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Spelling and Grammar checked using Google Docs.

Michael "TheZorch" Haney

"Nindo of the Force"

Chapter 1

Bale Organa took in the wide expanse of Coruscant from the chancellor's office window. It was his office now. He was still wrapping his mind around fact that he was now Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. After word of Palpatine's death reached Coruscant an emergency election was held. Many say he was the only logical choice given the current circumstances. He was a respected voice of reason and the only one whom the senate believed could help the Republic weather through the truths which were about to come to light.

He had the holo recording in his hand, a small spherical storage device. The information in it would shake the Republic to its foundation, but it could not be kept a secret. The galaxy had to know the truth. Lies and deceit took them to war, now the truth could either create more war or finally bring peace to the galaxy.

Turning, Chancellor Organa placed the orb into a player receptacle, and the holographic image of Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi appeared before him.

"Senators and Chancellor of the Republic, I am Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, member of the Jedi High Council and chief investigator of the incident on the independent world of Mandalore." the hologram said.

After a pause, the recording resumed. "This will be my final verbal introductory report on the Mandalorian incident. I will reiterate that my previous involvement in certain events in this report have in no way adversely affected the outcome of this investigation. To recap, prior to the incident in question a terrorist organization called Deathwatch sought to topple the legitimate government of Mandalore. My involvement in thwarting their attempts are currently on record. Sometime afterward, an enemy previously presumed dead during the incident with the Trade Federation on Naboo many years ago resurfaced. My second encounter with the Sith Lord, Darth Maul, is also on record. Maul and his brother, the Dathomiri male Savage Opress appeared on Mandalore accompanied by the members of Deathwatch. The rogue Sith Lord had somehow taken control of the organization. As a result, the legitimate government of Mandalore was toppled, and Duchess Satine was murdered. I was an eyewitness to this murder. I had no personal involvement in any of the events which take place afterward those events."

Obi-Wan's visage was replaced by an image of a young man with blond hair and blue eyes. Three lines, like whiskers, adorned either cheeks on his face. He was dressed in antique armor which hadn't been seen in centuries since the time of Malak and Revan, and the events of the Jedi Civil War. On his back were two words, and on the left breast of the armor a pair of symbols are etched into a metal plate. One symbol appears to be that of a stylized leaf, while the other is clearly twin suns.

The recording continued, "Following the murder of Duchess Satine, her sister Bo-Kata a former member of Deathwatch, sought the aid of this man. His name is Naruto Namikaze, he is an ally of the Republic and a friend to the Jedi order. He is what is called a Ninja, and currently resides in a outpost city he helped establish on Tatooine called Hope. Information about his homeworld and his people's unique way of using the Force was the subject of a separate report."

The holo image changed from Naruto to the scene of the Mandalore throne room. A security hologram recording of Naruto and Palpatine's battle began to play. The Sith Lord's hood had been pushed back revealing him to be the former Chancellor. Obi-Wan's narration continued again, "Naruto made a reputation for himself throughout the war, a number of Jedi including myself encountered and worked with him on a number of occasions when our missions crossed paths. This is why Bo-Kata sought him out to help her free her people from the domination of the Sith. It was either chance, or the will of the Force that Naruto was on Mandalore when the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Sidious whom we now know as former Chancellor Palpatine, arrived to destroy Dark Maul and his brother. The confrontation between Palpatine and Naruto resulted in Palpatine's death. Naruto himself was very severely injured but is said to be making a rapid recovery. The people of Mandalore consider him a hero, and the Republic certainly owes Mr. Namikaze a great debt of gratitude. Newly crowned Dutchess Bo-Kata has several of her most trusted soldiers protecting him while he recovers, in the event there is an attempt on his life."

The hologram switched back to Obi-Wan, "In our previous report to the senate, we presented overwhelming evidence linking Chancellor Palpatine not only to Count Dooku, but to the start of the war itself. Nute Gunray, former viceroy of the Trade Federation, supplied a confession of Darth Sidious' involvement in the invasion of Naboo, and the establishment of the Confederacy of Separatists Planets. Since that report, many more of Palpatine's former conspirators on Kamino and in the Banking Clan have come forward with information. It can no longer be denied that former Chancellor Palpatine was a traitor to the Galactic Republic, and a very dangerous Dark Lord of the Sith. In conclusion, we were fortunate. Had Palpatine's plans continued to fruition the democracy of the Republic would have been supplanted by the tyranny of the Sith. Decrypted records from Palpatine's private files outlined a complex, long range plan to turn public sentiment against the Jedi Order, and eliminate anyone who might pose a threat to him assuming full control of the Republic. The total destruction of the Jedi was his ultimate aim. It should be noted for the record that the surviving clone troopers have volunteer for a surgical procedure which will render their secret directive to destroy all Jedi inoperative. The motivation for his actions stretch back to antiquity, back to the days when the Old Republic defeated the Sith Empire. He was guided purely by a desire for revenge, against the Republic, and against the Jedi Order. It is the recommendation of the Jedi High Council that Naruto Namikaze receive the highest honor the Republic and present to a civilian for his involvement in this incident. This concludes the Jedi Order's report."

