Hello everyone,

Here is the final chapter for this story. I hope you enjoyed the story.

Chapter Fifty-nine:

Two years later:

Today is Wrestlemania; the biggest pay-per view for WWE. There has been rumors the past month on two big returns. Of course those being the couple who won the crowd hearts during a certain storyline; Lita and Jeff.

Lita and Jeff love their vacation to spend with their children. Lita gave birth nine months after she told everyone that she was expecting. They have a baby girl named Leona Jessica Hardy. She is a cute, behave baby, even though she wasn't inside her mother. She wouldn't let Lita sleep unless Jeff had his arms around them. That was difficult when Jeff had to pick up Matt to bring him to his house. The reason for that was that there was an incident at the prison, so no guards could take him. It was an awkward, tense car ride to North Carolina. At Matt's house, Mickie was waiting for him which cause Jeff to roll his eyes in disappointment. Without saying anything, Jeff dropped him and his bag off to head back to Atlanta to his family.

"Mommy, I think Leona needs you." Joan utters holding her sister who is a year old now.

"Oh, what is wrong, baby?" Lita picks her up from her eldest daughter's arms.

"Mell." Leona says in a cute tone as she giggles. She has been speaking words, however only a few words are clear enough to understand.

"'Mell, what does that mean?" She doesn't understand why she needs her mother for. Most of the time she gets along with her siblings. Lita looks back at her daughter to have a clue. Joan plugs her nose as she makes a disgusting expression while she waves her hand in front of her face. Lita laughs now realizing what her baby needs. "Oh my baby is smelly. Well, that is a quick fix." She walks to the couch to clean her. Before Lita asks for the baby bag, Joan is already beside her with it. "Thank you, sweetie."

Joan and Johnny have been very helpful since they found out about the pregnancy. They have help their father with the chores when Lita was too tired to do them. During the two months before her pregnancy, they let Lita sit back and do nothing while they shower her with love. The day of the birth, they were the ones calm as their parents freaked out. They secretly recorded it all before they showed it at the welcome home Leona party.

"Mommy, will you love Leona more than me?" Joan asks as she hands her mother wipes and a clean diaper.

Lita is shocked by this question. She, along with Jeff, never thought of choosing favourites amongst their children. "Why would you think that, princess?"

"She is yours and daddy's. She came from the both of you while we just been adopted." She lays back on the couch. "She will always have that bond with you two that Joan and Johnny won't have." She explains. Joan always had hidden doubt that now that Leona is born. They will spend more time with her then them.

"Joan-" Lita carries Leona, all clean, smelling good, in her arms. "Look at your necklace." Joan looks down.

"I can't see it." She goes crossed-eyed.

"Lift it up." Lita says with a chuckles.

Joan chuckles as well. "It is a heart pendant." On her last birthday, Jeff and Lita gave her the pendant to always know that they love her. During times where they get upset and yell at her, she will look down at her pendant to know they always love her.

"Now, what did we say about it when your sister was born?"

"Everyone will get equal time no matter what. You and daddy will never favourites amongst you all." Joan restates.

"Yup, so you don't worry about being left out." She waves her over to her. "You two are my two babies, don't forget that."

"Oan; J-oan." Leona speaks out as she climbs into her sister's lap.

"That is right, baby." She pokes her nose as Leona cutely giggles.

"Now, you take care of her while I get ready for my match." She stands up.

"You are going to kick butt, mommy." Joan is fully confident that her mother will win her match. She, as well is very excited to watch her very first live Wrestlemania.

"Kick butt." Leona repeats.

"That is right, mommy is kicking daddy's butt if he isn't here soon." She takes their words out of context.

"Phew, I dodge a bullet there." Jeff wipes his brow as he and Johnny enter.

"Dad-da." Leona squirms in her sister arms to get to her father. She is the biggest daddy's girl ever. During the first few months, Jeff would always care for her when she was upset.

"There are my two princess, I hope mommy changed you." He grins knowing she did smell.

"How, is that why you took Johnny to visit the locker room?" Lita inquires.

"Of course not-" Jeff denies. "I saw the baby bag and put them together." He smiles big covering his reason that he did.

"Daddy, can you hold Leona?" Joan struggles to hold her still.

