulled playfully at her shirt as she thought. Sakura had become rather fond of Syaoran over the short time they had known each other ever since camp started 4 short weeks ago. After they had fought with Water, he had been careful to watch Sakura whenever she looked fatigued. She had begun to see that every time they went up the mountain to train, and she was secretly happy that he asked her how she was feeling, and got excited every time he asked.

Over time, their bickering turned into flirting. Whenever Syaoran came to mind, Sakura couldn't help but smile. Even now, her lips tugged upwards. Whenever they were together, her head felt more comfortable in his direction, and her heart skipped a beat every time he just glanced in her direction.

She knew that her little "crush" was silly, because she was only 13, so she tried to ignore it. However, every time his hand brushed against her's, she couldn't help but blush. Sakura wished that he would give a slight hint that showed that he liked her, maybe even more than a friend

Sakura knew that was impossible. Syaoran was so quiet and to himself. She felt like she was alone even though he was so close to her. Whenever she spoke, she felt like she was talking to herself. All Syaoran did all day was train. Even though he was 13, he was very serious about his training, and rarely ever had any fun.

The homesickness had settled in again. A tear trickled down her cheek at the thought of her brother and father that were waiting for her when she finished with camp. Sakura felt lonely and had no one to talk to. She was isolated from the rest of the camp members, and hadn't spoken to anyone in ages. So close but yet so far apart.

Sakura got up slowly in request to her cramped muscles. She stood up, sighed, and turned around, but an obstacle was in her way. She started at the shoes and followed the body up to the face.

"You were crying," stated Syaoran. Sakura couldn't even argue with him, much less meet his gaze.

"There was something in my eye."

"No there wasn't. Tell me what's wrong, Sakura." replied Syaoran, bluntly.

"No," She started to walk away, but Syaoran clasped her wrist with his strong grasp,

"Tell me what's wrong, please. I may not be the best person to talk to, but I don't like to see you sad all of the time."

"All of the time?" asked Sakura, shocked.

"I've seen you go to the beach every night. I've been watching you. Don't think I don't know that something is wrong." Syaoran's eyes sparkled with a fire in his amber eyes from the burning sunset. The wind rose with the tension, and Sakura felt her heart beat faster. Her emotions were overwhelming her. There was no alternative but to cry.

"I'm lonely." The tears began to spill down her face silently down her face.

"Why are you lonely? I'm here with you, I-" Syaoran immediately knew that the words coming out of his mouth weren't true. He knew that he had been almost ignoring her, and felt extremely guilty.

Her head snapped up and her eyes met his in a teary eyed glare,

"Talking to you is like talking to a rock! You're so solemn that I feel dumb every time I tell you something! I mind as well be alone! Talking to myself is more fulfilling than talking to you!" yelled Sakura in a rage, the tears spilled more rapidly down her face, "Everything I say to you is replied with one word; if I'm lucky!"

"What will I talk about?" asked Syaoran. Sakura screamed out her anger,

"ANYTHING YOU IDIOT!" she sobbed and stomped to the tent and zipped it closed furiously. Syaoran raised his hand after her and began to say something, but put it down in defeat. He turned around and sat himself down on the beach, and thought while watching the bloody sky being covered in a black blanket.


Sakura woke up the next morning due to the bright sky. She shielded her eyes with her palm from the brightness, even though the tent was closed. She immediately noticed something wrong. She didn't feel drowsy, it was bright outside... Syaoran hadn't woken her up for training this morning. Sakura unzipped the tent and stepped outdoors, and saw him sword training right in front of the tent.

She stood there watching him train for a few moments before asking the question that was on her mind,

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"I didn't think you were up to training this morning."

"Oh," Sakura rubbed her foot into the ground, "Did you have breakfast yet?"

"Yes," Syaoran continued training. Sakura looked around awkwardly and spoke,

"Well, I guess I'll be going to breakfast now," she started walking away, but glanced back. Syaoran was still training. Sakura turned around and continued on her way. A blanket of guilt settled on her.


The tray clicked on to the table as Sakura sat down. Her fork played with the steaming pancakes drenched in sweet maple syrup. She rested her hand on her chin and looked at the plate in front of her. The guilt made her lose her appetite. Maybe I shouldnt have yelled at him yesterday, she thought, I guess it isn't his fault that he's so... quiet.

