A/N: Yo! So in my on-going quest to avoid updating any of my older fics, I have created a new fic. Well I say created, but it was heavily inspired by a fic a read... pffffff must have been about 5 years ago and I don't think it's on this site any more, so if any of you have read that particular fic and recognise some of its plot lines I hope you'll go 'Hey, I remember that!'

The title of the story is open to change, but it will do for now.

Anyways on with the show;

"Okay, instant ramen for Bolt, sunflower seeds for Himawari, new shoes for the both of them for school…" She listed the last few items thrown in her shopping cart, trailing slowly down each aisle carefully making sure not to miss anything on her large list. "All I need now is…" She looked up high towards her favourite brand of a particularly feminine item, it appeared the store had changed their items around, as the item, once at her eye level, now sat on the highest shelf, far out of her small frame's reach.

She jumped a few times, hoping to knock one of them off, but couldn't get high enough to even graze it with the tip of her slender fingers.

She frowned sadly as she looked up at the item still. She wasn't sure whose idea it was to place an important item in every woman's life so far out of an average woman's reach. And if she had the confidence to make a complaint about it, she certainly would!

"Billie Jean is not my lover…" She heard a masculine voice singing quietly to himself, she turned, seeing a tall blonde man with short spiky hair, wearing a pair of baggy denim three quarter length pants, a baggy white shirt that appeared much too large for him, as the bottom of the shirt went past his waist and on his feet were a pair of black sandals.

"She's just a girl who said that I am the one…" He was still singing to himself as he moved closer to her, a smaller shopping basket clutched in his hands. He stood next to her, he was a good head and shoulders taller than her.

"But the kid is not my son…" With ease, he reached up and grabbed a pack of the very items she herself was desperately struggling in vain to reach. He lazily threw it into his basket and began to walk off.

"W-Wait!" She called after him, but he wasn't listened, she took a few hurried steps and gently poked him on the shoulder.

He turned quickly enough, giving her a weird look. And that was when she finally caught a glimpse of his eyes. He had miraculous deep blue eyes, yet seemingly warm and bright at the same time. His eyes and he yellow hair together, it painted a sort of view of the sun over the sea.

He pulled his earphones out, throwing both of them over his shoulders before giving her the biggest, warmest, kindest smile she had ever seen a stranger give. "Yo! You okay?" He asked kindly and quite loudly, beaming that smile still.

She stood frozen for a second, almost mesmerized by his smile. "S-S-Sorry…" She composed herself, shaking her head slightly to get her mind jogging again. "The item you just got, would you mind…?" She didn't finish her sentence, instead opting for staring upwards towards the item.

He followed her action, before grinning widely again. "Of course!" He grinned again, moving back to the shelf, reaching to grab another box of the items, before handing it to her. "Whose bright idea was it to put them up there? What an idiot!"

"T-Thank you." She smiled back gratuitously, placing the item into her cart.

"Don't mention it." He gave her a small, almost cheeky wink before placing his earphones back off and strolling down the aisle.

"La-da-da da-dum da-dum, la-da-da da-dum da-dum-dum." She watched him hum to himself in a cheery tone as he strolled away, she couldn't help but smile to herself as she watched him leave.

"Okay! So that totals to 18000 Yen please!" The cashier beamed happily towards her, not noticing the eyes of the woman in front of her widen at the amount requested.

"H-How much?" The woman asked quietly, her eyes darting fearfully towards the growing cue behind her.

"18000 Yen, if you please?" The cashier spoke in a less cheerful tone.

"Um, um just a minute…" She began rooting through her bag, cursing herself inwardly. She hadn't brought that much cash with her, she quickly pulled out her wallet, taking out her bank card with a heavy sigh, the money she had kept in her bank was to be used for a new suit for the start of her new job. She couldn't risk going into her overdraft again, which was a certainty with the amount requested.

She continued staring at her bank card, trying to hide the sadness on her face, without a doubt she would have to lend some extra money off her cousin again this month.

"Hey come on lady, we ain't got all day!" She was snapped out of her trance by the angry shouting of the cue behind her.

"S-Sorry!" She answered back with a jolt, and in her stupor she had dropped her bank card onto the floor to the audible groans of the people stood waiting patiently for her.

She bent down to pick up her bank card, and as she rose she was met with the sound of paper being printed. She stared in confusion as she watched her receipt being printed off, torn out of the machine and handed to her with a once again cheerful cashier.

"H-How?" She asked in a wonder towards the cashier.

"Uhh… that guy there…" The cashier turned, pointing towards the exit, more specifically towards a blonde man currently walking through the doors. "As you were picking up your card, he just leaned over me and swiped his card through."

"Thank you." She answered back quickly, packing all her bags into her cart once again before speeding towards the exit, hoping to catch him.

She left the store, looking around the car park outside, luckily she saw him, still strolling leisurely towards his car. "W-Wait!" She shouted towards him, pushing her cart in his direction.

