A/N: I decided to take a crack at a multi-chaptered pairing my two favorite wrestlers. I don't own any of the names you recognize they belong to the WWE and I guess themselves. I'm looking for a beta since my grammar can be horrendous from time to time so anyone interested just PM me. I decided to stick with using their character's name rather than their real ones & this may be slight A/U-ish
He watched her from the darkness, leering at her bright colors, glaring at her smile. He didn't understand how anyone could smile that damn much after getting their ass kicked, it's like she got off on it. He was scheduled to go on next but couldn't help but to see her bouncing around the ring, jumping like a damn Mexican bean.
"Snap out of it man!" His brother in crime Roman Reigns punched him in his arm knocking him to his senses. "Why are you looking at Summer Rae like that?" Roman stared at his friend all too knowing of his mood swings and never quite understanding them at the same time.
"I was thinking about our next match, not glaring at Summer" Dean Ambrose stated gruffly, happy to be out of his thoughts but upset because he couldn't keep staring at her.
"Looked like a glare to me" Roman said in a sing song voice "get your head in the game, our tag match is next."
"My head is always in the fucking game man."
Reigns rose his eyebrow knowing that was not the case. He would love to find out what was going on in Dean's head but the thought alone was scarier than getting injured in the ring.
"Looked to me like you were glaring at Summer's ass, not focusing on making sure this match goes smooth"
Dean snarled and shook his head out, trying to clear the thoughts in his head. "There's not much ass to look at however Naomi…" Dean trailed off and raised an eyebrow at Roman.
"What the fuck?! That's my cousin's girl! I don't know what ass you speak of…" Roman trailed off as he heard Naomi's music and knew she was going to be coming to the back soon.
Dean smirked at Roman "no one said stare but it is noticeable."
Naomi skipped down the steps her braids that she had in a ponytail shaking side to side with her movements and behind the curtain smiling and sweaty after her match with Summer Rae, looking for her boyfriend Jimmy Uso. Roman made an attempt to straighten himself out and not act like her or her ass was just the subject of the conversation.
"Great match Naomi!" Roman high fived her as she flashed him her signature smile.
"Did you see that hurricarana I gave her?!" Naomi was excited, eyes flashing with glee, already wanting to discuss the match with the man she considered her best friend. "I was so nervous I was going to screw it up or that Summer was going to miss her mark, but it was perfect!"
Summer Rae came down the stairs afterwards giving Naomi a hug and headed to the locker rooms.
Dean stared at her as she continued the conversation her hair whipping back and forth. He never met anyone that was that positive even if she did feel she botched anything she still kept the smile and would work on perfecting it that night if they still had time. He saw a few scratches on her neck and what he wouldn't give to give her more, make her scream…
Dean shook his head, what the fuck was he thinking?
Naomi turned to him finally acknowledging his presence. They didn't speak much other than hi or good job. She never felt that he liked her and she never understood it but she wouldn't let his mood bring her down.
"I gotta go get in position baby girl" Roman turned to walk away giving Dean a strange look as he waited in the gorilla position for his music to hit.
"Did you watch the match Dean?"
"Fine." Dean cleared his throat to get the raspiness out "It was fine"
"Just fine?" Naomi stared at him with a questionable look in her eyes.
Dean nodded his head slightly and started bouncing on his feet to get himself prepared for his match hoping she would leave. The smell of the sweat and whatever perfume she was wearing was getting to his nostrils. He was thinking thoughts he hadn't thought of in a while and they included silencing the little sing bird.
"You know if you have a problem with me I wish you would just say it so we can move past it" Naomi knew that Dean was trying to avoid her. He would rarely look her in her eye and when he did it seemed to be in disgust
Dean stopped bouncing and looked down at Naomi.
"Who the fuck said I had a problem with you?"
Naomi wasn't one to be deterred but she felt her falter as she tried to appear to be his height while meeting his eyes face on.
"Don't give me that shit…" She trailed off as she heard his music hit.
He will never know what made him do it, maybe it was the rush of his music or the thoughts were getting too much but he grabbed Naomi's chin so she could look at him head on and they both stared at each other for less than 3 seconds before Dean let her go and went to greet the crowd.
Naomi was in shock by his actions yet wasn't scared at all however she couldn't shake the feeling of his hands on her chin as she went to look for her boyfriend Jimmy Uso.