She continued to play with her breakfast using her spork as she thought deeper, Or maybe he's trying to make me feel guilty to make me apologize! she thought desperately. Inside, though, she knew it was a lie. Sakura knew that he felt bad, and training was his way of getting over it.

Sakura picked up her tray and dumped it into a nearby trash can. She was about to grab the rusted door handles to open the heavy brown door and walk out in to the sunshine, but a bright turquiose poster posted with masking tape on the door stopped her. It read, in wavy computer text: Come to the dance this Saturday night! From 6:00pm to 9:00pm. Get your groove on and bring your friends!

Her finger tapped against her supple lips as she pondered her thoughts on the dance, even though the answer seemed almost obvious. She smiled as she came to her quick conclusion: yes. Sakura opened the weighty double doors and walked out with a bounce in her step.


Syaoran was busy with his sword while Sakura was in the tent, doing something which was a complete mystery to him. She had been in there since after breakfast, only coming out to eat her meals. Occasionally, there had been shreaks erupting from the tent, which Syaoran could only guess they were from rage of... something.

About an hour after dinner, at 6:00, a zipper being pulled could be heard just above the clanking of Syaoran's sword. He stopped in a pose and slowly let his sword drop to his waist. He turned to the entrance to the tent to see Sakura rubbing her foot in the dirt in concentration as she struggled to put an earring in. She stopped wiggling her earring in her ear and looked up at Syaoran from her eyebrows. A sweatdrop broke away from her forehead as she explained her current situation,

"It's been awhile since I've put in earrings, you know?" she looked back down and continued to try to put her earring in, "It must've been months and months ago; even before summer started! It feels like the hole closed up after all this time!" Sakura looked up again for a reply,


Syaoran was staring blankly at Sakura, trying his hardest to take in her raw beauty. She was wearing a light pink spaghetti strap top showing a little belly with a skirt that was cut just above the knees that was a darker shade of pink than the top. She also wore pink lip gloss and pink eyes hadow, which brought out the emerald green in her sparkling eyes. Her hair was equipped with a pink flower hair clip that held back caramel hair from her face that was glowing with the fluorescence of the moon, and she was currently trying to shove an earring with a pink flower hanging from a small silver chain into her ear, with fingers that had pink nail polish on her nails.

"Syaoran?" Syaoran's eyes immediately focused again,

"Huh? What?" he said, his face clearly stating that he was too busy gazing at the girl in front of him to actually listen to what she was saying. Sakura looked down to the ground and blushed hotly,

"Well, you know, it took forever to paint my nails, I kept on screwing up! I mean, it took two hours just to paint one hand!" Sakura blushed even hotter as her attempts to ignore the situation failed as Syaoran began staring at her again. She continued to babble as she started to fumble with the other earring, even though she knew that he wasn't even paying attention to a word she was saying and was making it apparent that he was more interested in how she looked at the moment,

"I'm so used to Tomoyo doing my nails for me, so I haven't done it myself in a very long time,"stated Sakura desperately as she pushed the earring through and breathed a sigh of relief and looked up, "Wow, that took a long time to put in. Its been a long time since I've gone out to a party, or something of the sort," this seemed to make Syaoran come to his senses, much to Sakura's preference.

"You're going to a party?"

"Yeah. Didn't you see the signs on the cafeteria doors?"

"I think I did, but I don't usually read those."

"Do you want to come with me?"

"No thank you."

"Oh," said Sakura, trying her best to not sound disappointed. She failed miserably. Syaoran hastily tried to make an excuse,

"You don't want me there. I'm no fun. All I do is sit the whole time," Sakura shook her head at his excuses,

"It's okay. I understand. I'll be fine alone, okay?" Sakura walked away before he could reply. He picked up his sword and started training again. Syaoran knew he lied, and felt horrible about it. The reason why he couldn't go was because he can't dance, and was too proud to try.


As Sakura walked inside the crowded cafeteria strobe lights hit her. The music could almost be heard above the giggling and chatting of the camp attendees at the party. Sakura bounced her head to the tune and walked around to see what was being offered at the party. She felt more alive as she heard the people at the dance talking happily and dancing on the floor.

