A/N: Sorry for the delay. This takes place a few weeks following chapter three.
Miles is sitting through lunch while Zoe and Tristan chat about the latest drama production. He was watching Maya across the lunchroom as she talked animatedly with Grace; she looked happy, and Miles in turn was genuinely happy for her.
"I think you should make up with Maya." Miles states matter of factly.
Tristan turns from Zoe to look incredulously at his boyfriend. "Why would I do that?"
"Because she's a good person." Miles answers casually, without much thought.
"And I'm not?" Tristan counters bitterly.
Caught off guard by Tristan's reaction Miles tries to explain "That's not-"
"If she's so great then why don't you just go be with her" Tristan says, looking at Miles with a mixture of hurt and betrayal.
Tristan doesn't give him a chance to respond before getting up and walking away.
Miles looks at Zoe stunned.
"What just happened?" He asks.
"Word of advice. Never take you're ex's side over your current boyfriend." Zoe states, only slightly amused at his clueless expression.
"I wasn't taking anyone's side." Miles argues, still not getting it.
Sighing Zoe takes pity on him and offers some more words of wisdom. "And that right there is your problem."
At Miles' blank stare Zoe rolls her eyes before continuing.
"You're supposed to always be on his side. Even if you think he's wrong." She says, before picking up her tray and heading over to where Zig is sitting with Maya, Grace and Tiny.
Miles finds Tristan in his usual spot in the drama room. Making his presence known this time, he makes his way towards his boyfriend.
"What are you doing here Miles?" Tristan asks, sounding less than pleased with Miles' approach.
"Looking for you." Miles responds, taking a seat next to Tristan.
"Yeah well I don't want to be found." Tristan says, still refusing to look at Miles.
"Then you should pick better hideouts" Miles answers with a small chuckle.
"Not that it would do you any good." He continues, nudging Tristan's shoulder with his own. "I always know where to find you, don't I?"
Tristan lets a small smile slip at the implication, knowing Miles was referring to their time in Paris and the night of the thunderstorm.
Taking it as a sign that Tristan was warming up to him again, Miles uses the opportunity to explain himself.
"Look Tris, I know you have your reasons for hating Maya. But just... hear me out okay, and if you still feel the same way about it afterwards then I will drop it and never bring it up again." Miles says, eyes pleading with Tristan.
"Fine." Tristan says, not wanting to get into another fight.
"When things got really bad with my dad Maya really helped me." Miles starts.
"I tried to help you." Tristan cuts in.
"I know." Miles says, looking regretful. "But I couldn't accept it from you. Not then."
"But you could from her." Tristan says, and he really doesn't mean for it to sound so bitter.
"Sometimes it's just easier to open up to someone when you aren't terrified of losing the person once they see who you really are." Miles explains, and Tristan nods understanding.
"It also didn't hurt that she kinda stumbled into my problems." Miles adds.
"Maya did a lot of things I wasn't too pleased with at the time. But in the end she did it because she was trying to help me and I can see that now. And I think if you really thought about it, you would see that she was just trying to do the same for you." Miles says.
"I mean you know who Mr. Yates really was now. You have to know she did the right thing by telling."
"Of course I know it was the right thing." Tristan answers sounding annoyed.
"Then why won't you forgive her." Miles asks, seeming genuinely confused by Tristan's reluctance.
"Because she betrayed me!" Tristan finally yells, cracking under Miles' probing.
"She promised she wouldn't tell and then she ran to Mr. Simpson anyway. She lied straight to my face. I can't trust her." Tristan finishes, looking surprised at himself for revealing so much.
Miles looks like he got more than he bargained for as well.
Appearing regretful once more he asks Tristan "And what about me? I lied to you too. Do you trust me?"
Tristan releases a deep sigh, finally looking Miles in the eye. "I want to." He answers honestly.
Miles just nods.
"I won't bring up Maya again." He says, sounding resigned.
"Good." Tristan says firmly.
"But... you know that I'm not into her like that anymore right? Maya and I are just friends." Miles says, wanting to reassure Tristan.
"Okay." Tristan responds.
"Is it though?" Miles questions looking at Tristan worriedly.
"What?" Tristan asks, confused.
"Is it okay that I'm friends with her?" Miles clarifies.
Tristan sighs heavily once more, giving Miles an exasperated look. "I'm not gonna tell you who you can be friends with Miles."
"That's not what I asked." Miles replies.
Tristan doesn't respond, and neither of them say anything more for almost an entire minute.
Just when Miles is about to give up on his line of questioning, Tristan asks "Would it even matter if it wasn't?"
"Of course it would." Miles says, reaching out to grab hold of Tristan's hand.
"How you feel matters to me, and if me hanging out with Maya makes you uncomfortable then... I won't do it." Miles finishes, sounding resolute.
Tristan looks at Miles searching his face for any signs that he wasn't being truthful. Finding none, Tristan gives a small smile before coming to a decision. "It's okay."
"You're sure?" Miles asks, sounding surprised at Tristan's answer.
Tristan just plants a quick kiss to Miles' lips before confirming his answer. "I'm sure."
Miles smiles, looking at Tristan like he just hung the moon. "You're a good person Tris."
Blushing, Tristan brushes off the compliment. "You don't have to say that."
"But it's true." Miles says, staring at Tristan intensely. "You're probably the best person I know."
"And you put up with me so that practically makes you a saint even." Miles continues with a chuckle.
"Alright, alright, let's go" Tristan says smiling, before getting up and pulling Miles along with him as they head back towards the lunch room.
"Tris?" Miles says, the change in his tone from playful to serious getting the other boy's attention immediately.
"Yeah?" Tristan answers, curious as to what could have his boyfriend so pensive.
"Do you think we'll ever..." Miles starts, pausing briefly before continuing. "Make it through an entire lunch break in the cafeteria." He finishes with an amused grin.
Tristan just smacks his arm before continuing towards the door, but he's laughing, fully and so genuinely that Miles' breath catches at the sight.
Miles doesn't move, and Tristan's momentum is halted when their linked hands pulls him back.
Tristan turns around and looks at Miles looking at him. "What?"
"Nothing, I'm just- I'm really glad I'm with you." Miles confesses.
"Me too" Tristan says eying his boyfriend strangely.
Unable to resist he plants another soft kiss on Miles' lips, lingering this time before continuing their approach towards the exit.