Thunderbird (Hetalia)

Author: Ashynarr

Summary: There was a time where spirits ruled the world, but they all eventually died away as the faith in them faded. A few of the cleverer ones, however, managed to find their own ways around the issue...

Disclaimer: Hetalia's not mine.

Warning: Lots of mythological references, vaguely OOC characters


"It has been far too long since your last visit," she greeted at the gate, bowing as he stepped inside. "I hope the journey was not too arduous for you."

"Not more so than usual," Yao replied as he bowed back, managing to hide a wince. "It is good to see you again, Honored Xiwangmu."

"Always so formal, old friend," Xiwangmu smiled, nodding to the gate guards to close the massive doors before returning her attention to her guest. "I will have tea prepared shortly, if you'd like to join me in the golden pavilion and rest yourself."

"That sounds lovely," Yao replied, shoving back the aches of his body as he followed her down the path between the peach trees.

Each and every one was in full blossom despite being in the dead of winter in the mortal world, flower petals unharmed by wind or rain or beast throughout their millennia-long cycle. Change happened here so slowly that sometimes it was possible to forget the year it was entirely, though the old Nation doubted that would happen this time.

He was barely settled into his seat when one of the many human servants delivered the sweets to go with their tea. Like all of those here, the woman had ended up here after fleeing from her old life, and had been brought by the guardian dragon of this palace to serve for a cycle of the peaches. This one, Yao noted after a moment's thought, had come here very recently - during the last world war, in fact - meaning the scars of her mortal life still lingered on her body and soul.

The servant bowed herself out as several more came in, the tea set between them as untarnished by age as everything else in the boundaries of the palace. Xiwangmu herself did the honors of preparing the tea, silently working with a grace masters could only envy before presenting her work to her guest.

Yao thanked her and took a sip, the sweet flavor sticking to his tongue as the heat wormed its way through his bones to ease away some of the pain of the past few years. "Perfect as always."

"Of course," She replied, hands settled in her lap. "Only the best for you."

Yao chuckled. "Best not let the emperor hear that, or he might be upset."

"Bah, he hasn't come by in eight hundred years." Her nose lifted in the air in a show of disdain. "If he does not want my brew, I have no reason to be polite. Let him live off his mediocre crop up there, I say."

"Sometimes I wonder why anyone ever thought you were nice," He replied, taking another sip of his drink.

"The only reason you know is because I like you," She replied in turn, which he couldn't find argument with. "Now, are you going to tell me why you look on the verge of keeling over in my own home?"

Yao stilled, setting his cup down gently before looking back to her. "My people are caught up in war. Japan has… been difficult."

"I never understood why you never just dragged them all back and smacked manners into their head again," Xiwangmu sighed, shaking her head slightly. "It's not as if they'd have been able to stop you."

"I did try," Yao replied, the way he always did when this argument came up. "And look at where it's gotten me."

"Your children are more stubborn than you were." She paused for a moment, thoughtful. "More tea?"

"Yes, please." Yao waited for her to refill his cup before picking it up again, noting the tangier flavor as he rolled it around on his tongue. "Have the peaches been well?"

"As well as they've always been," She said. "There are plenty who still hold to the old ways, even in these times."

"There are," He agreed, hoping that would still hold true long past this war. He'd lost too many old friends to time, but losing her would be a particularly heavy blow.

"I will admit, there have been fewer peaches from the last few trees to fruit," She admitted after a moment, frowning. "But not to a degree to worry me."

"Likely just a lean season, then," Yao placiated.

"More than likely," Xiwangmu agreed.

Yao took another sip of his drink, glancing out across the pond to the horizon, the sun just starting to sink towards evening.

"If you'd like, I can have rooms prepared for you," she told him. "I'm sure the girls would be happy to help an esteemed guest escape from the toils of the human world for a while. Surely you deserve a moon away from the struggles of the world, especially with how weary you must be of the constant fighting."

It was tempting, he wouldn't lie. The Kunlun Palace was beautiful, blossoming trees lining stone paths that twisted around jade statues and under wood arches and over crystal clear waters. Koi danced in the eight pools fed by creeks and waterfalls, and birds of every color softly chattered and cried in the countless branches.

He was sick and tired of this war, of the gleam of conquest in his little brother's eyes, of the smell of blood and puke and death and mud, of the feel of a blade-

Yao finished off his glass with a smile. "Thank you for the gracious offer, but my people still need me. Perhaps after this conflict is over I will take you up on your offer."

She bowed, though not in time to hide the distaste in her expression. "I understand, old friend, and wish you well on your return trip. May your next visit be in kinder times."


AN: Still alive. Still working on things on Spacebattles. Will hopefully have new fic up soonish.