So, I'd like to apologize for taking so long to update, but life happens. I got a good chunk of the chapter written, but I needed to add a few things as ideas continued coming to me. I wanted to add a little more, to make it a bit longer, but I really couldn't, and I liked where I ended it, so I'm gonna go ahead and post it now. It explains a few things about where the Demons will stay while in the Human Realm, and they finally get some new clothes! Oh! And another comes to join the party, but that'll be near the end of the chapter. Well, that's all I have to say right now, so please read and enjoy. Wait! One more thing, I'd like to thank everyone who had read this story and have stuck with me. I love the concept I'm coming up with and the universe I've created, so I will stick with this story, but updating may be spaced out and sporadic. I'll try to do my best, but I'm only human, and I have things to do, plus that pesky thing called writer's block that occasionally hits me. Okay, now enjoy!
Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or any of One Piece's characters mentioned in this fic. Our amazing Oda-sensei does, and I think he should keep them. I'm only borrowing them for the time being.
Warning: This is AU. Basically, all that remains are their names, faces, and a few personality traits, but other than that, the characters in this story are mostly OOC.
Two Hours Later (Demons are back in their "Human Forms")
"Four months?!" both Sanji and Usopp shouted, staring at Robin as she explained everything they'd already discussed previously; it took a couple of hours to get through everything, and while Robin spoke, Perona told both Zoro and Nami that she was going to go into town and grab some clothes for them, using the money Mihawk always left for them to pay.
"Why?" Nami had asked, to which Perona replied, "You can't go walking around in what you have on now."
Zoro had left to get changed himself, weirdly aware of Luffy's gaze on him as he left the room. Something was up with that Demon Prince, but he didn't know what, not yet anyway. He shook off the thought and grabbed a white t-shirt edged with dark green and a pair of comfortable denim jeans, pulling both on, and threaded his usual maroon belt through the loops, attaching his katanas to it a second later. With everything going on, being anywhere without them was no better than signing his own death warrant. Before going back downstairs, he stopped in his bathroom to scrub off the blood now dried to his face, inspecting it for any other damage. The Shifter had already done so when all of them came back inside, but he declared that Zoro didn't have any lethal injuries and moved on to the next injured person.
Just a few nicks and scratches,he thought to himself, agreeing with what Chopper said. Could've been worse.
He was heading back downstairs when he heard those two other Demons shout something before hearing the garage door open. Perona's back. He left Robin to deal with their guests as he crossed through the kitchen, opening the door just as Perona walked up to it.
"Thanks." Perona breathed out, handing Zoro a few of the bags as well.
Before Perona left to go into town, she had changed from her nighttime attire into a gothic punk black vest top edged with red frills and corset ribbon lacing up the front, red skinny jeans tucked into black heeled, mid-calf boots, and a red heart-buckled belt. Perona was very into the "gothic lolita" look.
"Did you get everything you needed?" Zoro asked with heavy sarcasm in his voice.
"Haha." Perona said, plopping everything on the kitchen island. "I bought a few different things. I didn't know what they'd like."
"And for the stuff they don't like?" Zoro asked Perona as she headed to the entrance of great room.
"Return them." Perona said with a smirk before calling everyone into the kitchen.
"Oooo." Luffy called out excitedly as they all approached. "What is it?"
"I got you guys some clothes." Perona said, waving her hands over the bags on the island. "Look through and pick what you like."
The Demons, however, were staring at both Perona and Zoro weirdly, looking them over in what seemed like confusion.
"What?" Zoro ground out in annoyance.
"What are those?" Nami questioned, pointing at both siblings' pants.
The two looked down before at each other, then back at the Demons and saying, at the exact same time, "Jeans."
The Demons blinked back at them blankly.
Robin, who had disappeared briefly after finishing her explanation, came strolling into the kitchen as well, dressed completely different than before; once Zoro and Perona joined Mihawk in the house, she started leaving clothes in one of the guest bedrooms, just in case she ever needed a fresh change of clothes. She's now wearing a black leather jacket-like V-neck minidress with long sleeves, two small buttons strapped to the collar, and a zipper over the bodice—which was zipped up to the tops of her breasts—over a pale blue V-neck slip of the same length with dark blue polkadots and a high-collar, and black leather high-heeled boots that went up to mid-thigh.
