It was the night from hell.

Logan O'Shaughnessy was standing on her front porch in her itchy wedge heels, waiting for her unfortunate date to show up. She glanced back over her shoulder at the front door—she could still hear her parents, her younger sister, and Abby's date inside. "Smile!" Logan distinctly heard someone say. There was an inaudible mutter followed by a burst of laughter.

Her decision to stand outside on the front porch in the chilly night air was in order to protect herself, and Owen Melbroke, from an onslaught of photographs. Logan's parents would lose it. "Okay, now pose with your hand on her waist!" they would cry. "Try a funny picture!" would be next. "Aw, how sweet," they would coo throughout the entirety.

It was literally Logan's parents' fault that she was going on a date with Owen Melbroke at all. Logan and Owen were friends from their shared math class at school—and the fact that their parents were friends. Logan and Owen had also been attending the same church for as long as, Logan was sure, either of them could recall. Therefore their parents thought it was a great idea to shove the two of them together.

Logan was pretty sure that her mom just wanted her to date. Well, it's your own damn fault, Mother, Logan thought irritably, shifting around her foot in her shoe. The O'Shaughnessy family dating restrictions ended at sixteen. Logan was now seventeen and had only dated one guy—secretly, too. Of course she'd had no clue what to look for in a guy and her best friends were, albeit helpful, not always there to shield her from assholes and creeps, so it was no surprise she'd managed to start dating one of the jerkasses of the century.

Oh, well. At least they were broken up now.

Logan saw headlights flash onto her street. She let out a breath of relief she hadn't realized she'd been holding and quickly moved toward the steps down from the front porch. She briefly considered going around before stepping onto the crunchy greenish grass of the lawn to cross it, heading toward the curb.

Owen pulled up in a gold minivan. Logan almost turned around and went right back inside: but being inside would have been just as bad as arriving at a masquerade party in a mom car, and she wouldn't get to see her friends inside, so she steeled herself and walked right up to the minivan now idling at the curb.

Logan swung open the passenger's side door. "Oh, I was going to do that," said Owen.

"Do what?" asked Logan as she climbed into the car. She felt her foot touch something and she quickly looked down. There were piles of CDs scattered on the floor under her seat.

"Open your door for you," said Owen. "You can just move those."

Logan opted instead to swing her door shut. She pulled her purse off, over her head, and set it in her lap. Then she reached for her seatbelt. "Did your parents want to take pictures?" Owen asked as she clicked her seatbelt into place. "My parents took like forty of me."

"Don't worry about it," said Logan. "My parents did the same to me. They can Photoshop them if they're desperate."

After a split second Owen laughed awkwardly. Logan propped her elbow up against the windowsill and then rested her fist against her cheek. Save me, dear God, she prayed as Owen started down the road.Deliver us all.

She'd been praying similarly last night, too. Today she'd had a presentation in her history class. Logan hadn't been alone, which she genuinely thanked God for, but she knew she'd been terrible anyway. She wasn't used to having that many people look at her and actually expect something. Ugh—she didn't even want to think about it.

The masquerade party was going to take place at, of course, the house of Logan's one and only ex. Mrs. Lockwood was the mayor of Mystic Falls, the small Virginia town where Logan lived. Mr. Lockwood had previously been the mayor, but he'd passed away rather recently in a car accident. Logan knew it was rude but she couldn't say she was sad to see him go—after dating his son Tyler, she knew just how much of a jerk the old mayor had been.

At least the party would be fun. Logan was wearing a short, strapless dark blue dress, with her black wedge heels. She'd left her hair down and naturally curly. She loved dressing up for any occasion but she didn't want to put too much effort into a date with Owen.

The ride felt much longer than it was. Logan was glad she'd insisted that both of them eat dinner at their own houses before Owen came by to pick her up. And, really, Logan sort of wished she'd insisted that she drive. Those were definitely Lord of the Rings audiotapes on the floor at her feet. And she was pretty sure she saw Lord of the Flies.

"You look great tonight," said Owen, as he turned onto a familiar street.

"Thanks," said Logan. She smiled politely at Owen. "You aren't too bad yourself."

Owen beamed. Logan tried not to wince.

The Lockwood family mansion was massive. It was an old plantation house, as were many of the wealthier homes in the area, and sat on several acres of land. Oak trees framed the front and back yards, and there was an actual fountain that had been installed in the center of the front lawn. People came to Lockwood family functions just to get into their house to see it.

The long and winding driveway was well-populated by cars. Owen parked near the end of the line. "Let's do this thing," he said before turning off the car.

