It had been one heck of a day, bad boss. Terrible boyfriend and a pile of bills that could choke a horse. The only thing that Diamond looked forward to were Mondays and Fridays, Monday Night Raw and Friday Night Smackdown kept her calm especially when she wanted to just crack. Bodies flying everywhere and she enjoying it all.
Her faves as with most females at this time were The Shield. She loved the friendship, loyalty and respect each of them had for each other. Yet she felt like a dirty old woman looking at those young boys and it was an odd feeling to even be attracted to someone like that. Yet she was and she did. She had a fondness for a young man named Dean ..Dean Ambrose to be was something sensual about him that overtook her every time she saw him...she knew chances were beyond slim to meet him and even more slim that he would even give her a second glance especially with a babe like Renee Young on his arm...but she could fantasize and she could dream, and she did daily about him and those arms cut to perfection...those eyes of blue that you just wanted to swim in and that beautiful body was just too much for her.
Tonight was her night and they were actually in her town, she had wished she could go but she just didn't have the money. So she would just watch the show live at home and be happy that they were so close.
"Ugh I hate getting gas but I have to before I go in to work so heck with it."
Diamond had one heck of a night and an even longer day ahead of her but her part time job was calling her. She went into the gas station and stood in line and she pulled up the WWE app on her phone and begin to watch The Destruction of The Shield Video while she waited in line to pay for gas.
"Dang Dean Ambrose is so fine. Boy if I was just 10 to 15 years younger …" she said with a grin, while standing in line. She had headphones in but the phone was in full view behind her and little did she know her dream was right round the corner. Well actually right in line behind her getting some coffee and listening to the ramblings of this woman's joy.
Dean, Roman and Seth had been driving across country to get to North Charleston SC, and it was one heck of a ride. They took turns and each slept as one drove. They loved riding together even though the world through they hated each other. At least the world thought Dean and Roman hated Seth.
"Man did you read this bullshit?" Seth said as he rolled his tongue across his dry lips
"What?" Roman replied as Dean focused on the road
"They keep talking about how we hate each other, I mean I am cool with the roles but sometimes they take it to damn far...and have you seen these tumbler chicks I get so tired of going on there and they making us lovers, I hate that shit man."
"Roman started laughing loudly "Man forget it, you know they love us don't worry about the petty stuff"
"Yeah man fuck it, I am a pussy man you know it..I know it, the whole world knows it...just chill let it ride man..relax." Dean said as he took his eyes off the road for a quick second to glance back at Seth in a brother to brother way.
"Are we there yet man I want to get to my room and stretch out before my match tonight." Seth moaned.
"Yeah actually, I am about to stop at this gas station man..I gotta piss and I need some coffee.." Dean said with a smile as his dimples began to show...
"Yeah me too." Roman said pulling his long mane into a ponytail.
"Ok, well I am good I will wait in the car." Seth said as he laid down in the back seat.
Dean and Roman entered into the store and the fans knew immediately who they were and started running over to them one by one. They expected it so it was no surprise. They signed autographs and Roman branched to the left heading to the bathroom while Dean got in line behind a older woman. He watched her from the back and noticed her fuller figure ..he was never attracted to fuller figured women for some reason. Always like the small petite ones but this one had a little shape to her. Her butt stood out and he really wanted to grab it , but she looked as if she was a hard core one and she would probably slap the shit out of him if he touched her...she smelled different too. Her hair was short and she had on a black t-shirt and a black baseball cap...
Wonder what she looks like?" and then he saw what she was looking at and heard her comment.
"oh really now?" he mumbled to himself..."Really?"
"Diamond rocked back and forth, not realizing just how loud she was watching the video. She was continuously saying how fine Dean was and people were actually looking at her and laughing. She was not aware he was behind her. As she got up to the counter she took out her headphones and was about to pay for her gas.
"Fill up the silver charger on pump 3, so 50.00 please. " she said handing the money to the young man behind the counter, but a hand overshadowed hers and she heard a voice from behind her say.
"Let her fill up whatever and keep the change for yourself man." and the hand handed the young man $80.00.
It made her feel good that there was someone who was still nice and considerate in the world, so she wanted to thank whomever it was with a hug. Her eyes widened and her jaw fell open when she turned and saw the man on her phone staring back at her with a huge smile on his face and the tall Samoan behind him.
"She looked down at her cell phone and looked back up and both Dean and Roman smiled,with fresh faces.
"Your...and two...wait a second let me get my thoughts together."
Dean began to laugh even harder as Roman smiled.
"Yeah it's us pretty lady, and your welcome." Roman said as he smiled at Diamond with the prettiest curve of teeth she had ever seen.
"WOW, wait until I tell my son I met Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose he is gonna flip his lid."
Dean smiled at her and took of his shades, and she saw something in his eye. Something she hadn't seen in a long time from a man...a hint of lust swimming in his veins. She shook her head to make sure she wasn't imagining what she saw. Dean moved slightly closer to her and she backed away in amazement. She laughed and her eyes hit a certain part of the light...and the hazel flecks in them glimmered at Dean as he trailed his eyes from her one dimple on her cheek down to her breast and back to her eyes. Diamond squinted her eyes and bit her bottom lip slightly because now she knew that there was an actual interest in her coming from this younger man and all she could do was just shake her head at him.
"Look here little boy, this is not what you want, you might want to make sure you know what your getting into before you step into it. I am not a young woman like these other girls. I do think you are one sexy individual but your just too young for my taste, thanks for the gas though with your sexy self." She touched his cheek softly and walked away.
"Roman started laughing loudly and looked back at Dean, and opened the door for Diamond.
"I bet you heard that didn't you. I like her she speaks her mind."
Roman walked with Diamond to her car and conversed. Dean turned beet red because no woman had actually come that way towards him, it wasn't an arrogance thing it was more the fact that she challenged him and he knew she was not going to be an easy one, she was a strong one and before he left Charleston. He was going to make her beg for more. Just because he wanted to.
"Yeah I hear you talking lady; I hear you talking" Dean said with a slight grin