"What are you wearing?!" Nami screeched out in surprise when she looked over at the Vampire.
"A leather dress." Robin answered with an amused smile.
"I assume they don't have these materials in the Demon Realm." Zoro said and the Demons shook their heads no. "Terrific."
Nami glanced over at the bags in contemplation before moving forward to start her search; she was definitely liking the clothes the Human Realm had. After quickly finding the bag that contained women's clothing, she sifted through it carefully, and from the corner of her eye, she saw the boys had started doing the same.
After about five minutes of careful searching and commenting over every single piece of fabric, the four Demons each had their outfits selected.
"Is there anything in there for me?" a slightly high-pitched, but somewhat familiar, voice asked from the entrance of the kitchen.
The Demons, though, knew who the voice belonged to. "I'm sure we can find something for you, Chopper." Nami commented, looking through the bags again.
The trio from the Human Realm looked over to where the voice came from and their jaws dropped in shock. It seemed Chopper shifted, again. First was the reindeer, then the large, humanoid form, and now…
He got shorter, a lot shorter, now only reaching about Perona's knees. He kind of looked like a tanuki-like chibi-creature, though still covered in the same golden tan fur as his other forms, with a small, slim body, a large head, wide charcoal gray eyes, a less-defined muzzle, and his hooves were back; the only things, besides the fur color, that were the same were the blue nose, the antlers with the left one braced at the base, and the cap he had been wearing, as well as the maroon shorts.
"Chopper?" Perona questioned, squatting down in front of the Shifter to get a better look.
"Yeah?" Chopper said back, head tilted in question.
"I thought you said you were a reindeer." Zoro said from behind Perona. "'Cause now you look like a raccoon-dog."
Chopper stomped his tiny hoof against the floor angrily. "I'm a reindeer, dammit! See! I have antlers!"
Perona squealed happily before picking Chopper up around the middle and hugged him to her. "He's so cute!"
"I guess this is another of your forms." Robin said, looking over Chopper.
"That's right." Nami answered before tossing something at Chopper. "These should be good, Chopper."
"Thanks, Nami!" Chopper said back before telling Perona to put him down.
"Where can we change?" Nami asked Perona.
"Here, you all can follow me upstairs." Perona said, beckoning with her hand. "I'll show you."
Robin and Zoro watched as they disappeared up the stairs before Zoro started gathering the clothes left behind and placing them back in the bags. Guess they'd be returning these, like Perona had said.
"So, Zoro, I was wondering something." Robin said, coming around to lean against the island, watching Zoro passively.
Zoro looked up, head cocked in question. "Yeah?"
"I'm assuming you're taking responsibility for the Demons while they're stuck here in the Human Realm, correct?" Robin asked him, smiling slightly.
Zoro gave her a weird look before shrugging. "I guess I am. Besides, the enemy already knows what you and I both look like. We're involved whether we like it or not. Besides, I can't just kick them out now." Something inside him clenched at the idea of never seeing any of these Demons again—especially one particular Demon—though he had no idea why he was feeling that way, but he didn't have time to look deeper into it since Robin was looking at him again with this knowing look.
Robin then gave him a nod, like she already expected Zoro to respond like that. "So if they are staying here, where, exactly, are they to sleep?"
Zoro blinked at her, a little confused. "It's not like we're short on space here. We have those two empty bedrooms upstairs. They'll just stay there."
Robin nodded again, but still looked contemplative. "But there are five of them, and only two bedrooms."
"Your point?" Zoro commented, grabbing the bags he had packed up and placing them quickly into the laundry room before going back to the kitchen. "One of them has two beds in it, and the other has a queen-sized bed. They can all fit." He then looked over at Robin, eyebrow raised. "Plus, you have rooms too, don't you?"
Robin giggled lightly, nodding in agreement. "I guess that's true." When Zoro continued looking oddly at her, she just said, "It was just a harmless question, Zoro. We did have to talk about it at some point, didn't we?"
