It is always difficult to let a story go, particularly when it has been part of your life for almost a year. But at the same time, I'm so pleased it is finished and we have made it to the end.
Hoping this doesn't sound like a bad acceptance speech at an Oscar ceremony, but I would like to thank my two beta-readers one more time - Thank you, jenniferdeb and Elena A., for your patience, your invaluable advice and your brilliant editing skills! I was lucky to have you.

And of course, thank you all for reading! Those who were there from the first day, those who joined later and decided to stick with it and those who still might decide to give this a go. Thanks for persevering! It has been enormous fun meeting you and talking to you! I genuinely appreciate all your kind words and your wonderful support throughout!

The setting sun tinges the sky into hues of orange and yellow against a background of grey and blue, and the scent of fresh grass and new life fills the mellow evening air, announcing the arrival of spring and warmer days to come soon. The sense of nature awakening, witnessed in the solemn confines of the graveyard leaves Arthur acutely aware of the dichotomy between life and death, between the beginning and the end, a notion so fitting to his situation. For this, Uther's grave, is symbolic for the end of an era and the beginning of a new one.

He's been standing here, absorbed in thought and tangling emotions, for the best of fifteen minutes. It's been two weeks since the nation buried Uther Pendragon in a well- televised state funeral. The news of his heroic death hit the media all too soon after that horrendous day at Lamia House and left Arthur straining under countless interviews, appointments and places to be. In fact, he's hardly had time to take a breath and stop to think.

Of course the press has been milking the story for what it's worth. How much more drama could you ask for? The Governor saving his son in a selfless act. Edwin's betrayal. The averted danger of Camelot falling under control of a megalomaniac with a magical super power. It caused shockwaves and outrage rippling through magical and non-magical communities alike.

And as much as Edwin's actions were condemned, Arthur's wit, his bravery and willingness to stand up for what was right were unanimously applauded by everyone. Some papers even hailed him as the 'Saviour of the Nation'. "A son worthy of his Father!" "Arthur: Defender of the Nation!" "Arthur – Son like Father!" were typical headlines throughout.

Arthur understands the comments were meant complimentary, praising him, but somehow the direct comparison between him and his father hit a sore spot deep inside his soul. Even if it shouldn't. His mind knows that, but somehow his heart is lagging behind. This is why he's come here this evening. To take time to digest and ruminate and maybe find closure to wounds still open and to put some of his innermost doubts to rest alongside his father.

Uther Pendragon

Governor of Camelot

Fearless Protector of Albion

Beloved Husband and Father

May God Look Upon You in Mercy

Arthur swallows hard as he stares at the epitaph on the gravestone. It has a nice ring to it. In fact it flatters the man who ruthlessly followed his ideals, no matter how much he hurt those he supposedly loved. This man who called himself his father.

Will Uther find absolution for the crimes he'd committed in the name of love? Will God look upon him in mercy? Maybe a higher, benevolent force is able to forgive Uther for his actions. But can Arthur?

He gave his life for mine! He sacrificed himself so I could live. Surely that has to stand for something? Surely it means there was good in Uther somewhere. There had to be. But could that excuse what he had done?

"Hey." A soft female voice says suddenly close behind him, and, as he turns, Morgana links her arm into his. His surprise at her appearance must be written all over his face because she smiles and says, "Merlin told me where to find you. I need to leave for Acetir sooner than I expected and I wanted to say goody-bye."

Arthur smiles at her warmly. God, I have a sister. He grins inwardly because he's had the same thought every single time he's looked at her for the last couple of weeks. And he does relish the fact. It's incredible how much they bonded in such a short time.

"When are you leaving?" Arthur asks. Unsurprisingly, Morgana missed quite a bit of her university course over that last few months, and her return is essential if she wants to pass her final exams at the end of the term. It's just come a lot quicker than she anticipated.

"Just as soon as I'm done here," she says, as she sends him a pensive look. "Are you alright?"

Arthur's gaze returns to Uther's grave, and he shakes his head with a sigh. "He did so many awful things. Horrendous things. And yet he saved me. I just…"

"You don't know if it is okay to forgive him?" Morgana whispers and Arthur looks at her in surprise at her innate understanding.