Sakura turned around to get herself some punch, but bumped into somebody. She followed a long neck up to see a face glaring back down at her. The way that the girl's face pointed downward made her look like a vulture, especially with short black hair cupping her face into a point. Sakura eyed two other girls on either side of her. Both were taller than the vulture- looking girl and looked down with the same pointed glare.

Great, thought Sakura sourly, Right when I'm about to have some fun, I run into a pack of vultures.

She gulped and tried to make her eyes bigger to make herself look innocent,

"I'm really sorry that I bumped into, I didn't see you," she smiled wider at the girl then tried to shimmy her way through, but the other two closed in on her.

"Hey, your that quiet girl, Sakura, isn't it?" Sakura opened her mouth to reply, but was cut off again by the girl in the middle, "My name is Kira, she's Rumi," said Kira, tilting her head to the left at a girl with wavy, short, blonde hair with a rough complexion. Rumi nodded her slightly at Sakura. Kira continued, "And this is Miki," she threw her right thumb over her shoulder to a girl wearing dark brown, curly, low pigtails that ended just below her shoulders with a cold expression on her blemished face, "We've seen you around here before. How come you've never said hi?"

Sakura stood there dumbstuck at the amount of information given to her in 15 seconds before she finally spoke,

"I didn't say hi? I'm sorry... I must've not have seen you," she hoped desperately that the excuse cut it for the group. The group continued to stare at her, as if waiting for something happen. Sakura guessed they wanted a better excuse. A silence passed between them before Rumi finally broke the tension,

"But we've tried talking to you, and you ignored us! What's your deal? You and that man-looking girl!" Sakura gulped. Damn Syaoran and his stupid spell, thought Sakura angrily. He could make them appear, but couldn't make them talk. She couldn't blame him, though, it was probably hard magic that took time to master.

Sakura gulped and smiled like a schoolgirl looking for approval from her teacher,

"I really am truly sorry, its just that we like to, um, keep to ourselves. I don't think we meant to offend you," Sakura battered her eyes, hoping to look as apologetic as she could. The girls faces grew sterner, and they seemed to be closing in on her, as if they were closing in on their pray. Sakura shuttered.

"How can you just ignore people? Especially when they say hi loudly in your EAR?" asked the girl, looking as though she was thoughly enraged, Sakura could see the steam billowing out of her ears, though she personally thought it wasn't that big of a deal when someone ignored someone, at least she didn't think it was *that* rude, "How can someone be so ignorant?" ranted on Miki, "Especially when someone tries to be nice to the other! I mean... just... ARR!" Miki's roar made Sakura step back. The other two girls comforted the third while she breathed heavily.

Obviously, that girl has some *serious* anger management problems, thought Sakura. She tried to sneak away while the group was distracted, but her attempt was unsucessful. The girls turned back to Sakura, all three glaring.

"I don't know if you don't know this, since your just a mere newbie," Kira said the word "newbie" with distaste, making her long face scrunch up, "but no one ignores us, because we are the Clovers," all three of the girls looked down at the small clover pin on their shirts, the trio reminded Sakura somewhat of a colt, "that means, newbie, that we've been here all years since we were five," she said with a superior look on her face, "Everyone is nice to us, and the councilors all love us, so you'd better follow the trend, otherwise you'll be out," Sakura tried not to laugh. Kira's little speech sounded hilarious to her. So what if they were at the camp since they were five? She didn't really care, and she quite frankly thought that it didn't give them the right to act snobby and better than everyone else.

Sakura rolled her eyes. The trio saw her and glared daggers. What now? Sakura thought, Did I break the "Royal Code," or something? Miki's face grew so red that her acne blended in with the new shade,

"We were going to spare you since you were a newbie, but I guess you're going to have to settle with the full treatment," she said, spit hissing from her mouth. Sakura wondered what the "full treatment," was, judging by the preppy looks of them, she guessed smearing her mascera.

