God Save the Queen Chapter 67:
2 Weeks Later
"Alright, my followers, today is the big day" Damien announced to his gang. "We're going to teach those Guys in White a thing or two about just what it means to be a halfa. And hey, if we're lucky, we may even spring a few new friends out of captivity before we head over to Amity Park to deal with Danny Phantom and his annoying gang of "do-gooders". If the humans think what we did to New Haven-Cho was something, just wait until we're done with Amity Park. Is everybody ready to go?"
"I've been ready!" Clyde said excitedly. "Hell, you could even say that I was born ready. Fuck, it feels like I've been blue balled for forty years, I can't wait to get this out of my system!"
"I know right," Anna agreed. "And to think that this is just the start. After we topple Amity Park, we'll head to D.C. to break the people's spirits. After that they'll have no choice but to submit or perish."
"Meh, that depends on the mood I'm in," Damien said. "If I'm in a particularly bad mood, they'll only have one path available to them- death."
"Aww, come on, please spare at least some of them," Anna pleaded. "Leave me with some playthings or do you want me to go mad with boredom after we take over this shithole?!"
"Ann, you can't go crazy if you already are crazy," Cynthia pointed out, prompting Anna to shrug her shoulders and nonchalantly say "Fair enough"
"But still, I don't want all of the humans to die," Ann said. "Ruling the world can get boring after a while and I need something to do to keep myself occupied… like practicing my knife throwing… or playing hide and seek… ooh ooh ooh, or recreating those "shadow games" from that one manga, maybe I'll even set someone on fire as a penalty game if they lose"
"Speaking of this whole take over the world thing, when we take over, can I rule over Canada?" Ben asked. "Those Canadians have had it too good for too long, especially those stuck up, French wannabe Québécois, I can't stand those guys"
"Personally, I'd like to rule over Japan," Fritz chimed in. "No personal hatred or anything, I just really like Japan"
With a sigh, Damien asked "Any other requests? What about you Dennis? Do you wanna rule over Switzerland or something? Maybe you want me to keep a special someone alive such as your high school crush or a childhood friend? Feel free to speak up, I'm taking requests after all" Dennis, currently reading a book, looked up for a brief moment and raised his book in the air as an answer. "Preserve the world's libraries, got it. Now can we please get back on topic?"
"Sorry Boss," The Gang apologized.
"The plan is to divide and conquer," Damien said. "We'll split up into groups of two. I'll lead the first group in an assault on the Guys in White, which'll bring Danny and his friends out to stop us. Once they're preoccupied with us, the second group will start the attack on Amity Park. After I get things rolling with the GIW, I'll join Group B in the destruction of Amity Park. Just like Haven-Cho, the objective will be to leave absolutely no survivors. How crushed King Phantom will be when he comes back to his home expecting a hero's welcome only to be greeted with the sight of his friends' bloody corpses"
"What about that kid that punked you out though, you seemed determined to get revenge on him," Ben pointed out.
With an evil smile, Damien said "Rest assured, his death will be extremely slow and painful. As of now however, he's little more than an afterthought"
"So who's going to make up the two groups?" Ben asked.
"Group A will consist of you, Cynthia, and Fritz while Group B will be made up of Ann, Clyde, and Dennis," Damien answered his question. "As I alluded to, I'll be joining you, Cynthia, and Fritz with the Guy in White attack before heading to Amity Park to lend a hand to Ann, Clyde, and Dennis. However, there is one thing I neglected to mention…" he pointed at Ben, Cynthia and Fritz and said "The three of you have one specific target when you assault the Guys in White headquarters, Evelyn Mason, the one responsible for the persecution of our kind. The one who had tried her damnest to imprison and experiment on anyone with ectoplasm in their DNA. She is our antithesis. I don't care how you do it, but that woman must be killed at all costs. And hey, if you don't mind, please bring me back a souvenir after the job is done. Maybe a severed hand, her decapitated head, something that I can keep as a trophy. Can you do that for me?"
"You've got it, Boss" Ben replied.
"So is everyone prepared?" Damien asked. "You all know what you're tasked with, correct?" His gang all answered affirmatively and nodded their heads, prompting him to smile. "Very well… without further adieu, let's claim what's rightfully ours!"
"Major General Evelyn, are you sure you want to go through with these plans today?" Asked one of her underlings. "While it is true that we have an abundance of resources to go through with our invasion, I have reason to worry that our agents are not properly trained in their newfound power. This opens the door to the possibility of a colossal failure. Not to mention the fact that our weapons have barely exited the testing stages. If one of them malfunctions or goes off in a way that is unintended, it could have disastrous consequences for the world at large. I feel it may be more beneficial to wait a few weeks before going through with this idea. At the very least, it would give our troops an opportunity to further hone their craft before we send them out on this mission."
"I feel like we've waited long enough as it is" Evelyn answered. "We cannot spare any more time when our enemies are potentially planning another large scale attack. We need to invade the Ghost Zone so that we can apprehend those sociopaths before anymore innocent lives are lost. The fact that we haven't been able to find them leads me to believe they're definitely hiding out in the Ghost Zone. If we can get to them before they come out of the woodworks and cause more mayhem, then we've succeeded in our mission. Taking over the Ghost Zone is an added benefit in that it allows no further threats to materialize and invade our world."