"Will it make me a lesser man if I do?" Arthur says, more to himself than her. "Doesn't it mean I'm turning a blind eye on all his crimes?"

Morgana's eyes light up when she faces him. "Quite the opposite. It shows that you are a far better man than he ever was."

"Am I really? I am his blood. How do I know?"

Morgana interrupts him with a shake of her head and a smile. "You aren't serious Arthur, are you? You're nothing like your father, and never will be. I believe that from the bottom of my heart."

Arthur puts his arm round her shoulders and pulls her close, his throat too tight to attempt an answer.

"I am his blood, too, you know," Morgana continues thoughtfully. "And I should worry more to be like him than you ever need to. Look at me. I was just as obsessed by an idea as he was. Blinded, without really trying to look at the facts," she says, her voice trembling at the memory. "I'm not sure if I can ever forgive myself for what I did to you and Merlin."

"I've long forgiven you, and so has Merlin," Arthur says quietly, squeezing her gently.

Morgana lets out a self-deprecating chuckle. "Has it ever occurred to you I did exactly the same as my mother? Forcing the man I wanted to love me back by using magic. I think with that kind of gene-pool I should be way more worried about my sanity than you!"

"You proved yourself ten times over," Arthur says kindly. "Without you, none of us would be here. Don't you ever forget that!"

Morgana goes on the tips of her toes to place a peck on Arthur's cheek. "Thanks. I'll try to keep that in mind." She turns to gaze at the huge, dark grave stone in front of her, "Isn't it ironic that all those closest to him had magic?"

It's true. It's a mockery of fate that hasn't been lost on Arthur. Edwin, Ygraine, Nimueh, Morgana and himself, they all have been touched by magic. "He always had double standards when it came to that." Arthur says, his voice tinged with sadness.

They both fall silent, just standing there, together, arm in arm, each lost in their own thoughts, until Morgana breaks the silence.

"I guess we'll have to watch each other then," she says with a small smile.

"Sounds like a good plan." Arthur grins back at her broadly.

"I trust you, Arthur. I trust you to make this world a better place for all of us."

The warmth erupting in Arthur's heart drowns all the bitter doubts that have been niggling him. This coming from Morgana means so much. Morgana, who hated him fervently when they met, who tried to bring him down, even kill him at one point, but who's giving him her vote of confidence, even her love, at this very moment.

"It's going to be a hell of a ride," Arthur says hoarsely. He will have to tear down the prejudices against magic fuelled by the Pendragon Government over so many years. He will have to convince the public that magic isn't an evil force by default, but can benefit them all in so many ways. He will need to prove that MUs are people just like everyone else, as good, as bad, and as human as the rest of the population. He will have to introduce new laws, legislating the use and abuse of magic, and declare the Serum illegal. It's a daunting thought.

"Bet, it will be," Morgana chuckles. "But don't forget you're not alone in this."

Arthur wraps her into his arms and holds her tight for a second. "I won't." Arthur has the help and support of so many to make their dream of a new Albion come true. A place, where all its people, no matter of which belief and talent, respect each other and live in peace.

Morgana pulls away after giving Arthur another tight embrace. "I'd better be off before the evening traffic hits the roads."

"Stay in touch," Arthur says as he lets her go. "Travel safely." Morgana sends him a kiss and chuckles when he calls after her.

"Phone when you get there!" She rolls her eyes and shakes her head in apparent exasperation, "Good God! I had to listen to that from Merlin already! I'm not a little girl anymore!"

"Brothers!" she grumbles in mock annoyance, as she walks away to head for her car, leaving Arthur with a beaming smile on his face.


Four weeks later

"Ouch!" The sound of breaking glass and a thump in the kitchen have Merlin look up from the research paper he's been studying for most of the morning. He chuckles quietly as he listens to a tirade of expletives he wouldn't care to repeat to anyone.

If Arthur's outburst is anything to go by, he's broken yet another few glasses while practising the levitation spell. Of course Arthur could have listened to Merlin's advice and start out with something less fragile, but no, Arthur's competitive, proud nature wouldn't stand for that.