"Yeah," said Logan, probably a beat too late. To save herself from this awkwardness she turned and climbed out of the passenger's seat, trying not to tread on whatever audiotapes Owen had left lying on his floor.

Logan and Owen walked up to the party together. As they drew nearer to the mansion Logan was given the opportunity to notice that Owen was wearing a tie with an Einstein joke on it. Right, she thought, glancing away and trying not to smile. Because that will really hide your identity at a masquerade party.

There were, of all things, carnivalesque flame-twirlers dancing around the front lawn. Owen paused to stare at one and Logan had to take his arm and forcibly move him onward. "Where the heck do you get fire-twirlers?" Owen asked, as he and Logan continued walking up to the entrance to the mansion.

"Craig's List," Logan suggested. She released Owen's arm when she felt she was in the clear.

"Doubtful," said Owen, who was definitely putting way too much thought into this. "Maybe there's a company in the Yellow Pages."

Does it matter? Logan thought. She was saved from having to cook up some response by their arrival at the front door. They had walked up a small flight of stairs to reach it. There were a couple of really downright weird men standing on either side of the door, outfitted in clownish clothes and elaborate masks. Both of them gestured slowly at the door as Logan and Owen walked up to it.

Mrs. Lockwood was standing right at the door. "Oh, hello, Logan!" she said happily, shaking Logan's hand. "I'm so glad you could make it!"

"Thanks, Mrs. Lockwood," said Logan. She sort of liked the woman.

"You look so pretty, too," Mrs. Lockwood enthused, leaning back to survey Logan's outfit. Then she leaned forward and whispered, "I'm sure Tyler will be jealous." After stating this she winked and looked back, clearly dismissing Logan.

If the rest of her evening so far hadn't been enough, it was this comment that made Logan truly believe it was going to be a horrible night. She and Tyler hadn't been dating for almost a full year now. Mrs. Lockwood really just could not let it go. She was probably embarrassed that Tyler had dated Vicki Donovan for a while.

Owen received a curt greeting at the door; then he walked into the house and stopped to whistle. "Wowie!" he said, like a kid from the fifties. "This is quite a house!"

"Yeah, Owen," said Logan, threading her arm through his. "Let's go dance."

"Sure," Owen agreed. He gaped at the house as they navigated through various people and headed for the dance floor. Logan understood the sentiment—she'd been shocked when she'd first entered the Lockwood mansion—but she'd had enough tact not to look like she was staring.

Logan prayed to the Good Lord that they would be intercepted before she actually had to dance with Owen. The Lord answered her prayers almost at once. "Oh, hey," said Logan quickly, reaching out to grab her best friend's arm. "What are you doing here? I thought you were staying home."

Elena Gilbert turned and smiled at Logan. "Hey, Logan!" she said. She tilted her head a little. "Who's your handsome date?"

Owen looked abashed. Logan turned back to Elena and rolled her eyes, hopefully out of Owen's view. Elena giggled. "Uh, Owen, meet Elena," said Logan. "Elena, this is Owen."

"Nice to meet you, Owen," said Elena, flirtatiously offering him her hand. Owen must not have understood the nuance because he shook it instead of kissing it. When he had released her hand he smiled and put his hands back into his pockets. Elena looked back at Logan with a new understanding on her face. "You look fabulous tonight, by the way."

Logan smiled. "Thanks," she said. "You look hot."

It was true. Elena was gorgeous anyway, with naturally tan skin, brown doe eyes, long brown hair, and miles-long legs, but tonight she was really showing it off with a tight strapless little black dress. "Aw, thank you," said Elena, tossing her hair a little. Logan raised her eyebrows. "Have you seen Stefan, by any chance?"

Logan frowned. "I thought you guys broke up." That was why she'd thought Elena wasn't coming to the dance.

"Yeah, but he needs to see what he's missing," said Elena. She had the gall to turn and wink at Owen, who probably died inside. "I'll see you later, Logan. Bye, Owen." She wiggled her fingers at him in a wave and moved off to join the crowd.

Logan and Owen both stared after her. Logan was the first to break her gaze. "Well," she said bracingly, "that was weird."

"Accurate," said Owen. He glanced down at Logan, who was at least three inches shorter than him even in her heels. "It's even weirder because she's in my Chemistry class."

"She—what?" said Logan. Owen nodded and Logan shook her head to clear it. "Whatever. Elena can do what she wants, she just broke up with the love of her life." Logan managed, somehow, not to roll her eyes. "What do you want to do?"

Owen glanced around. "I know you want to dance, but I kind of want to look around the house some more."

"I'll meet you out back," Logan said at once.

