Silence fell over the snowy landscape, halting even the little bit of snow that was falling from the sky. As soon as she arrived, Tatsumi felt the chill creeping through his armor bits, and the feeling only magnified as it faded away. His initial fears for his daughter was broken as Esdeath's imposing figure stood guard over the young girl. Her crying face soon turned to cautious happiness as she reached up and grabbed at her mother's leg. Leone hadn't moved, fear paralyzing her movements. Kurome couldn't use her arm – even if she could, she wouldn't be able to move fast enough with Esdeath standing there.

Her frosty eyes were replaced with a demonic red as she extended a hand down to Sayo.

The same arm that was once flesh and blood was now a metal construct encased in ice. As Sayo grabbed on, Esdeath looked to him, nodding her head. An understanding passed between them, one that made the chill in Tatsumi's heart evaporate quickly. "I didn't think it would turn out this way," he said, his voice ringing with caution and nervousness.

A few words passed between mother and daughter as the young girl balanced herself on the snow.


"That's right, daughter. I am here. Wipe your tears and watch carefully. This is how I dispatched my enemies."

Even from a distance, Tatsumi could feel the power of Esdeath's strike. When her prosthetic fist caught Kurome, not even the young assassin's attempt to block with her forearms could stop her body from flying across the field and into the stairs. The crunching and shattering of wood as Kurome let out a pained scream made Tatsumi wince. He remembered how much raw power she could generate with that prosthetic in practice – and Kurome took the full brunt.

She lay against the caved-in steps for a long moment, gasping at what would be an immense amount of pain in her forearms. But she was still conscious and that accounted for something. It was something that Sayo watched carefully, as her mother asked of her. As Kurome struggled painfully to get out of her spot, Sayo tore her eyes away from the assassin and back to her mother. The focused gaze in her eyes faded away, softening, as she stared up at her mother.

"Please don't hurt Auntie Leone. I like her."

Esdeath's eyes passed from Kurome to Leone, gauging the blonde who was now in a stance.

"My daughter likes you," Esdeath said, as if each word was pained. "All of my own life lessons have taught me that this was a weakness. I would like to be wrong, but you know what will happen if you attack me. Will you survive a third round of my torture?"

Leone clicked her teeth, but was unwilling to back down from the fight. She was sure Esdeath would kill her…but at least she would get in a hit or two.

For Akame, she told herself, as she prepared to leap into action.

But then Esdeath turned her back.

"The father of my child is more interested in speaking than I am. You may enter my home," she said, stepping past Kurome without a glance. "I'll think of other ways to maim you all in the meantime."

Compared to the cold outside, it felt blissfully warm in the home that had been built for the family of three. Cautious of the beautiful interior that painted the picture of a loving home, Leone took a seat on the soft couch, but she was fully aware of the cold eyes staring at the back of her head. Even with Sayo walking alongside her, one tiny hand clasped around her finger, the lioness knew she was walking on thin ice. The truth of the matter may have been that walking with the little girl perhaps put her life in even more danger.

The cautious was shared by a wounded Kurome, whose eyes kept flickering from her katana to Tatsumi and then back. She was wary and on guard as Tatsumi handed her a roll of bandages and a case of cream.

"Use it," he told her calmly before dragging a chair from the corner of the room to the middle of the floor. He sat the katana down and stared at his former associate/assassin partner. "I'm honestly not even sure why you came here. I cut my ties with anything related back home during that last battle, back when I killed Akame."

The words hung in the air.

For Leone, they stung hard. Nothing could replace the bond that Akame had shared with everyone, and it was unthinkable to think of her as anything but the closest of friends. And perhaps she once felt that way about Tatsumi as well. But those days were over. The affably talking man before her was not the friend she had known – he belonged to her now. It irked Leone to no end that she allowed herself to believe that her friend could never be corrupted in such a way. The powerless she felt, given that she knew that she was once regarded as an amazing fighter, it shook her own confidence. Kurome hadn't begun to apply her first aid, instead watching Tatsumi and then flickered her eyes at the imposing figure standing behind Esdeath.

Why did this woman terrify her so much?

