"Do you know who you're going to the Valentine's Day dance with yet?" Dean Ambrose asked his best friend, Seth Rollins as he slammed his locker shut. Seth leaned against his own locker and sighed, pushing his thick framed glasses closer to his face.

"Are you kidding? Who would ask me to the dance that wasn't a part of a sick joke or a bet?" Seth said meekly, looking down at his black converse. "We both know I'm not going to get a date and even if I do it'll be with Becky because she doesn't have a date either." Seth let out another sigh, and he shook his head sadly.

"Hey." Dean put his arm on his best friend's shoulder to comfort him. "You don't have to go with Becky. You can come with me and Nikki if you want. I rather you come with us then have to take your steam punk lesbian best friend to the dance out of pity."

Seth smiled gratefully at Dean but still shook his head no. "It's Valentine's Day. I'm not going to ride third wheel with you and Nikki. All you guys are gonna do is end up making out while making me feel awkward at the same time. So I'll pass."

"Are you sure dude?" Dean asked as he softly caressed his shoulder. "What if I promised we won't kiss that much in front of you?"

"I'm definitely sure-" Seth was finishing up his sentence when the jocks started down the hallway. They were all laughing together, some with cheerleaders on their arms as the rest of the student body parted for their teen royalty...

Roman Reigns.

Seth watched him smile and laugh with Randy Orton by his side. He had his red letterman jacket on, and one of those tight smedium shirts he was so fond of wearing under it. His long black hair was tight up in a bun with some hair still out in the back, giving him that messy man bun look guys on Instagram were crazy about these days. Seth looked at him as he walked and when Roman walked pass him, Seth noticed Roman smile right at him, before continuing his conversation with Randy.

Once they were gone, Dean watched Seth's blush slowly fade, and his hands curl from behind his back. "Oh god Seth. You still have a crush on Roman. Don't you?" Dean couldn't help but to laugh at his friend. He's been crushing on Roman since he accidentally bumped into Seth freshman year. He helped Seth pick up his books and then smiled at him. Dean only remembered the story because Seth liked to re-tell it. A lot. "I thought you'd be over that by now."

"What?" Seth shook his head at Dean embarrassingly. "I am over it. I don't even know what you're talking about." He tried to play it off.

"Yeah, sure. So you weren't just blushing like a school girl then?" Dean asked back.

"Nope I wasn't." Seth gave him an eye that told Dean to drop it. Dean laughed and raised his hands in the air, defensively. The final bell rung, signaling it was time for their last class. It was AP chemistry. One of the very few classes Seth had with Roman.

"Okay I gotta go. I don't wanna be late. See you after school right? Or are you and Nikki gonna skip last period and make out underneath the bleachers again?"

Dean smirked mischievously, "You know me all too well. Later dude. Try not to jizz in your pants when you see Roman okay!" Dean yelled a little too loudly as he ran in the other direction.

"SHUT UP DEAN!" Seth blushed as he yelled back at his stupid best friend.

A five-minute walk later, Seth got to Mr. David's class on time. He sat in his assigned seat then took out his chemistry book. As he and others started getting their stuff out and taking their seats, Roman and Randy walked in. Seth's eyes immediately lit up as he saw him. His heart pounded hard in his chest as Roman and Randy tried to find places to sit. Seth noticed Randy hit Roman's chest to tell him there were two free seats in the very back of the class. But for some reason, Roman's eyes were on Seth and the empty seat next to him. Seth saw Roman smile at him again, and that fluttery, barely breathing feeling Seth got whenever Roman looked at him came rushing through him once again.

He won't sit next to me. Seth thought to himself. Roman always sits with Randy. Today would be no different... right?

Wrong. Seth's mind told him as he saw Roman whisper something to Randy then make his way over to him.

Oh god… Roman was actually coming to sit next to him?

Was this real life?

"Hey." Roman said as he sat down in the chair next to Seth.

"H-Hi." Seth said back nervously, pushing his glasses back towards his nose.

"You're Seth, right?" Roman asked softly. Seth never really heard him talk that much. But just like he thought, Roman's voice was deep, and intimidating. But also sweet, soft... kind.

"You know my name?" Seth was taken aback. He was pretty much invisible to anyone but his parents, Dean, and Becky. He never thought Roman Reigns, king of Shaffer High would know him by name.

"Of course I do." Roman smiled at how nervous Seth seemed. "You're the one guy in this entire school who happens to be beating me academically." Roman laughed and Seth laughed too, trying not to blush like the school girl Dean thinks he is. "It's really hard to compete with your grades you know."

"Well, I strive for greatness." Seth said, trying to sound a bit smug. "I don't blame you for lack of focus though. You do have football and academics to worry about."

