This is indeed my first fanfic to write. I often write short stories and have bigger plans for other stories I have written plans for but thought I would test out my luck on a fanfic story. Yes I do play Destiny alongside my husband. Been a game player since I was 10 and back then it was Tomb Raider. Writing this will be slow because of my lifestyle. I am a stay at home mom with a seven year old girl and eight month old baby boy and a college student. Just a quick rundown. This story is about a woman who is captured by the Fallen House of Winter for the purpose of studying the humans but turns out she ends up gaining a family instead and doesnt remain a prisoner for long. She is not a Guardian either. She is rather a simple botanist. I will create a kick ass female character though for later on in the chapter although it will be a bit before you meet her. If you have any questions about the plot or anything just ask and I will answer you best I can but I wont reveal everything lol. As for character name pronounciation the one I feel might need a bit of explanation is Tyalk. His name is pronouned just like the Stargate character of Teal'c, my favorite Stargate character by the way. Please excuse any bit of mistakes. I am trying to do a better job with grammar and such so if I make a mistake it is ok to try and help me make corrections. Had this chapter done for a little over a couple of weeks and chapter two wont be far behind. It is actually almost finished up. The only things I own in this story are my characters and creations.
Chapter 1
Victoria sat beside Skaylsis wondering deep in her thoughts. She ran her fingers through her long black hair, grey streaks showing her elder age. Beautiful music played in the background, mostly romantic songs accompanied by beautiful music and each song struck beautiful and cherished memories that she had held onto for so long. Skaylsis, the awe inspiring Kell of the House of Rogues, noticed the look on his old friends face. Propping his head on his sharp clawed hand as he leaned in her direction, he sought to distract Victoria from wherever her deep thoughts were taking her. She never noticed. Her beautiful blue eyes looked into the distance of the throne room as if she was watching her memories play out in front of her. Skaylsis cleared his throat which was enough to snap her out of her longing daze. She blinked her eyes then turned to face her beloved old friend smiling at his inquisitive look.
"I'm so sorry Skaylsis. Was I ignoring you?" Victoria asked. Skaylsis could tell she was sincere but he didn't mind one bit. He knew something interesting was going on in that intriguing mind of hers. Standing up he stretched out and began to descend the steps to his throne, motioning for her to accompany him in the process.
"Not at all Victoria. I am just curious as to what has you so distracted. You feel like sharing your thoughts?" He asked while offering her his right upper arm and crossing his lower arms before they began walking.
Victoria took his arm and the walk began. She stayed silent for a moment wondering where he was leading her to.
"So where are we going?" She asked Skaylsis just before they left the throne room.
"I thought a walk might do you some good today." He replied as he guided her down the main hall.
They continued to walk for a few minutes before Victoria spoke up about her memories.
"I was just remembering back when no one would have ever thought that you could become a Kell." She said.
"Back when the House of Winter still stood." Skaylsis replied. Yes he could very well remember those days. The days when he was nothing but a young dreg and also the days when Victoria was just a lowly human that Draksis was intent on keeping around almost like a mere pet. She was never harmed but was definitely utilized for the study of human life. The turning point of his life as well as his family and the entire House of Winter came when Draksis decided to go against Fallen moral and everything the Fallen had stood for in their ancient history. In a way Victoria was almost the cause of all the chaos. After Draksis had been slain by Guardians, and after weeks of bickering among the Fallen that sought to save their broken house, they found their way out of their own darkness and rose up as the House of Rogues, dawning the color black and the symbol of a lion to represent them. Victoria was a part of this immense part of history.
When they stopped in the gardens not too far from the throne room Skaylsis inquired, "You are nervous today aren't you?"
Victoria couldn't hide it. She was nervous because her only son Juleni was out on patrol, but it wasn't his first time and he wasn't a dreg or a vandal anymore but had excelled to the rank of captain just like his father Tyalk. It was however his first time leading a patrol.
"Yes Skaylsis you could say that. It is Juleni's first time as a captain on patrol. I just didn't think about how much it would hit me that my dear son is no longer a child and yet I still feel the worry any mother would have for his safety." Victoria replied as she let go of his arm to play with a daybreaker rose admiring its beautiful orange and red hue.
Skaylsis smiled inwardly at Victorias status. She had always been a deeply caring soul ever since they had become great friends. She was even caring in the beginning towards beings that she had been taught were the enemy as she had grown up. He nodded acknowledging her emotions before replying, "I assure you my nephew will be just fine out there. He could very well replace me as Kell someday and you know it to be true. He is not just like any other Fallen or human. You and Tyalk have done well raising him and although he is a half breed, by all means he is unlike any warrior anyone here has ever seen."
