A/N: So I decided to try something different, this is going to be a story written from Blade's point of view during the last fight in Pupper Master 5 so I appologise in advance if things are off I don't do point of view stories often if at all. Any feedback on how I could improve would be fine as I know this isn't the best Puppet Master story I've made.

Anyway I don't own any characters used in the story they all belong to Full Moon Features and Charles Band.

Blade's P.O.V

I looked up at Decapitron, Torch and Jester either side of me.

"Sutekh exists in our world now. His power will be hard to overcome. Sutekh is after the puppet master, we have no time" He warned.

We knew what we had to do, though after being beaten by those things Sutekh sent before, twice I knew this would not be easy.

Decapitron got in the elevator moments before hearing Suzi scream, though the man who wanted to steal us, with everything going on I didn't feel like remembering his name had been dealt with by Torch we don't know what happened to Rick.

I told Torch to gather the others while Jester and I made our way downstairs via the vents.

It was weird that Torch was behaving, maybe Toulon's spirit calmed him down.

"You should not have entered through the portal Sutekh, your powers have diminished." Decapitron's voice was clear as we got closer to the ground floor.

Jester and I arrived in time to see Sutekh attack Decapitron, thankfully moments later Six Shooter arrived and shot him multiple times giving Decapitron time to recover.

When Sutekh fell to the floor I warily approached it to make sure the bullets did their job, after a few moments I foolishly turned my attention off it and to Decapitron. Only turning back when Jester yelled out it wasn't dead.

I hardly had time to react before being flung across the room and slammed into a sofa.

Unfortunately Six wasn't a match for Sutekh's energy blast and was quickly flung back, Sutekh turning to Decapitron who with use of his power sent the bastard flying, soon landing by myself as I stood up ready to kill this bastard for all the hell he had put Toulon, Rick and the original puppets through aswell as us.

Sutekh turned to face me and attack, his powers weaken Ned. Upon realizing this he screeched turning to Decapitron.

"You have mastered well the powers of the ancients..and my powers here are spent. But behold, even you cannot prevent my escape!" he growled. A portal appearing to the underworld.

The next few minutes went by so fast. One second we were watching in fear at this portal, the next there was an explosion, then pain. I don't know what had fallen on me but it was too heavy to move.

In my weakened state I looked around slowly and my heart sank.

Both Jester and Decapitron, they looked dead. But I told Jester to run and get to safety, so that if I got hurt and Decapitron was damaged he would be able to be the leader. Give the others hope.

That was the last thing I saw before blacking out.

I don't know how much time passed before I woke up but the first thing I saw was Rick smiling at me glad I was ok.

He chuckled.

"Worried we lost you for a while there Blade."

I sat up and looked around, Decapitron was on his platform next to me while the others encluding Jester to my relief were looking up at where I was.

After checking I was ok Rick put me down with the others who were relieved I was ok. Though warned me not to scare them like that again.

I nodded and after retrieving my hat that Six Shooter had managed to save we waited for news on Decapitron.

Needless to say amazingly he was still for now at least still operational.