Organa pocketed the recording orb as the door to his office open. Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi strode in looking somber and contemplative. "You wished to see me, Chancellor Organa?" he tried his best to hide his mood, but it still came through in his voice. Obi-Wan didn't trust most politicians. He came to trust the Senator of Naboo, she wasn't like the others, and neither was former Senator of Alderaan. He was very pleased when Bale Organa was named the new Supreme Chancellor.

"Obi-Wan, thank you for coming." Chancellor Organ gestured to a ring of cushioned seats before his desk indicating to the Jedi that this was to be an informal meeting. "Is something that matter?"

Obi-Wan stopped for a moment, then sighed. "Its an internal matter to the Jedi," he said. "But, it involves Anakin."

"Something has happened to Skywalker?" Bale's concern showed on his face, he knew Anakin through Senator Amidala, and was saved at least once by him during the hostage crisis in the senate building.

"Its going to get out eventually," Obi-Wan told him. "Anakin violated one of the strictest of the Jedi codes, the one forbidding attachments. We come to learn that he and Senator Amidala have been married for several years, and that she is currently pregnant. In addition, the revelations about Palpatine hit him rather hard. He was very close to the chancellor for a number of years. He feels betrayed, as we all do, but its more than that. I fear that Palpatine had been slowly trying to seduce Anakin to the dark side, which would explain his past behavior."

"Where is he now?" asked Organa.

"In seclusion and deep meditation at our academy on Dantooine," sighed Obi-Wan. "As for the matter of his marriage, that is still being debated. If this had been discovered before the events on Mandalore our response would be clear cut. Expulsion from the Jedi Order. However, the revelations about Palpatine, as well as Naruto's ability to draw strength from his attachments without succoming to the corruption of the dark side, has forced us to reevaluate everything about the Jedi Order. This includes the code."

"Sounds rather profound," Organa interjected.

Obi-Wan nodded, "Extremely, when something happens that makes Master Yoda reexamine our most sacred traditions and laws, it is indeed very profound."

"Master Yoda is very wise," said the chancellor. "He more than anyone is best equipped to help the Jedi through this period." He gestured for the Jedi Master to take a seat.

"He is indeed," said Obi-Wan. "He is surprisingly very open to the idea of altering the code and our training methods. I'm certain he will personally tell you everything when he feels it time. What was it you wanted to see me about?"

"I just rewatched the holo recording for your final report into the Mandalore incident," he said as they sat down.

"The recording is just an introduction to the official written report, which will be substantially more details." explained Obi-Wan. "However, I sense you called me here for another purpose."

"Its about Naruto," said Chancellor Organa. "He isn't a Jedi, yet he defeated a Sith Lord. One so powerful that he was able to cloud the perceptions of the entire Jedi High Council for more than ten years. I've only briefly met him myself, so I know almost nothing about him."

Obi-Wan nodded, "The final written report will have more information, but I can tell you what I personally know about him and his master."

"Please do," the chancellor bade him.

"Naruto was born on a world deep within the great unknown," Obi-Wan began. "His people evolved a method of using the Force that is radically different from both the Jedi and the Sith. To them the Force is called Chakra, and they use it to perform seemingly miraculous feats. This is similar to the Witches of Dathomir, but where they use the dark side Naruto people channel both aspects at once. The molding of energies from both the light and dark side are channeled to perform what they call Jutsu. I've seen Naruto use the one he called Kage Bushin, a jutsu that creates a number of solid copies of himself which can independently think and act on their own. He is also able to use a jutsu called Henge, which is a shape shifting ability. He can assume the form and likeness of living beings and static objects for a limited time. He is unable to perform a type of jutsu called Genjutsu, which creates illusions that can even fool Jedi senses, but does not affect droids or recording devices."

Chancellor Organa look at him in shock, "I didn't know the Force was capable of doing anything like that."

"There is precedent," Obi-Wan replied. "The Witches of Dathomir are said to be capable of performing miracles using their dark side fueled magics. These jutsu are simply a variation on that same concept. According to Master Yoda, there are aspects to the Force which we are only just now beginning to understand, and that's saying a lot coming from him."

"Naruto wasn't using a lightsaber," the chancellor said, recalling the security hologram recording. "It looked like he was using a pair of standard swords."

"There is a story behind that, chancellor." Obi-Wan explained. "Four years before the incident on Naboo with the Trade Federation, Naruto and his master Jiraiya stumbled across an ancient yet well preserved Dynamic-class freighter in a desert cave on their homeworld. It was similar to the Ebon Hawk, the ship used by Revan which is well known in ancient historical records. This ship was from the same era. In fact, it belonged to a Jedi Knight named Gaiden Senju who went missing just before the Battle of the Star Forge."

"How did Gaiden Senju end up all the way out there?" Bale asked.

