AN: Marcel's POV. Because it's fun being in his head. Just a drabble.




Kol asks Marcel for his blessing.




Damn it!

I look around the crowded bar. Too many people going in and out for me to compel if I ripped Kol's heart out and left his body for someone else to find. Besides Klaus would probably kill me now. Too late. The fucker was back in with the family.

I should have killed him when I had the chance. Ripped into his throat at that moment when Klaus hated him the most. The moment he'd been shoved back into the compound, stuck with all us 'blood-suckers'-I should have ended him then and there. I would have gotten away with it then while his older brother detested him for what he did to Rebekah. But the look on Davina's face...It was heartbreaking. Desperate. I didn't want her to hurt more then she already had.

Davina was the one to set up this meeting. That girl was smart. She knows I wouldn't do anything because she knows who the last person to see him would be. So now I was stuck sitting across from the person who'd terrorized and haunted me as a child. Screw what they all said! No way had he changed so drastically.

"Are you really asking me if you can marry Davina?" Is he really that stupid? Of course I'm going to say no. Hell no!

He looks around nervously. It gives me immense satisfaction to know he's at least a little frightened of me-as he should be. "Look, Marcel-"

"No, Kol, you look." I shove a finger into his chest, my strength causing the chair to slid back a little-I'd hoped it would tip over. No luck. "You are not good enough for her. You're an evil, conniving piece of-"

"I don't think our Davina would be too happy to hear you trying to control her," he replies, looking me dead in the eyes.

Damn him.

He was right.

"You already tried preventing her from seeing me in the first place and then she didn't talk to you for weeks." Now he was just being overly confident. "I'm asking you as a courtesy. I'm not actually asking for permission. She seems to want your blessing but whether you give it or not it's going to happen."

I narrow my eyes. He would be dead by the end of the day.

"Stop trying to think of ways to kill me," he says, rolling his eyes. "I really have no desire to be here, but Davina insisted, as you know."

"Why do you want to marry her?" Time to try a new tactic.

"I don't have to justify anything to you," he says. He refuses to break eye contact. I'm slightly impressed. But only slightly. "But if you must know, I'm in love with her."

I scoff, pushing down the desire to scoop to his level and childishly roll my eyes. "No, I mean why do you really want to marry her?"

He looks to be deep in thought. I notice a sadness there that wasn't there before. It startles me a little. "I don't think I'll ever be able to make you understand why I want to marry her-why I'm even considering marriage. You hate me-I get it. But I love Davina and she loves me. You may think she's crazy for it-Hell, sometimes I think she's bonkers for it. She knows my dark past and she was able to look beyond that. I want to start an actual life with her. And I know she wants your blessing more then anything. Even if she says in the end the marriage would still happen I know she wouldn't be able to go forward without it."

This is harder then I thought it would be. On one hand, making Davina happy is always in the back of my mind. I can't stand the thought of her resenting me the way I resent Klaus at times. Even the way Rebekah use to resent him. On the other-

It's still Kol.

However, even though Kol is being forced to sit here by his fiance, he's still man enough to stand up to me-a vampire. I realize then and there-Kol really is in love with her.


AN: I'm going to do one where Marcel walks her down the aisle. I don't know if it'll be posted next, but I eventually want to do it. It won't be in Marcel's POV this time though.