Title Of Story: Saviour
Chapter Number: 1
Chapter Name: Reunion

Today was a good day. I was getting together with some old friends from high school that I hadn't seen in at least three years and I was so excited. My four best friends from high school were the ones coming for a visit, they were called Rachel, Danny, Jeremy and Anna. At school it was always the five of us and we were inseparable, we did absolutely everything together and although I knew Danny had a huge crush on me nothing ever happened between any of us. I know when you're close friends with some people you tend to take it that step further but none of us ever wanted to ever ruin the close friendship we had so we all just stayed friends. Like I said I knew Danny had a huge crush on me and we nearly kissed one night when we snuck out to get drunk but I managed to stop myself before we crossed that line, I wonder if he still has those sort of feelings for me?

Oliver had very kindly given me the day off from Team Arrow and said he would only call me in if it was a life or death situation but they are normally the situations he gets himself in. I really wanted Oliver to meet my friends but I also wanted to keep him away because I didn't want Rachel or Anna to make a move on him (which I knew they would), I didn't want Oliver's opinion of me to change… trust me with some of the stories they would tell him I think he would kick me off Team Arrow. One of the reasons I DID want him to meet them was because I wanted to show him off a little, I know it sounds silly because we're not together but it would be nice.

The plan for us all was to go to Verdant and get drunk and party and I knew that Oliver would be down in the foundry keeping an eye on things because that's Oliver. I knew Roy would also be up here keeping an eye on me and Diggle would be lurking around somewhere… it was sweet that they cared about me and kept an eye on me so much. Who needs older brothers when I had them three…. Well Roy and Diggle, it would be weird to class Oliver as an older brother considering the situation between us.

Oh God I need to stop thinking about Oliver right now! Why is he on my mind so much? Can't my mind just take a night off from Oliver Queen… I know that if my mind does stop thinking about him though I would miss him and I would go and see him in person… oh God what was he doing to me? Oliver had this effect on me that no other man has ever had on me before…. And I mean no one at all. There was no man in this world that I had stronger feelings for then Oliver Queen.

My front door knocked and I opened it to see all of my friends standing on the other side, I invited them all in and hugged them all individually and even got a kiss on the cheek from Danny "Oh my God! This place is beautiful!" Rachel exclaimed looking around the place and I invited them all to sit down which they did.

"Thanks… I love it here" I told them.

"So Felicity… you've been here all this time and you have worked for the likes of Oliver Queen and now you work for Ray Palmer… both single billionaires and you haven't got a man yet?" Anna questioned.

"It's not that easy and especially it being my boss… I wouldn't risk my carer like that and you know it" I replied.

"She'll get into a relationship when she's ready" Danny jumped in.

"Down boy" Rachel said to him.

"OK… who wants a drink?" Jeremy asked trying to diffuse the tension.

"Me!" I exclaimed and jumped up from my seat.

We had a few pre drinks and little bit of a catch up at my place before heading over to Verdant and the place was busy. We had to push our way through the crowd to get to the bar and once there I saw Thea busy at work "Hey Thea!" I called out and she approached me "Could I get a bottle of vodka with cans of Redbull and a bottle of champagne for the table up the top with some glasses?" I questioned and she nodded.

The five of us went and took our seats upstairs looking down at Verdant and Thea said Roy would bring our drinks up for us. It was strange to think that downstairs Oliver was sitting in the foundry with Diggle keeping an eye on me through the camera… it was hard for me not to look at the camera and smile at it.

Roy came to the table with our drinks on a tray "Hey Roy" I said with a smile.

"You OK?" He asked me and I know the question had hidden meaning… no matter how casual the question sounded.

"I'm fine" I told him.

Roy left the table "Who is that? He's hot!" Rachel questioned.

"That's Roy and he's off limits" I told her.

"He's a little young for you" Anna joked.

"He's not mine… the girl who owns this place, Thea, its her man" I said to them. I know Thea and Roy are no longer together but I don't think Thea would appreciate one of my friends making a move on him.

"Shame" Rachel said shrugging her shoulders.

A couple of hours later we were all drunk to say the least. I did try not to get too drunk in case I was needed for Arrow duty but I had a text from Oliver which said 'Enjoy yourself' so I was. I have been dancing, drinking and laughing all night with my friends and it wasn't until now that I realised how much I actually missed these guys. They were like my family throughout high school, the people I know would never judge me, the people I could trust my life with… I really missed them.

"Oh my God!" I heard Rachel shout and I turned around in alarm thinking something was wrong but she was staring at Oliver who had made his way to the bar "That's Oliver Queen… he's so hot!" She shouted at me. If only she could see him when he was working out… stop it Felicity! I shouted at myself. I rolled my eyes at Rachel "Do you know him well? You know from when you worked for him?" Rachel asked me.

"Come on!" I shouted over the music and grabbed her hand dragging her over to Oliver who was sitting on a chair at the bar with a scotch in his hand "Hello Felicity" He said as we approached him.

"Hi… this is my friend Rachel" I said.

"Well hello Rachel" Oliver said and he took her hand kissing the top of it, I wouldn't be surprised if she never washed her hand again.

"Oh my God… hi" She said embarrassed and in shock that she was actually meeting him "So are you and my girl close?" She asked him.

"Me and Felicity?" He questioned and she nodded "She's one of my closest friends" He responded and Rachel nearly passed out.

They all knew that I knew Oliver and worked close with him when he owned Queen Consolidated but I don't think they realised just how close me and Oliver were "I'm just gonna go to the little girls room" Rachel said and ran off in the opposite direction towards Anna, I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her… no doubt her and Anna are gossiping about me and Oliver right now.

"She seems nice" Oliver said.

"She's one of my best friends… She looked after me in high school" I told him.

"You're very lucky to have a friend like that" He responded.

"I have amazing friends" I stated and I know he knew I meant him "Get bored down there?" I asked him.

"A little lonely" He replied.

I stayed talking to Oliver for another little while before I was dragged away to dance by Danny and Jeremy as the girls were still off gossiping. I could feel eyes watching me and turned around to see Oliver and Diggle watching me with a close eye, they were keeping an eye on me and I felt very well looked after. Danny grabbed my hand and pulled me closer towards him as we continued dancing, Danny knew I didn't like it when he got touchy feely with me but he was drunk so I was going to let it go.

A few songs later the girls had returned and we were now standing at the other bar ready to get another drink "You ok?" Oliver asked me.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked him.

"That guy you were dancing with, he seemed a little full on and you looked a little uncomfortable" He replied.

"He's just drunk… I promise I'm ok. If I need the man in the green hood then I'll let you know" I said with a smile.

"Ok" He said "I'm gonna go back downstairs, call if you need me" He said and smiled before standing from his chair. Him and Diggle wondered off towards the door to the foundry and then they were gone.

I was so overwhelmed with the response I got from my first story Second Chances so I have decided to upload a second story. I know this chapter is short and I apologise but I really hope you all enjoy this chapter and you will follow, favourite and review this story. Let me know what you think so far! Thanks guys! XX