Zoro just shook his head but agreed with the Vampire, though something niggled at him that there was something deeper to Robin's questioning, but he couldn't begin to guess what the Vampire was thinking about. Zoro learned, at an early age, it's best not to try to read too much into Robin—it just led to headaches and confusion.
Robin did, of course, have an ulterior motive for her questioning, but she wasn't about to bring it up to Zoro now. She had guessed that Zoro would want to keep their guests here, but she also had a suspicion that one particular Demon wouldn't be staying in the guest bedroom with the others. Oh no, this little Demon would probably end up with Zoro, if Robin had been reading all the signs correctly….and she's pretty sure she was. Luffy wouldn't let Zoro out of his sights for any amount of time if he could help it—that was demonstrated earlier when Zoro declared he was fighting and Luffy got this upset expression on his face at the statement. Robin hid another giggle expertly even as she watched Zoro unconsciously look behind him, towards the stairs. She really couldn't wait to see how this played out, but she also knew she needed to talk to Zoro about this bonding and soon, otherwise things might end up…messy.
"Should we make some lunch?" Robin finally asked, changing the subject smoothly as she began rolling up her sleeves.
"I guess." Zoro said with a shrug as he looked back at the woman. "We got the food for it."
"Yes, I noticed that." Robin said, glancing around the kitchen. "Why do you have so much food?"
Zoro sighed out. "I had this feeling we'd be needing it." He looked back at the stairs once more at that.
"As always, your instincts were spot-on." Robin said with a smile.
"Looks like it." Zoro said, finally taking a seat on one of the barstools. He really wasn't the best cook, though he could make basic things, but Robin was pretty good at it, as she usually cooked for them when he and Perona were younger and Mihawk was out of town.
Robin opened the large fridge, shifting through the copious amounts of food. "Now, what can we cook for lunch?"
"Cooking?" a smoky, baritone voice questioned as it entered the kitchen. "Let me. It's the least I can do."
The two looked over and found it was Sanji walking in, dressed very differently than before. He's now wearing a black double-breasted suit jacket buttoned closed over a golden yellow dress shirt and dark gold tie, black suit pants with a silver chain hanging from the belt loops on the left side while a double eyelet-studded dark gray belt was threaded through the loops, and black dress shoes.
"You look very handsome." Robin complimented, which sent the blond into a tizzy Zoro could only call "noodling" as he spouted some nonsense Zoro didn't bother to follow.
Great, a promiscuous, lady-loving idiot, but it did make some sort of sense, Zoro figured. The blond moron was an Incubus, after all. It still didn't mean he had to like it. Guys who fawned over women and treated them differently because they wore skirts and had boobs had always annoyed him. He could already tell he wasn't going to get along well with this one.
"Sanji!" came the loud call from what Zoro had now deemed his own personal headache. "Did you say you were cooking!?" There was a stomping sound from the stairs before Luffy appeared in the kitchen, looking back and forth wildly.
The Demon Prince also looked different, dressed now in a red unbuttoned, 3/4-sleeve cardigan with ruffled cuffs and hemline, jean shorts with a thick, white fluffy hemline and a yellow sash tied around his hips, and black flip-flop straw sandals. He looked extremely comfortable in that outfit, the whole laid-back look completed by the straw hat perched on his head.
"Lunch?" another voice sounded from just behind Luffy as it followed the Prince in. "That's good, I'm starving!"
Usopp was the next to come in and was now wearing yellow waist-high poofy pants that reached his shins with white fluff lining the top and red suspenders holding them up, tan mid-calf boots, a blue/white-striped armband covering his left forearm, a white suncap perched on his head, and a red satchel with the strap looped diagonally across his torso; he was also still wearing those goggles and headphones he'd been wearing previously, having not taken them off when he changed.
"Me too! Me too!" the high-pitched voice from before said as Chopper came into view from behind Usopp. He was dressed simply in a white/yellow-striped tank top and orange shorts.
