Remember to read chapter 19, "Goodbye, My Dear Elsa" before you read this :)

Seven years later...

Third Person's POV

His phone buzzed violently. Grunting, he reached out from the comfy bed to the bed drawer, grabbing the phone. The caller ID was Esmeralda, the receptionist at the hospital he's working for.

"Jack! You're still in bed?"

"Yeah, I have a day off today, tomorrow and so on. I have the whole week, bitch." He groaned, rubbing his eyes.

"Watch your mouth. I know you're having a week off, so that's why I'm calling."

"To ruin my peaceful sleep, I know."

"No, Jack. I think my brother Quasimodo has found her."

"Who?" Jack's voice suddenly lowered. He knew who Esme was referring to, but he still asked anyway.


"But... How? We've been searching for her for goddamn years! How could a high schooler like him find her so fast?" He gasped.

"Long story. Get your ass off bed and drive to the hospital. I'll tell you everything, and you must find her within today. Chances only come once."

Then, Esmeralda hung up.

Jack bolted out of bed, quickly rinsed himself and dressed up. He didn't want to miss the chance, and he rushed as fast as he could to his shiny black Audi, and raced as fast as possible to the hospital. He decided to skip breakfast, though unhealthy. But Elsa's much more important than a meal.

"You're fast, Dr. Frost." Esmeralda greeted him with a smirk.

"Tell me everything." He growled in a hoarse voice, not bothering to step out of the car, as he was ready to drive immediately once he got Elsa's location.

"Calm down, doctor. Quasimodo's just got back from a trip to rural Los Angeles. You know, he's really close to our local church bishop. The bishop took Quasimodo to a convent. He kind of made friends the-"

"STOP STALLING AND TELL ME WHERE SHE IS!" Jack screamed into Esme's face with such great impatience.

"K, sorry. He told me that he made friends with everyone in the convent, almost all of the nuns. But there was a woman. He said that she was too distant. She never spoke, or interacted at all. She's pretty young, about your age, and she has a seven years old daughter named Eira."

A daughter named Eira?

Esme then continued. "When Quasimodo asked little Eira her mother's name, she answered it was Snezhana. Snezhana Vinters. I wasn't actually into his story, until he mentioned that Snezhana was blind. That's when I realised that this Snezhana lady might be Elsa."

"She must be Elsa!" Jack blurted out. "Her mother was going to name her Snezhana because she was born in winter. The last name Vinters is Norwegian for her actual surname Winters." His face hardened. "Where's that convent?"

Esmeralda handed him a piece of paper. "Here. Better be quick. Good luck."

"Thanks." Jack grinned in victory, then raced forward to the given address. It was right in Los Angeles, where he had been residing all along!

In his head, he drew a plan. Smirking, he took out his phone and dialled his assistant.

"Merida, prepare a surgery chamber tomorrow. Tell the staffs Dr. Frost is going to have an important transplant. Emphasise the word important."

"Yes, sir. I assume you've found my dear friend Elsa?" Merida grinned at the other end of the line.

"Not yet, Mer. But soon." Jack chuckled and hung up.

He fixed his eyes on the highway ahead. Seven years had passed, yet he still felt the sparks growing inside of him.

Since the day Elsa disappeared from his life, he became devastated. She told him she had stopped loving him, but he knew, she was lying. She didn't want him to be bothered by her loss of sight. She didn't want to be his concern. So she had to lie, to push him away and take the pain for herself. Such great sacrifice she'd made.

Jack was hopeless, until he saw that fateful article about corneal transplanting. And from that moment, he decided to dedicate his studying to medic, and studied hard to get in Harvard Medical School. He determined to become a doctor, a surgeon, with the hope that someday he would find her again, and fixed what had been damaged.

And there he was, a successful doctor and surgeon, graduated as the valedictorian from Harvard Medical School. He was on his way to fulfil his hopes, and he'd never let go.

He knew he could do this.