"Whatever," she said, nonchalantly. The girls raised their eyebrows at each other,

"You don't know what you the full treatment is, do you?" asked Kira, with her eyebrows still raised,

"She doesn't know what the full treatment is," replied Rumi for Kira, "Remember, she's a *newbie,*" they all smirked at each other, and Miki broke away from the group making her way though the crowd across the dance floor. The crowd parted for her as she made her way through to the food table. Oh, so they're going to smudge cake in my face, I can handle that, thought Sakura. She couldn't help but feel nervous, she knew it was probably going to be something bigger than that when the volume died down and a circle formed around her and the "colt" when they had mentioned the words, "full treatment." Whispers spread through the crowd like spilt water over a linoleum floor. Sakura caught a few whispers from the crowd,

"Oh no, that poor, poor girl-"

"-They really should've given her a chance, she didn't know-"

Sakura watched as Miki stopped in front of the table and talked to a few people, as if she was ordering for them to do something. Sakura's hairs stood on end as Miki pointed to the punch bowl. She knew for sure what they were going to do now. The three people and Miki picked up the gigantic punch bowl and headed toward her. She tried to back away, but whoever was standing behind her wouldn't budge. A cold sweat broke out on her forehead as the group carrying the punch bowl drew nearer. She knew that she couldn't do anything to get away, so she braced herself for the impact with only a few words tracing through her mind, "I wish Syaoran was here..." She closed her eyes.

The cold liquid and ice sent a shiver down her spine as she was drenched in bone-chilling red liquid. Her hair stuck to her face and the hairs at the back of her neck stood on end. She could feel the goosepumps on her arms as she rubbed her hands rapidly against them to produce warmth. Over the chattering of her teeth she could her the eruption of laughter throughout the cafeteria. She squeesed her eyes tight hoping to squash out her embarrassment.

Once she gathered the courage, the opened her eyes, letting the sight of laughing faces appear in her mind. Tears welled up into her eyes as she saw the trio smirking with a horrible triumphant look on their faces.

"She looks so pathetic now, doesn't she?" Kira asked her friends,

"Aww... the widdle baby is about to cwy," said Miki, sneering,

"She's crying too soon! We aren't done yet!" pouted Rumi. Sakura pondered what they meant by, 'We aren't done yet!' She felt her body tremble at the thought of more unbearable torture. Everybody was already laughing at her, why did they want to do more?


Something landed at her side. The music now could barely be heard as the crowd boomed in to renewed laughter. She looked down cautiously to see what it was, but it was a mistake. Something else hit her head. It gooed from the top of her head into her vision. It was pudding. Sakura realized the crowd was throwing the contents of the food table at her. She was now being pelted with an assortment of food; chip dip, cake, pie, potato salad, jello; basically anything that was sticky and you could grab by the handfuls.

It was when she was almost covered in multicolored splotches and tears when someone finally came to her rescue. The heavy double doors crashed against the walls and a loud voice rumbled, "STOP!"

As if everything was pressed on pause, the laughter and food chucking ceased. Sakura caught her breath. She was so grateful that someone put her humiliation to a stop.

The crowd parted for the person. At the end of the cleared path stood her saviour, clad in baggy dark green pants and an even darker green shirt opened to reveal a white muscle shirt. His handsome features were in a rage, his amber eyes dancing with anger, and his messy dark chocolate hair blew wildly in the wind that the doors permitted inside.

Syaoran stomped to Sakura, who stood in the isolated inside a little circle surrounded with people who's food dripped forgotten in their hands. He drew Sakura to him with an arm around her shoulder, paying no heed to the punch that was dripping on to his shirt. Syaoran led her down the path to the doors, glaring daggers at everyone they passed. There was no need to re-open the doors, because the door holders at the bottom flung down at the impact at the wall, leaving enough space for two people to walk through.

When the pair were outside, the audience chattered. The trio who were perturbing Sakura stood there mesmerized at the valiant apperance of the mystery-man who took their subject away. They looked at each other with a surprised look on their face.

"Who *was* that guy," asked Rumi, still rather baffled,

"Who cares? He was HOT!" exclaimed Miki, excitedly, earning a slap in the side from Kira.

"Shh! You're not supposed to think that since he saved the girl!" even though she said those words, she couldn't help but hide a blushing smile herself.


Once they were outside, Syaoran stopped Sakura a small distance by their tent, where they were almost hidden by trees, but the soft glimmering of the lake could still be seen. Syaoran took his arm off of her shoulder and placed both of his hands on her cheeks and directed her face toward his so he could look into her eyes. Sakura hoped that he couldn't feel her cheeks grow hot under his tender touch.