She chanced a look at the former General, and to no surprise, those cold eyes were still staring at her.

Leone tightened her fist. She knew that she was being challenged to a fight, one that was stopped only at the behest of Sayo.

"Esdeath, no blood in our home. You agreed," Tatsumi said.

Yet even his voice couldn't cause Esdeath to break her gaze. The former general simply smirked. "I haven't done anything."

"You've been eyeing her down. We can just have one meeting without having to resort to violence."

"Besides, there wouldn't be any blood if it came down to it. They came here with the intent of harming you. I just don't see the point in letting them have every opportunity to do such a thing. Even now, they're waiting for you to slip up. Like now –" suddenly, she shifted her focus over to Kurome.

Across the room, Kurome froze in place, her body posture leaned over just slightly.

She'd been planning to sprint to her blade, and with such a short distance, she might have been able to do so. But with Esdeath watching her, the assassin could only narrow her eyes in anger. After a short moment of silence, she leaned back against the hard stairs, trying and failing to hide the wince in her expression from crashing through a set of stairs just minutes ago. She took her eyes off the dangerous woman and began to unravel the roll the bandages.

"I would like to not fight anymore," Tatsumi announced. "Why did you come here?"

Leone opened her mouth to reply, said nothing, and then closed it. She wanted to believe that the woman behind her was not going to attack her, but she couldn't shake the thought of it actually happening. She couldn't see what was behind her. She could only feel the immense pressure of someone who gave no qualms about killing. In this close vicinity, it was strong enough that she could almost taste the intent of murder. Esdeath wanted to kill her – no, she wanted to torture her. She surely wanted to fulfill her promise of torment and misery.

Leone could feel cold pricks on her skin.

A cold sweat on the back of her neck broke out.

Her bottom lip trembled in anticipation of the pain to come.

Could she fight back?

Was there even a point to delay the inevitable?

Just as suddenly as the hard pressure came, it faded away. The click of each boot heel as Esdeath walked away from the couch and into the kitchen had relieved most of the pressure that Leone had felt.

"I'll come too," Sayo cheerfully shouted, unaware of the tension as she leapt off the couch and ran into the kitchen.

Leone let out a sigh. "I don't know how you can stand all that killing intent."

"She's not really that bad," he said, cracking a slight smile before letting it go away. "We both know that this won't end with a happy reunion for us. This small little village…it reminds me of home, before I started with you guys in Night Raid…those were easier times, before I met with you."

Leone began twiddling her thumbs as she leaned forward, lips pressed tightly together. She could hardly keep herself from smiling. "I ripped you off. Who have thought you'd be involved with our top assassinations? Some little village kid who knew nothing about how Teigu wielders fought…"

"…it seems so long ago that we fought side by side. Now, I've started a family with our top target."

"And killed one of our best friends."

The stinging words hit Tatsumi hard, wiping away the smile on his face. He didn't open his mouth to speak, as if accepting the fact that he had done something terrible. His green eyes, once full of optimism and light, darkened even in this brightly lit living room. If he meant to atone for it, he showed no signs of regretting any of the actions he had taken. Rather, he looked to Kurome, who met his gaze with an expression of anger.

He opened his mouth, his voice lowering with each sentence.

"Yes, I killed your sister. I wish it hadn't come to that, but it did. I'm sorry…for taking her away."

"My sister was precious to me," Kurome started off as she unrolled the bandage from her arm. "Maybe once, I would have understood and accepted that somebody else did the unthinkable and finished her. But now, I don't have a sister that I had promised to get to see more of. I can't accept that and I can't forgive what you've done."

"I know."

A silence fell upon the room as Kurome finished wrapping the bandage over her wound, foregoing the ointment that she had been handed just minutes earlier. She ripped an end from the roll, tossing it towards Tatsumi. He caught the roll, and in that same moment, flung his free hand to his side.

He was too slow.

Though sheathed its hard case, Kurome made her point. The concealed blade hung at Tatsumi's neck.

"Live with the guilt, murderer," she said lowly. "When you can't anymore, I'll gladly end your life."

