Chapter 4:

The sun hadn't touched the horizon, the vivid color did not rain over her ivory skin as if she had an angelic glow about her. Yet, she was as radiant as ever in her glistening warmth. There was a thin coat of sweat forming at her hairline, touching the exposed part of her shoulders. The navy cami, a souvenir from a bunker, outlined the creamy color of her dermis as well as the resting child on her chest. His complexion was far more tan compared to hers. He nuzzled her like a child nuzzles a mother, causing Bellamy's heartbeat to increase.

He threw his leg over the side of the bed, pushing his body upward so he could clear his head. The primal part of him wanted to desperately take Clarke and give her what she deserved. He could clearly envision their child against her voluptuous chest, nuzzling her so tenderly.

He pulled Noah from Clarke, hesitating before pressing a chaste kiss to her forehead. It was, in retrospect, a stupid move. Her throaty groaned caused his eyes to widen, mostly because he imagined her making that sound under different circumstances. "Mmmm…where are you going with him?" She batted her eyelashes, "It's not even dawn, Bellamy." She frowned, only for him to respond with a smirk. She narrowed her eyes, then responded with a cheeky grin. "Oh, you want some alone time...okay."

"Although, I love where your mind is right now, Princess." He exhaled, hating that he had to make the difficult choice of putting their desire on the backburner, so to speak, again. "You need your sleep…you're practically laying here with one eye open." There was a sad expression in her eyes as he took the whimpering child out of the tent. Under normal circumstances, he would have felt bad for waking him but Clarke needed to rest. She couldn't play the parental parts of his life when his father slept nearly one hundred feet away from them. The child whimpered once more, receiving small pats on his back in return. Bellamy pulled back the flap of Miller's tent, awkwardly bringing his foot up to kick his friend's boots, "Hey." He called, raising his voice the second time he said, "Hey, Miller!"

Miller jolted out of his sleep, turning over from his stomach to his back. It should have been Hayley getting Noah but Bellamy barely trusted her. Nathan scrubbed his face with a weary hand, "How'd you end up with Noah? I thought Clarke—"

"Clarke's too stubborn to give him up and I can't have the only person that can stitch us up falling asleep on the job." I can't have the person I'm in love with falling asleep on her feet. He extended his arms out to Miller, handing him the child. Bellamy did not wait around for Miller to gain consciousness and realize that Noah was already have asleep in the first place. He nodded his head and mumbled, "I'll see you later."

He hovered at the entrance of the tent, looking at Clarke's arms curling around his pillow. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was even. Her skin looked soft and delicate as her wavy hair flowed around her shoulders, tangling in certain areas. Her pale pink lips seemed to chap because of the dry air around them. It reminded him that she was human and not an angel sent down to haunt him. He moved forward, falling into the bed beside her. Now that she didn't have a child in her arms, he could squeeze her senseless in a tight embrace.

A sweet sound vibrated from her mouth as she settled in his arms. He liked the fact that she was comfortable with him. "I want people to know about us, Clarke…" He said softly, moving strands of her hair aside so he could place a kiss on the back of her neck. "I want people to know that you're mine."

"I love you." Clarke mumbled back, "In case you didn't know that already…"

He chuckled, "I love you too."

"If we're going to do this, we have to do it right. By the book, Bellamy. It's dangerous down here in the first place…god, are we moving too fast? I feel like we're moving too fast…" She sucked in a deep breath, "No—this is what we want, this is what we both deserve. So, conception… by the book, no risks."

"It can't be that hard to get pregnant, Clarke." He said, "For starters, sex might be a requirement…and I haven't had sex in a very long time, baby."

"Not tonight." Clarke yawned, "But tomorrow night…"

"Hmm, you're lucky we need our sleep."