"Okay," Owen agreed. He smiled peaceably at Logan before turning and moving off, back in the direction from which they had come. Logan didn't even wait for him to be five feet away before she was striding swiftly toward the back door. She grabbed a crab puff from a nearby tray on her way—but then she paused and turned around to go back to the tray. Those things were way too good to eat just one.

Logan wended her way through cheery party-goers. When she reached the tray she realized too late who was already standing there. "Oh, hey," said Tyler Lockwood, looking up at Logan. She smiled politely and lifted a hand in acknowledgement. "You look really good, Logan."

"Thank you," said Logan. "You look good too."

He did. Tyler might have been arrogant, too assertive, jealous, and really easy to set off, but he was definitely a looker. He was also funny and confident and friendly, too, and a fabulous flirt, so there was that as well. It was the flirting and the handsome part that had drawn Logan in originally in sophomore year. "Oh, thanks," said Tyler, glancing down at his suit like he'd forgotten what he'd put on.

Then he looked back up at Logan with a smirk. "Owen Melbroke, huh?"

Logan could feel a flush starting to creep up the back of her neck. "Shut up," she said. "My parents literally said yes for me."

"That's—unfortunate," said Tyler, clearly struggling with a funnier but worse remark.

"And inevitable," Logan replied. She glanced around to make sure Owen wasn't standing nearby to overhear them. She spotted him talking with Duncan Reyes, back in the sitting room. Duncan was also an unfortunate person. "Did you bring anyone?" Logan paused. "Well, invite anyone here?"

Tyler grinned to himself. "Nah," he said. "Haven't really had the time for dating."

Logan didn't blame him—Vicki Donovan had died last semester from a rabid animal attack, and Tyler's father had died shortly after that. "It's understandable," Logan agreed. She offered Tyler what she hoped was a reassuring smile. She'd gone to both funerals—not with him, but for him. "I'm going to head back out," Logan decided. "Before Owen hunts me down."

Tyler laughed. "Don't you have to leave with him?"

Logan sighed dramatically. "Don't remind me," she said. Tyler snickered and Logan flashed a smile at him. "I'll see you around."

"Bye," said Tyler, as Logan grabbed another two crab puffs before turning around and walking away.

Logan did love the outdoors. It was a bit cold, but her mother had always called her a polar bear. She probably could have worn shorts year round if it was socially acceptable.

Tonight Logan walked down the back stone steps to the pretty dance floor setup. There were string lights, a white tent, and a DJ. An Ed Sheeran song was playing as Logan walked around the dance floor to seat herself at one of the round tables, covered in white tablecloths.

Once she sat down she finally opened her purse. Logan reapplied Chapstick before pulling out her phone. She was tempted to text Elena, but she also kind of didn't want to know what that girl was up to. That really hadn't been like Elena at all—Elena never dressed in clothes that revealing, and she tended not to make too many snap judgments, either, like suddenly going to the party after a full day of insisting she wouldn't.

Plus, Logan realized, Elena would have done something with her hair. It was naturally long and straight—why leave it such for a special occasion?

"Whatever," Logan decided aloud to herself. She opened her Instagram app instead of texting anyone. Everyone was probably here, anyway. As far as she knew, though, her other two best friends, Caroline Forbes and Bonnie Bennett, had dates.

Logan spent way too much time just sitting there, playing Disco Zoo and Candy Crush. Finally she decided that her mother would be ashamed and put her phone away before standing up and glancing around. She had a feeling Owen wasn't ever going to make an appearance. Would it have been bad to walk out of the dance and call her parents for a ride home? Probably.

It was then that Logan spotted someone she knew. Not very well, but still. Damon Salvatore was Elena's ex-boyfriend's older brother. Stefan was the hotter one, in Logan's opinion, but Damon wasn't exactly hideous either. Damon was also hilariously flippant.

Logan walked around the dance floor again and back up the stone steps. "Hey," she said upon reaching Damon.

Damon blinked at her. "Logan," he said, lifting his champagne glass a little. "What are you doing here?"

"Pondering the meaning of life," she said. Damon scoffed. "And Schrodinger's cat. Did you see Elena?"

"See—Elena's here?" Damon looked oddly startled.

"Yeah," said Logan. "She was acting kind of weird. Do you happen to know what went down with her and Stefan?" She'd decided to ask this because Elena was notorious for white lies and padding things to make them sound better. Damon was rudely, dreadfully honest.

"Not a clue," said Damon. He didn't look surprised anymore.

"She's also kind of dressed—"

"Sluttier than usual?" Damon finished. Logan let out a startled laugh. Damon turned to give her one of his wide-eyed significant looks. "Must be some kind of charade to win my brother back." He studied Logan for a second, who raised an eyebrow at him. Damon seemed to consider something. Then he said, "Might as well keep one safe."