Slowly, Kurome peeled the cold sheath away from Tatsumi's throat, her furious eyes never leaving Tatsumi's downtrodden face. She looked as though she wanted to say something more, but the words never seemed to materialize. Backing away from a person whom had been her enemy twice, the young woman exchanged a quick glance at Leone, as if telling her she would be waiting outside. Leone nodded her head in acknowledgement.

It never dawned on the blonde that Kurome forgot about Tatsumi's guardian angel – ever watchful, Esdeath had been peering from the kitchen, and once Kurome had left the front door, resumed whatever duties she had been performing there.

The silence in the living room returned, but the idle chatter between Esdeath and Sayo seemed to alleviate some of the awkwardness between the two remaining assassins. Leone could never accept Esdeath as anything more than just a monster – no, a monster that other similar creatures feared. But listening in to mother and daughter talking a simple thing such as cookies tried to tear away at such notions. She could hear the awkward words of Esdeath as she tried to talk her daughter out of making cookies.

Esdeath had been talking awkward – the concept would never have originated in Leone's mind in this lifetime if she hadn't been listening to it.

Tatsumi suddenly rose from his chair and moved to a cabinet against the wall. "I can't go back to the Empire. Not after…Akame. I had a feeling someone would come, just didn't think you'd bring her sister."

Leone leaned against the chair. "You know, I don't think I can forgive you, either. What makes it so damned hard is that I know why you did it. So…how are we going to end this?"

"I guess…we go our separate ways from here."

"You know they won't let this stand. Najenda's eventually going to send someone after you."

"She won't," Tatsumi declared, opening a drawer. "As far as she knows, it's just me and Sayo living out our lives in a quiet, remote village. Esdeath the general died, as far as they are concerned."

"And just what do you expect me to do while you're living out here? Just go back to my life like normal? I can't forget this pain, Tatsumi. And I can't forget that you killed her."

Tatsumi turned his head ever so slightly. "Are you looking to fight to the end?"

"No…I don't know. I don't know what I want right now," she said, rising from the couch. "It's just that Akame gave her life, and she tried protecting you. I can't forgive what you did, especially your reasons."

"I wouldn't expect your forgiveness. And you're right, I did have my reasons," he pulled a white box from the drawer, turning as he did so. "This is my home. I don't know what to tell you, except, remember that we all fought for what we believed in."

As Tatsumi approached her, she couldn't help but feel as though this was the end of everything between them. She cautiously stared at the box, afraid more of the potentially devastating item she may have found inside. She'd had enough nightmares, and didn't need another one. Leone almost recoiled as Tatsumi sat the box in her lap. Surprise registered over her features as it felt incredibly light on her knees.

It couldn't have been a severed head – the weight was too light.

Leone looked up at Tatsumi, and then down to the box. Cautious of its contents, she opened it slowly, as if hoping not to spring a trap. But as she looked at what was inside, she felt an emotion overtake her, and she reacted. Throwing her arms around Tatsumi's neck, she buried her face against the side of his neck, unable to hold back her tears.

The box had tumbled to the ground, its content spilling out onto the floor.

The red tie that Akame usually wore was split where it would normally hang, no doubt from the decisive blow dealt by Tatsumi.

Leone wanted to curse him. He had killed their friend over an enemy. He had done all of this to Mein, who had hardly around anymore. His blade killed the soul of Night Raid.

She wanted to be mad at him, and hate him, and disgust him.

But when his arms wrapped around her back, and she heard his stifled sniffles, she could only share in the pain that the two of them felt.

Kurome had said a word as she hugged her sister's tie close to her chest. She looked to cry, but held a strong face in the presence of her former commander. Esdeath hadn't said a word to them as she stood on the broken front steps of her home, watching as assassin climbed into the comfortable interior of the wagon.

Leone had broken away from her hug from Sayo and kissed the girl on her forehead.

Though Esdeath's face remained emotionless, Tatsumi could tell the gesture stirred anger within her. But she remained still, breaking her deathly gaze when Sayo happily ran towards her. The former general grinned as her daughter approached, and lifted her to prevent her from incurring any unnecessary injuries on the sharp splinters jutting out from the steps.