"I understand," The subordinate said. "I'll ready the forces and prepare them for deployment."
After he left the room, Evelyn thought to herself. "This is all for the greater good. We have no other choice but to do this. It's not just about some punk kids with ghost powers going around destroying cities and murdering people. This is about the fact that there are potentially hundreds, if not thousands of similar beings all around the world. We don't know what they could be capable of doing. If five of them were capable of murdering over 2 million people, imagine what an army of them could do. No matter what measures we take, no matter how far we go, no matter how many "innocent" halfas are traumatized, I must keep in mind that it is ultimately for the benefit of the world. I may be painted by history as a monster, but someone has to do the job no one else wants to. Even if I am vilified, I remained convinced that my cause is righteous and that I am firmly on the side of justice. While I can respect our "rival" organization GREEN, they simply do not go far enough if their actions to truly keep people safe. Maybe after this is all said and done and our mission is a success, the President will recognize our efforts and finally reward us the federal funding that we deserve."
Little did Evelyn know that a certain GREEN operative had finally finished their research down in Florida and was returning to Amity Park. Seph had a full profile on Damien and even one of his accomplices, Ann, and was eager to share his information with Team Phantom. If his research was correct, then Damien was an even sicker puppy than he originally thought. The only question that Seph had now was when would Damien and his gang strike again, and where? Seph was making his way through town, folder in his hand, when he ended up bumping into Danielle.
"Hey there, Dani" He greeted her.
"Hey Seph," Dani said. "Back from Florida, I see. Where are you headed?"
"Well, while GREEN and I were investigating down in Florida, I did a little research of my own regarding this Damien guy," Seph informed her. "I was hoping to share what I found out with Danny and the others"
"You came at just the right time then," Dani said. "The other week, Joseph, Jake, and Elizabeth managed to rescue Kenzie and Johnathan from Damien and his friends. Now we've got the names of his entire gang and we know where they're hiding. We just have to figure out when the best time is to strike. We're all meeting up at City Hall to discuss what we're going to do next."
"Interesting" Damien noted. "Perhaps, it would be best for me to share the information I've gathered with the rest of you. It'll help us know exactly who we're dealing with so that we can better prepare to take them down."
"That sounds like a good idea" Dani said. "We might wanna hurry though, don't want to be too late"
"Think you can give me a lift?" Seph asked. "I'm not capable of natural flight and I left my flight pack back at home."
"Sure thing" Dani said, grabbing Seph by his wrists and carrying him to City Hall, where the others were waiting.
"Just in time" Tucker greeted them. "We're just waiting for Jake to get here before we begin"
As if on cue, Jake slithered from the shadows and said "Sorry to keep you all waiting. What're we talking about?"
"We were about to talk about what our strategy's going to be when we take on both Damien and the Guys in White," Sam said. "With the Guys in White, we can at least wait until they launch their invasion of the Ghost Zone before taking action. As for Damien, it'd probably be for the best if we struck now while they're inactive and before they can cause anymore mayhem."
"I've let my parents in on what's going on," Danny informed the group. "While I would prefer it if they steered clear of this altogether, they have offered to provide us with assistance in the event of an invasion of Amity Park by Damien's group."
"Do you really think that they would try something so brash when they'd be outnumbered?" Lily asked.
"I don't know," Danny answered honestly. "But we have to be prepared for whatever Damien throws at us. His ability to turn people and objects into bombs makes him a person of mass destruction who could theoretically destroy all of Amity Park singlehandedly even if he isn't a proficient fighter."
"Speaking of Damien, I have some news about our ghostly terrorist that I think you might like to know," Seph spoke up before placing his folder on the table. "As I discussed with Joseph, Damien is a teen that GREEN is familiar with. We'd been keeping tabs on him for a while until his trail went cold a few years ago when he was only 11. However, while doing some research, I learned of a few peculiar instances that seem to suggest Damien was involved." Seph opened the folder and showed the group a picture of a burning hotel. "Four years ago after Damien first slipped off of our radar, a hotel in Anaheim was rattled by a small explosion that occurred on the 5th floor. At the time of the event, the explosion was believed to have been caused by a gas leak however no official cause was ever determined. Fortunately, no one was killed or seriously injured in the blast and everyone was accounted for, except for one. Security cameras picked up a young child wearing a hoodie walking around on the fifth floor 30 minutes before the explosion. Because he was wearing a hood, no one could make out who the child was; however, there was one distinguishing feature of the child in the form of bright glowing green eyes that were caught on the camera. After the explosion, no one could account for who the child was and nobody claimed to be his parent or guardian. It could've been anyone, but the fact that Damien has bomb making powers makes it possible that he could've been the cause of the explosion."
