A/N: Alrighty folks we've finally made it to the big 7-0! As promised, the 200th review special. Really sorry for keeping y'all waiting, but life got super busy and ya know how that goes. Anyway, if you aren't familiar with any of the FMA video games, this is going to cover the one called "Fullmetal Alchemist and the Broken Angel". Here Ed will talk a bit about a girl named Armony Eiselstein who I think he harbored feelings for in the game. I won't say anymore here so without further ado, enjoy this special entry and don't forget to review!



Hey book. Has it really been ten years since Armony's death? It hurts just as much now as it did back then. I never got to say goodbye to her. My student. My princess. She was something else. Wasn't she? Another girl I failed to save.

Heh. She'd be so mad at me if she saw me moping. Can ya blame me? I remember so well, her rich red hair and purple eyes. And her using me as a crash pad when we first met. She was climbing a steep cliff to pick a spray of Etherflowers when she lost her grip and came tumbling. I clearly recall how hard she landed on me. Messed my back up something fierce but I could handle it. Barely.

Anyway, she loved flowers so much. They made her eyes come alive. I recall how hard she begged me to teach her alchemy because her father Professor Wilhelm Eiselstein had forbidden her. What the hell man?! Just because she was a girl doesn't mean she should be banned from learning!

So I agreed to teach her just to prove her old man wrong.

She was quite attentive and picked things up fast, but she couldn't transmute to save her life. She grew frustrated as the days wore on and I felt bad for her. It wasn't until later that I found out the reason WHY she couldn't transmute. And it made me angry.

Sorry. When Armony attempted to transmute some of the formulas I was teaching her, she collapsed in front of us, unable to breathe. A white wing appeared on her back. It was a sight I've never seen since then.

Her dad was furious at us but I explained her earnest desire to learn shouldn't be suppressed. But since his daughter was in critical condition, he whisked her away to attend to her needs.

The rest is hard to put down here. I've never spoken of this to anyone who wasn't involved with this incident. This is very private and dear to my heart. Winry and Pinako know nothing of this matter and I intend to keep it that way. I eventually discovered with the help of Al, Mustang and the gang that a mysterious woman named Camilla was posing as a scientist under the name Greta. She was after the Philosopher's Catalyst-which Al and I found to our horror-was Armony herself. Anyway, this woman would stop at nothing to acquire it and I wasn't going to allow her to hurt my princess anymore.

Luckily the Professor managed to thwart her plans by means of using an Etherflower-Armony's favorite. Al and I rushed to save her since she was being held in the old Alchemy Works where Wilhelm was conducting his illegal research with 'Greta'. But we were too late. There was a bright yellow light-almost blinding-that enveloped the building. When it dwindled to a slender beam the Alchemy Works was gone. All that was left was a bare dirt patch. The Catalyst residing in Armony's body had been activated killing her and taking her dad along for the ride.

I fell to my knees and wept. To this day, their deaths haunt me. Even though I learned what really happened through holding one of Armony's feathers-the only thing she ever transmuted-I still wonder if I could've done more to help. Maybe she would still be alive.

But I digress. Mustang gave me a love letter before we boarded the train back to Central. It was from Armony, but my emotions were too raw. I had Major Armstrong read it aloud, while Al and I sat and listened.

I won't reveal what she said to me, book. Sorry. They're too private, too precious to share with the world. They're for my eyes and ears alone. Only that she knew if she tried to talk to me about what she was going to do, how she felt about me, it would devolve into another shouting match. We were always bickering over something…anyway I'll always treasure the time I had with her which wasn't enough. She was a bright, energetic soul who loved life, alchemy and flowers. And the flower seed she enclosed with the letter bloomed in my hand! Right before our eyes, even though she had passed away!

I still can't believe it. What does that mean? Was it only possible because she was the Catalyst? I guess we'll never know for sure. Her father died with her, taking the secret from the world forever. Some mysteries aren't meant to be solved by human means. So I'm glad it's gone, but it took Armony away from me. My princess is dead.

"No Ed!" I can almost hear her voice chiding me. "So long as you carry me in your heart, I'm never fully gone!"

So I won't forget.

Speaking of which, the weirdest thing happened when we arrived back at Central's train station. I was running as usual to get to the library to get in some research.

Al tried to get me to slow down. "The library's not going anywhere Ed!" I remember him scolding me. Pfffft. Boy, you should know by now. I NEVER do things slow. Anyway, I was rushing down the platform when I ran into someone. It was a girl.


Al came up behind me complaining about me plowing into people, and apologizing to the girl who'd dropped her flowers when she fell. I was busy scrambling to help her recover the blooms. Lucky for me she was super nice.

I turned to give her the flowers and froze mid-apology.

Red hair. Purple eyes.

She looked so much like Armony it hurt. Except she was dead. This girl…she wore a bonnet and dress and her hair was in short pigtails. Armony had worn khaki shorts and a work shirt.

I couldn't shake the fact this might've been a dead-ringer for my lost princess. I lowered my head, lips trembling almost ready to break down and cry right in front of this stranger.

She asked if I was going to be okay.

No. No I wasn't. But I jumped up, a fake smile and cheeriness in my voice.

"Me? Never been better!"


Anyway, I walked on, not daring to make eye contact with the girl again. If I did, I'd lose it and bawl like a baby.

Al asked me if I was okay.

I repeated I was fine. But I know he knows better. He just didn't want to press me in a crowded area.

I went to the Central library to continue researching the Philosopher's Stone. But I'd never forget the fiery redheaded angel that graced us with her presence.

I miss ya Armony. I'll see you later okay? It might be a while, so be patient. I got a lot of living to do first.