FireCacodemon: Well, here's the re-write of The Last Contractor. I changed the summary and hopefully, a more developed and interesting story, Darker Than Black is owned by Tensai Okamura. Enjoy the re-write.

The Last Contractor

A Darker than Black fan-fiction

Written by FireCacodemon

Disclaimer: Darker than Black is owned by Tensai Okamura

Summary: Set in AU. Hei and Amber failed to save Hell's Gate from the Syndicate, resulting in contractors fading out of existence along with dolls. The real stars have returned to but there's one hidden secret kept in PANDORA. One contractor remains alive, locked up and docile. Robert Schroeder and Misaki Kirihara have teamed up to uncover the secrets why only one contractor remains. It would have been easier, if the contractor didn't have amnesia.

Chapter 1:

The Unwelcomed Discovery

Doctor Schroeder and the other scientists watched as anti-gate particles were fired at Hell's Gate, the weapon designed to destroy the gate was intact and working perfectly, and the beam was fired at the gate. Upon hitting the target caused a small magnitude as the anti-gate particles worked their magic on Hell's Gate. The team watched as a bright white light started to envelop the area within the boundary of Hell's Gate. Their mission was a success, He'll gate would be destroyed and there wasn't anything else that could be done to save contractors now. Dr. Schroeder watched as the starts all started to fall at a rapid pace, the contractor sky was starting to clear. The whole science team started to cheer and celebrate with the threat of contractors gone and all the dolls too.

Misaki felt her heart sink, she had failed to uncover the secrets on BK-201 but if her suspicions were correct...Li was gone. Sure the police work was probably going to return back to normal after such a long time with them fearing didn't matter anymore...Li wasn't there. Work was going to be boring now without the activity of contractors. Misaki mentally slapped herself, she shouldn't be sorry that contractors were gone...they gave themselves bad names. It couldn't just be because Li was painfully gone too but...what she did find out was that contractors were given orders and followed them without questioning. So sure they were bad but they were only as bad as their who were the real monster? She wasn't sure which side BK-201 was on but he wasn't all bad, mysterious yes, but not completely bad if he was Li and able to still fool everyone for being/acting human. Misaki blinked before her vision started to turn into a blur as tears started filling her eyes. She was crying for a contractor, something she didn't think would happen...but she was crying for Li.

"Hell's Gate has been destroyed successfully, now the world can return back to normal," Dr. Schrodeder smiled as he turned to leave. His job here was done. He wanted to go and see how much damage was left from Hell's Gate's destruction but he'll have to wait for a day when everything was calmer and people had returned back to their usual lives without any contractors now. He passed Misaki and watched as tears fell down her face, he stopped and looked at her. "Miss Kirihara, what brings the tears to your face?" Misaki looked at him with her teary eyes and whipped them. She shook her head.

"It's nothing sir..."

"You're upset about the contractor genocide, aren't you?"


"He's gone. He's out of your life now."

"That's the thing...he's gone." Dr. Schroeder shook his head; he thought that she would have been happier now that the uncatchable contractor was out of her life for good now. He was going back to his lab; he had a few files to report and didn't enjoy the party the Syndicate were holding now.

The Last Contractor – Chapter 1: The Unwelcomed Discovery

Dr. Schroeder couldn't help but explore the remains of Hell's Gate, it looked like a battle field had exploded onto the land, giant cracks were dominant on the roads, pavement and even up the buildings. He was only on the outskirts of where the gate was before so he wasn't sure how much damage was done the further he walked towards the centre of where the gate once stood. Looking around, the plants were gone but Dr. Schroeder kept walking. He had a feeling that something was wrong and needed to be checked, it wasn't a surprise to see that the inside of Hell's Gate's standing was all destroyed and unpleasant. He had picked up some strange readings and that caused him to come in so soon himself.

"There's got to be some reason that I'm picking up strange readings from this place..." Dr. Schroeder said to himself as he continued towards the centre of the land.

After walking some time he came across a fountain, Dr. Schroeder took in the sight. The water was all gone from the fountain, turning around his eyes fell on a very familiar sight. BK-201's trench coat lay perfectly still on the ground, covering something up. Dr. Schroeder walked cautiously towards the coat and got down on his hands and knees to pick up the coat. When lifted, he noticed a tiny human form with scruffy black hair, the eyes were open slightly, and revealing a pair of glowing red eyes like a contractor was using their ability with the rest of the iris being midnight blue. One contractor survived the one which everyone wanted gone, BK-201.

"Well, looks like not even destroying Hell's Gate can get rid of you." He thought back to how Misaki felt when Hell's Gate was destroyed. Well, now he knew that he needed to take BK-201 back to PANDORA and keep him a secret. He'll make a call to Misaki in the morning, she'll probably feel better that she can uncover the secrets about BK-201.

FireCacodemon: Well, here's the first chapter. I'm not deleting the first story but I will mark it as complete. So...fave, follow, and review would be nice but that's up to you. Take care readers. Bye bye~