She was sitting on her bed. All she could see was black and black. She sighed, trying to recollect the memories from the past.

It hurt her like hell, but it was a wise decision, she believed. At least now her love could move on and live happily with the one he deserved.


"Yes, Eira?"

"How are you today?" Her seven years old daughter asked with such sweetness in her voice.

"I'm fine, as always, dear." Elsa formed a weak smiled. Keeping the baby was actually a good choice; she was still glad she did. At least, she had something to remember Jack by, to relive the sweet old days when she still knew the presence of happiness.

After losing her eyesight, she decided to secretly leave, not wanting to bother anyone, even her own family. She wandered directionless on the streets, cursing fate for being too cruel, but decided to accept the unfortunate future anyway. A nun found her, and offered to take her to the convent, for a shelter.

Elsa stayed at the convent ever since. The nuns helped her resume her study, and even when she was in labour. Her life had been balanced, but she couldn't stop the sorrow eating her up everyday, when she let her mind revisit the images of her friends, of her family, her sister, or Jack. She wept for herself, for not being able to see her own daughter's face.

To avoid people, she became cold and distant, and even manipulated her daughter to tell the others her fake name, Snezhana Vinters. It was supposed to be her name anyway, until her mother found in an old book the name Elsa.

"Eira." She whispered. "What time is it?"

The little girl looked up to the wall clock. "It's eight in the evening, mama."

"That fast?" She chuckled. "Come here and give mama a goodnight hug."

Eira jumped into her mother's lap, hugging her tight.

"Mama, I only have a wish. I want to meet papa one day. Why can't I see papa?"

Elsa froze. This was the little wish that her daughter had always been telling her since the day she realised that she didn't have a father at all.

"It's because he is an angel, Eira. Angels live in fantasy." Elsa smiled sadly at her daughter.

"My papa is an angel?" Eira asked innocently.

"Yes, dear. He is an angel."

Elsa shakily and clumsily stroked her daughter's hair, until a nun stormed into her room.

"Snezhana, you have a visitor."


That voice...

"It's me. I'm here. I've found you after all these years."

She felt his hand stroking her cheek.

She froze.

"Mama, who is he?" Eira skeptically asked, her tone was a little scared and shy. "Who are you? Are you gonna harm my mama?"

The little girl suddenly stood up in defense.

He looked at the girl, and his eye widened. This was the loveliest girl he had ever seen! She was petite, inherited her mother's beautiful pale blonde hair and potential gorgeousness. Her skin was pale white, but healthy. And her eyes... Looked exactly like his. Crystal, icy blue, with several drops of deep seawater scattered across.

His daughter.

"Eira." The white-haired man spoke, his voice was cool and frosty, just like freshly fallen snow. "You must have wished to meet me, at least once, right?"

Elsa was still frozen at her spot.

Little Eira gasped. "P-papa?"

Jack smiled and nodded. "I can't believe that I could finally meet my own daughter."

He then extended a hand, then jokingly grinned. "I'm Jackson Overland Frost, your papa. Nice to meet you!"

"Papa! You came from fantasy land for us!" Eira jumped into his lap, clinging on him.

Elsa could feel a tear slipping out of her eye. She slowly rose from her seat and held out a hand, in attempt to touch him. Again.

"Alright, Eira. Papa is happy to see you. But papa needs to talk to mama in private, so why don't you go out and play with the nuns for a while?"

"Okay!" The little girl giggled and rushed out of the room.

"Jack." Elsa finally managed to speak. "Didn't I tell you that we'd be better off without each other?"

"Yes, you did. But you were wrong. I was miserable when you stepped out of my life. Don't you know how terrible it could be?"

"I know, Jack. I know it. I've been living with it, too. The feelings were too much to handle."

Then she mentally slapped herself. She's just revealed to him that she was miserable without him. After seven years, she still loved him so much. The feeling was still fresh and new to her.

