A/N: Hey guys! I know it's been forever but that's because I just couldn't find anything to write about. I had all these ideas and then I'd get a couple chapters in and I'd just hit a wall. I couldn't find any story that I could run with until I came up with this idea.

So most of this story is Fang's POV except for the prologue (this) and the epilogue. For some reason I just find it easier to write through Fang sometimes which shouldn't make any sense because I'm a girl but I'm not going to question it.

I've messed with the beginning of this story a couple times and I finally stuck with this. I hope it isn't too confusing and hopefully you think it's interesting.

He walked into the house and instantly he was shocked by the smell of weed and alcohol. He used to like the idea of it all. He used to want to rebel or lose himself in the smoke or the booze. Now, he hated it like he has never hated anything in his life. He hates what he's become and what they've all become. The only problem is that they're trapped now and they can't get out.

He turned the corner of the dilapidated house and entered the living room. Against one wall was a shabby couch that was picked up on the side of the road and against the opposite wall was an old TV that was probably wider than the walls of this shack of a house.

She was on the couch next to her best friend and the two girls were drinking and smoking and giggling and suddenly his whole chest filled with hatred for her. He never thought he could hate anyone, much less her. She used to be his everything, but she was getting lost in all. He was losing her and now he could barely recognize her.

He walked up and pulled a cigarette from her hand while her friend watched with the bowl they were smoking from halfway to her mouth.

"Better quit," he said and crushed it out on the dirty wood ground under him.

"Fuck you," she said lightly. She wasn't in her head and he knew it but he still couldn't help but get mad at her. She never seemed to be in her head anymore. "Oh, I wanted to talk to you." She pointed at him as if she could be referring to someone else.

He raised his eyebrows but she just stared at him blankly.

"We'll spit it out then," he snapped.

"I forget now," she said slowly and then looked at the TV as if that would suddenly provide some inspiration.

"Call me when you remember," he spat at her, "you fucking bozo."

With that he turned on his heel and headed for the door. He had to jump and step over her bottles of booze to get to the door which didn't help his mood any. He grabbed a half-full bottle of vodka off the cracked counter of the kitchen and threw it against the wall so it smashed and sprayed everywhere. He knew she heard it and he knew that she would never make it to him before he slipped out the door and left.

She found him later after she had sobered up and remembered what she needed to tell him. He was playing video games with his little brother at his house. She let herself in and sat herself down on the couch next to him.

"Fuck off," he mumbled to her.

"Nice to see you too, darling," she said.

He ignored her because the thought of talking to her made him sick right now.

"Can we at least talk?" she reasoned.

"You said you'd quit," he said. "You said you'd stop smoking weed and cigarettes. You said that you wouldn't drink so much. You said we'd quit all this."

"I'm working on it," she said.

"It doesn't seem like it!" He yelled.

With that the game was paused and he shot a look at his little brother so he would leave. Once they were alone she felt guilty.

"You have a problem," he said.

"Yeah, it's called life," she replied, trying to lighten the mood.

"Are you going to quit or what?" He demanded of her.

"I'll quit," she said quickly, but they both knew she had no intention of quitting. "Now, I have something to tell you."

"Shoot," he said as he fell back onto the couch.

She smiled at him and just like that he forgot how he could ever hate her. He loved her and he would love her forever.

"There's this deal going down and I want in," she said.

He groaned and put his face in his hands. Someday, when he's rich enough, he'll take her away from all this. He'll bring her somewhere beautiful and make sure that she never sees another drug deal or another death.

"I don't," he said. "I want out."

"There is no out," she replied. "There'll never be an out and you're stupid to think there is."

"I'm not going," he told her.

"You have to," she said.

"I don't have to do anything," he corrected.

"I already talked to Shamus," Max said. "It isn't a choice. We have to go."

"Fuck you!" He said and he stood up from the couch. He was pissed now. "Stop signing me up for shit without talking to me."

"I didn't sign us up for shit!" She shot back. "We don't have a choice. I wanted it to make it seem like we did, but we don't. We were ordered to do it and now we have to."

He looked at her and he knew she was lying to him, but he didn't care. He knew she would go with or without him and he couldn't stand the thought of her going alone even if she would be with her best friend and probably his little brother.

"What time?" He asked.

"There's no time like the present," she answered.

He sighed and rubbed his eyes. Finally, they both stood. He yelled to his brother to come along and then the three were off. They picked up the girl's best friend on the way to the meeting.

The four started off together and now they intended to carry on together forever. They were just kids really when it all started. They wanted to experiment with danger in their safe town. They bought some weed off a guy on the street. Then, next they knew one thing led to the next. Then they turned into the guy on the street. They started dealing. They got involved with the wrong people. Then they were pledging allegiance to a man capable of killing them but promising them a future they only dreamed of. Now they can't even dream anymore, but their nightmares continue to haunt them.

When they arrived to the old bait shack by the water they collected themselves. They had it down at this point. She carried the gun and he made the exchange. The brother and the friend were there for the numbers. The four made their way into the shack and positioned themselves around and waited. Long ago they had learned that you never wanted to be second to a meeting. Being first gave you the advantage and you always want the advantage.

"What's the price?" The boy asked the girl. He had two large cardboard boxes at his feet. Inside were probably hundreds of kilos of cocaine or maybe pills or maybe even meth. Either way, he knew it would be expensive and that's why he hated big deals like this.