"There is no information on why or how," said Obi-Wan. "On Naruto's world he is a famous historical figure, and the founder of the Senju ninja clan. Interestingly enough, Naruto is from his genetic bloodline."

"So, Naruto and his master used the ship to reach Republic space then." the chancellor reasoned.

Obi-Wan shook his head. "Not exactly, their departure from their homeworld was an accident. While exploring the ship one of them somehow reactivated its main power. A failsafe mechanism on the ship directed the autopilot to fly back to Coruscant. Before they even knew what was happening they were already in space and jumping to lightspeed. I should note that they were from a pre-first contact planet."

"That must have been a shock to them," Bale gaped in surprise.

"It would have been a disaster had the activation of the ship not also activated Senju's protocol and astromech droids." said Obi-Wan. "The protocol droid was able to communicate to them what was happening, however there were problems. The ship was low on fuel, and so couldn't complete the journey to Coruscant. The astromech droid had to disengage the failsafe and land the ship on the nearest habitable planet. Which just so happened to be Anakin's homeworld of Tatooine, that is how I came to meet Naruto originally. They lived in a village near Mos Espa, which Naruto and Jiraiya established with the aid of slaves they helped free. This included Anakin and his mother."

"Where they ever able to go back to their homeworld?" Chancellor Organa asked.

Only recently," said Obi-Wan. "An unfortunate side effect of disengaging the failsafe was the loss of the return coordinates to Naruto's homeworld. Master Yoda aided them in locating their planet through the Force. Jedi Knight Shaak Ti was sent as the order's ambassador when they went home. His village leader, a woman named Tsunade, sent a few of their ninja back to Tatooine with him and Jiraiya."

"And what about the swords?" Organa asked, getting the conversation back on track.

"Naruto found vibroswords and armor laced with a cortosis weave on the ship," explained Obi-Wan. "Its a very rare ore, the main source these days is the Bespin system. Cortosis nanothreads woven into solid materials can render them resistant to lightsaber damage. During the war with Darth Malak and his followers and later the Sith Empire, the swords and armor were often issued to Republic soldiers, and the armor was sometimes used by Jedi. Cortosis in its unrefined form can temporarily short out lightsaber blades."

"Interesting," Chancellor Organa rubbed his chin in thought. "So, Naruto and his master established a ninja village on Tatooine with the help of freed slaves. Do you happen to know the story behind that?"

Obi-Wan nodded, "Yes, while Anakin was my padawan learner he told me the story of how Naruto and Jiraiya earned the money needed to free the slaves of Anchorhead. Its quite the tale, and a long one assuming you have the time to hear it."

"Master Jedi, I haven't had a break since my impromptu election." Bale Organa laughed. "I certainly could use a breather. I'm going to need it, I'll have to hit the ground running once the final report hits the senate."

"Well then," the Jedi smiled and shifted on his seat to make himself more comfortable. "It all started the day Naruto and Jiraiya arrived on Tatooine. Their astromech droid was able to land the ship in the outskirts of Anchorhead. Theirs was a classic fish out of water kind of story, but either by pure luck or the will of the Force they encountered a human slave named Shmi Skywalker..."

From the Author

Oh shit, I'm combining two franchises which have vicious, ravenous fanboi communities. What could possibly go wrong?

Major inspiration for this story comes from KOTOR and the CG Clone Wars series. The story itself, in the beginning, will not cover the Clone Wars but the establishment of the ninja village on Tatooine. Rather than having Chakra as a separate form of energy, or having Naruto come from a different universe I decided to merge the two. Chakra, in canon, is derived from two separate sources of energy in the body. Its entirely possible that Naruto's people could have developed a perception and understanding of the Force which is vastly different than that of the Jedi and Sith. There is precedent for this in the Witches of Dathomir, who use the dark side of the Force to weave magic spells which go beyond what the Sith and Jedi are capable of doing. Thus, jutsu powered by the Force can equally do the same miraculous things. I mean, in The Clone Wars the witches were able to animate the dead, and then there's that forbidden technique uses by Orochimaru and later Kobato which resurrected the dead. So its not too far fetched that ninjitsu can be powered by the Force.

I'm also not going to fret over whether something is Canon or Legends. Don't lose sleep over it, though I know there are some who will (you know who you are). Every fan community has them, Star Wars and Naruto especially so (Star Trek has them too). I can't please everybody, and attempting to do so will only bring discouragement and frustration. I don't need that, I don't want that, so I will not do anything which causes it. Therefore, I'm writing what seems right to me and my own musings and research. If someone else likes it then I've done my job. If someone doesn't, oh well you aren't being forced to read this (although I know the mere fact it exists is going to emotionally torment some of you for weeks).

Anywho, this is the first of what will be many more chapters. I'm also using a new story format. The disclaimer will appear only in the first chapter, and any notes like this will appear at the end. This is to preserve the aesthetic look of the story, as if it came from a book. I plan to keep releasing regular updates at least once or twice a month. Please look forward to it.
