A/N: Forewarning that time will jump forward after this chapter. Sorry to keep you waiting so long!

"Ladies and gentleman, the Thomas Jefferson High School graduating class of 2033!"

A raucous cheer filled the air as together, the teenagers who were now free of high school threw their graduation caps high up into the sky.

Looking up as the caps floated back down towards them, Haven couldn't help but shed a few tears as she turned and embraced Amber in a tight hug. Her tears were mostly of joy, but a little sadness had crept into her heart as well. They'd made it through high school… she'd made it through high school… but they'd lost Connor along the way.

Haven herself had made a moving speech, speaking of the level of confidence all her adversity had given her, about reaping the rewards of working hard, and never forgetting those who had been lost along the journey. She had caught a glimpse of her aunts wiping away tears as she spoke and had had to make a mental note not to look over towards her mom.

"We did it girl," Amber whispered, clutching her best friend tightly.

"We did it," Haven echoed, wiping her eyes as she pulled back, smiling through her tears at her friend.

The ceremony proceedings were over and the graduates began to filter away from the formal seating area to find their parents. When Haven found hers, she could see that her mom had been crying, clearly filled with pride that her daughter who had been through so much had achieved one of her biggest goals.

"So proud of you sweetheart," Will said, hugging Haven tightly once she'd reached them. He pressed a kiss to her temple before she pulled away, watching as she turned to her mom and took Darcy into her arms.

"You made me cry milagro. I'm so proud of you," JJ said, her voice catching ever so slightly in her throat. "You've proved everyone wrong who thought that having a baby would ruin your life"

"Darcy's been my motivation this whole time," Haven said with a smile, tickling Darcy's belly. The baby giggled, flopping over so her head was tucked beneath Haven's chin.

"How about we go and get something to eat?" Morgan suggested, draping an arm around Savannah's shoulders as he smiled at his niece. "Unless of course, you had other plans"

Haven shook her head as Amber and her mom walked over to join them. "I'd rather just be with you guys and Ambs"

JJ beamed, her heart swelling.

"Great. Let's find somewhere to eat"

"Quite honestly, Haven, a year ago today, your dad and I didn't think you were going to graduate high school"

Their table was quiet, all looking towards JJ as she stood before them all, a soft smile lighting up her features.

"Everything was completely up in the air with a baby on the way, and we didn't know what was going to happen when she arrived. Of course, we never believed you couldn't graduate... we just knew it was going to take a lot of hard work," JJ said gently. "But here we are. You've achieved one of your goals and made the first step into your future, and we are all so incredibly proud of you milagro. I'm proud of you, for everything you've overcome to be here today. Don't you ever forget that"

"To Haven," Will said, lifting his glass.

"To Haven," the others echoed, raising their glasses and taking a sip as JJ wrapped an arm around her daughter and hugged her tight.

"I really am so proud of you, my beautiful girl. There's big things coming your way," she said softly amongst the chatter beginning to rise once more from the table.

Saying nothing, Haven could only smile as she leant her head against her mother's shoulder.

The end of one chapter, the beginning of the next.

Haven couldn't wait to turn the page and find out what the future held.