Seph pointed to another photo and said "This picture has more to do with Damien's partner in crime, Ann. We have no idea when these two met, all we know is that both of them enable the other's violent tendencies. Ann is a curious case as she's a street orphan, having never had an official home. We have no idea whether she was abandoned by her parents as was the case with Damien, or if something else happened to them. All we know is that she and Damien make for a dangerous alliance. While Damien's managed to mostly stay under our noses, whenever there was a rare sighting of him, he was almost always accompanied by Ann, which leads me to my next case." Seph pulled out a photo depicting a fiery car accident and said "A couple of years ago, a family of 3 were driving on the road when they were attacked by an unknown ghost, resulting in a terrible crash. The mother and father were killed in the attack, but their teenaged son escaped with his life miraculously. While no caught glimpse of the ghost that caused the accident, witnesses described seeing a young boy and girl near the scene in the events following the crash. By the time GREEN arrived to investigate, they were long gone. At the time, we at GREEN chalked up their appearance to nothing of note. However, looking back at the incident, we think it's safe to say that the two kids spotted were none other than Damien and Ann. And even worse, we think that they were the cause of the fatal crash in the first place."
"Hold on, where did you say this incident take place?" Johnathan said, suddenly speaking up.
Thinking nothing of his question, Seph answered "This event took place in a metropolis is Texas by the name of Ghost Town. Why do you ask?"
"Because, I was the teenager who survived that accident," Johnathan answered. "That ghost attack killed my parents and is what gave me the powers that I possess. I never got a good look at the ghost who killed my parents and nearly ended my life and I never thought that I'd find out who the culprit was behind it. But if your suspicions are correct then that makes this entire conflict with Damien much more personal. If I get my hands on that half pint, I'm going to rip his head clean off of his shoulders."
"With all due respect, you're going to have to wait in line," Joseph said politely. "I understand that he killed your family, but you're not the only one with a personal score to settle."
"Listen kid, we're on the same side so I say this with all due respect, but I advise you to stay out of my way whenever we confront Damien," Johnathan said. "You can have whatever's left of him when I get done beating him to a pulp."
Johnathan and Joseph both got in each other's faces, a stone cold look on their faces. Seeing that things were escalating, their respective girlfriends pulled them apart before they could get into a fight.
"Both of you calm down" Danny said to them. "If you two fight now, neither of you are going to be in any condition to fight Damien. If we want to defeat Damien and the Guys in White, then we're going to have to work together, not fight over who gets to fight who. Nothing good can come from in fighting."
"Exactly," Seph said. "I only told you this to give you an idea of what kind of foe Damien is. He's been committing atrocities since he was a kid to the point where I doubt there's any semblance of morality left in him. We all have to work together if we want to bring him down for good." Seph turned to Joseph and Johnathan and said "Of course, there's also the fact that GREEN tasked me with bringing him in alive. So as much as you may have a score to settle, I cannot allow you to kill him. Both of you are good people, there's no need to stoop to his level."
Over at the Guys in White's headquarters, Damien, Ben, Cynthia, and Fritz were about to carry out the first part of Damien's grand scheme. They were standing right outside the walls of the facility, watching the two guards standing dutifully at the gates keep a sharp eye out for any intruders who didn't belong.
"Alright, so everybody is clear on what's about to transpire, correct?" Damien asked his cohorts.
"Crystal clear, boss" The other three responded, prompting Damien to say "Good. Lady and Gentlemen, let's free some of our brethren and begin our rise to power."
Damien, followed closely by Ben, Cynthia, and Fritz, calmly walked up towards the front gate, where the guards immediately drew their weapons.
"Oi, you four kids stop right where you are" One guard commanded the four. "You're on private property so I strongly advise that you turn around and head back to wherever you came from, got it?"
"Aww, isn't that cute, the little human thinks that he can order us around" Damien mocked him. "Ben, be a dear and take their weapons, would you?"
"Already done, Boss" Ben said, holding the guards' M4s in his arms, much to the two GIW guards' astonishment. With the guards disarmed, Damien walked up to the first Guy in White and grabbed him by his arm, saying "Now you have two options: One, you open up the gates and let me and my friends through and die. Or two, you disobey me and die. Either way you die, but if you comply, your death will be quick and painless"
"Y-You, you're half ghost scum, aren't you?" The first guard asked before recognizing Damien. "Hey, I know you! You're that kid who destroyed that city in Florida! You've got some nerve-'" He said before getting a hole punched through his midsection by Damien. The guard dropped to his knees before collapsing onto the ground.
"Time's up" Damien said to the dying man before turning to his partner and saying "Now it's your turn, are you going to open the gates or do I have to?" Damien didn't even have to finish his threat before the second guard opened up the gates. "Smart choice" Damien said to the Guy before placing his hand on his face and blowing the man to smithereens. "If you weren't Guy in White garbage, I actually would've let you live"
"Mayday… mayday… we have intruders… at the gate…" The first guard said into his walkie talkie. "Be on the lookout for four teenagers… roaming the facility… they're half ghost… and are an immediate danger… be cautious" The man soon afterwards lost consciousness and died as Cynthia took his form and grabbed one of the discarded M4s as a disguise.
"This should help us blend in until it's time to strike, Boss" Cynthia said.
"Good idea, Cynthia, I like the way you think," Damien complimented her.
Sure enough, shortly after entering the facility, the group ran into a group of 10 Guys in White, who were looking for the teens after the warning put out by their fallen comrade. The head of that group quickly fell for Cynthia's disguise upon seeing Cynthia seemingly leading the other three along with a gun pressed into their backs.