"Wh-why did we stop, Syaoran?" she asked, nervously. She thought that... that something might happen. He sighed,

"I want to know what exactly what happened at the dance," she looked down down at her feet, relived when he took his hands off of her face, though she couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed. Part of her wished that he'd... he'd....

She explained every detail of the dance to him, from when she came through the doors to when Syaoran rescued her. He just nodded as she spoke to him, reminiscing the events of the dance. Sakura looked down at her feet through the whole process, too embarrassed to look up in fear that he would see her tinted cheeks.

When she finished describing her terrible night to Syaoran she grew quiet and an awkward moment passed between them, letting the dull boom of a slow song from the gym fill the empty silence.

Sakura dared to look back up at him again. When her eye met his, she saw the moonlight dance in his eyes, and a mischevious glint in his eyes. A shiver was sent down her back. Syaoran finally began to speak with a slight smirk and a slight wiggle of his eyebrows,

"Why did you go to the dance in the first place, Sakura?" she was taken aback by his question. It wasn't what she expected to hear from him, especially with that look on his face. She dug in her mind for an answer that didn't sound stupid,

"Well, I guess I went there to maybe make a friend or two, and," she paused, thinking twice about what she was going to say next, "and I kind of wanted to dance, too," she blushed, embarrassed. He smiled down at her, and Sakura blushed even harder and squirmed a bit under his gaze.

"You know that you have a friend," he smiled even wider, "but you never got to dance, did you?" She shook her head a little, having a clue what he was getting at,

"No..." Syaoran held out his hand, mentioning for her to take it. She looked down at his hand and back at his face questioningly.

"Can I have this dance?" Sakura tucked her lips together to hide her wide smile, only to fail miserably. She nodded slowly and took his hand tenderly. Syaoran put his arm around his waist and pulled her close while she placed her hand on his neck.

The couple danced slowly under the moonlight, no longer paying attention to the music that changed from a slow beat to a fast beat. Sakura put her head on his shoulder, taking him by surpise. When he got over it, he put his head on her's, taking in the scent of her cherry scent shampoo.

"Did I tell you how beautiful you looked tonight?" he whispered in her ear. She shuttered when she felt his breath in her ear.

"But, I'm absolutely covered in sticky red punch and-" Syaoran chuckled and interrupted her,

"You know what I mean, Sakura, you look nice with or without red punch," Sakura grew hot. They didn't speak for the rest of the night, enjoyingl the silence.

As they danced on throughout the night in slow circles, Sakura wished that she could stay like that forever.


I'm very pleased with this chapter!! I didn't make it as long as I wanted, but I'll live! I finally got through it. *pant pant* I think I got too many reviews for this story... sooo please give me MORE!! HAhahahahah, I'm review-greedy!!! Feed me with reviews!! Their the fire that keep me going on... *starts singing Michelle Branch* and then there's you, when I'm alone, and there's no other person in the world.... Or at least I think that's how it goes.

Anyway... here are the recommendations.... if I can find more stories!!

1. A Girl for Christmas | I'm not going to rate them anymore, all the ones I write here are good!! | Shattered Midnight Dreams | HILARIOUS!! Good if you like E/T romance more than S/S romance. (Hahaha.... have you noticed? E/T? ET? Extra Terrestrial! Hahaha...)

2. False Face, Hidden Heart | Foxtails | I LOVE the drama, excellent plot and creative idea! Its an ET story... lol. Haaha.... ET.... E/T... absolutely hilarious.

3. Mischevious Love | StarJade | Funny and Witty!! Great!! Both E/T and S/S, but leaning more toward ET...

4. HEY! You're not the Easter Bunny! | Starryeyedlizzy | Funny story.... The S/S situations always cool.

5. Sakura and the Big Slightly Badtempered Wolf | Star Dragon | All of her stories are HILARIOUS!! This story is no different!!!

I'm so proud of this chapter! I think its the longest chapter yet!!! Well... actually.... I'm not sure if 18 and a half pages is that much, but oh well! ^^ Stay tuned for more... and...

This chapter won't be done anytime soon!! I'm still due for more chapters.... so... I WILL TELL YOU WHEN ITS FINISHED!!!