Gohan's New Life

Disclaimer: I don't own Dbz

Chapter 2: First Day of School

Location: Mountain District 439, Son House

Time: 6:00am

Gohan is peacefully sleeping on his bed. Suddenly, Goten jumps on him in order to wake him up.

"Bwg brothah wake up its 8:30 And you won't be able to eat" yells Goten.

As soon as Goten said that Gohan's eyes shoot open. He jumps off his bed and runs through the house, mouthing the words "I am late" over and over again. He passes by a clock. Gohan stops mid run and walks back to see the clock. The clock indicates it's 6:00 am.

"Guess is that mom was behind this," Gohan thinks as he shakes his head with a smile.

He walks to the bathroom and has a shower. When he finishes he dries himself off. He wraps the towel around himself and heads to his room. He puts on some simple clothes for the day. Before he leaves his room he attaches a badge to the left corner of his T-Shirt and grabbed his book bag. He then proceeds to the kitchen.

When he arrives at the kitchen he sees Goten at the table with a plastic spoon in his left hand, a plastic fork in his right hand, and a piece of a paper towel in his shirt. Gohan leans his book bag against the table and sits down.

"Good morning mom! How are you?" Gohan inquires.

"I am fine Gohan. What about you? Are you ready for school?" Chichi asks, doing the dishes.

"Yes, I am!"

"That's good honey. Now eat up; you don't want the food to get cold do you? Also I packed your lunch for you already," Chichi says with a happy tune.

Gohan proceeds to eat the twenty-four pancakes, twenty eggs, and ten pieces of bacon. He drinks his water to finish it all off. Suddenly there is a knock at the door.

"Who is knocking at the door at 6:45 in the morning." yells Chichi as she gets her frying pan of doom and starts to run toward the door.

She proceeds to open the door and slams the frying pan thrice at the victim's head, who just happens to be Mirai.

"Poor Mirai," Gohan sighs. "Even a super saiyan couldn't escape that frying pan."

"Oh it's only you Mirai. I thought it was a stranger," Chichi smiles. "Gohan it's for you!"

Gohan puts the glass cup on the table grabs his book bag and lunch capsule. He puts one strap on, then the other, and walks out the door with Mirai.

"Sorry about that Mirai," Gohan chuckles. "So are you ready for school"

"Oh I am how about you, you should have been more careful about powering down in front of the police now the whole world knows who you are," replies Mirai

"I know, I know. Now are we flying or are we running" Asks Gohan

"We are flying to the entrance of the metropolis then we walk," Mirai decides.

"Fine by me."

Location: Hercule City, Metropolis Entrance

Time: 7:10am

As soon as Gohan and Mirai arrive at Hercule city they land and start walking. About 8 minutes into their walk Gohan notices a huge police presence in front of the bank. Gohan looks around for a place for the two to transform. He isn't going to let anything bad happen while he's around! He finds an alley suitable enough for the job. Gohan signals Mirai to follow him to the ally. The two rush over to the alley before Gohan comes up with a plan.

"Hey Mirai I am going to stop that robbery over there, and you're my back-up. Make sure you're in super saiyan mode. They may know me but they don't know you, got it."

"Got it," Mirai nods.

Mirai focuses for a moment before his transformation begins. His hair raises up and turns golden. He gives a thumbs up to Gohan, signaling he's ready.

Gohan and Mirai then fly's toward the bank and Gohan lands on in front of the criminals but behind the police officers. Meanwhile Mirai stays flying in the air going in circles.

The five thugs don't notice Gohan yet.

"Man these cops are so stupid they make things so easy for us," one thug says to his buddy as they load up a truck full of money.

One of them notice Gohan out of the corner of their eye. Three of them turn around and point their MP-5s at him.

"Get out of here kid or we will kill you!" One shouts.

"Put the weapons down you low life scums!" yells Gohan

"Ha! Don't make us laugh! What is a kid like you going to do to us there is five of us and only one of you." yells the robber with a smirk in his face.

"Although this kid looks a lot like Gohan the kid who beat cell," the same thug ponders.