"Good job, Lieutenant Monroe, it would appear you captured 3 of the perpetrators" The Guy said, having no idea how much danger he was in. "You said that their were four teenagers though, what happened to the fourth one?"
"The last one turned invisible while I was apprehending her partners and made a getaway," Cynthia said, perfectly imitating the dead man's voice. "You should keep a sharp eye out for her as she could be hiding anywhere if she hasn't already escaped the facility."
"Good idea," The Guy said before moving in to take Damien, Ben, and Fritz underground to prison cells. "You go ahead and return to your post, I'll take it from here" Ben took the opportunity to strike, using his speed to launch himself into four agents, slicing them in half. Damien followed up by firing a blast that took out an additional two agents, causing the remaining Guys In White to panic. In the midst of the confusion, Cynthia whipped out the M4 she took from the real Agent Monroe and gunned down the remaining four agents while their backs were turned, riddling them with bullets.
"Hmpf, these fools were too easy to take out" Damien said before asking Fritz. "Have you sent out the EMP yet?"
"Indeed I have" Fritz answered. "That should take out the two security systems. With these Guys in White dead, none of these blokes should know we're here. From this point on, we can go in smart and quiet or we can continue on the loud and dumb way. It's up to you, Boss."
"Heh, are you kidding me?" Damien replied. "I came here with the intent of burning this building to the ground and freeing the halfas that they're holding here. We're going in loud and dumb"
"Not if I have anything to say about it!" said a Guy in White who survived as he pulled off his bullet proof vest. "You may have disabled the security systems, but I already sent an order to put this building on lock down. None of you are getting out of here." The man then pulled out a shotgun and said "I may not be a superpowered freak like you, but I'm not going to back down from you monsters."
"Huh… neat," Damien said before getting up close and personal and grabbing the man's shotgun by the barrel and saying "Tell St. Peter how well that worked out for you." Damien then turned the man's shotgun into a bomb and detonated it, causing the man to be blown in half. Damien then turned to his cohorts and said "Something tells me we're going to have to deal with a few guests in a minute. Let's have a little fun and see how many men they can throw at us before they run out of resources."
"Hey, maybe if you're lucky, Evelyn herself will show up to fight us and you can get that souvenir you want so bad" Cynthia said to Damien, still in disguise.
"I wouldn't count on it, but wouldn't it be great if she did" Damien replied. "Unfortunately, even if she does show up, I'm going to have to leave you in a few minutes to tend to my business in Amity Park. Remember your mission and don't back down from any of these slimy bastards. I am entrusting you with this. Do not fail me."
Unfortunately for Damien, news of the intruders invading the Guys in White HQ traveled fast and it didn't take long for the news to reach GREEN. Seph was still in the meeting with Team Phantom when he suddenly received the call.
"What? You've got to be kidding me, he's attacking there of all places?" Seph asked the person on the other end. Seph sighed and said "Good grief. I'll be on the scene as soon as possible."
"What's going on?" Valerie asked.
"It looks like our friend Damien had made his next move in the most unexpected of ways," Seph informed the group as he changed into his ghost form. "Him and three of his allies have attacked the Guys in White headquarters. I don't know what's going on over there, but there are already a reported large number of casualties. GREEN has sent a team to help handle the matter and they want my assistance. As much as I hate to do this, I'm going to have to cut this meeting short."
"I'm coming with you!" Danielle said.
"As am I" Valerie told him.
"Are you two sure you want to come along?" Seph asked them. "We're possibly walking into a trap set by Damien. We don't know what that psychopath is planning?"
"We're positive" Dani said. "It's past time we put an end to that nutjob"
"Take me with you as well" Akira pleaded.
"Why should I take you along?" Seph asked. "Last time you were involved with something Guy in White related, you nearly caused a commotion by killing a couple of their agents? If you do something similar here, I will personally arrest you and bring you in because we can't afford a volatile situation with the GIW"
"Look, I know I messed up last time," Akira admitted "but give me a second chance and I promise I won't screw up. I want to make up for my actions and do right by my sister"
Seph thought it over and relented, saying "Fine, but you've been warned. Fuck up this time around and I'll make sure you regret it"
"Here" Tucker said, tossing Seph a communicator. "This is a communicator. Keep us posted on what happens while you guys are there."
"Will do," Seph said. "If all goes according to plan, this'll be the end of Damien's reign of terror."
Damien, Ben, Cynthia, and Fritz were wrecking shop at the Guy in White headquarters. They were still in the lobby of the building, fighting off waves of Guys and leaving corpses in their wake. Damien, as to be expected, was having a wonderful time slaughtering every Guy in White that took on him and his crew. By this point, he could've easily moved on to freeing the halfas that had been captured by the Guys in White, but he wanted to prolong the bloodshed. His sadism served as a distraction however, as it allowed one Guy in White to get a shot off on him.
"You son of a bitch!" He shouted as he grabbed the man's gun and turned it into a bomb. He then kicked the agent in the gut, shoving him backwards. When the agent foolishly tried shooting him again, Damien detonated the bomb, killing the man instantly.