"Those outfits suit you splendidly." Robin said with a smile as she took a seat next to Zoro, Sanji completely taking over the kitchen.
"Really?" Luffy said with a smile, hopping up onto the island to sit cross-legged on it, right in front of Zoro and Robin. "I thought so too!"
"The clothes here are very comfortable." Usopp commented, taking a seat in the last barstool beside Robin, Chopper hopping into his lap after he got situated.
"I like them!" Chopper called out cheerily.
There was the clip-clap sound of heels heading towards them before Nami and Perona came into view, both talking quietly about something. The Kitsune changed drastically into a green/white-striped halter bikini top, low-rider denim skinny jeans, a black belt with a silver berry symbol-buckle, and orange heeled sandals; sheathed into the right side of her belt were those three metal tubes she had been wearing in the band around her thigh earlier.
"You're a vision, Nami-swan!" Sanji cooed out, eyes turning to hearts when he saw the amount of skin Nami was showing.
Nami rolled her eyes, already used to this behavior from Sanji, before smiling. "Thanks, Sanji. Are you making lunch?"
"Of course! Only the finest for the ladies!" he trilled out.
"Sanji!" Luffy whined out. "I'm hungry!"
"Shut up, you garbage disposal." Sanji said to Luffy, though fond exasperation could be heard in his tone. "You'll get your food."
"Yay!" Luffy exclaimed before looking over at Zoro and Robin. "Sanji's cooking is the best! His dad's actually the cook for my Family, but Sanji usually cooks all my meals for me! They're the best!"
"How nice." Robin said with a smile.
There was a comfortable silence for about five minutes, everyone lost in their own thoughts, before a clang of a pot on the stovetop brought everyone back.
"I still can't believe we're really gonna be stuck here for four months!" Usopp said, breaking the silence as he rested his elbow on the island in front of him. "What's everyone else gonna think when we don't show up for that long?"
"Hmm." Luffy humphed out, head tilting to the side. "I didn't really think about that."
"Of course you didn't." Nami said, shaking her head as she leaned against the island next to where Luffy was sitting. "But Usopp does bring up a good point." She smacked her forehead with her palm, rubbing it. "Why didn't we think about that sooner? Everyone is going to panic when they realize we're gone!"
"Especially since it's Luffy who's missing." Usopp added, frowning in thought.
"Has nothing like this ever happened before?" Robin asked, curious.
Nami shook her head. "No, nothing like this." She glanced at Luffy before adding, "It's true that Luffy likes to explore and it isn't uncommon for him to be gone for a few days, but his dad is always okay with that because he knows we're," she motions to herself, the other Demons and Chopper, "always with him."
"But when Luffy doesn't come back after those few days, people will start to panic." Usopp said, chin now resting in his palm. "Plus, none of us are there either, and that'll send up major flags. His Family will freak."
"This is a problem." Robin said, nodding slowly. "And the worst part is none of you can send a message back, nor can any of them come here without risking being trapped here as well."
"This whole thing is crap." Zoro summed up, hand landing on Wadō's head when she sat down next to him. "I'm not sure if those bastards even realized that Luffy would essentially be trapped here or if it was a coincidence, but we really couldn't have asked for a shitier situation."
Robin nodded. "Either way you look at it, this makes their job of recovering Luffy easier than if he were able to return to the Demon Realm."
"Only wrench in their plans was our interference." Perona said from where she was leaning on the island, across from Zoro.
The Demons and Chopper were quiet for a moment as they thought over Perona's words. It's true, they would've been seriously screwed if they hadn't been found when they were—still unconscious—and they couldn't remember if they ever thanked the siblings, and Robin, for all they've done so far.
"I don't know if we've said this yet," Nami finally spoke up, giving the two Humans and Vampire a small smile, "but thanks for everything you've done. We'd probably be dead if you guys hadn't found us when you did."
Zoro rolled his eye, not even interested in their gratitude. "If you wanna thank anybody, thank Wadō and Kumashi. They were the ones that led us to you." He snorted. "Hell, we probably would've still been asleep if they hadn't woken us up. Don't make a big deal about it."