Leone gave one last wave to Tatsumi, wiping a tear from her face before entering the wagon.

"I hope to see you soon," cheerfully yelled Sayo, waving back.

Leone smiled before closing the wagon door.

The driver nodded to Tatsumi and Esdeath (though nervously at her in particular) before snapping the reigns. The horses pulling the wagon neighed, and then took off.

"I know that look in your eyes," Esdeath said as she slid her fingers between Tatsumi's. "You're going to let her come back."

"I'm not sure that she will," he said to her. "Not while you're here, at least."

"Hmm…guess I can't let you out of my sights then. You're mines, now and forever."

"You have it wrong," Tatsumi suddenly made a move, moving in such a way that her arm, with her interlocked fingers, were trapped at her back. They were nose to nose, with Tatsumi grinning. "You belong to me. No one else."

Esdeath chuckled. "I'm beginning to like this newfound confidence, Tatsumi. Are you sure that I won't tame you?"

"I'm sure," he said, breaking away as Sayo looked on in both amusement and confusion. He patted her on the head. "Though, I would've preferred she didn't see all of this."

"It builds character. Our daughter will be the best of us," Esdeath told him. "I still think the world you inhabit is incomprehensible. But I'm living in it for you two. I might even allow my enemy to return, under one condition."

"Oh? And what's that?"

"Yeah, Mommy," Sayo piped in. "What's that? Like daddy said, what's incom…umm…Daddy, what is that word?"

"It means something you don't understand."

"Oh, okay," she said, her eyebrows scrunching into confusion. "Mommy uses weird words all the time."

"You'll understand in due time, daughter," Esdeath kneeled down. "Just know that your father and I will always look out for you. And maybe you'll be better than we are."

Tatsumi looked at her. The words that came out of her mouth stunned him into silence.

"Oh, what's wrong, Tatsumiiiiii," she sang.

"It's nothing. What was your condition?"

She glanced to their daughter, gently grabbing her hand. "Well…there is no question that my daughter will learn to be as strong as me. She already knows how to manipulate ice…no doubt because of the blood in her veins. I was going to ask to see if you would help…but I know that you'll bend to my will one way or another on this. So…instead, I'll allow you to one day bring your former allies here. Without bloodshed."

"Really? And what do I have to do in return?"

Esdeath grinned. Not in a psychotic, I-get-to-torture-somebody type of way, nor in the bloodlust type of way. She was blushing as she smiled.

The look confused Tatsumi.

"Sayo, my daughter, would you like to have a sibling? Because that's what it'll take for your father to get his wish."

"A sibling? You mean, like a sister?"

"Or a brother? Maybe twins?"

"Yes!" Sayo cheered. "Oh, I want a little brother and a little sister. Oh, I want lots of brothers and sisters! Then we can all play in the snow too!"

"Well then," Esdeath said, standing while grabbing Tatsumi's hand. "Your father and I will work on that."

"Okay," she said, oblivious to how babies were actually made.

Oh, Tatsumi knew what it entailed alright. Many thoughts ran through his head about the nights he was about to experience. Of the things that Esdeath would want to do…the thought made him blush. Excited for the first time since Sayo began calling her 'Mother', Esdeath ushered her daughter through the door, pulling Tatsumi along.

He stopped only one time at the door, looking back at a snowcapped mountain in the far distance. He saw nothing except for the sharp flash from a glare reflected off the still-setting sun.

"Thank you," he said, nodding his gratitude, before Esdeath dragged him into the house.

Thank you for everything.

A/N: This has been a year-long journey to finally read this point. I thank all of you who have not given up on this story, and for your support for sticking by it. Thank you all so much for the comments and praises. This be honest, it was difficult to wrap up, because I had left so many things open. But in spite of that, this is ultimately a story about Tatsumi and Esdeath, and a symbolic one about him getting rid of his old past i.e. his chains for a new life. There is potential for an epilogue chapter, but I'll keep this story as finished for now. As for my future projects, I may dip into Fire Emblem, depending on how I get through the rest of my semester. Who knows...I might end up coming back here for another the Gunpowder story I also started last year. But...that's in the future. Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for giving me the motivation I needed to finish this story.