"Heads up Boss, I'm about to unleash the Sonic Stunner" Fritz warned his buddies before unleashing his attack. The Guys in White all dropped to their knees, clutching their heads in pain. Ben took out five Guys in White with his Mach 5 Punch while Cynthia turned her hand into a katana blade and decapitated six agents while they were on their knees. Damien meanwhile grabbed two agents by their throats and broke their necks, leaving them dead at his feet. Fritz used his own technopathic powers to make seven of the Guys in White's weapons backfire on them and literally blow up in their faces, killing them as well. Yet, the Guys in White continued sending more agents to combat the teens in an effort to keep them contained to the lobby.
"Alright, that's it!" One Guy in White snapped as he entered the lobby. "We've had enough of you brats! If it's a fight you want, then it's a fight you'll get!" Two blue rings then appeared at the agent's waist and travelled up and down his body, transforming him into his newly acquired ghost form.
"Holy shit!" Ben remarked. "Didn't see that one coming"
"Ha! So he's a halfa like us? Big deal" Damien said, brushing off the agent's transformation. "It's still four of us against only one of him. This should be easy."
"Oh, you think so?" The agent replied before snapping his fingers, causing a dozen more halfa Guys in White to reveal themselves. "Let's see how you fare when it's the odds are stacked against you, punk!"
"If you think we're backing down from a few saps like you just because you suddenly have ghost powers, then you've got another thing coming," Damien replied before firing a massive ectoblast at the GIW ensemble. When the Guys resorted to dodging rather than throwing up an ecto shield that told Damien all he needed to know. "The three of you better not even think of backing down now!" He yelled at Cynthia, Ben and Fritz before charging into battle.
While Damien and his group were inexperienced fighters themselves, the Guys in White were even more inexperienced. Having been recently turned, they knew only the basics when it came to their powers. Ben easily outclassed all of them with his speed, battering up to four agents at a time with punches they couldn't see. Fritz' Sonic Stunner attack meanwhile, left the unprepared Guys on their knees in pain, allowing for Fritz and Cynthia to pick them off. Damien was handing the leader of this small squad a brutal beating, savagely tearing into the man with stiff punches and kicks to the face. While he could've easily turned the man into a bomb, blow him up and be done with it, Damien preferred to toy with his victim for a few minutes.
"Come on, don't tell me this is the best you've got!" Damien mocked the man as he knocked him for a loop with an elbow to the face. "You Guys in White call yourself the defender of the public against ghost and half ghost threats? Don't make me laugh! Yeah, you may have a few powers now, but do you even have any idea on how to use them?"
"Mock me all you want, but we will prevail against scum such as yourself!" The Guy in White said as he fought back by firing a blast into Damien's face. That was the only offensive maneuver he could muster as shortly afterwards Damien blew his head to pieces with the Crimson Lotus technique.
It was shortly afterwards that Seph, Dani, Valerie, and Akira arrived on the scene. They were accompanied by numerous GREEN agents. The four stood outside of the facility, hearing multiple explosions from inside. The group rushed to get inside in order to confront Damien, only to be stopped by more Guys in White.
"Halt!" One Guy in White ordered the group. "What business do you have being here?"
Seph flashed his identification to the agent and said "My name is Seph Matthews of GREEN Ops and these are my friends. As much as our two organizations clash with each other, we are obliged to help you at this moment. You can stand here and bicker with me if you'd like, but just know that that won't stand in our way of doing what we were assigned."
"I heard about you, you're one of those half ghost freaks, aren't you?" The agent questioned Seph. "How do I know that you and your friends aren't in cahoots with those other freaks?"
"If we were here to attack you, do you really think we'd be standing around rather than killing you where you stand?" Seph replied.
After a few seconds of deliberation, the Guy in White reluctantly stepped aside, allowing the group entry, saying "Alright, go ahead. But if you GREEN bitches screw us over, so help me god, I will…"
Seph ignored him and motioned for Valerie, Dani, and Akira to follow him. It didn't take long for the four to find Damien and his cronies.
"Well, well, well, look what we have here" Damien remarked upon seeing the four. "The four of you certainly don't look like the rest of these hapless fools. Let me guess, you're here to stop us, am I right?"
"You're damn right!" Akira said. "I admit that I'm no paragon, but even a bastard like me recognizes true evil like you when he sees it."
"It's over, Damien" Valerie said. "You may as well give up now and save yourself from a beating."
"Well isn't this cute?" Damien mocked her. "A human telling us what to do." He turned to Fritz, Cynthia, and Ben and said "Take care of these jokers, I'm going to go make us some new friends"
Damien tried slipping away unnoticed, but Akira caught him out of the corner of his eye and gave chase, stating "Oh no you don't! Get back here!" before giving chase to the murderous halfa.
Damien head for the elevator and headed for the third underground floor, right where the captive halfas would be held. Akira followed after him, catching the elevator just before the doors closed. Akira immediately went for a punch, but Damien was quick enough to dodge and slammed his knee into Akira's gut. Damien took the opportunity to scan Akira's mind, hoping to find a weakness he could exploit. His mindscan was interrupted when Akira headbutted him in the face. Akira knew he had to avoid being touched by Damien, lest he wanted to be blown to pieces, but that would be a bit hard with him being in such an enclosed space. When Damien went to grab his arm, Akira instead grabbed the back of his head and slammed him face first into the elevator wall. Damien was disoriented and Akira took the opportunity to zap him with an electric bolt. Damien jumped and turned around to fire a blast into Akira's gut.