Victoria looked back at Skaylsis and met his all seeing eyes. She knew it was true what he said. It was not just some made up speech to calm her nerves but was most certainly the truth. Juleni was half human and half Fallen, something that was only a preconceived idea by Draksis at first but had became a reality. Juleni would be fine as his human and Fallen characteristics had made a very unique individual, not just in his amazing physical features, but in his mind and personality. He was definitely a good candidate for a future Kell.
"You are right as usual. I need not worry so badly about him." She said as she carefully inspected her roses.
Skaylsis bowed to her like a gentleman and replied, "Glad I could reassure you dear sister. I shall return to the throne room. You may of course do as you please but do not make me hover around you like a fly. You know you will never be able to swat me away if I should find reason to stay right beside you all day."
Skaylsis knew that Victoria needed some time alone to think in tranquility and her garden was the perfect place for just such an occasion. Some memories that he could recall of their earlier years with her were not good memories. They were the days when the House of Winter was still standing. The House of Winter was already falling apart because of Draksis in those days. They were stressful times for all. He would certainly come back to check on Victoria later in the day before Tyalk and Juleni returned from their patrols.
Victoria smiled as she watch Skaylsis turn and walk out of the room, his black cloak waving in the breeze that came through the window of the room. Skaylsis had always been an exception to normal Fallen personalities and it was this personality that was important in the rising of the House of Rogues. One such example of this sort of thinking was their home. They did not live in a Ketch as most houses in the solar system did. It was a mansion within a fortress that they had built shortly after raising up as the House of Rogues. Set out in an area on Venus called the Dead Valley as it was known. It had received the name because no one could fly in the area or communicate with the outside world from within its borders. They had their own specific types of travel for this zone that the House of Rogues now called their home. Not even the Vex could function inside its borders.
Victorias thoughts turned back to her memories as she began to tend to her garden. She was twenty four years old when she had been captured by a Fallen patrol on Venus. She had been sent there as a botanist with a team of experts and Guardians to gather research on an unknown plant species that had been recently found by a Guardian on patrol. It was rumored that the plant could have powerful healing properties and could prove very useful in the field of medicine. Little did she know that she would not be going home to Earth after the trip. Her life was about to change in a way she could never imagine.
There were twenty people in all headed to Venus which included 5 scientists, 9 botanists, and 6 Guardians for protection against the dangers the planet had to offer in those days which were namely the Vex and the Fallen. The two alien races were in a growing war for control of Venus and both were very dangerous. They would be performing their research in what was thought to be a safe cave off the coast of the Venutian ocean where the plant which was a fern seemed to be growing. It was very close to the Ishtar Sink which could prove a challenge should they encounter Vex or even Fallen patrols but the importance of the mission was too great to ignore.
They had set up camp with no problems at all. They would only be on the planet during the daytime when the Fallen were said to be less active on the surface. The Vex however were not thought to go anywhere near the ocean which was fortunate. During the evening they would return their ships to sleep in safety. Two weeks was all the time that was allotted and that was only if they did not see any Fallen ships nearby as they could be spotted and possibly attacked. The mission was definitely dangerous in nature but being naïve and young, Victoria ignored warnings to go no further than the boundaries set by the Guardians and also the rule they had all agreed to which was to never go anywhere without a small group which would include above all else a Guardian. This was a huge mistake and it was also the mistake that would force Victoria to grow up and lose her careless notions.
It was nearing time to leave the planets surface for the evening and Victoria figured she had just enough time to gather some spare samples of the unknown species of Venus fern. Everyone was too busy in the hustle and bustle of getting the supplies packed away and hidden from sight that they didn't notice a missing member of the research team. Being head strong and also new on the job, Victoria assumed she would be able to gather the samples without much trouble as the coast seemed pretty clear of any threats and no sightings of Vex or Fallen had been found.
Further careful thinking about her choice prodded her to convince a dear friend of hers, Joseph to come along with her. Joseph was a warlock that was among the six Guardians assigned to keep the safety of the research crew and had known Victoria since she had first began training to become a botanist. The two became close friends as he was assigned to be Victorias guard on most occasions when the botany apprentices were sent to the surface of Earth to learn what wild herbs and vegetation lay about the ruins on the ground. There were gardens within the city but those plants would never be close to finding what was waiting in the wild. There were only a few rare occasions where a Guardian would have to actively protect a charge while on these little excursions and only once did Joseph ever have to fight off a patrol of Fallen when Victoria stubbornly ignored his warnings.