"Yeah. That." Roman nodded, then suddenly moved closer to where Seth. His personal space was completely invaded now as gray eyes stared deep into hazel. "And the fact that you happen to be incredibly hot, is also a very huge distraction." Roman licked his bottom lip then pulled away, to focus on the teacher.

As their gazes unlocked, Seth sat their completely shocked by what Roman just said. Did he just dream that? Was this a dream? Was his mind playing tricks on him yet again?

"R-roman?" Seth nervously stuttered, "Did you just say I was..." He was almost afraid to finish his sentence.

"Hot?" Roman whispered back without taking his eyes off the teacher. "Yeah. I did."

Fuck. Seth now thought.

He entered a fucking parallel universe.


The school bell rang for the last time that day and Seth couldn't pack up quick enough. He got all his books and stuff and quickly exited Mr. David's classroom. He needed to find Dean. He needed air. He needed something to make since of what just happened. As he was speeding out of the school he noticed Roman hot on his tail.

"Seth?" Roman yelled to him. "Hey Seth!"

Seth looked back at him, but didn't stop. He couldn't face Roman right now. He broke out into a sprint, jogging to his car. Forget Dean, forget oxygen. Right now Seth just needed to get away.

"Seth wait!" Roman pleaded as he saw Seth get in the car. "Can we talk?"

Seth couldn't form actual words right now. He tossed his books into his back seat then shook his head no to Roman through the car window. After that, Seth zoomed away. Hoping that when got home, Roman calling him hot seemed like nothing more than a vague memory.

"Hey asshole who left me with no ride home. Wanna come open the front door?" That was Dean, who was rightfully pissed at Seth for leaving him at school. Seth tossed his phone on his bed then slumped down the stairs towards his door. He opened it and there was Dean, with his best confused face on. "What the shit dude? We were supposed to be going to your house together!"

Seth just gave Dean a look then slumped back up the stairs. Dean made a face as he followed his sullen best friend towards his room.

"What in the fuck is wrong with you dude?" Dean asked as Seth fell face first on his bed, burying himself in his own pillow. "Is this still about Valentine's day? Cause I told you, you can come with me and Nikki to the dance."

"No. This isn't about valentine's day, Dean." Seth mumbled, then sat up so Dean could see his face. "Something strange happened to me today and it's really fucked up if you ask me." Seth said sadly.

"Well fuck." Dean got into bed with Seth and sat next to him. "What happened?"

"Umm..." Seth sighed, "Roman kind of... told me that I was hot today." As soon as Seth said it he saw Dean's face light up in excitement. "Don't get too excited. I think he was trying to 'She's all that' me."

"She's all that?" Dean was confused. "What are you even saying?"

"You know, She's All That. The movie? Where the hot jock bets that he can get the nerdy girl and turn her into a hot chick before prom? I think that's what Roman was trying to do to me." Seth picked at his bed sheets and pillows, shaking his head.

"So you got all of that from him calling you hot?"

Seth nodded.

"Is it not possible you might be um; you know reading too much into this?" Dean asked him seriously. "What if Roman actually thinks you're hot?"

"Am I though D?" Seth said back honestly, "We've gone to the same school for 4 years, and he's never done anything more than smile at me. Now all of a sudden he thinks I'm hot?" Seth shook his head in disbelief "And I saw him whisper something to Randy right before he came and sat next to me. This has shitty movie plot written all over it."

Dean didn't really know how to respond to that. On one hand, Seth could be right. But on the other, he also could also be wrong. He didn't know Roman well enough to make a clear decision. But Roman definitely didn't seem like a guy who would do something to someone malicious. He was one of the sweetest jocks in the entire school.

"Seth, maybe Roman was-" Dean's sentence was cut off by the door bell ringing. "Shit your mom and dad back already?" Dean asked cautiously. They didn't like Dean over at late hours.

"No. They're still at the paleontology conference in Panama. Besides they wouldn't ring the bell you idiot." Seth got up and told Dean he would be right back. The bell kept ringing mercilessly so Seth hurried down the stairs, "Fuck. Chill I'm coming!" Seth yelled. When he reached the door he swung it open. "What the fuck is your-" Seth began to say but his sentence was cut short by the man in front of him.

There he was.

With flowers.

Red roses.

A card.

And heart shaped chocolates.

Roman Reigns.

The king of Shaffer High, was at Seth's door with a bunch of gifts and a very somber smile.

"Hi." He said softly. "Can we talk now?"

"Hi." Seth said back as his heart starts beating a mile a minute. "Um..." He was about to say yes but Dean came running down the stairs at that exact moment.