"Might—what?" asked Logan, bemused.

Damon leaned closer in to her face. "Don't go inside the house until you get a text from Bonnie." Then he leaned back and gave her a quirky grin. "See you around."

"See ya," said Logan. Damon turned and walked back into the house. Logan wasn't sure why, but she knew she shouldn't follow.

All in all, the masquerade party was a total bust. At least it wasn't nearly as hellish as Logan had been expecting. Sitting alone on the stone steps out back was ten times better than having to dance with Owen. Plus, her friend Caitlin from Physics stopped by and sat with her for a while, and then both of them danced together sans their actual dates for the DJ's last song.

When the party was over Logan's phone began to ring. "Welp, there's reality calling," said Logan to Caitlin, who laughed.

"I probably have to go find my reality too," Caitlin replied wryly. "I'll see you in Physics."

"Good luck," Logan called after Caitlin.

"You too!"

As Caitlin walked back up the stone steps to disappear into the mansion, along with the majority of the people in the backyard, Logan answered her cell phone. "What's up?"

"Hey—where are you?"

"I'll meet you out front," said Logan. "See you soon."

"Okay," said Owen.

Logan hung up. She checked the time and glanced up at the sky. It was nearing twelve, and the sky was stained a pretty shade of midnight blue. She wondered how bad it would be if she just ditched Owen altogether, or just waited for Tyler and sat around out here with him on the steps, talking about nothing at all.

She decided to walk around the house rather than through it, mostly in the hopes of perhaps evading Owen for longer and not having to talk to Mrs. Lockwood again. Logan glanced around and hoped she didn't look too weird walking off around the house, past the oaks alongside the house.

Logan debated, once she had passed the mansion, walking back over to see who was on the front lawn. It sounded as though Mrs. Lockwood was making some kind of speech about the charity this night had been hosted for. Logan decided she didn't want to do it and instead made her way back toward the cars lining the long driveway.

She hit the curb and walked between a Toyota and a Honda to reach the middle of the drive. She couldn't hear any cars yet, so Logan figured it was safe to walk straight down the center. She reached up to pull off her black mask.

Logan was just jamming the mask into her purse when she caught sight of someone she knew. "Elena?" she called, now even further confused than she had been before.

Elena turned around. She was wearing a pink long-sleeved shirt with her usual flared jeans. "Hey Logan," she said with a small smile. She waited for Logan to catch up. "How was the party?" She frowned. "Didn't you come with Owen?"

"Even better question," said Logan, "weren't you just wearing a dress?"

Elena looked briefly bewildered, and then as though she understood. "Yeah," she said, in that I'm-trying-to-lie voice Logan had heard her use for at least seven years. "I just—decided it was uncomfortable, so I…"

"Hang on," said Logan as she reached Elena. She took Elena's arm and turned her around. "Are you okay? What the hell happened?"

There was a dark red bloodstain that had blossomed on Elena's back, marring her pink shirt. And, now that Logan was looking, there was blood on her sleeve, too. "Okay," said Logan, stepping back. "Why are you here, why did you and Stefan break up, why did you pretend you didn't know Owen, and why why why are you bloody!?"

"Logan, listen," said Elena, turning and taking hold of Logan's wrists. "It's a really, really long explanation that I'm too tired to give right now, okay?"

"It is so not okay!" cried Logan.

In that second someone appeared out of nowhere—perhaps from between a couple of nearby cars. It was one of the people in the bizarre clownish outfits from before. Except when Logan turned to look up at the tall figure, he literally turned and threw her sideways into a Prius, which started panicking and beeping in response.

Logan had no clue what was happening and her head was now spinning from having cracked it against the Prius. She straightened up as well as she could and tackled the guy, who was clutching a valiantly struggling Elena in his arms. "Back off, psycho!" Logan shrieked, diving for the guy's legs.

She was successful in knocking him over—but then he leapt up a split second later and grabbed the fleeing Elena's leg. Logan tried to take the guy from behind, but he was too strong, and in seconds he had grabbed skinny Elena with one arm and wrapped his other hand around Logan's mouth. Logan bit his hand and he yelped—Elena was going limp in his other arm, there was a cloth he was holding over her mouth and nose—and he slammed Logan into a car again.

The last thing Logan thought before she blacked out was please don't be a rapist.

AUTHOR'S NOTE | Hidey-ho, neighbors! I love Elijah quite a lot, so I thought I'd add my own Elijah/OC to the mix! :) I hope you enjoyed the first chapter; please leave a review with your thoughts and some constructive criticism!

DISCLAIMER | I don't own The Vampire Diaries.