Around 3:45am
It had been one of the most amazing nights ever.
It turned out that she had a lot of fun with Randy, they mingled around with the other WWE couples and he held her hand the entire time.
Half of the time she cought Dean starring at there interwined hands but she just brushed it off.
And the food there was not five star quilty (it was nasty) so Randy asked her if she wanted to get out of there and get some real food and she said yes.
(She felt kind of guitly for not telling Aj or Dean she was leaving)
And then they headed back to his hotel and ate, they talked for a while then they played a game of "Never have i ever" and thats how they ended up here,completly naked in his bed, they had definitely had amazing sex (multipule times that night) so amazing that if there was a contest Dean would actaully have some competition.
She really liked Randy and she could have sex with without feeling like guilt was going to eat her alive so those were two huge plus's, but how was Dean going to respond to these new built up emotions.
She flutered her eyes as the sun beamed into the room.
"Good morning beautyful" said Randy.
"Good morning, where you watching me sleep" said Eve with a smile on her face as she stretched.
"It kind of hard not to" said Randy pulling her body closer to his.
"Right answer" said Eve passionatly kissing him on the lips.
"Hey what time is it" said Eve after she broke the kiss.
"Um...around ten" said Randy.
"Oh my god, i have to get back to the hotel so i can get ready for smackdown" said Eve slipping out of the sheets.
Randy watched her every move as she worked to but cloths on her naked body and when she got dressed she went over and kissed him again.
"Call me" she said as she left out of the room.
At the hotel
Eve quietly shut the door hoping not to wake Aj and Dean but to her surprise Dean was sitting on the couch, looking like he had stayed up all night.
"Good morning" said Eve causaly.
"No it's not, where the hell have you been, and don't give me that, i was out with a friend bullsh*t" said Dean angrily.
"Excuse me i am not a 16 year old and frankly you are not my father so why are you so worried about it" said Eve getting a bottle of water out of the refrigerator.
"Well as long as i'm paying for this hotel room i kind of am, and you didn't say anything to anybody last night we didn't know were the hell you were and i stayed up all freakin night waiting for your ass which was a huge waste of my life" said Dean getting up from the.
"I was with Randy okay now you know where i was and you know i was completly safe" said Eve.
"Oh so you and pretty boy went back to his place, i feel so much better now" Dean said sarcasticly.
"Your the one who said we weren't putting a lable on our relationship" said Eve.
"That doesn't mean you go out and have sex with some guy" said Dean.
"Why do you ever care you can do it with Aj anytime you want to but when i do it back i concidered wrong" said Eve.
"Your a hundreded percent right i don't care, you can go out and get as many sexually transmitted diseases as you want, you where nothing but a toy anyway, something to use when i was bored, just another notch on my bedpost" said Dean coldly.
The tears where at the threshold of her eyes as she felt the warm liquid roll down her face with every word he said she tried to stop herself from crying infront of him but it was no use she wrapped her arms around herself as the tears kept falling from her eyes.
"Um...i think i need to leave" she said not able to keep her voice steady.
She went over to the couch and throw all her stuff into her duffel as fast as she could and he stood there and watched her.
When she was done she quickly walked over to the door and opened it before she walked she turned to him.
"You mean't so much more to me" she said as she walk out the door wipping away her tears.
And those words sparked a hint of guilt in Dean.