Joseph knew it was a bad idea but he knew Victoria would just be thinking, "To hell with your better judgement." and be off on her own without him. Victoria was a sweetie but she was definitely very curious and this curiosity was akin to such ancient sayings as, "curiosity killed the cat!" In Josephs case it was, "Curiosity killed the Victoria if it hadn't been for the warlock." A little annoyed with her but all the same feeling concerned he set off with Victoria on a little expedition just three miles down the coast from where the safety of the camp was located. Joseph knew the area well as he had often patrolled it and collected bounties from this area. They were going to be on the edge of hostile territory known as the Shattered Coast.
"Alright this is far enough Victoria." Joseph said holding out his arm in front of her.
Victoria looked annoyed and with an eyebrow raised at him she asked, "Really? Only this far?" She knew they were not as far down the coast as she would like to be and she was pretty sure they were barely past two miles down the coast.
Joseph rolled his eyes and chuckled to himself as he annoyingly replied,"Yes! This is it if you would rather get back before we get left here on the surface." He knew they were just over two miles down the coast and he also knew that Victoria wasn't dumb. She knew and he could tell by the look on her face that she did.
"We are barely past two miles down the coast. What I need is at least one mile further down." Victoria said with obvious annoyance in her voice.
The two stared at each other for a small moment before Victoria finally broke down, "Oh come on Joe this isn't right. I know theres got to be a lot of fern up there. Just feel the soil! It is rich in nutrients and real moist. I promise it wont take long at all. I just need a few more samples of the fern and the soil."
Joseph watched as her beautiful blue eyes pleaded with him in that soft look that he hated for her to throw on him. She was about to break him and she knew it.
"Promise I will hurry. I wont waste one moment and I will buy you lunch back at the tower for a full week straight." Victoria added in with a twinkle in her eyes. She knew just where to hit Joseph hard and it was definitely the stomach.
Joseph knew this trick but he couldn't get past it. He sighed and Victoria inwardly cheered with a smile on her face as they began to walk again.
"I swear you are worst than my little sister Victoria. Better make it two weeks worth of lunch for where we will be when we hit this extra mile." Joseph said as he led a very pleased Victoria down the coast to her destination.
As the two continued on Victoria agreed to Josephs warning to be quiet the rest of the way because of how dangerous the area would be. He did not want to take a chance on Vex or Fallen picking up on their location. There were two caves that Joseph checked out quickly along the way to make sure they were vacant. Not seeing any sign of enemies he continued to lead Victoria down the coast. Only one problem he didn't see coming was a hidden tunnel inside the last cave he had checked out. It wasn't the hidden tunnel, but the Fallen patrol that were hidden inside that were the real issue and theywere now alerted to Joseph and Victorias presence.
The attack happened faster than Joseph or his ghost could detect it. They were up on the lower ledge of the shattered coast where there was a drop that plummeted down into the Ocean. They had to climb up to the top ledge and so Joseph had Victoria climb ahead of him to catch her should she slip. He watched as Victoria disappeared over the upper ledge and ordered her to stay put as he made his way up. He knew he could jump up the rest of the way but to do so could attract unwanted attention. Little did he know it was too late.
Suddenly Victoria screamed and Joseph not hesitating one second made his jump, scout rifle already out and ready for business. Unfortunately for Joseph these particular Fallen were too quick and clever. Before he could even land shrapnel pierced his shoulder and Joseph found himself in what seemed to be a slow fall as the rifle slid from his grip and there was another blast of pain as another piece of shrapnel was embedded into his side. The last image he remembered seeing as he fell was Victoria screaming his name and fear written all over her face. A tall imposing Fallen captain of the House of Winter stood in front of her with a shrapnel launcher pointed right at him. What particularly irked him was that Victoria was not being attacked but instead appeared to be restrained by two dregs, one of whom hissed in his direction. The other he did not fail to notice was very odd for a Fallen dreg. His eyes met with Josephs and before blacking out he swore he saw a hint of guilt in the dregs eyes. His vision went black, he felt himself falling, and last thing he heard before completely losing consciousness was Victoria still screaming his name amidst various Fallen growls, hissing, chattering, and other such noises that made up the strange Fallen language.
Victoria had no idea that Joseph would survive this ordeal. What she saw was a friend dear as a brother falling in what appeared to be his last moments alive. That and the fear from the fact that she was now in the hands of a Fallen patrol put her in complete shock. She stared after the ledge until a large foreboding figure loomed over her, blocking her vision. Trying to choke back tears that were already streaming down her face she looked up to see a large Fallen captain. She was frightened by him and wondered when he would deal her a death blow. Death did not come and instead she listened as he gruffly spoke a strange language while growling at the smaller Fallen around her. She noticed they seemed intimidated by him and were listening intently to the language that she couldn't understand.