"Come here baby." The instant he picks her up, she snuggles into his body.

"Hmph." Joan huffs. She thought she was the one to calm down her baby sister down.

"Does my princess want a hug too?" Jeff suggest to have Joan perk up as she walks to her father's side.

"Hold on picture time." Lita snaps a picture. When they look back at it, they see Johnny with a funny expression in the background.

"Johnny!" They all yell.

"What?" He acts all innocent. Joan shows him the picture. "Oh, I thought I was part of the picture." He grins very adorably.

"John funny." Leona giggles at his action.

"That is right, Leona funny Johnny." He tickles her stomach to have her giggle.

"Yup, funny-"Johnny covers his sister's mouth. He doesn't want to let Leona hear that he is funny looking. Leona is in her copycat phrase repeating certain words.

"Hello." Jamie opens the door.

"Hi Jamie, is there something wrong?" They all wonder.

"Mommy said that we should take our seats." She informs them.

"It is still half an hour till then the show starts." Johnny answers looking at his watch for his last birthday.

"She wants extra time just in case something happens."

"Oh right, go on we will see you later." She lets them go.

"Come on, baby sister let us go see your Godmother." Johnny carries her.

Lita and Jeff assign Michelle to be the Godmother along with Trish while Christian and John are Godfathers.

"We are here." Jamie announces at Edge's dressing room.

"There is my Goddaughter." Michelle reaches out for her. Edge takes her into his arms for Michelle to talk to.

"Baby." Leona points to Michelle's stomach.

"That is right, sweetie." Michelle confirms. During those two years, Michelle and Edge's relationship grew deeper as time passes. Edge did get custody too to be a father to Jamie. They celebrated with a trip to Wisconsin's famous waterpark. After that, Edge and her announce their engagement during Jamie's birthday party; it was other birthday gift besides the pendant. During their honeymoon, Michelle was either on top of Edge or in the bathroom. When they arrived back, the doctor's results prove that Michelle was already five weeks pregnant.

"So I guess you are all heading to your seats." Edge acknowledges the Hardy children's presence.

"Yes we are." Michelle tries to get up being already five months pregnant.

"You be careful alright." Edge kisses her on the lips. "I will see you guys later on."

"We will all be careful." Michelle rubs her stomach.

"Leona-" Edge looks at her as she smiles. "You watch out for them, you don't let them do anything dangerous, alright." He warns. Her answer is to grab his cheeks as she nods. "Great, off you go." He hands Leona back to Johnny.

"This match is set for one fall. The winner will face Mickie later on tonight for the Women's title." Lilian Garcia announces. Time to rock and roll plays as the crowd erupts into cheers. "Introducing first from Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Trish Stratus." The crowd settles down to wait for her opponent. Lovefuypassionenergy plays throughout the arena to have everyone up off their feet to see if it is actually her. The music dies down disappointing some fans. Mickie comes out afterwards with a chuckle.

"Did you really think she would return now? She is off playing house with her backstabbing husband." She divulges. The crowed boos at her statement. "It is the truth. Now you all can watch me defeat Trish later on tonight because she has no opponent."

Lovefurypassionenergy plays again to have Lita come out. The crowd bellows in delight to have her return. Mickie is shocked by her appearance not believing that she is here. Lita soaks up everything before she turns to Mickie to point to the title before she heads down the ramp.

"And her opponent, from Atlanta, Georgia; Lita."

"There is mommy." Joan points to her mother as she approaches them. She gives each one of her children a kiss.

"Mom, kick butt?" Leona asks already proud of her mother.

"Yes baby."

They lock up as Mickie is now at the announcement table.

"Are you surprise about this, Mickie?" King inquires.

"No, are you kidding me? I guess Jeff got tired of her presence and told her to come back." She insults.

"I am guessing you want her to win." Cole utters.

"Of course, she has been out of action for two years. She will be rusty which means an easier match for me. No one is taking this title from me." She speaks in confidence.

Twenty minutes later, Lita hits the Lita moonsault to get a two count.

"Oh so close." Mickie commentates with a snap of her fingers.

"Mickie, are you still dating Matt?" King wonders.

"That is none of our business, King. How about you call the match instead of asking personal questions.