"I've searched for you everywhere, you know. Thanks to my friend Esmeralda and her brother, I've found you, here. Think you could fool me with the name Snezhana? You've underestimated me, Elsa."

"Oh." It was all she could ever manage to say.

"Actually, I come by to see how you're doing. Also to tell you the news."

"I'm doing fine, Jack. But what news are you gonna tell me."

"I'm getting married."

Elsa felt her inner self shattering into countless pieces. There he said it. He was moving on over her.

"Congratulations." She smiled weakly and sadly. "She must be so lucky."

"No, Elsa. I'm the one who's lucky to have her. She's so perfect, and there's nothing I could do enough to deserve her love." He spoke softly.

"I'm happy for you." She said, in a dry, lifeless tone. She was trying so hard not to break into sobs in front of him.

"Thanks. Look, it's getting late, so I'd better leave. I'm eager to introduce you to the future Mrs. Frost. I gotta go now, but we will meet again. Bye, Elsa." Jack stroke her cheek and gave her a warm hug.

However, all she could felt was the cold.

After he left, she buried her face into the pillow and sobbed until sleep took over her.



"Elsa. Can you see me?"

Elsa opened her eyes, sat up from the bed and almost screamed at what she saw.

There was everyone. Her friends, her sister, everyone!

She was no longer blind.

"Mama!" Eira shouted and poked her head up. "Can you see me?"

Elsa gasped. There her daughter was. The sweet, lovely Eira. She could finally see her daughter's delicate face.

A tear fell from her eye. Then another.

"I-I can see..." She choked out. "I can see!"

Everyone bear hugged her. Until then, she realised she was in a hospital.

"Guys, can I have some private moments with Elsa, please?"

Jack was at the door, in his doctor blouse and outfit, crossing his arms. "It won't be long. I promise."

Anna nodded and gestured everyone out, even Eira, leaving Jack with Elsa alone in the room.

"I see your eyes are working again." He smirked. "My first corneal transplant surgery seems successful, huh?"

Elsa gasped. "You did all of this?"

"Of course. Why would I wear this stupid outfit and be here? I'm now a surgeon. Sorry. Forgot to tell you." He grinned sheepishly. "I didn't leave afterwards, you know. I waited for you to fall into slumber, then took you and Eira here, of course with the permission of the nuns. The rest, you already know."

She nodded, then took a good look at his face. He was still the same, yet different. He became much more handsome than she could ever imagine, yet he was still her beloved Jack Frost, only slightly older. The mischievous sparks were still in his eyes.

His body was more toned. He was a little taller, too. She noticed them all.

"Th-thank you." She stuttered. "For fixing me. I'd do anything for you in return."

Jack smirked. "Shall we meet the future Mrs. Frost?"

Elsa then let the pain wash over her again. Right. He was getting married.

But she nodded anyway.

"Close your eyes." He demanded.

She shut her eyes tight, praying that she wouldn't have to open them to face the woman who was going to be Jack's wife.

Then she heard some sounds. His fiancé must be here.

"Elsa, open your eyes. I'd like you to meet the future Mrs. Frost." He cooly whispered, stroking her hair.

She didn't want to, but forced herself to open her eyes. She was curious to see this lucky woman.

When she opened her eyes, in front of her, was really a woman.

Pale blonde hair.

Snow white skin.

Faint freckles and blushes.

Big icy blue eyes.

Elsa bursted into tears. She knew this face so well. Even though she had been blind for a while, she still recognised this face.

The face was in a mirror.

How could she not recognise this face?

Her own face.

Jack pulled the mirror away and forcefully crashed his lips on hers, muffled her sobs. He stroked her cheek gently, then whispered between kisses.

"Elsa, marry me."

It was a demand, not a question.

She realised that she couldn't live without him again.

"I will."

Dear manly journal, I've abandoned you for seven years, and I'm sorry for that. But I just want you to know, that I've found my Elsa again, and I'm never letting her go. She's mine. They are mine.

Eira Frost and Elsa Winters Frost are mine.
