Welcome to my new Victor Creed story. For now, expect an update once a week :-)

I hope you will like it, let me know. Also let me know if you have any ideas. If you don't like it, then don't let me know :-p

Chapter 1: Bye Rat

He eyed the little man intensely "I heard you have one".

"I do mister Creed, I do!" the mousy little man answered greedily. He could smell money as soon as it walked through his door. And this big feral man smelled like a lot of cash.

"Why don't you follow me mister Creed" the little man gestured him nervously but excited at the same time. Excited for the cash he would receive at the end of this deal.

Creed followed the man named 'Paul' through several hallways of the facility. He knew perfectly well what went on around here. On this abandoned island. Everyone from the underworld knew. They called it 'The Arena' and some of his mates had actually visited and paid good money to see the fights.

Gladiator fights. That's what it was. Brutal and to the death. With as much bloodshed as possible since that's what people paid for to see. And that's how Victor Creed found out about this female mutant he had a particular interest in. Female and feral. Feline even, like him. And that was a rare thing.

They walked into a huge white room which reminded him a lot of a laboratory. But another small iron stairs led them up a balcony surrounded by high tech prisons. Prisons just as white and sterile as the rest of the room and the doors were made of glass.

"This is where we keep our champions" Paul said as he led him around the cages.

Victor Creed frowned. Most of the cages were empty except for one.

"What do you means champions? You only got one" he voiced his thoughts.

"Exactly" Paul said meaningfully as he raised his brows "We only have one and she has never been defeated".

So that's why they called her 'The Kali'. He growled. He was gonna have to put a lot of money down for this.

Creed walked over to her cage and caught her sight. She wasn't looking at him. Instead, her glassy expression was fixed on the ground.

"She stupid or sumthing?".

"No, no mister Creed! But we have her in a cage with sedation gas. She needs to be sedated all the time and get as much sleep as possible so she stays an excellent fighter".

So she won't tear ya guts out you mean, Creed thought.

"How did you get your hands on her?" Creed asked curiously as he stared at her, almost bewitched by her unearthly presence.

"Bought her a long time ago, when she was just a little girl, almost 10 years ago. I knew she'd be good for this sort of thing".

Victor Creed inhaled sharply "I can't smell her, how do I know she's feral?".

"That's just because of the special glass mister Creed. It's unbreakable and nothing will go through it, not smell, not taste, and especially not her" the little man explained as he handed Creed a file "You see, it's all in the file right here: mutant, feral, feline, class 5, all her abilities are summed up right here and this is how many times she won and which mutants she has defeated. And she is 'pure' mister Creed, we have no interest in her besides her fighting you see".

His eyes roamed the file. He wasn't interested in all the people she had slaughtered. He already knew her strengths and he had even seen her fight once. As soon as his contact had told him about a possible feline feral fighting in that Arena on that godforsaken island, he had taken his private jet to see it. It was a sight to behold, seeing her murder several other mutants in cold blood and without mercy.

"What's that around her neck?" Creed asked as he nodded at the black metal collar with a red flashing light in it.

"That's how I keep her in line mister Creed. Else she'll kill us all you see. Here, it's in the file" the little man pointed at the big red stamp which said 'DANGEROUS'. There was some more shit in the file about keeping her sedated, away from other mutants and under 24/7 surveillance. He guessed that's what all the heavy armed guards were for.

Creed focused his eyes on her. She was pale but that might just be the sedatives causing that. Her hair was long and wavy. A sparkling brown/reddish color. She had nails like him, but cleaner and painted bright red. Probably for show when she was fighting. She was only wearing a black tank top and black shorts. Good legs and toned arms.

"She's not that good looking" he lied.

The little man swallowed, seeing the number he had in mind go down "Well… what are you going to use her for?".

"That ain't any of your business puny man. I'll give you 50k for her".

"50?!" Paul gasped. "She makes me 50k in one week!".

"Mmm" Creed murmured "What number did you have in mind Paulie?".

"Well…" Paul shuffled on his feet nervously "I was thinking, five million dollar. But only if you ain't gonna use her for fighting mister Creed. I can't lose my business you see".

Creed scoffed as he looked the frail over once more "I ain't using the bitch for fighting. And I'll pay one million".

"Would you be willing to sign a contract mister Creed?" the man asked nervously "A contract saying you're not allowed to use her for any sort of fighting? No arena fighting, no cage fighting, not even kick boxing".

"Sure Paulie, I'll sign your goddamn contract because from this day on, she won't fight another day. And you know what? I'm in a good mood. So I'll pay you five million dollars for her".

Paul's eyes grew wide and he ran out of words to say. Then again it was best to keep his mouth shut if Creed was serious about the five million.

"Get her out" Creed ordered.

Paul quickly took out a small remote from his jeans pocket and entered a code to turn off the sedation gas.

"Within minutes the sedatives will stop working due to her healing factor and-"

"I know the drill" Creed interrupted impatiently. "Just get her out".

Paul entered another code, took several steps back and the door opened. Two guards came from both sides and Paul pushed the little red button on the remote control.

The feral woman, who was still sitting on the ground against her bedside, suddenly cramped up as if she'd been electroshock-ed. Creed's eyes turned towards to remote control and figured she did just get an electroshock.

He slowly took the remote control from Paul's hand "Let's not use this button again shall we?" he said dangerously "I don't need some little punk damaging my merchandise".

Creed switched the remote off and put it in his pocket. Might come in handy one day but not today. He simply walked into the cage and over to the small frail. She blinked, her body had rejected the sedatives extremely fast. No wonder, class 5 mutant and all.