Perona rolled her eyes at Zoro's usual attitude, shaking her head. "What my brother meant to say was, you're welcome." She smiled at the Demons and Chopper. "But there's no need to thank us, really. You're our friends now, aren't you?"
That stumped their guests completely before Luffy started laughing his usual carefree laugh.
"Yeah!" he exclaimed with a large smile. "We're all friends!"
No one, except maybe Robin, noticed the way Luffy's gaze lingered on Zoro a moment longer after that proclamation, a sad look tinting his eyes. Then the expression was gone a second later, like it never happened, his smile widening once more.
"Oh, that reminds me." Nami said, looking between the two Humans. "Where are we going to stay while we're here? Is there some sort of Inn or empty house somewhere around here?"
Zoro, Perona and Robin all looked at each, blinking blankly, before back at their guests, kind of confused.
"What?" Nami asked, a little defensive at the looks.
"Oh, sorry, I thought it was pretty obvious." Perona said, having already thought this through before Robin and Zoro had talked about it.
Their guests just blinked back at them.
Zoro sighed out, running a hand down his face. "Here. You guys are gonna stay here while you're in this Realm."
"Really?!" Luffy asked, eyes shining as bright as stars. "We're gonna stay here?!"
"It's not like we're lacking space." Zoro said with a shrug, though a little freaked out about how happy that made the Demon Prince.
"Yeah, we have two empty bedrooms upstairs." Perona added, hand stroking Kumashi after he'd hopped up onto the island. "It's no trouble at all."
"And if that's still not enough, I have some space as well." Robin said, resting her chin in her palm.
"It'd probably be easier, and safer, to stay here, especially with the crazy strong wards you guys have set up around the property." Nami said offhandedly.
"My property is warded as well, but they don't come close to the strength of the wards I have set up on this land." Robin said with a smile. "But, all the same, if you'd like extra space, my house is open."
"Thanks, Robin." Nami said with a nod and smile. "I'll keep it in mind."
"The guest bedrooms should be set up with sheets and pillows and stuff, the bathrooms stocked as well, but I also grabbed some pajamas when I was out earlier…" Perona paused, looking around for something. "Where'd those bags go?"
"I put them in the laundry room, out of the way." Zoro said, fingers combing through the fur on Wadō's head.
Perona nodded and got up, heading to the laundry room to grab the bags. The Demons and Chopper, however, were very confused, again. They were starting to really dislike that feeling.
"What are "pajamas", Zoro?" Luffy asked the question all the Demons and Chopper were thinking, head cocked to the side.
Zoro and Robin both looked at each other in disbelief before back at the confused Demons and Chopper. No one said anything for a few seconds.
"Seriously?" Zoro finally asked, eyebrow raised. "You guys don't have pajamas either?"
The others shook their heads.
"Pajamas are what we call the clothes we sleep in here in the Human Realm." Robin answered with an amused smile.
"You guys have specific clothes to sleep in?" Usopp asked, looking interested.
Robin nodded. "We do. It just makes calling what we wear easier on everyone."
"The Human Realm is so fascinating." Chopper commented with a smile.
"Here we go." Perona said, bringing a large bag into the kitchen and placing it on the island. "You guys can look through when it's time to go to sleep."
"Tha—" Nami started before Perona cut her off.
"What did I just say?" Perona leaned her hip against the island, right in front of the Kitsune. "Stop thanking us for every little thing. It's really no problem."
Zoro snorted but agreed with his sister while Robin merely giggled before giving them another small smile.
The Demons and Chopper smiled at the three for that. They didn't realize Humans could be so accepting, though they really should've expected it, given that they're friends with a Vampire, have two pet Hell-animals, and have special powers themselves. If they were to be dumped somewhere, they probably couldn't have asked for a better place than this. Though they're all still worried about this "plot" they'd found themselves in the middle of, at least they had a safe place to stay and figure everything out. Plus, Luffy's always up for making new friends…and, apparently, something more.
No one said anything else after that for a bit, the only sounds being the clatter of Sanji's cooking, when Zoro suddenly shivered hard, like a shock went through his system.