"No point doing this half-ways," he'd announced before he disappeared in the kitchen, armed with earplugs, his mobile and a box of glasses. Merlin had recorded the spell for him so he could listen to it as many times as he liked to get it right. Judging by the swear-words rolling off Arthur's tongue so freely he hasn't succeeded yet. If it wasn't for Ikea he would probably be bankrupt by now.

To add insult to injury, Arthur's magic still shows an affectionate, if not slightly disturbing affinity to furniture, and it's happened more than once that chairs, tables and sideboards developed a life of their own when Arthur's been practising spells.

A minute later the blond slumps on the sofa next to Merlin, wearing a wounded expression on his face. "Need another box of glasses," he mumbles huffily while rubbing the back of his knees.

"What hit you this time?" Merlin presses his lips together, trying desperately to suppress an amused smile, but he can't fool Arthur.

"Chair," Arthur grumbles rather monosyllabically, before he adds with a grim look on his face, "And you're supposed to support me and not take the mickey!"

Despite his best effort, hilarity's getting the better of Merlin, and his lips are twitching treacherously. "Not laughing at you," he chuckles, failing miserably to keep his amusement at bay.

"Yes, you are," Arthur throws him a quick, supposedly disgruntled glance. "Smiling eyes, laughter lines, lips twitching, dimples going haywire. You ARE laughing, and don't try to convince me otherwise!"

Merlin takes pity on him and shifts over until his body presses against Arthur's to place a conciliatory kiss on his chin. "Hey, it'll be alright. It just takes practice, and patience."

Arthur's head sinks back on to the backrest of the sofa as he lets out a heartfelt sigh. "Not good at the patience part."

"I've hardly noticed," Merlin smiles.

Arthur thumps him playfully on the arm, and Merlin lets out a muffled moan. "It's alright for you. You just stand there … and do it, while others have to work at it for weeks. S'not fair," Arthur grumps, but the twinkle in his eyes gives away he doesn't mean any of it.

Merlin grins, shrugging his shoulder as if apologizing. "Can't help that."

Arthur turns his face to Merlin, his eyes unashamedly homing in on his lips. "Still think you should compensate me for that … discrepancy."

"How would I do that?" Merlin says, his dimples still dancing in merriment. Arthur's been using this argument on a regular basis recently to get what he wants. And judging by the fire in his eyes just now, Merlin has a fair idea what that would be. Not that he has any intention to complain.

As expected, Arthur doesn't waste any more time on words. He simply pushes Merlin back onto the sofa, so he ends up on his back with Arthur on top of him.

"I see, is it like that?" Merlin pretends to complain as he folds his arms behind Arthur's neck to pull him even closer. They both know it is all part of their game. Merlin loves the way Arthur's body melts into his, how their touch takes the tension out of his shoulders, how his scent and his warmth wrap around Merlin's senses. And then there's the ever present tingle, running between them like a current of life, delving into a connection between them beyond the purely physical.

"Mmmm." Arthur hums in content when he finds Merlin's lips. He brushes over them teasingly until Merlin opens up and lets him plunder his mouth. To Merlin's chagrin they get interrupted by Arthur's mobile vibrating in his back pocket. Reluctantly, Arthur pushes away to take the call.

"Aiden!" he calls out when he picks up, and Merlin furrows his brows. Well, Arthur certainly sounds over the moon. "I haven't heard from you for ages."

Can't be ages, Merlin thinks sarcastically, his body unconsciously tensing up. It's about two months ago since he saw Arthur and Aiden together on TV. That's not exactly ages, is it? And he's sure the two have spoken since. It's not that Merlin's jealous. No, that's not it. He knows Arthur is his, just as much as he is Arthur's. There's just that minute little detail he's been wondering about…a few times.

Arthur gets off the sofa and walks towards the window, chatting away to the man who looks so much like Merlin. Trying to take his mind off his errant thoughts, Merlin links his hands behind his head and closes his eyes.