"Ooo, Lita just knock Trish into the ring post." Michael Cole announces.

"So Mickie, how would you feel if your title is on the line in a triple-threat macth?" King continues to interview Mickie.

"It won't be I'll make sure of it." She gets up to throw Trish into the steel steps. The referee is with Lita in the ring and didn't see the interference. Lita looks at Mickie as she puts Trish back in the ring. She sets her up for a Twist-of-Fate which gives her the victory; the referee raises Lita's hand.

Mickie slow claps to congratulate her. They have an intense stare down before Lita leaves to celebrate with her family. "I guess I have an easy win." Mickie declares before heading backstage to prepare.


"You did great, mommy." Joan delivers in a cheerful mood.

"Mom, kick butt." Leona cutely smiles.

"I did." She takes Leona from Johnny.

"You did great, you will beat bad, mean Mickie." Johnny positively tells her mother.

"Yeah right." Mickie rebuts joining them.

"What do you want, Mickie?" Lita doesn't seem kind with her presence.

"I want to congratulate you on your victory." She answers not affected by her mood.

"Well thank you, I hope you don't think I am an easy opponent being out of action for two years."

"I did." She admits.


"Hey Mickie." Christian pecks her cheek.

"Hey baby, are you going to see my match later?" She wraps his arms around her.

"Of course I will. I will not miss my girl's matches."

"Hey Christian, you will be in Mickie's corner?" She wonders.

"Yup, while Jeff will be in yours." Lita nods. "May the best woman win."

"Mr. Christian." Jamie calls out running towards him.

"There is my niece." He picks her up. Edge and Christian consider themselves brothers, so Christian is an uncle to her.

"You are facing Auntie Lita later." Jamie holds onto Christian's neck.

"Not me, but Auntie Mickie is." He corrects.

"She is not Auntie Mickie." Jamie whispers

"We walked about this." Christian whispers back. "She is my girlfriend."

"I still don't believe she loves you." She is concern for him. She doesn't want him to be hurt.

"Our relationship is still fresh, we only still like each other. For me will you keep an open mind." He appeals to her good nature.

"Fine." She huffs with crossed arms.

"Thank you." He kisses her forehead. Joan hugs him while she sticks her tongue out at Mickie. Seeing this, Edge gives her a stern look signaling that is wrong.

"I guess I have to wait longer for a welcome from her." Mickie sighs.

"Don't worry you will, just be patient. To her you are still the one who betrayed everyone with Matt."

"I know and I am sorry. After him doing what he did to me, I truly regret my actions. I should have just gone to Christian instead of giving him another chance." Mickie waited for Matt at his house to give him another chance. It started off great until the house arrest became too much for him to beat. He would take out all his frustration out on her; either physically or sexually. At first she let him, but as it progress, Matt wouldn't say anything he would just hold her down. Christian, one day, saw bruises and Mickie's attitude grew quiet. He finally convinced her to leave him after he found her collapse on the floor. The night she did, she went to Christian's to give him a big kiss of appreciation.

"You never have to think about that again." Christian kisses her on the lips.

"I wish I could have figured everything out when we kissed in the ring." She pouts.

"Me too."

"This match is for the women's championship." Lita's music plays. "First the challenger from Atlanta, Georgia, accompanied by Jeff Hardy; Lita." She does her regular entrance before she waits for Mickie to come out. "The champion from Richmond, Virginia, accompanied by Christian; Mickie James."

The match starts with a lock-up. Mickie out powers Lita twice as she cackles each time.

"I was right this will be an easy match." She kicks Lita while she is down.

"King, Mickie is right Lita has been gone for too long. Ring rust can be a very big factor in this match." Cole mentions.

"With a big match like this at Wrestlemania, it is not a good thing. Although, remember Lita had to defeat Trish Stratus for the opportunity at the women's title. We all know that Trish is not an easy competitor."

"That is true, King, but Mickie is the champion. She told us that no one will take the title from her. She recognized the ring rust and with the pressure to become champion in front of her family at this event may be the Achilles' heel for her."

"As we have seen family can be a great motive, so don't count out Lita just yet."

As the match continues, Mickie is mostly in control with minimal opportunities for Lita to go on the offensive. Mickie mocks Lita as she inflicts more pain to her already sore body.