While Akira and Damien were tussling, Valerie, Danielle, and Seph were contending with Fritz, Ben, and Cynthia. Valerie was engaged in hand to hand combat with Cynthia, who used her shapeshifting abilities to transform her hands into heavy blunt objects such as mallets or anvils. Valerie avoided being hit in the head by Cynthia and tried sweeping the latter's leg out from under her. Cynthia jumped however and attempted to bludgeon Valerie with her hand in the form of a bowling ball. Valerie moved to the side and kicked Cynthia in her midsection, causing her to double over. While Cynthia was doubled over, Valerie launched her knee as hard as she could into Cynthia's chin, the force of the knee strike actually knocking Cynthia backwards and knocking out a tooth. Cynthia spat out blood and came at Valerie with a vengeance, wrapping her hands around Valerie's throat.
"How dare you ruin my face!" Cynthia snarled, slamming Valerie to the ground as hard as she could and attempting to strangle her. Valerie uppercut Cynthia to get the half ghost girl off of her and barely had a moment to recover before Cynthia charged at her, the intent to kill in her eyes. Valerie acted quickly and executed an arm drag to throw Cynthia onto her back. Cynthia however transformed her arm into a katana blade once again and sliced at Valerie. Valerie blocked the attack with her bo staff and whacked Cynthia in the face with it.
Dani was fighting with Fritz, who tried staying mostly on the defensive. He dodged most of Dani's punches and rarely tried to return the favor, instead opting to protect himself from Dani's onslaught. When the opportunity presented itself however, Fritz went in for the strike, giving Dani a shock with his ghost stinger. He then went in for a punch, but was too slow as Dani caught his arm and flipped him over onto his back. Dani tried stomping on his chest, but Fritz threw up a ghost shield and blasted her in the chest. He followed up by trying to roundhouse kick Dani in the face. Dani ducked and hit Fritz with an uppercut. Fritz started to become panicked. Aside from his sonic stunner, none of his unique powers were combat oriented. After taking a kick to the head, Fritz spotted Valerie fighting with Cynthia and got an idea. Using his technokinesis, Fritz took control of Valerie's power armor and forced Valerie to attack Dani.
"What're you doing?" Dani asked, confused, going on the defensive to block a punch from Valerie.
"It's not me!" Valerie explained, pointing to Fritz before being forced to try kicking Dani in the head. "He's taken control of my suit!"
Cynthia tried taking advantage but Dani knocked her aside with an ecto blast before trying to attack Fritz. Fritz used Valerie as a human shield, causing Dani to freeze in place. Fritz took advantage of Dani's hesitation and had Valerie elbow Dani over the head. Fritz followed up by firing a blast at Dani, who dodged. Dani then heard Cynthia approaching from behind and barely had enough time to leap out of the way in time to avoid being cut in half by Cynthia's katana hand. That's not to say she escaped unscathed as she was cut across the back. Dani hissed in pain and turned around to boot Cynthia in the face. With Valerie's suit being controlled by Fritz, she was facing three on one odds. Valerie, meanwhile was doing her best to try resisting Fritz's control to no avail.
Dani went after Fritz first, firing a few icicles at the technopath. Fritz however used Valerie to deflect the icicles while Cynthia charged at Dani. Dani anticipated this and tossed Cynthia into Fritz. Fritz wasn't fast enough to defend himself as he and Cynthia crumpled to the ground where Dani froze them solid. Dani didn't think that that would hold them and took up battle stance for when they inevitably broke free. Sure enough, Cynthia shattered the ice encasing her and Fritz and immediately fired a blast at Dani. Valerie shielded Dani and immediately attacked Fritz, but not before stripping her power armor so that he couldn't control her a second time. Valerie pulled out to electric rods and jammed them into Fritz' ears, giving him a rather painful shock that brought him to his knees.
Seph was faring somewhat alright in his struggle with Ben. Ben tried blitzing him with speed, but Seph was prepared, surrounding himself with a shield so that none of Ben's attacks would hit him. Ben grew frustrated and attempted breaking through the barrier with no success. Damien dropped the barrier and delivered a swift kick to the groin. He grabbed Ben by his arm and hurled the speedster through the air. Ben corrected himself midair and charged at Seph, only for Seph fire a blast at him. Ben dodged and as soon as he was in range of Seph, threw a least a hundred punches at high speed. Seph tried blocking but couldn't withstand the assault and was dropped to his knees.
"You idiots are such weaklings!" Ben taunted. "How any of you could hope to stop us I have no idea! You're all such pathetic goodie two shoes! I can't wait to wipe you from the face of the Earth!"
Ben's gloating got him a hard punch to the face that knocked him onto his ass as Seph said "Good grief. Hasn't anyone ever taught you that pride goes before a fall."
"I'll show you!" Ben hissed. "I'll rip you to fucking shreds, you piece of shit! Let's see if you can withstand a thousand light speed punche!" Ben then unleashed a second flurry of punches only to hear Seph whisper "Activating Psychofield Level 1."
