Chapter 3

As Rocket and his friends followed Jonathan's directions, they found that they were coming closer to the Knot. It was just a couple of miles down the road when Rocket checked the sat nav again.

"Almost home," he assured the others.

They kept on walking. (Well, Rocket wasn't walking because if he was, who was going to take his quad bike home?) When they finally did see the Knot, they found that there was a small group of people gathered near the door. Rocket gulped. He'd realised that it was all their parents! Rocket and the gang picked up speed, racing towards the small entourage in the farmyard.

"Rocket! Alli! Where have you been?" Sarah cried.

"We've been looking everywhere for you!" said Peter.

"Daniel Sparks!" shouted Wendy, who was part of the gathering, "This is the last straw!"

Dibber groaned noisily.

"Jonathan!" exclaimed Mrs Healey, "You are so grounded for this!"

"What? What? I didn't do anything!" defended Jonathan.

"How about stealing William Boulsworth's quad bike?"

Jonathan cringed. He'd been certain that no one would notice!

"What have we here, Jonathan Healey?" spoke up PC Beddoe.

Noooooooooo! thought Jonathan.

"So, how was your Wild Cat of Dirgelmor hunting today?" enquired Sarah over the dinner table that evening.

"Well, we nearly got completely lost in the middle of the woods," said Rocket, "And Jonathan Healey nearly ran us over with my quad bike. You could say it was a bit of an adventure."

"Told you that we'd never find the Wild Cat of Dirgelmor," said Brandon, looking slightly down.

Suddenly, Archie pretended to pounce on him, teeth bared, as though he was going to take a bite out of poor Brandon, who screamed his head off at the shock!

Everyone burst out laughing and eventually Brandon joined in.

The End