They have spent virtually every weekend at the Lake Cottage for the past six weeks. It's given them time to relax, to be themselves and get to know each other better. They've hardly had any time for that before, and with no more secrets between them they've been free to explore each other's lives down the smallest detail.

It's also been fun to learn Arthur's little quirks and traits. A smile spreads on Merlin's face when he thinks of Arthur's intense dislike of something as harmless as cucumber, or his preference of getting up early and having a latte in bed. He's also discovered that Arthur is into reading poetry. Yes, poetry! Merlin's still working on living that one down. What a contradiction in a man who's a passionate sports man otherwise!

Now, that there isn't any trace of Serum left inside Arthur's body and he's recovered to full strength, he's thrown himself into all the sports he's missed out on for so many years, and he thrives on it. And he's managed to drag Merlin into the gym with him to do some gentle exercise, slowly building up the bulk he's lost.

Together with Hunith's strict feeding regime – that's what Merlin calls it secretly although he'd never dare to say it to her face – he's reclaimed most of the weight the Serum ripped off him. He's got a little bit to go, but he has to admit he feels better than ever before. And, according to Arthur, he looks it, too.

Merlin stretches on the sofa, letting out a sigh. Arthur's still prattling to Aiden and he's getting bored hanging around to wait for his return. He sits up and heads for the kitchen to get a drink when Arthur comes up behind him and grabs his wrist.

"Where do you think you're going?" he mumbles, as he pockets his mobile. "I don't think I was finished with you." Then he puts his arms round Merlin's waist, pulling him close with Merlin's back to Arthur's chest. He leans his head on Merlin's shoulder and lets out a puff of air which hits Merlin's neck and ear.

This, and being cupped up in Arthur's solid warmth, sends a shiver down Merlin's spine. This will never get old. There's no other place I'd rather be. Merlin beams at Arthur as he turns in his arms to face him. When he hears Arthur hitch his breath, he furrows his brows in bewilderment. "What?"

Arthur nuzzling Merlin's neck isn't particularly conducive to understanding his answer, but Merlin picks up something that sounds oddly like, "That smile...kill me… shouldn't be allowed." And Merlin's happy leaving it at that.

Then all of a sudden Arthur stops and looks up at him. "Anything wrong?"

Merlin feels his cheeks heat. It's uncanny how well Arthur reads him these days.

"Right, out with it." Arthur nudges his arm in encouragement.

"It's nothing, and it's certainly none of my business," Merlin says a tad defensively as embarrassment takes a hold of him. The past is the past, and there's no point digging it up for something as irrelevant as that.

"Merlin," Arthur sounds decidedly threatening now, and as his eyes pierce into Merlin's, the latter gives up with a tiny sigh.

"You really don't need to answer this. I would have never brought it up, but you're the one who's forcing this out of me, and…"

"Stop faffing around, Merlin, and get to it."

Merlin presses his lips together, unsure how to approach this without sounding petty or just like a downright idiot. "I just wondered, you know, about you and Aiden. Did you date during the time we were apart? You were on TV together quite a few times."

Arthur looks at Merlin completely dumbfounded, and then lets out a hearty laugh. "I'm glad to see you spent those months wisely and followed my every step in the media." The comment earns him a punch on his biceps, but Arthur's still grinning from ear to ear.

"I guess what you really want to know is whether we were sleeping together."

A flush of heat, no doubt highly visible on his face, rushes through Merlin because Arthur's looked through him like through thin paper. "Told you it's not important. We are where we are now, and it has no effect whatsoever on…"

Arthur crashes their mouths together for a full-blown, thorough kiss, totally blanking out anything else Merlin might have wanted to say. When he finally leans back his eyes are soft and so full of love, it takes Merlin's breath away. "The short answer is – no, we didn't."

Arthur cups Merlin's face and bumps their foreheads together. "The long answer is that I couldn't think of anyone else but you. I was so miserable, so gutted at what had happened, it took me months to work my way through it." Arthur places a gentle kiss on Merlin's lips. "Aiden came to me as a friend, and that's what he still is. He was good to me without asking anything back."