"Okay, Have it your way." Gohan smirks.

Gohan charges at the robbers knocking, the one to the left unconscious with a punch to the face. He continues his assault by slamming his knee into the stomach to the one in the center, knocking him unconscious as well. Finally he sends his elbow to the face of the robber to the right, rendering them all unconscious.

The two remaining robbers enter the armored truck in an attempt to get away.

"I don't think so!" Gohan shouts.

Mirai flies to the driver's side of the armored truck.

"I suggest you pull over," he warns them.

They ignore him and go faster in an attempt to loose Mirai. Mirai sighs and fires a small ki blast, destroying the rear wheel of the truck. It spins out of control and flips onto its side. It slides across the ground until they smack into a street lamp. Mirai lands beside the truck and walks up to the door. He rips the driver door out of the armored truck and tosses it close by.

He proceeds to grab the two robbers and grabs them and carries them both on his shoulders. He flies to the nearby police chief and places their bodies on the ground. Before anyone could say anything, Gohan and Mirai fly far away.

Location: Orange Star High School, Inside Classroom 215

Time: 7:45

A man with a beard and a mustache stands in front of a chalkboard. He looks to be in his early sixties. He is teaching English, and his name is Mr. Lawrence. The class is quiet, all listening to him. The Principal walks in, disrupting the class.

"Sorry for interrupting Mr. Lawrence, but today we are graced with a new student. He scored a perfect score on the entry exam," the principal states.

He leaves the room and gestures for Gohan to come in.

One of the students, a boy in the back with long blond hair wearing a white T-Shirt and blue jeans named Sharpener, rolls his eyes.

"Oh great another..." but froze when he sees Gohan enter the room.

"Sharpener I highly doubt that is a nerd. He's probably someone you'll want to train with. I know I want to," a girl wearing an oversized t-shirt, pink undershirt with black pigtails, and Biker shorts whispers.

"I guess you have me there, Videl. If I'm not mistaken, that is Gohan. The same Gohan who defeated Cell," Sharpener says.

Gohan walks into the classroom and takes a rather regal position.

"Now introduce yourself to the class, Son Gohan," the principal demands.

"Hello my name is Son Gohan, son of the legendary Son Goku champion of the 23 WMAT and runner up of the 21 and 22 WMAT, and Son Chichi Quarter finalist of the 23 WMAT. My hobbies include Training to improve my skills in martial arts and reading."

"That is nice Son Gohan, now can you sit in the empty seat in the back," Mr. Lawrence says, pointing at the desk.

Gohan walks toward the back of the class and takes a seat in the empty seat between Videl and Sharpener.

Gohan can't ignore the ki emanating from the two next to him.

"You guys are fighters are you not?" Gohan smugly asks.

But before they can answer the teacher stated to teach

Location: Orange Star High School, Lunch

Time: 12:00

The day went as planned for everyone. Gohan met 2 fighters while Mirai met nobody. But right now it is lunch. Gohan and Mirai are walking around the lunch room looking for a place to eat.

"Gohan where do you want to eat?" asks Mirai

"Let's go to the roof. I can't stand these girls all over me just because I beat Cell," Gohan complains.

Mirai laughs. "Yes, because everyone always complains about that. How dare all those women be attracted to you?"

Gohan chuckles at Mirai's mocking. He and Mirai proceed to the roof. They reach the roof and pull out some capsules. They click them and toss them on the ground.


The smoke clears and a monstrous amount of food lays before them. They give each other a quick smirk before chowing down. The two finish and lie down on their backs. They are very satisfied with their meal.

"So Gohan, any luck with finding suitable candidates to train? Sadly, I found nobody," Mirai mentions.

"Indeed I did. I found 2 people, in fact. One is notably stronger than the other. In fact, that one has the strongest ki signature -besides you and me - in the school. The other is also quite strong."

Mirai nods and stares up at the sky once more. Gohan does the same, but can't shake an experience he had earlier today.

"Hey Mirai, did you feel some evil ki signatures? There is about four to five and they were all really strong," Gohan brings up.