She didn't have a chance to respond though because just then two men walked in. They had at least ten years on the four kids and probably at least a hundred pounds on the boy.

"You got it?" one man questioned.

The boy looked them over with contempt. Both looked dirty. Their fingernails were crusted with dirt and grime. Both were unshaven despite the fact that one had a completely bald head. Their skin could hardly be seen under their tattoos and their teeth were yellow when they opened their mouths wide enough for the boy to see them.

"Depends," the girl said. "You got the money?"

Usually, these meetings felt dangerous. There was always an edge. It was always a waiting game to see if the other party would be peaceful. For the most part, everyone was civil. The girl was good at keeping things civil. This time, though, there was a different kind of edge in the air. The girl felt like she didn't have control. She didn't like these two men and neither did the boy. They shared a glance where they both communicated their uneasiness.

"We already talked with Shamus," the bald one said, but his smirk was evil. "We've worked it out."

"Bullshit," the girl replied. "Pay up or nothing."

"I've got another idea," the bald one replied slyly. Then he pulled out his gun and aimed it right at the girl. She glared at him over the gun. "Give us the boxes."

"Not gonna happen," she snarled. Then she quickly yanked her gun out from behind her back. She had it aimed at the bald man before he knew what happened. "Now get the hell out of here before I kill you."

That's when all chaos broke loose. The bald man stepped forward and knocked the girl's gun to the side, but she was already pulling the trigger. The gun went off and hit something to the side, but now she was too focused on everything else. The other man had grabbed the boxes and was making a run for it. The girl didn't think. She pulled the trigger of her gun again and hit the bald man right in the thigh. Before he could react she aimed her gun at his forehead. Then she pulled the trigger with a shaking hand and ended him right there.

Then, she was chasing after the man that got away with the boxes. She looked around outside the shack desperately looking for any sign of him. That's when the black van came bursting through the parking lot. She shot at him as he drove off but she only managed to empty her gun on the side of his van. He was getting away. He can't get away.

She needed to chase him. She need the car keys, but the boy had them.

She sprinted back inside the shack, but she halted abruptly at the sight. There on the floor was the boy she loved. His face was pale and sweaty. Blood was everywhere and she realized with horror what she had done. It had been her of course. It had been her gun that shot him.

She dropped her gun on the ground and ran to him. She ran to his side but it was too late. He was already fading. She tried desperately to put pressure on his chest, but it was a lost cause. She had gotten him right through the heart.

"No, no, no!" She cried as she pressed his chest.

The boy's brother was crying and trying to shake his big brother awake, but it wasn't working. The girl's best friend was trying to pull the girl away from the body because it was a lost cause.

"Adam!" The girl cried hysterically. She clung to him and hugged his head to her chest. "Adam! Please, Adam! Adam, I love you!"

She kissed his lips frantically. They were the only lips she has ever kissed. They were the only lips she ever planned on kissing. For her, Adam was it. He was all she was ever going to be or love.

"I'm sorry," she cried into his hair. "I'm sorry, Adam, please!"

Then she was yanked from him and he fell from her arms onto the cold, hard ground.

"Listen to me," her best friend said.

The girl couldn't though. She could only long to change it all. She wanted him back. She couldn't live with the thought of him being gone.

"How much were those boxes worth?" Her best friend asked.

The girl couldn't listen. She just couldn't.

Her best friend yanked her back and then shoved her into the wall, hard.

"How much were the boxes worth?" She demanded.

"Two," the girl answered quietly because now it was all starting to sink in. Everything was all coming down on her and she knew that soon enough they would all end up like Adam if they didn't pull it together.

"Thousand?" Her best friend asked.

"Million," the girl answered. "All coke. All good coke."

"Fuck!" her best friend yelled.

"We need to go," the girl said frantically. "We need to run."

"Call Shamus," the boy's brother said from the boy's lifeless side. He was still crying. "Maybe he'll understand."

"Ok," the girl said as she tried to regain her composure. She made sure not to look in the boy's direction for fear that she would never be able to find herself again. She pulled out her cell phone and dialed the number.

"Hello," a male voice answered.

"Hello," the girl answered. "Nice weather, huh?"

"One minute," the male responded.

Next there was some shuffling on the other line and then another male answered.

"Hey, it's me," the girl said.

"How'd the deal go?" Shamus asked.

"Adam is dead," she answered. "He got shot."

There was silence.

"Did you get the money?" Shamus asked.

"Adam is dead," the girl repeated.

"Did you get the money or not?" He demanded.

"No," she answered.

"Alright, bring it all back here and we'll find another buyer," Shamus said. "It shouldn't be hard."

"I don't have it," she said.

"Who has it?" Shamus demanded angrily.

"It was stolen," she said.

Then Shamus lost it. He cursed and screamed over the phone. He made threats that the girl knew he would hold true on and she hung up. She hung up on him which was a death wish in and of itself.

"Let's go," the boy's brother said, standing.

The three kids looked at each other and they knew. They all knew that this was it. They knew they had to run. There was nothing anyone could do for them. The police couldn't even protect them now. They moved to the number one spot on a drug lord's hit list.

"You're going to pay for this," the Adam's little brother threatened the girl. "I'll make you pay for this."

Then they ran. The three of them split up. They ran away from each other and from their past. They ran from a man who wanted nothing but for them to be dead.

A/N: Are you confused? That's my biggest fear with not really introducing characters by name yet. I want this story to slowly come together through pieces and I want you guys to stick with it.

Anyway, tell me what you think so far.