Yo! It didn't take me an entire year to update this for once! What a miracle! Or it would be if I believed in bullshit like that, at least. Anyway, thank you to all readers so far!
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of its characters...
The journey to the manor, though quick, was not at all comfortable in Harry's opinion, the Apparating once more leaving him feeling dizzy and nauseous, just like flooing always did. Ugh. But he didn't think on that for long, straightening up and fixing his glasses as he glanced around the room he was in-probably an entrance room or something like that, he figured.
Tom stood by him, watching him silently, as if waiting to hear what he had to say before he said anything more himself. And Harry did speak after a quiet moment, looking up at the man.
"What happens when I go back to Hogwarts in September? If Dumbledore knows I didn't stay with the Dursleys, or even if you say you took me away because of what they were doing, won't he have a problem with that? There's going to be issues there, right?"
"You are concerned over the legality of my taking you away?"
Harry nodded slowly. "Yeah."
Tom hesitated slightly, then said, "Technically speaking, I have no legal claim over you, which means having you here with me now could, in some people's eyes, be considered kidnapping, especially if they feel I coerced you into coming with me. And while it seems like the Dursleys have no claim over you in our law, the same is not true in Muggle law."
Harry frowned. "So...how do we get around this? I mean, it's not like the Dursleys will care or call the police to report what happened or anything like that, but still... I really don't want to risk having to go back."
"There are ways around it," said Tom, gesturing for the teen to follow him through the manor. "Throw some money around the right way in the Muggle world and your custody in that world can be signed over to someone else both quickly and quietly. As you say, it is unlikely that your...relatives will argue against it. Our primary problem comes from the Wizarding world, because here Dumbledore has a larger method of contending against the change."
"What do we do then?" asked Harry, taking a seat at the large dining table in the even larger dining hall. "Dumbledore's not an easy guy to go against, and I'm pretty sure he's got fingers in a whole lot of pies."
Tom sat down across him at the table and leaned back in his chair. "There are no emancipation laws in our world, which is unfortunate considering your current circumstances. As you cannot accept your titles until you turn seventeen, there is little you can do on your own for the time being. The best thing would be for someone else to take custody over you for the next year."
Harry balked. "Wait, I'm not looking for new parents or anything! I don't want someone to be in charge of me! Hell, I don't need anyone in charge of me! I can take care of myself just fine!"
"I understand that, Harry, calm yourself. Whoever would take over your guardianship for the year would be doing so in name only. They need not actually attempt to parent you. You and I both know that you have no need for that at this point. And as I said, it would only be for the next year-until you turn seventeen."
"Then who do you think should do this?" Harry asked curiously. "Please don't say the Malfoys, because I don't want to have to call Draco Malfoy a relative, let alone a brother by any means so long as the kid continues acting like a git."
Tom raised a brow, looking somewhat amused. "You and Draco are the same age-in fact, is he not nearly two months older than you?"
"Not while he's a posh prick, he isn't," Harry replied in a mutter. "But seriously, not them, please."
"...What about Severus?"
Harry blinked. "Snape?" He cocked his head, curious. "Would that be a good idea? I mean...I know he was being kind enough these past few days, but..."
"Well as I said, he doesn't really need to actually parent you. It will truly be an in name only guardianship, and as Severus is also still considered to be on Dumbledore's side, the old man is less likely to argue back, no?"
That...was actually kind of fair, Harry thought. Dumbledore definitely did still trust Snape, at least to a certain extent, and probably thought Snape still hated him completely too. So if Snape tried to become his guardian for the next year, was that something Dumbledore was really going to fight against?
It was possible, of course, but honestly?-it was probably the best bet here. Obviously the easiest thing would be for Tom, or rather 'Nathan', to take that guardianship over himself, and while Harry was wondering why Tom wasn't bringing that up, he figured the man had already thought out plenty of reasons why he shouldn't.
"Then where do we start?" asked Harry. "We should probably do this right away, shouldn't we? There's only a month until classes start up again."
Tom nodded. "We should speak to Severus first, and get his opinion on all of this, I would say."
"What if he refuses?"
"...I would rather not have to force him into this, so if he refuses, then I suppose I will take up the guardianship myself, though admittedly, that is a last resort. I doubt he will mind. As already stated, it will only be for a year, and he won't actually have to parent you in any way. This is simply to ensure you won't get in any sort of trouble for leaving the Dursleys this summer, and won't have to return next summer."
Harry nodded in understanding, and then Tom stood, gesturing for the teen to do the same.
"I will speak to Severus tomorrow-I have other matters to discuss with him anyway. Until then, I might as well show you where you will be sleeping, and tell you more about this manor." He started walking out of the room, and Harry followed after him once again.
"There are certain rooms that will be locked for the time being, less because of trust and more because of danger. I would rather you not attempt to get into any of them. You have free access to anywhere not locked though, including the library..."
The two spent the next little while touring the manor, Tom explaining things and Harry listening. And as this happened, Harry couldn't help but feel a sense of...hope. Tom was speaking as if he was going to be staying in this manor for a long time, not just a summer or two.
Did that really mean that he was welcome here? Did that really mean that he could stay for as long as he wanted? Did that really mean that he would be safe here? Maybe even...happy?
"I'm sorry, Headmaster, but...do you really think this is a good idea? I mean..."
Dumbledore smiled gently. "I understand your reservations, my girl, I truly do, but this is imperative. You must understand how fragile and dangerous he can be without this, especially in his current state of mind It really is just a safety precaution."
"But, if he finds out, then-"
"He must not find out. You know how temperamental he has been recently. I promise you, this is all for the greater good." He stood. "Now, I will take my leave. I do apologize for intruding over your summer break."
"No, of course, it's alright, Sir."
And as Dumbledore left the large, neat house, seemingly satisfied, Hermione watched him go, worrying her bottom lip between her teeth. She understood what the Headmaster wanted to do, and understood why too, but...she couldn't help but think that that logic was somewhat flawed.
But he was Albus Dumbledore, she reasoned with herself. He wasn't doing this to hurt Harry. He only wanted what was best for him, right? She should have been greatly pleased that he had asked for her help in this.
He had asked for a lot from her over the past few years, some of which she had done contently, others which she had done with some hesitation. She hadn't ever questioned any of those things she had been asked to do before, never really seeing the need for it. Everything that had been asked of her so far had seemed mostly innocent.
But this... What he was asking her to do this time... Hermione couldn't help but think that it was a bad idea. A dangerous idea. ...An evil idea. One she wasn't quite sure she wanted to have any part of. This was an idea she didn't at all agree with. It was an idea that she refused to follow. And it was an idea that she could never, in good conscience, allow to happen without Harry's knowledge.
She had to tell him about this. She had to warn him.
Now, I previously mentioned possible Hermione bashing, but hadn't confirmed anything as I hadn't thought it through. Going by what I wrote in this chapter, Hermione will NOT be bashed in this fic. I understand that Severus stated earlier that she can't be trusted, but I now know what I'm going to be doing with her. Sort of. ...I also just had deja vu while writing this AN. Weird. Looking forward to reviews! Laterz!