Merlin nods, a tiny, pleased smile plastered on his lips. "I'm glad he was there for you when you needed somebody." He hesitates for a moment trying to find the right words. "In those months, the thought of you hating me nearly killed me. I missed you so bloody much. Then, when I saw the two of you together, I thought…"

"Can't believe everything you see on TV, Merlin." Arthur runs his thumb over Merlin's lips, looking at him affectionately. "It's always been you." And at that, he lowers his head to indulge in another voracious kiss.

"Arthur," Merlin mumbles, and his voice sounds fragile even to him, as desire, fuelled by love, unfurls inside him like a nuclear explosion. His throat tightens with yearning when Arthur's eyes, dark with love and passion, rake greedily over his figure, his face, his lips, drinking him in like his life depended on it. And then Arthur's mouth is all over his neck and his chin, kissing every square inch, warm and wet and delicious.

Merlin groans as his body responds to the sweet onslaught with ferocity. Impatiently, he pushes against Arthur until they're flush and bucks playfully into Arthur's hips. They both almost topple over and chuckle when they have to come apart to regain their balance.

"Come." There's something incredibly hot in the way Arthur takes his hand to lead him to the bedroom, so sure, so earnest, so damn attractive. Merlin loses his T-shirt on the way and tugs at Arthur's, working it loose, so he can slide his fingers under the material, the need to touch bare skin overwhelming.

Arthur shivers, and in a sudden move Merlin pushes him against the bedroom wall with a thump, grabbing his hands to lock them bedside their heads. Their mouths crash together, trying to outdo each other, exploring, searching, biting, licking, until they have no choice but come up for some air.

"I want you," Arthur whispers hoarsely, his cock hot and wanting against Merlin's belly.

Merlin drags his fingers over the taut muscles of Arthur's back, slow and sensual, teasing little moans of pleasure out of him before he pulls him onto the bed. By the time Arthur has thrown off the few clothes he's been wearing, Merlin's lies spread out over the silky linen of their bed, only his briefs between him and Arthur's heated glare.

"Let me take care of you," Arthur says throatily and straddles Merlin swiftly, never breaking his intense gaze for one moment. He bends down to run his lips over Merlin's chest and, when he rubs his scruff, result of forsaking the shaver for two days, against the tender skin under his collarbone, Merlin jumps at the pleasure.

The tingle it causes, combining with the one inside, is delicious and heightened when Arthur places a slow sucking kiss on the spot, finishing with a blow of cool air. Merlin's whole body reacts like wildfire, writhing under Arthur's hold, his whole being anticipating the next touch. And Arthur does it again and again, covering every bit of skin he can reach. Merlin's breathing gets more and more ragged, his breath hitching with every caress.

"Arthur." He mumbles, his eyes closed in total surrender. When the blond stops and momentarily moves away, Merlin groans, bereft of Arthur's touch, but before he can complain, Arthur's fingers hook in his underwear and pull it off very slowly. Merlin lets out a wanton sigh, his straining erection bobbing between them.

Arthur chuckles quietly as he kneels down next to Merlin. But instead of touching where Merlin needs it most, he devotes himself to the exploration of his legs. He skims his fingertips over the delicate skin on his ankles first, slow and sensuous and working his way up, stroking and teasing, his finger rubbing the soft leg hair against his skin. When Arthur reaches the inside of Merlin's thighs, he peppers small kisses on each of them, stopping short where Merlin's legs meet the body, barely flicking his tongue across the imaginary line.

Merlin groans breathlessly as goose bumps race up and down his limbs and his body quivers at every stroke and every lick. He aches for Arthur's touch, aches for him with every fibre of his body. His hands roam over Arthur's back and his shoulders, until the desperation to be closer takes over and he pulls the blonde up to him, fusing their bodies together. Arthur moans quietly as Merlin's mouth attacks him relentlessly, but he gives back as good as he gets, sending tiny sparks of electricity down south.

"Mercy...," Merlin gasps a second later when Arthur starts nipping the outer shell of his ears, first the right and then the left, using his teeth to render Merlin ultimately helpless. "Taking advantage…," Merlin rasps between rapid pants, his cock twitching at every little nip.