He turned straight away this time, pulling the single earphone out of his ear. He scratched the back of his head bashfully, grinning once again. "Damn, I was hoping for a silent getaway!"

"W-Why?" She asked curiously as she approached him, twice today this stranger had showed her kindness, the second time being without a request.

"Well I was in the self-service and I saw you…" He began with a toned down smile. "The way you were staring at your bank card, I don't wanna sound rude but I figured things might be hard for you. So I just gave you a helping hand."

"B-But I can't repay you for this." She answered back, nibbling on her lower lip slightly.

"I wasn't going to ask you to." He grinned once again, closing the back door of his car after placing his own shopping bag in the back seat.

"T-Thank you." She smiled once again, something about this man, she just couldn't stop the need to smile towards him.

"Like I said, don't mention it." He grinned again, lifting his arms behind his head. "Anyways I guess you want to be going."

"Y-Yes, I have to get a bus to town." She smiled again towards him.

"Oh, you live in town or something?" He asked innocently.

"No, I have to go to own to get a new suit. I am starting a new job on Monday." She answered honestly, not entirely sure why she was informing him of this.

"Wait, there must be at least seven bags there, that's got to be what, like three weeks' worth of shopping there. And you're just gonna hoist it all round town?" He asked with a look of surprise plastered across his face. He turned to face his car, then back to her again. "I was going to town myself, and I'd offer you a lift back to your place so you could drop that stuff off then take you to town, but you look smart enough not to get into cars with strangers…"

"So!" His suddenly loudly voice gave her a small startle. "My name's Naruto Namikaze! I'm twenty-five years old! I work at Dattebayo Lifestyle Management and Recreation Centre! My favourite foods are Ramen and Zenzei! If I'm not eating at home I'll be almost exclusively eating at Ichiraku's Ramen in town! Nice to meet ya! Now that I'm not a stranger, do you want that lift?"

"Y-You are still kind of a stranger…" She mumbled back towards him. "But that would be very helpful, and I would be extremely grateful if you would."

"Great!" He flashed her another beaming smile, pressing a button on his car keys so the trunk would open. "Stick your stuff in the back and let's get going!"

"So just a left here?" Naruto asked curiously, being answered by a meek nod by the woman next to him. "I'm sorry, I forgot to ask your name?"

"I-It's Hinata. Hinata Hyuuga." She answered back with a small smile. "I'm also twenty-five like you."

"Cool." He replied with a grin. "So you said you were going to town for a new suit for a new job you're starting. Nervous? Is it your first job?"

"No, I have done some part time work beforehand. And nervous...? I suppose I am, everyone is nervous when starting a new job. I shouldn't be though. My cousin got me the job." She responded honestly.

"That's great you have a cousin so close to you!" He grinned once again. "I'm an only child myself, and my cousin, yeah she's great, but only in small doses, after that it just gets frustrating listening to her pine on about how dreamy her boss is."

She smiled back in return, not really sure how to respond. "J-Just park up here, this is my apartment complex."

The man looked up at the size of the building. "Jeez, you want a hand with your bags? This is one big complex."

"T-that would most kind of you, Naruto-san." She smiled back in return.

"No problem! What floor are you on?" He asked casually, stepping out of his car towards the trunks before taking all of her bags into his hands.

"T-The 26th…" She responded in a careful tone, watching his eye twitch rapidly.

He let out a heavy voice, and spoke in a voice she believed he hoped she would not hear. "Of course you are… I'm guessing you don't have an elevator?"

"Oh no, we do have one." She tried her best not to smile when she saw his face light up again. "B-But it's currently out of order…."

"Here we are." She spoke from the top of the flight of stairs leading to the 26th floor.

"Great!" He panted behind her, at the bottom of the stairs, with a heavy groan he began the final ascent, after reaching the top he trudged weakly behind dropping her bags just outside her door. "I'll just wait for you out here, if you come back and I'm not breathing don't worry, I went out of this life happy."

She couldn't help but giggle lightly towards him. "You may come inside and wait if you'd like? There's a couch you can rest on."

"Really?! Thank you so much!" He looked at her with starry eyes, before kicking his shoes off and following her into her apartment.

It was pretty small, the lounge and dining room fit into the same area, leading to a very small kitchen. The bedrooms and bathroom seemed to be down a small, narrow hallway, as he only saw four other doors inside the apartment.

He sat down on the couch, looking towards a small TV. Surrounding were pictures of Hinata and two children, sometimes they were together, sometimes it was just the two children, other times it was Hinata and one of the children. In other pictures other people appeared in the picture, a man with long brown hair and eyes like Hinata was the most prominent person.

But the kids. Naruto just couldn't put a finger on it, but they looked… familiar? It was a boy and a girl, the girl with short dark blue hair flaring out at the sides with straight bangs and hime-cut framing her face. A green twin bead headband was wrapped around a small lock of hair jutting out at the top of her head. She had bright blue eyes and in every picture she was smiling a warm cute smile.