"Psycho what?" Ben wondered before Seph's fist slammed into his face once again, bloodying his nose. Ben recovered and saw that Seph's movements were faster. Not faster than his own movements at top speed, but there was a noticeable increase in speed from Seph.
Before the battle between sides could continue, Dani, Valerie, Seph, Cynthia, Fritz, and Ben all heard a feminine voice ring out, saying "That's quite enough, all of you." The six looked up to see Evelyn standing above them, accompanied by two Guys in White with a shadowy hulking figure behind them. "I will not allow you miscreants to destroy us." She turned to her subordinates and told them "Release Agent K"
The two Guys in White nodded their heads and undid the chains restraining K. K stepped out of the shadow, revealing that K had been mutated into a large, grey muscular monstrosity with soulless green eyes, and bulging veins all over his body. There was shock collar around his neck to keep him under control. Evelyn's subordinate pointed to the teens fighting below and K instantly understood the orders he was given. As soon as he was free from his restraints, K leaped from the balcony and down to the lobby below. He instantly charged at the first person he saw, that being Fritz.
Fritz barely had time to fire a blast before K sent him flying through the air with a shoulder tackle. The force of the tackle was so strong that it sent Fritz crashing into the wall on the other side of the room. The next person he spotted was Dani who he ran towards full speed. Dani tried encasing him in ice, but with his monstrous strength, K easily broke free and grabbed Dani by her head, slamming her face first into the ground. Valerie came to her aid, slashing K across the back with her sword, only for K to backhand her to the side like she was a gnat. He went after Cynthia next, punching her in the gut and pounding her across the back and kicking her like a football into a pillar. K was then struck in the face by a force he couldn't see. It was Ben, who unloaded on K with rapid fire punches, trying to stagger the beast of a halfa, to no avail. When Ben saw his punches had no effect, he revved up in preparation for his Mach 5 punch. He then charged full speed at Agent K, successfully connecting with the Mach 5 punch and managing to knock K off his feet. K was only briefly dazed and quickly got back up, much to Ben's surprise. Before he could even try his Mach 5 punch a second time, K punched him in the face and sent him flying through a pillar.
That left Seph, who muttered "Psychofield Level 2" before tanking a punch from K. Seph then returned the favor and punched K in the chest, this time sending K flying backwards. When K charged at him, Seph grabbed him by his arm and flipped him through the air.
During the commotion upstairs, Akira and Damien had brawled their way to the underground cells. As soon as the elevator doors opened, Damien blasted Akira in the chest, sending him sliding across the floor. Damien's hands sparked and he lashed out at Akira who dodged and zapped Damien with a electric bolt. Akira then punched Damien in the face picked him up and tossed him up against the wall. That's when the Guys in White guarding the third subterranean floor made themselves known, popping up seemingly from out of nowhere and pointing their weapons at Akira and Damien.
"That's enough, both of you!" One Guy yelled. "You've saved us trouble by entering the cell block by yourselves, now why don't you do us another favor by selecting which cell you'd like to sleep in!"
Damien simply created a blinding ball of ecto energy to distract the hapless agent before going in for the kill, turning as many Guys in White as he could into a bomb before detonating them, setting off a cacophony of explosions. Those that weren't killed were immediately knocked unconscious, leaving Damien and Akira to continue their fight.
"You know, I truly don't understand you" Damien said to Akira. "You hate the Guys in White just as much as I do and you're trying to rescue your sister, yet you're actively fighting against me. Your sister could very well be being held in a cell on this very floor, yet you're fighting against me. Why? Together, we could free your sister and crush the Guys in White beneath our feet."
"The difference between you and I is that I'm only concerned with saving my family!" Akira argued. "I'm not interested in your world domination bullshit or even the whole saving the world schtick! I just want my sister back! You're nothing but pure evil, only caring about yourself!"
"You call me evil, yet you've killed just as many Guys in White as I have" Damien pointed out, trying to get into Akira's head. "What makes you any different than me? We're both killers, the only difference is that I don't hide behind some façade of being a "hero". I don't waste my time with such nonsense. I know for a fact that people like us deserve to take our place at the top! Why can't you see that?"
"I'm not a "hero"," Akira admitted. "I can be a bit of a prick, a selfish jerk and a general all around asshole. And yeah, I have killed people; but those people made the mistake of fucking with me! I would never, in a million years, use my powers to victimize innocent people, and that's exactly what you've done. I'll never ally with someone like you."
"Then you'll just have to die by my hands" Damien said, charging at Akira with the intent to kill.
Akira dodged and launched his knee into Damien's stomach, causing Damien to double over where Akira then brought his knee crashing into Damien's face. Damien swung at Akira who retaliated with a backfist the face. He was about to blast Damien with a huge jolt of electricity when he suddenly heard a soft voice in the distance ask "Wh-What's going on? Is everything okay?"
Akira instantly recognized the voice as Minako's and bolted off down the hallway towards the sound of her voice. Was he finally going to free his sister from this hellhole or would she be yanked out from under him once again? Damien followed after him, a sinister smirk on his face. Maybe he couldn't convince Damien to join him, but perhaps with a little persuasion, he could convince Minako to join his cause.