Merlin's on the cusp of losing it totally and in desperate need of skin to skin friction, but Arthur seems determined on ruining him completely. When his teeth graze his nipple, Merlin cries out, his body arching towards his lover. Arthur scrapes his scruff over the erect bud, before his eager tongue lavishes its attention on it. When the cool puff of air hits Merlin's nipple last, he lets out a sound, so embarrassing he blushes from top to toe.

Merlin's over sensitised skin is all flushed in a heightened state of arousal. "Arthur." Merlin lets out the stiffled moan in an effort to stay sane, his fingers gripping the soft linen underneath as if it would help him to stay grounded. Just one more touch will push him over the edge, he's sure of it. Arthur's apparently come to the same conclusion because he pauses to let Merlin's body cool.

"Please," Merlin mumbles into the pillow, aware there's one thing he wants just now, more than anything else. Arthur's never pushed him into anything in their love making, giving freely what Merlin wanted. He's never brought this up, whether out of consideration to Merlin's healing body or for some other reason, Merlin doesn't know. But now is the moment to settle this.

"Make me yours." Merlin stammers, searching for Arthur's eyes. The blond leans back to throw him hesitant glance. He's leaving the decision to me, the unselfish fool, or…?

"You want to?" Merlin asks shyly, suddenly unsure of Arthur's reaction.

"Fuck, Merlin. I want you so much it hurts." Arthur lets himself fall next to him, and Merlin rolls round so they face each other.

"Why did you never …?"

Arthur pushes a lock of hair out of Merlin's face and pulls him flush to his body. "This is your call, not mine," he whispers. "I didn't want to steam-roller you into something you might not want. And your body needed to recover, so…"

Merlin draws tiny circles at the nape of Arthur's neck, before letting his fingers run through his hair tenderly. Now it is Arthur's turn to get utterly flustered. "You're sure you want this?"

"I love you." The reply comes out as a rumble. "And I want to be yours. In every way." The desire flowing between them is tangible, and their bodies are more than aware of it. Merlin captures Arthur in a blinding kiss, and only lets him go when they both pant so heavily they have to come up for air.

"Love you, too." Arthur's voice crackles with emotion, his thumb stroking Merlin's cheek and jawline. Merlin shudders, his head buried on Arthur's shoulder, lost in nuzzling his neck and chest.

Before Merlin can even formulate another thought, Arthur flips him over onto his stomach, burying his leaking length underneath him. The pressure against the mattress relieves the ache to some extent, but not for long, as Arthur brushes his fingers along Merlin's sides, conscientiously exploring each dimple and each plane of muscle along the way. His lips follow closely behind, nipping and licking at his skin, leaving Merlin ravenous for more. His whole body is on fire, tingling, aroused and so close.

Merlin turns round again to lie on his back when Arthur leans over to the bedside table to fish out a condom and some lube. He holds his breath when he notices Arthur's hands trembling. A man like Arthur who's had countless lovers, a man way more skilful than him when it comes to this, is nervous. Nervous for him. Nervous because of him. If Merlin wasn't head over heels in love already it would have happened now.

"You're gorgeous," Arthur whispers, as his experienced hands lift Merlin's hips to push a pillow underneath.

"Who's talking?" Merlin gulps, before he hands himself over to Arthur in body and mind.

He quivers when the chill of the cool lubricant comes in contact with his heated body, but Arthur's fingers are well versed in this kind of game, and he prepares Merlin painstakingly slow, opening him up gradually, with the utmost of dedication. And Merlin revels in the new sensations Arthur's teasing out of his body, trembling from the intimacy of the feeling, getting greedy for more with each push. He almost weeps with wanton when Arthur finally lines up and slowly enters into the heat of his body, careful and gentle, and holding back. But Merlin wants more already, wants it all, now.

He pushes against Arthur, urging him on, the move eliciting a stifled moan out of his lover. And Arthur understands. He starts moving inside Merlin, slowly first, then striking a rhythm that builds up a sensation so raw and intense, it rips a tirade of husky moans out of Merlin's throat.

