to all my loyal followers thank you for taking this first ride with me on this first FanFiction journey...this story was my virgin story and you guys broke me in good too LOLOL there is more to come and I have not forgotten your my followers that wanted some kinky be careful what you wish for... The 50 Shades will be up you all so very very much.

Dean, Seth and Roman sat in the kitchen attempting to not wake Sonja who seemed to have slept for hours. Alex had come in gave dap to Roman and Seth and hugged Dean, and went back out, it was so funny to Dean that he was even in this position…instant family and now a baby on the way.

"I never saw myself in this role man." Dean said to Roman

"What role bro.?"

"The dad role. I mean growing up I just never imagined it happening. Funny thing is she didn't want it, sometimes things just happen huh." He said drinking his coffee

"Man, we never know out future, all we know is getting beyond your past to make a way for what lies ahead." Roman said with a smile.

"Dean you're a good dude, I have told you that time and time again, your good to the people around you and they see how cool you are, The Lunatic Fringe thing is just a name." Seth added

"I know man, just didn't see this one coming, I guess. I have dated older women. Well fucked them at least, but not in a million years did I see myself dating and falling in love with someone so different. It was a divide and conquer thing at first, I just…she blindsided me guys."

At that moment Sonja walked out of the bedroom, holding her stomach,

"Jonathan, I don't feel to good." She mumbled and then passed out.

Dean, Roman and Seth grabbed her and laid her on the couch. Seth felt her pulse which was very weak. Dean reached down and as he checked her over he saw blood between her legs.

"Colby, look!" Seth looked down and so did Roman, they all dialed 911 at the same time and Dean got the call through first. While Roman and Seth watched over her. Dean explained the emergency and the dispatcher advised him there was a unit on the way.

Dean texted Alex,who burst through the door in a matter of minutes. Right behind him came the rescue workers. Who began working on Sonja and the baby. They loaded her in the ambulance and Dean rode with her, Sonja did not wake the entire ride and looked pale to him. He held her hand as he bit his nails, trying to gather his thoughts he bent down to her ear. Sonja I love you, you can't leave me I have finally found what I want…who I want,don't do this to me.

Sonja opened her eyes and looked at him and smiled. "I'm not going anywhere baby I promise." And then she fell into a deep sleep.

For a week Sonja lay quietly, she looked so beautiful to him, she slept soundly and he just waited for her to come back to him. The doctors told him that she would not be able to carry the baby to term, because of a medical condition with her her uterus and her age. They wanted to take the baby, but he would not allow that…he wanted Sonja to make that decision. He slept in that room day and night, Roman and Seth tried to get him to go eat, take a break or something, but Dean sat there…waiting. Roman brought him a change of clothes daily, and sat and talked to Sonja while Dean would shower and brush his teeth.

Dean would come out and take his seat again without a word, and wait. After a few days of no response finally Sonja squeezed his hand, he was laying next to her and he was holding her and she moved slightly, That's right baby, come back to me…to us…. He whispered touching her stomach. He listened daily to the heartbeat of his unborn child, as he/she got stronger by th day. He could hear activity and when th nurse did a sonogram of her stomach Dean saw his child for the first time…kicking and moving and it amazed him.

"would you like to know the sex Mr. Good."

"Huh?" he said looking at the screen in front of him

"Would you like to know the sex of your child?"

"I already do, it's a girl right?"

"Why, yea how did you…"

"Lucky guess." He smiled thinking back to his dream.

"Is she healthy.." a weak voice said and he looked to see Sonja's eyes focused on the screen. Dean squeezed her hand and his dimples caved in totally as he smiled "Like her momma"

Sonja was placed on bed rest for the next few months, and Dean would come right back to her after his shows.

Anna was born on November 3rd, healthy and strong through C-Section she had a full head of red bushy hair, and when Dean held her for the first time she smiled at him, he was totally in love. Her mocha complexion, red hair and beautiful dimpled smile won the world over.

As she grew so did Dean's love for Sonja, Alex and his family. They decided to go to the Justice of the peace on their wedding day, which was on November 3rd the following year. As Sonja said her vows it rang true to them both.

Sonja smiled and said the following.

"Sometimes when you least expect it, you round a corner, and before you stands your destiny. You can fight it, run from it, deny it, even try to leave it behind, but if its meant to be….you can't stop it. Dean I tried to stop loving you. I even tried to leave you, but I just couldn't. The harder I tried the more I needed you. I am so in love with you and I hope you and I will make this last until we are old dried up prunes."

Dean laughed and Roman busted out with a kiss kiss noise which made them both laugh and then roman gave Anna a tickle as she giggled at them while reaching for Dean, who took her proudly. As the justice of the peace pronounced them man and wife Dean looked at Sonja, Alex and Anna and realized…all those moments alone were for a reason…so he knew when he was finally where he belonged.