The boy on the other hand, in some pictures he looked annoyed, other pissed off, but most he looked happy. He had thick, spiky, wavy hair that jutted out at the sides, like the girl a single thick lock of hair jutted up at the top of his head. His eyes weren't as bright as the girl, they were a duller blue, almost lilac in colour.

"You said you were going to town, Naruto-san… are you sure you won't be late after waiting around for me?" He heard Hinata call from the kitchen, putting away the groceries.

"No, I only have to go to work. Don't worry about it." He called back to her, still looking at the pictures of the children hanging from the walls.

"You can't be late for work, Naruto-san." She said as she placed a glass of water on the table in front of him. "What would your boss think?"

The blond man shrugged his shoulder in return. Giving her a small grin. "I wouldn't worry, Hinata, I'm pretty sure he'll be cool with it!" He beamed towards her again, before he turned back to the pictures on the wall. "If you don't mind me asking, who are the kids in all these pictures?"

"…T-They are mine…" She seemed too hesitant to respond to his question, looking down towards her feet, she began prod her index fingers together, like a schoolgirl who was in trouble.

"Really?" He looked bag at her in mild surprise, before looking at the pictures of the children again. "Um… How old are they now?"

"They're both seven now. I had twins, my father was a twin as well, and the doctor said twins commonly run in the family." She responded back to him in a quiet mumble.

"Jeez, you must have been what, eighteen when you had them?" He stood up from the couch and moved towards the pictures, getting a closer look at the pictures. "I don't want to sound rude, but you must have missed a lot to take care of them…"

"S-Sometimes I feel like that…" She moved to stand next to him, she began to smile happily at the pictures of the children. "But I have never once thought that would rather have what I have missed rather than have them. They bring me so much joy."

She looked towards him, seeing him smile softly as well. "What are their names?"

She smiled once again, pointing towards the girl. "Her name is Himawari, she is very kind, although very shy sometimes." She smiled at the picture of the girl, before pointing to a picture of the boy looking particularly grumpy. "This is the elder Bolt. He is… something. He isn't afraid of anything, he's very loud and energetic and makes friends very easily. It seems when they were developing he kept all the confidence to himself. He can be a troublemaker though…"

"Those are great names. Himawari has this really warm smile, like the sun…" He smiled towards the pictures. "And Bolt… Where did you come up with his name?"

"My cousin, Neji, when I became pregnant he took care of me, he took me into his home, he has helped take care of these children. It wasn't much, but it felt right to name my son in reference to him."

"I think that's really cool…" He smiled towards her again. "So where's dad in these pictures? Or is he the fantastic photographer behind all these pictures?"

"Um… Um… T-They do not have a father…"

"Oh crap, I'm sorry…" He looked back at her sadly, regretful of what he had just asked. "Me and my big mouth huh?"

She stared back at his sad face, looking downhearted towards the ground. "W-What about you, Naruto-san? D-do you have a wife, or girlfriend? A-any children?" She asked, trying to break them out of the awkward silence created.

"Yeah I got a girlfriend," He responded with a small smile. "She's great and all, but things have been rough recently, but then again I'm not one to not put up a fight for something I care about! And no kids, but I can't wait to have them though!"

She smiled back towards him happily, seeing his demeanour perk back up. Gloominess really didn't suit this man. "I've finished putting away the groceries that need to stay frozen or refrigerated. The rest can wait until I return from town."

"Okay! Let's getting going then, Hinata!"

"Thank you, Naruto-san… For all you've done today." She smiled towards him again, there was something contagious about his smile, and it made something build up inside her, like a fire warming her from the inside.

They both stepped out of his car from his parking spot in the car park. "Don't mention it, Hinata. Now I really should be going otherwise I'll get chewed out at work!" He grinned again, locking his car remotely via the key before walking away from the blue haired woman. "Good luck at your new job, Hinata!"

"Thank you, Naruto-san! I'm sorry for taking up so much of your time." She answered back to him as he began to get further and further away.

He spun on his feet quickly, facing her as he continued to walk backwards away from her. "I keep telling you not to mention it! It was great meeting you, Hinata! Maybe we'll bump into each other again-ttebayo!"

Her eyes widened in utter shock as he spun back round, guffawing loudly to himself. 'No… it couldn't be…'

"I'm glad my friends convinced me to come out tonight! If I hadn't, I never would have met you-ttebayo!"

A/N: Ahoy, well chapter 1 is ago, what do you think? 3 guesses who Hinata's kids' dad is?

Few things to discuss:

Namikaze - Yes Naruto is a Namikaze and yes Kushina and Minato are still alive

Naruto's cousin - Yes it's Karin and she will be making an appearance soon.

Naruto's girlfriend - Yes he has a girlfriend and No it is not Sakura

18000 Yen - About 153 US Dollars

Obviously this is chapter 1, so much needs to be developed, so is it worth a continue?

Anyways, until next time