"You have wasted an opportunity for another wrestler to compete at Wrestlemania. You don't deserve this shot." She mocks in true heel fashion.

Lita pulls herself up again. She looks at her family as they are in shock at the current situation. Leona is in Johnny's arms with a sad expression. He covers her sister's eyes ever hit their mother takes. Joan and Jamie look into Lita's eyes as they are concern for her. Michelle, on the other hand, puts a brave face on. She stands up to shout 'Come on Lita.'and claps her hands three times. She repeats this as everyone starts to shout and clap to support and will Lita to take the advantage. Mickie tries to qute down the crowd, but the chant grows louder. Lita feels the strength as she stops Mickie's punches. The crowd cheers when Lita hits Mickie and boos when Mickie hits Lita. this time Lita gets the upperhand as she swings her to the ropes for a clothesline. She picks her up as she hits Mickie's head on all four turnbuckles. Everyone cheers that Lita is on the offense.

"See Cole, you never underestimate Lita. Her motive is to not only win the title however make her family proud of her. This is the final aspect in this whole storyline; winning the title at Wrestlemania in front of her family. This will give them the closure they need." King discloses.

The match continues with Lita on the offensive until Mickie pokes her in the eye. Mickie chuckles as she Mick Chicks her. Joan and Jamie boos the loudest as the cheap trick. Mickie, seeing Lita still down, goes to them to argue. She insults them about her family. This fuels anger in her as she suicides dives through the ropes into Mickie.

"That is what you get." Joan and Jamie divulges. Lita kisses her children on the forehand before she brings Mickie back in the ring. Mickie tries to clothesline her, but Lita blocks it to perform a standing Hurricanrana. Everyone cheer 'That was awesome' at the maneuver. Lita pulls her in the middle of the ring to get a two count. She can't believe Mickie kicked out. Afterwards, she climbs to the rope to perform her Moonsault. Her children, as well as Jamie and Michelle, look concern with her executing the move; Mickie it quite far. Lita looks at them again, moreover this time Leona says

"Kick butt, mommy."

This gives her the confidence to know she can land it. She backwards flips to land on Mickie's stomach.

"I-" The crowed counts with the referee. "2" To Lita it seems like the count is going so slow. "3" The referee signals for the bell.

"Your winner and new Women's Champion, Lita."

Everyone enthusiastic jumps up from their seats that Lita is the new champion. The referee hands her the title before he raises her hand in victory. Jeff helps their family over the barricade to come celebrate with Lita.

"Mommy you did it." Joan gets to Lita first extremely proud of her mother.

"I did sweetie do you want to hold?" Lita suggest. This title is about all of them not just her. Joan expression is speechless. She can't believe she is going to hold a real WWE title. Lita hands it to her as Jeff holds her up with the weight might be too much for her.

"It is beautiful." Joan expresses.

"Here princess." Jeff puts the title around her waist. "Baby, look at our new champion." He calls out to Lita.

Lita looks back to see her oldest daughter. She is in tears so emotional at the daughter appearance in front of her. "Mommy, are you okay?" She nods picking up their little champion.

"Me too." Leona request in Johnny's arms.

"Of course, baby girl." He takes her in his arms to stand by Lita with the title spread across both of their waist.

"There are my two champion sisters." Johnny smiles a very proud son and brother.

"John, pic." Leona request waving him over.

"Auntie Michelle, please."

"Of course."

"Jamie, you too." Lita waves her over.

"Here, Michelle go with them." Christian jokingly grabs the camera.

Matt is at home watching the celebration. "You could have been with them." His guard break the news to him.

"Yah, I should have been there if I didn't screw up." Matt admits.

"You are correct however you are not." After Mickie dump him, he just didn't care for anything. He kept on leaving his property to go to the bars to get drunk. He would not go to his anger management classes and would still seek revenge on everyone. Two months ago, after forced to spend an only a week in jail, Matt had an change of heart; a sense of calm overcame him. He doesn't have the revenge seeking mind anymore. What he does have is remorse and regret. As he watches, he can only blame himself for not being part of his family. He should have actually done the right thing and not act like he did.

For those who are waiting for Secret Exposed to be updated, it will be updated next.