Title: Secrets

Summary: Twelve-year-old Charlie Bucket has been living in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory for two years when his feelings for the chocolatier start to change. But how long can he keep his crush a secret, especially as it gets stronger?

Rated: T

Genre(s): Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Family, Drama

Pairing(s): Charlie/Wonka

Warning(s): Angst, underage relationship

For two years, Charlie had been living in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory. He loved it there, especially since he still got to live in his small house with his family. He also loved spending time with Wonka as they invented together. Since Charlie was the chocolatier's heir, he got to invent a couple things himself. However, Charlie's last invention had resulted in Wonka ending up in the chocolate river, so...yeah, now Charlie would now be working alongside Wonka instead of by himself.

"Not a super duper mistake I'll be making again anytime soon, kiddo," Wonka had said, ruffling his hair. "No offense."

But still, it had hurt Charlie's feelings, and they'd gotten into an argument about it, during which Charlie refused to talk to Wonka for days. Charlie's family had pushed him to just make up with Wonka already, and finally they sorted things out when Mrs. Bucket managed to get the two in the same room. Wonka had apologized, saying that even after so many years of inventing, obviously some of his inventions went a little...awry. He also said that after getting a teeny bit more training, maybe then Charlie could try again. Charlie agreed, deciding that was fair, and hours later Mrs. Bucket had found them cuddling on the edible grass, both fast asleep. Needless to say, Charlie was never going to live that down. He and Wonka were reminded CONSTANTLY about it, almost every single meal, which just made it all the more awkward.

Charlie was jolted out of the past as fingers snapped in front of his face. "Hey, Charlie?" Wonka snapped his fingers again in front of the boy's face.

"Wha-?" Charlie asked dumbly.

"I asked if you'd come up with any new ideas lately," Wonka informed him.

"Oh, um..." Charlie searched his brain. "Doughnut tubing? We could go tubing down the chocolate river in doughnut tubes."

Wonka brightened. "That's an amazing idea! Nice work, Charlie." Charlie felt his cheeks growing warm and he felt a fluttering in his chest.

That's when he knew something was wrong.

His brain went Whoa, what was that? as Charlie grinned back. Maybe it was because of how much time they'd spent together lately, how close they'd gotten, and maybe since the whole Wonka-landing-in-the-chocolate-river incident, Charlie had been trying to prove himself to Wonka a tad bit more than usual. Though all these things were true, his gut told him that none of those reasons were the case.

"All right," Wonka said, "let's call it a day and go eat some delicious dinner with your f-f-f-"

Charlie smiled. While others found it weird that he still couldn't say parents, mother, father, or family, Charlie thought it was adorable. "Family," he supplied.

"Right, them, let's go steal some of their dinner, 'kay?"

Hungry, Charlie nodded eagerly. Wonka stood and then grabbed his hand to help him up. The chocolatier's hand was warm and Charlie found his touch pleasant. As they entered the small house that sat on the edible grass, Charlie wondered what was going on with himself. Maybe he was just tired.

"Good evening Willy, Charlie," Mrs. Bucket said. "Dinner's almost ready, why don't you boys sit down?"

They obliged and in a few minutes, Mrs. Bucket had a meal of salad, cooked shrimp and pasta on the table. "How was inventing today, boys?" she asked Charlie and Wonka. "Anything new?"

"Charlie had an excellent idea today," Wonka informed them. Said boy felt himself blushing. "He suggested doughnut tubing."

"That sounds fun," Grandpa Joe said.

"Yes, I should think so," agreed Wonka. "My thoughts precisely."

"Unless I tip over your tube and you fall into the river again." Charlie grinned, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

Wonka gasped dramatically. "You wouldn't dare."

The other six adults watched them with knowing smiles. Charlie and Wonka were incredibly close. "Oh, I would. It'll probably be funnier the second time than it was the first time.

"You better take that back right now, kiddo," teased Wonka.

"Hmmm...no, I don't think I'm gonna do that."

"Fearless boy."

"Crazy man." But anyone with eyes, even with Mr. Bucket with his poor eyesight, could see Charlie's eyes glittering with love.

Wonka laughed, and so did the other adults. "Are you afraid of anything?" Wonka asked incredulously.

"Losing you," Charlie blurted out before he could stop himself.

A silence came over the eight people sitting at the table. Wonka stared, a shocked look on his face as Charlie blushed yet again. Why was he acting like this around Wonka? Charlie never acted like this around the chocolatier.

They ate in silence, no one exactly sure of what to say, though they were all in agreement that Charlie's comment was really sweet. Wonka badly wanted to talk to Charlie, but that would have to wait until after dinner. Obviously.

After dinner, Wonka said, "Hey, Charlie, can we talk for a sec?"

"Sure." Charlie followed the chocolatier out of their small house and sat down next to him on the grass, pulling some up out of the ground and eating it. "Is everything all right, Mr. Wonka?"

"I'm all right," Wonka assured him. "I just wanted to make sure...you were." Even after two years since they'd met and Charlie had moved in with Wonka, the man still was occasionally uncomfortable with their closeness. He wasn't too touchy-feely, whereas Charlie was.

"I'm fine," Charlie said. "But I am afraid of losing you."

Wonka's expression softened and, to Charlie's surprise, he pulled the boy into a strong hug. Charlie melted into his arms, feeling incredibly safe, "You will never lose me," Wonka promised him, his voice gentle and sweet as always, but there was a firmness in it that Charlie did not often hear. "I promise, Charlie."

Tears filled Charlie's eyes as he rested his head on Wonka's chest and dozed off into sleep.

AN: Let me know what you guys thought in a review? And also, if ANYONE wants to talk to me about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, I'm kinda obsessed, so PM me and talk to me about this amazing series. Also, if you review, NO SPOILERS PLEASE because I've only seen the 2005 movie with Johnny Depp playing Willy Wonka and I'm 32 pages into the first book. And also no flames, because I know this is an underage relationship, but constructive criticism is encouraged. Hope you guys liked this chapter and updates soon