Looking to either side of her she noticed the dreg holding her left arm looked unsure. Just something about him struck her as odd for what behavior she had witnessed back on Earth and for what she was now witnessing among this ones comrades. Looking back toward the captain a vandal now came toward her with a rag. She was now to be blindfolded and this caused even more fear to course through her as she was blindly led away, having to depend on the two dregs on either side of her for guildance.
Victoria didnt think about how long it was taking to get to where they were going. She was focused more so on Joseph and the guilt she felt when she realized that had it not been for her absolutely wanting those last few samples of fern for the night that Joseph might still be alive and none of this would be happening. She did not even think about how tired she would be once the Fallen had reached their destination with her. In silence she thought deeply as she was guided by the two dregs. Watching Joseph being shot and falling to his death would change Victoria from here on out.
The journey suddenly ended and everything came to a stop. Victoria was suddenly jerked back into reality as she was forced down onto her knees. The rag that had been blinding her was pulled away from her and when she looked up she realized that she was staring straight into the face of terror itself. It might have been a dimly lit room but she knew by the looks of this Fallen that she was kneeling before none other but the Kell of the House of Winter, Draksis and that she must be inside the Winter ketch. She had heard Joseph speak about the bounty that had just been placed on him back at the tower. Glancing around at her surroundings she noticed she was surrounded by Fallen of every kind. There was growling, hissing and chattering coming from every corner of the noisy room. Apparently she was either a disappointment or really interesting. Victoria figured probably both judging by the curious stares from all around.
Looking back to Draksis she watched as he stood up and ascended down from his throne. As he walked toward her the captain that had captured her and his patrol backed away. Draksis stalked around her and as she followed his movements she realized he was studying her. The noisy chatter from all over the room continued and as she followed Draksis path around her she met a familiar face. It was the odd dreg that held her left arm. He looked as though he felt sorry for her. He wasn't at all what she expected to find in a Fallen warrior. She felt sorry for him as the captain whose patrol he was under growled menacingly at him and shoved him harshly as if to chastise the poor dreg.
Victoria looked back to Draksis feeling as if she had somehow gotten the poor strange dreg into trouble and didn't dare look to him again fearing that if she did he would be punished. Fallen or not Victoria was a caring soul to anyone she came across. Draksis now stood before her. The look in his eyes made Victoria shudder when she realized without a doubt it was pure evil and he seemed to be staring as though she was none other than some delightful new toy he could play around with and pick apart piece by piece. If that was the case then quick death by the hands of the captain that had captured her was the fate she would have liked to have had.
Draksis roared and the whole room fell silent. He spoke through various growls and the garbled words that Victoria couldn't understand. At some point through his speech to the whole room he pointed at her and Victoria almost thought she was being sentenced to some terrible death, perhaps even torture. No one reached for her and death didn't come. Victoria listened and watched intently as Draksis turned his attention to a different captain. This captain seemed to become agitated at whatever he was being ordered to do. As she watched she didn't ignore his exchanged glances with the poor strange dreg. She wondered if they were both being ordered to do something about her or if there was simply a connection between the two of them. Maybe they were brothers she wondered.
No sooner than Draksis returned to sitting on his throne was she seized by the obviously disgruntled captain. He took her by the arm with one of his lower arms and pulled her up, forcing her to stand. As he began to half lead, half drag Victoria away he was stopped by a low growl of words coming from Draksis. The captain turned to angrily glance at his Kell who as far as Victoria could tell was actually taunting the captain and his intentions did not favor kind jesting. Victoria dared to look right into Draksis eyes before being pulled away by the captain. Draksis seemed to sneer at her and without hesitation Victoria turned around and continued on with her new acquaintance.
At the entrance to the throne room they were met by the strange dreg that Victoria still felt bad for. The look he gave the captain as she was almost shoved into him was at most apologetic as for what Victoria could make of it. The dreg wasn't like any of the other Fallen that she had seen so far and unlike the other dreg that had held her other arm and the captain she was next to, his grip on her forearm was gentle and easy. They followed the captain down the hallway while Victoria went through the situation over and over in her mind. What was going to happen to her she wondered and why did they choose her of all people for whatever was in store.
Well there is chapter 1 for you. Going to get busy on homework and then dinner and I will post chapter 2 when I can get to it.