Luffy, since he'd been watching Zoro like a hawk, noticed it first. "Zoro? Something wrong?"
Zoro shook out his hands, but damn he really hated that sensation. "No, everything's alright. Don't worry."
Nami, having seen it too, said, "Don't worry? What the hell was that?"
Zoro didn't say anything as he stood up from the barstool, Wadō moving out of his way, before he looked over his shoulder and said, "We have a guest."
The Demons and Chopper each tensed in trepidation, looking at Zoro with wide eyes, though Zoro—as well as Robin and Perona—looked perfectly calm, like nothing was wrong.
"What kind of guest?" Nami asked carefully.
"Why don't you come and see?" Zoro merely said as he exited the kitchen and headed to the foyer.
Perona and Robin gave each other smiles as they got up as well, following the green-haired swordsman out of the kitchen. The others all looked at one another in confusion before Luffy, Nami and Usopp all followed the other three out of the room, Chopper opting to stay with Sanji, who was still cooking and not worried about much else.
Zoro opened the front door and stepped out, standing on the porch as he waited for the figure to make his way up the driveway. The wards had alerted him to the approach of the man, but since he wasn't perceived as a threat by them, they weren't set off like before. The sensation was still extremely strange to Zoro, but at least it wasn't as bad as when the wards were set off. That was a pain in the ass to deal with.
Just as Robin and Perona joined him did they all see a figure come running up the driveway, moving at an extremely fast pace as he drew closer.
"Yohoho!" the man laughed out as he finally approached the trio on the porch. "It warms my heart to see the three of you safe and sound."
Standing in front of them was another permanent fixture in Zoro and Perona's life, one they had grown up with, like Robin. Looking the same as he did the day Zoro first met him—though now wearing a gray blazer left open over a silver, gray-pinstriped dress shirt, dark blue dress pants, a red belt, and white loafers—Laboon Brook gave a wide smile and short bow.
"Hey, Brook." Zoro greeted as Wadō darted out of the front door a second later and trotted around the tall Fae happily.
"Hello, my friends." Brook replied with, dropping the hand not holding his purple shikomizue to pet the Hellhound.
"Who the hell is here, you guys?" an angry woman's voice shouted from the open door as she and two others made their way through it. "You can't just say something like that and leave!"
"Fufufu." Robin laughed, covering her mouth shortly after. "I suppose it was rather rude of us. My apologies, Nami."
Brook's eyes had widened when he caught sight of the three strangers as they came to stand beside his friends, resisting the urge to step back as he sensed what the three of them were. "Demons?"
Zoro sighed out in exasperation because he was getting really sick of explaining this over and over again. "Yeah, Brook, they're Demons."
Brook was lost.
"Brook," Perona said, motioning behind her at the three, "this is Luffy, Nami and Usopp. Guys, meet Brook. He's another family friend, like Robin."
"A Fae?" Nami asked, eyes wide with disbelief. "You guys are friends with a Fae?" She was reacting just like she did when she found out about Robin.
Brook, on the other hand, was silently studying Luffy because he looked very familiar to Brook, but he couldn't recall from where. There was also the issue of the amount of power Brook could sense coming from the young Demon, and it was setting him on edge.
Robin, of course, noticed this immediately. "Brook, as I'm sure you can sense, Luffy is not a regular Demon." Brook gave the Vampire a nod, crossing his arms, and Robin continued. "His full name is Monkey D. Luffy. The—"
"—Demon Prince." Brook finished for her, now realizing where he'd seen the boy before. It was during that one time he had accompanied his…friend to the Demon Realm and ran into the boy briefly before being pulled away.
"A Vampire and now a Fae." Usopp commented, looking between Robin and Brook. "You guys have some really weird friends."
Zoro shrugged and Perona smiled, but they both didn't contradict what the Demon just said.
A thought then struck Luffy and he couldn't help but ask, "What Court do you belong to?"
Brook blinked some before answering with, "Seelie." The young Prince seemed to sigh in relief at that. "Is something the matter?"