"Dude do you have frogger- oh." Dean said as he saw Roman standing at the door with stuff in his hands. "Did I totally just interrupt something or?"

"Ahem." Seth cleared his throat at Dean, then signaled him to leave with a nudge of his head.

"Oh right. I get it. Um, so I'll see you at the dance later then?" Dean asked but Seth just gave him another get the hell out kind of look. "Right. Okay. I'm leaving. Nice to um like see you Roman." Dean awkwardly snapped his fingers at him as he breezed past. He left quickly but not before he smiled and winked at his best friend.

"Sorry about him." Seth apologized. "I get full custody when his mom is out of town." Roman let out a light laugh at that, then looked down at the ground awkwardly. "Oh right. Um, come in." Seth opened the door wider for him then closed it behind Roman.

"Um, I brought these for you." Roman said softly. He handed Seth the roses, card and chocolates, then ran a nervous hand through his long black hair.

"I'll go put these in water. You can sit in the living room and wait for me?" Seth smiled at him, then walked off towards the kitchen. Roman found the living room with ease and decided to sit down on one of the couches. After about five minutes Seth came back and sat down right next to Roman.

They let awkward silence fill the room for a bit. Roman ended up taking in Seth's looks as their silence became uncomfortable. Only Seth could make a heavy metal tank top and gray sweats look so good.

"So.." Seth decided to be the one to break the silence. "You said you wanted to talk?"

"Yeah." Roman gulped, then let out a deep breath before deciding to just say what he had to say. "I'm sorry if I freaked you out in chem. I just been wanting to say that for a very, very long time and I guess, during AP chemistry isn't the most ideal place to tell the guy you have a crush on, that he's hot." Roman laughed and shook his head. "I feel like a total jackass. I don't even know if you're gay, or if... you like guys. It was so rude of me to assume anything. I'm sorry."

Seth couldn't stop the smile on his face during and after Roman finishing speaking. Roman had a crush on him? Roman liked him. Roman wanted him. It was almost too good to be true.

"Well I guess I should tell you that I do like guys. I am gay, and I've had a crush on you since freshman year when we bumped into each other and you smiled at me. I never knew you were gay, or liked guys. I just assumed you were straight. That's why I ran after you called me hot. I thought you were just trying to win a bet or something." Seth was so embarrassed.

"Why would you think that?"
"Well, I saw you whispering to Randy and.."

Roman cut him off with a laugh, "Oh that. Yeah, there's no bet. Randy is the only one of my teammates who know I'm gay. I whispered to him that I was gonna go for it with you finally. He's been pushing me to ask you out for years. I just didn't know if someone as hot as you would want a dumb jock like me. I thought if I hit on you, you'd come to the dance with me tonight and... it could've been like our first date." Roman shook his head, "I know it's silly."

"It's not silly, it's romantic." Seth blushed as his knee softly touched Roman's. They looked at each other and gently smiled. Roman softly bit his lip at how red Seth was getting. God, he was hot when he was flustered.

"Do you realize how gorgeous you are?" Roman asked as he gently caressed the side of Seth's face.

Seth shook his head no. "I'm not." He said back.

"You are." Roman told him again. "I should've asked you out before I say this, but I guess it's a little too late now so… Do you wanna be my valentine, Seth?" He asked softly. "Please say yes. Because I'm dying to kiss you right now but I'm also trying to be a gentleman and get your permission first."

Seth's bottom lip was tugged between his teeth at Roman's words. "Yes." He said back with a smile and a nod of his head.

Once he said yes Roman growled and pulled Seth into his lap. Seth sat down directly on top of Roman, breathing out heavily. Hazel eyes bore deep into gray right before Roman laid a small kiss to Seth's lips. He nipped at them playfully, teasing Seth. Their lips connected again after a minute, the pressure becoming increasingly passionate as Roman pulled him closer. Roman let his tongue carefully slide across Seth's bottom lip before he slid it deep in Seth's mouth. Roman's hands did some exploring of their own as they moved towards Seth's ass. He squeezed it in his hands, as he pulled Seth even closer so he could feel his erection through his jeans. Seth moaned in Roman's mouth as he felt Roman grow up under him. Seth rocked against the erection, making Roman hiss out in pleasure.

"Fuck." Was the only word Roman could think of as Seth continued to slowly grind against Roman's erection. Teasing him and tongue kissing him at the same time. Roman possessively grabbed Seth's waist as their lips smacked against each other and Seth's ass grinded hard against Roman's erection. Seth had never felt this kind of pleasure before in his life. It felt so good, Roman felt so good.

This was shaping up to be the best valentine day, Seth Rollins has ever had.