But so was he, and he was male so she would be no match for him if she decided to fight him. She was still a little sleepy and only just started to realize where she was.

He reached for her upper arm and yanked it briskly, pulling her to her feet. Her body was compliant as she rose.

"Let's get these contracts signed and make you a millionaire" Creed sneered at Paul as he guided the feral woman out of the glass cage.

She slowly looked around the old fashion office as she stood there, frozen like a pillar. She had never been in this part of the Arena. Was this even part of the Arena? She wondered. Would she fight the big mutant here? Maybe it was a private show. If it was, this would be the end of her. She knew it when she woke up from her sedated state, if she was to fight this man, she would lose. Big time.

And it would be a shame, because her mission on this goddamned planet hadn't been accomplished yet. She still had a lot of killing to do. Starting with 'The Rat'. That's what she called Paul who's name she knew but never used. He was just 'The Rat' in her eyes. The sneaky little man who had bought her from those other men. Those men who caught her that particular peaceful day she was just living her life in the woods. She had no idea how long it had been. All she knew is that one day they came to her part of the forest and they took her. Put a collar around her neck and put her in a cage. And then there was Paul the Rat who bought her and brought her here.

'Here' was the arena where she fought a lot of fights in order to survive. And ever since, her life had only been about surviving. Killing to survive, surviving to be able to live. She'd lost count on how many other mutants she had killed. Some begged for mercy so she killed them quickly. But sometimes the bosses ordered her to do it slowly. Because that's what people paid to see according to Paul the Rat. She never did it slowly, she was no torturer. But every time she refused to do as they said, she would pay the price afterwards.

He had beady little eyes. That's where the nickname she had given him, came from. Not anything like the preying grey eyes of the big feral man in the long black coat. By god he was big. And the strangest thing was: he wasn't wearing a collar and Paul the Rat seemed scared of him instead of the other way around. Paul the Rat sure as hell smelled scared. They were signing papers and suddenly shook hands which confused her even more. Why was this man here?

"That's that then" Paul the Rat said "She's all yours now mister Creed. I hope she's worth it".

"Mmm" Creed mused "She'll be worth it, don't you worry little man".

"Well, best leave that collar on. She can be quite the hassle if you know what I mean" Paul said as he handed the papers to mister Creed "Oh and you might want to take some of this" he added as he pulled out a box from his drawer.

When he opened it Creed frowned "What's that?".

"The special sedative we use to keep her calm. It's especially made for feral mutants".

"I won't be needing that" Creed said with the greatest restraint. He really just wanted to rip the little man's guts out.

"But you might!" Paul the Rat tried to convince him "When she's fully awake again she'll-".

"She's already fully awake and still standing there like an ice sculpture so we'll be fine. Besides… I can handle her" he added cruelly.

"Of course" Paul quickly agreed as he searched his pockets for something "Where's that damn remote?" he mumbled.

Creed slowly pulled it out of one of his own pocket "I already had it remember?".

"Of course, of course" Paul replied nervously. He wanted these two mutants out of his office as quickly as possible.

The female feral slowly cocked her head to one side, cracking her neck as she eyed the big man's pocket. If the remote to her collar was in the big man's pocket… well, then…

The Rat could no longer hurt her.

Creed was stuffing the papers in his coat when Paul asked "Now that she's yours… what are you going to use her for?".

Creed slowly looked up and smirked wickedly "Breeding".

"Breeding?" Paul asked rather shocked.

"Yes, breeding" Creed simply answered. "Feral women are rare and I've only come across two in my whole life. They were both dead. This one is going to bare me a lot of strong feral cubs".

She didn't understand most of what the two men said. She wasn't familiar with words like 'breeding' and 'cubs'. What did they mean? However, one thing was more than clear: she was not an object of Paul the Rat any longer. This was just like all those years ago when some men entered her woods and handed her over to Paul for money. It was a deal, a transaction she believed it was called. This was just like all those years ago which meant…

Paul was no longer her owner. She had been sold to the big feral man.

The realization awoke even more senses and she slowly cocked her head to the other side. She wondered if she would go to another arena now.

He smelled nice, the big and scary feral man and she was happy she wouldn't have to fight him. She slowly licked her lips, she smelled something else. The big feral man named 'mister Creed' didn't like her previous owner.

"Would you like me to call for someone and clean her for you?" Paul asked, hoping his offer would be declined.

"That won't be necessary" Creed answered as he looked her over "I'll have her cleaned when I reach my destination".

Paul walked over to the door and opened it "It was good doing business with you mister Creed".

Creed nodded and pulled her arm again, his cock twitched when he touched her "Let's go frail".

He didn't have to drag her, she was awake enough to walk and follow him. Also, he had the remote and she would do anything to prevent having to go through the hellish kind of pain which the remote could cause her. The collar was directly linked to her spine which meant that's where the electroshock would flow through. And it was anything if it wasn't pure hell.

Once at the door, the two men shook hands once more without saying a word.

Paul looked at her one more time and his eyes grew wide with fear.

Her eyes were wide open and staring straight into his. A wicked little grin which showed pure psychosis could scare the biggest and meanest of men into submission. She slowly rose her right hand to his throat while he was still enthralled by her face. Before either of the men noticed what went on, she had sliced her nails right through Paul's throat, blood squirting out as he choked on it.

"Bye Rat" she whispered slowly.

AN: Tell me what you think! *pretty please*

I already have loads of chapters finished and waiting, but because I am a little stuck near the ending, I will update about once a week and just hope the writers block goes away :-)