Luffy shook his head, exchanging looks with Nami and Usopp, before answering with, "No, it's just…" He trailed off.
"We don't really have good relations with the Unseelie Court." Nami completed for Luffy, because she knew he didn't like talking about it. "Let's just leave it at that."
Brook nodded, though was still a little confused, but at least they didn't seem to have a problem with the Seelie Court.
"What are you even doing here, Brook?" Perona finally asked, head cocked to the side. "Did we have plans today?"
"No, nothing of the sort." Brook said with a shake of his head.
"Then why are you here?" Zoro said, looking at Brook with an eyebrow raised. "You said you were glad to see us safe when you got here."
"I felt some weird vibrations coming from this side of town," Brook explained, looking between his friends. "I was worried about your well-being, especially with Mihawk out of town right now." He then gave them a smile. "But I guess I shouldn't have been so worried after all. It seems everything is alright."
Zoro, Perona and Robin all exchanged looks at that, making Brook become uneasy again.
"You should come inside, Brook." Perona said, motioning with her hand.
"Yeah, we need to fill you in on what's going on." Zoro added, turning around and moving between the Demons, heading back into the house.
The Demons exchanged looks as well, but they followed after Zoro a second later, Robin, Perona and a confused Brook going after them too. It seems they now needed to bring someone else in on their ongoing problem. How fun.
What did you think? Any good? And we now have Brook here as well! What fun. *v*
Now, explanation time. Like I stated earlier, Brook is a Fae (Faerie, Sidhe, whatever you prefer) and came from the Faerie Realm before he moved to the Human Realm. The Faerie Realm is split into two "Courts"—the Seelie and Unseelie; the Seelie are the "nicer" of the Fae and the Unseelie are the darker Fae, at least reputedly; the Seelie are the most powerful from Beltaine to Samhain (through the Spring and Summer), while the Unseelie are the most powerful from Samhain to Beltaine (through the Autumn and Winter). Now, the two Courts aren't cut so black and white, meaning the Seelie aren't the beings of good, just more inclined to be so, while the Unseelie aren't the harbingers of chaos, just more inclined to be that way. For this story, I have decided to make Edward Newgate (aka Whitebeard) the King of the Seelie Court, and he has two kids—Marco and Haruta, who are the Faerie Prince and Princess (Marco is actually half-Fae/half-Shifter, since I wanna keep him a Phoenix, but the healing properties he has are the Fae powers; Thatch and Izo are also living in the Faerie Realm with him, though Thatch is a Shifter—and Marco's cousin via their moms—and Izo is a Vampire; MarcoxAce pairing is something else I'm doing in this story, but later). The Unseelie Court is ruled by Boa Hancock and her two sisters, Sandersonia and Marigold (nothing against them, I actually find Hancock adorable, but I just don't ship her with Luffy, and I needed an Unseelie Court and they fit; I'm not making them evil, just kinda annoying), and the Court is only made up of women, and has been that way since the creation of the two Courts. Each Court has a symbol that identifies which Court one belongs to—Seelie Court's is a white rose and the Unseelie's Court is a dark bluish-purple rose; a Fae will always have either symbol somewhere on them or in their homes. All Fae have special "powers" that make them "Fae", and each are different, depending on the individual, but there are also four things all Fae automatically have, but the strength depends on the Fae: the gift of tongues, the power of glamour, shapeshifting, and flight. All Fae live under a strict code of honor which it is taboo to break: never lie; never pry; never use glamour on another Fae; duels; and great oaths. Each Court also have their own codes of conduct, a code which the individuals of the Courts must follow (like in Human courts). Seelie: death before dishonor; love conquers all; beauty is life; and never forget a debt. Unseelie: change is good; glamour is free; honor is a lie; and passion before duty. The Fae also have only three weakness: iron, rowan wands, and shiny objects (since Fae are very susceptible to them, tho its only useful for distracting them).
Well, that's all I really had to add about that XD. Again, I'm so sorry about the long wait, so I hope you enjoy this chapter, and I will try really hard to get the next chapter out faster! Stay beautiful, my ZoLu-loving people!