Arthur bends down to him, pushing harder and deeper while seeking Merlin's lips for the ultimate connection. A wrestling of lips, a tangle of tongues, the tingle urging through them like a life wire, their magic dancing around each other in rapture, it's all too much, and they both can't hold back any longer.

One touch of Arthur's hand is all Merlin needs to explode with pleasure, his release leaving him breathless and dizzy, rattling him to the very bone of his existence. Arthur cries out Merlin's name in an agonized groan a second later, quivering uncontrollably as he spills inside their joint bodies. He collapses on Merlin with a shuddering breath, his heavy warmth and the scent of his aroused skin enveloping Merlin completely. Nothing can be better than this. Nothing.

They remain motionless for a while, holding on to each other, mumbling words of endearment, until Arthur slips out of Merlin to head for the bathroom. He returns with a damp, warm cloth and cleans Merlin tenderly before embracing him as if he was the most precious thing on earth.

"Wow," Merlin mumbles, half-dazed and sated, and unable to utter anything else as he rides out the last waves of the afterglow.

"You're mine." Arthur says softly, looking at him helplessly fond while he presses a chaste kiss into the corner of Merlin's mouth.

"Always," Merlin whispers drowsily, before he snuggles into Arthur. His Arthur. This is where he's meant to be, this is where he's at home and where he wants to stay. Just on the verge of drifting off he hears Arthur chuckle quietly into his ear.

"See, now THAT's what I call 'agreeable'."

Merlin manages to lift an eye-lid, a huge, cheeky grin on his lips. "Still don't get it. Explain it to me again tomorrow."

And then he lets out a snort and a sigh of content before he wraps himself tightly into Arthur's arms and dozes off, blissfully at ease with himself and the world.


However, before you go, here's a short update on what happened next:

Arthur was sworn in as Governor two months after Uther's funeral, his appointment fully supported by the press and the public alike.

His first action in office was to set up a Committee raising awareness for magic and furthering the relationship between MUs and the rest of the population. Documentaries about the Serum, explosive fly on the wall reports about the powers of magic, lectures in schools, the inclusion of healers in hospitals were all part of a campaign to educate the public about the truths of the Serum and magic.

Merlin accepted the offer to head the Committee together with Gwaine, Hunith and Percival's wife, Karyn. He worked with Arthur on all questions and issues relating to magic as his closest and most trusted advisor.

But, with chemistry remaining one of his greatest passions – besides Arthur, if you asked him - he also returned to the Institute to work there part time together with Gaius.

Arthur and Merlin announced their engagement a year after Uther's funeral. They bought a house on the outskirts of Camelot not long after, making it their permanent home. They still spend a lot of their free time at the Lake Cottage.

Morgana finished her university degree and readily joined the Committee straight afterwards, working restlessly for the cause of bringing MUs and non-magical folk together. She didn't date for a whole year, but started seeing a mystery man shortly after Merlin and Arthur's engagement. Merlin and Arthur have been quizzing her on his identity ever since.

Leon was promoted to Minister of Justice and moved into Arthur's flat at the Ministry. He eventually became the longest serving Minister in Camelot's history.

Gwaine loved being involved in the PR work of the Committee, and spent long hours organizing meetings, lectures and TV programmes. He's been repeatedly seen with Sefa recently, but denies any involvement at the moment.

Percival was offered promotion, but turned it down to remain Arthur's protector and bodyguard. He and his family moved into a lodge at the edge of Arthur and Merlin's new estate, looking after the two most powerful men in Albion together with Fiodor who also remained faithfully at Arthur's side.

Hunith found a new lease of life in her work for the Committee. She particularly excelled in one to one consultations with people in fear of what a world without the Serum might do to them. Her calm assured way, her compassion and the fact she was the mother of a very powerful sorcerer without having magic herself, gave her a credibility hardly matched by anyone else.

Gaius continued working at the Institute for another one and half years before he finally retired. In the course of the following year he wrote a paper that became an immediate bestseller all over Albion. His "Understanding the Serum: salvation or condemnation?" became the most read chemical report of all times.

Of course, if you decide in your mind that things happened quite differently - it's totally up to you! :)

Thank you! And if you have a minute, I'd love to hear your final thoughts!