Before Mirai could answer the door opens. Videl, Sharpener, and Easra walk out of it. The two sit up and see the three students approach them. Mirai leans close to Gohan.

"I did. I just hope it does not attack."

"Hey Gohan and whoever you are," Sharpener greets.

"Hi guys and girls, this is Mirai. Mirai, the boy with the long blonde hair is Sharpener. The raven haired girl is Videl. She is the daughter of Hercule but surprisingly she is not like him. Last but not least the blonde girl in the Green tube shirt is named Earsa." Gohan explains

"Hi, pleasure to meet you," Mirai smiles.

"Likewise," they say in unison.

Location: Orange Star High School; PE

Time: 1:30

In PE Gohan comes out of the locker room wearing the same outfit he wore at the Cell Games – Piccolo's signature outfit. Mirai was wearing the same gi as Gohan, only without the cape. On the back of both are Gohan's own symbol, which is a cross between Piccolo's symbol and Master Roshi's symbol.

"Alright class, this is the first day of the Martial Arts Unit which will be covered for the next few months!" the gym teacher yells "I want to see were you are. If you have 1 month or more of martial arts training raise your hand."

75 percent of the class raise their hands.

"Okay 1 year or more?" the coach continues.

25 percent if the class keep their hands raised.

"Okay 3 years or more."

Only Mirai, Videl, Sharpener, And Gohan kept their hands raised,

"Okay state your full name, the stances you know, who you trained under, and how many years you trained, or how old were you when you started to train when I point to you," the coach instructs.

He begins by pointing at Sharpener.

"Pencil Sharpener. I know the Hercule stance. I trained under Hercule since I was 10 or for 5 years."

"Satan Videl. I know the Hurcule stance, I trained under my father, Hercule Satan for 9 years or 6 years old."

"Mirai Brief. I know the deamon stance, and the Turtle stance. I trained under Gohan for 5 years."

"Son Gohan. I know the Crane stance, Turtle stance, Demon stance, and have my own stance. I trained in martial arts since I was 4 years old under numerous marital artist such as, Son Goku, Piccolo, Krillin, and Tien shinhan." said Gohan

"Okay, now we will be going outside and we will have a little tournament. The winner gets to help me teach. First it will be Videl vs Gohan then winner of that match will face the winner of Mirai vs Sharpener match." Coach decides.

With that the class exist the building and walks outside. Everybody but the coach, Gohan, Videl, Sharpener and Mirai sit down on the bleachers outside.

Videl and Gohan got into their stance.

"You know that stance is not the ideal stance for your body frame your not as tall as your dad and do not have as much brute strength in your body as your dad the turtle stance would be better for you Inquires Gohan

"Really i never thought about that until now." Replys Vildel

The two stare at each other for a moment, waiting for the coach to start the match. The coach blows the whistle, starting the match.

Videl charges at Gohan and throws a kick at Gohan which Gohan easily blocks. Gohan then brings his knee up and hits Videl in the stomach, which knocks the wind out of her. She grabs her stomach and drops to her knees. The coach blows the whistle and signals Gohan as the winner.

The next match between Mirai and Sharpener ends relatively quickly. It goes the same as Gohan's match, except Mirai uses his fist instead of his knee.

Now it is Gohan and Mirai's turn to fight. The two get on opposite sides and assume their positions. They smile at each other.

"Okay before we fight here are the rules, no ki blast, No transforming and no flying or going too fast got it?" Gohan says, just quite enough for only Mirai to hear.

"Got it" Mirai nods.

Before the fight can begin an explosion occurs in between him and Mirai. Gohan looks through the smoke. Once it clears a little he can see five figures. They have the same feeling as the ones he sensed earlier today.

To be continued

Who are these figures? What do they want with earth? Find out next time on Gohan's New Life!

Episode 2 of the Truth unleashed saga is complete and ends in a cliffhanger.

Now if you want to share and idea on this story please do so in pm.

Also Gohan will be paired with a person you least expect him to be paired with please note it is not Videl.