Seph was still doing battle against a deranged Agent K who was swinging madly at the GREEN operative. Thanks to his psychofield ability, Seph was granted an increase in strength, speed, and durability that allowed him to stand up to the behemoth of a halfa. Letting out a screech, K raised both hands over his head and attempted to smash Seph flat, only for the latter to roll out of the way and hit him with a vicious uppercut. K staggered but recovered quickly and barreled toward Seph for a shoulder tackle. Thanks to his speed, Seph was able to leap over K and spin kick him in the back of the head. K didn't seem too affected and grabbed Seph by his head before slamming him into the wall and grinding his face against it.
By now, the other combatants had gotten back up and were all vying for a piece of K. Cynthia struck first, stabbing K in the back with her blade hand. K let out a roar and jumped backwards, landing on top of Cynthia and crushing her beneath him, leaving Cynthia in a world of pain. Valerie tried attacking next, throwing two flashbangs at K. The flashbangs exploded and Dani took advantage of K being stunned to thrust herself full force into K's abdomen, knocking K onto his butt. That's where Ben and Fritz worked together, firing an explosive ecto blast at a downed K. All of that failed to put K down, who sprang back to his feet and let out a loud roar. He went after the Ben and Fritz first, flying full speed at them. Ben was able to dodge thanks to his speed, but Fritz wasn't so lucky, getting clotheslined into oblivion. Seph was getting back up while K went after the others and jumped back into the fight, grabbing K from behind and dropping him on his head with a German suplex.
Seph noticed that there was an area of purple flesh from where K had been stabbed by Cynthia. Seph wondered if perhaps this could work as a weak spot and promptly stomped down on the wound. K once again roared as his reaction became even violent, leaping to his feet and smashing whatever was in his was with his fists. He wasn't even going after any of the halfas, instead trying to destroy everything surrounding him. While Evelyn had long departed, her two subordinates had stayed behind. They immediately leapt from the balcony and tried calming down the enraged Agent K.
"Now, now, Agent K, listen to us" The first agent tried calming him down. "You're acting" He didn't get a chance to complete his sentence before K sent him flying with a punch to the chest. The second agent tried to neutralize K with his pistol, only for K to grab him by his head and squeeze until he went limp. K then tossed his corpse aside and continued his rampage, destroying everything in sight.
"Good grief, the man's lost his mind" Seph said. "We're going to have to stop him before he brings this whole place down on top of us"
K roared with rage as he punched wildly at his surroundings. Seph, Valerie, and Danielle immediately got down to business to try stopping him. Seph, ran in first, trading blows with an out of control Agent K. K's punches hit with the force of a big rig and Seph was surprised that none of his bones had been broken yet. Valerie lent Seph a hand by swinging her bo staff like a baseball bat into K's lower back wound. That evidently hurt Agent K a lot as the monstrous halfa leaped high into the air before crashing back down with a bang. Dani, taking note of this, crafted a spear made out of ice and impaled K from behind with it, taking him down for the time being.
The three didn't let up on their attack on K, with Seph picking K up off of the ground, lifting him up off of the ground and holding him over his head before slamming him into the ground with such tremendous force it left a crater. K slowly got back up, but he seemed slower in his movements and it seemed the battle was finally taking its toll on him. As soon as he was up, Seph pounded K in the face with a hard devastating punch to the face. K staggered and tried punching him back only for Seph to dodge and nail him with an uppercut. K didn't appreciate that and with a roar, raised both his fists over his head only for Dani to fire a blast at his weak spot that dropped him to his knees again where Valerie pulled out her bazooka and blasted the mad halfa in the face. That finally put K down for count as he lapsed into a state of unconsciousness.
"That takes care of him," Seph said before looking over to an unconscious Ben, Cynthia, and Fritz. "Now all that's left is apprehending these hooligans."
Back in the lower chambers of the facility, Damien and Akira were racing down the hallway towards the sound of Minako's voice. Akira was completely unaware that Damien was following right behind him.
"Minako! Minako!" Akira called out, running around the corner of the halls, desperate to free his sister. "Minako, where are you?"
"Akira, is that you?" Minako called out as Akira drew closer and closer.
"Yeah, it's me" Akira said, finally reaching Minako's cell. "Don't worry, I'm going to get you out of here"
"Minako, huh?" Damien said before blasting Akira as the latter fiddled with door to Minako's cell. With Akira down on his back, Damien turned the door to Minako's cell into a bomb and blew it up. "You'll make an excellent addition to my ranks."
"You? No, I'll never join you" Minako said, immediately recognizing Damien as being Haven-Cho's destroyer. "Y-You're pure evil! You murdered innocent people!"
"Oh please, they were hardly innocent" Damien scoffed. "Now are you going to come along willingly or do we have to do this the hard way?"
"No, I won't join you!" Minako refused.
"Hard way it is then" Damien said, approaching Minako with sinister intent.
"Oh no you fucking don't!" Akira yelled, tackling Damien to the ground and unloading on him with a barrage of punches. He charged up a shock and let it loose on Damien, causing the latter to start convulsing wildly. Damien recovered however and fought back by jabbing his thumb into Akira's eye and kicking him off of him.
Damien then stared Akira in the eye and began projecting an illusion on him. An illusion that was a painful memory for Akira as it depicted the very day that Minako had been kidnapped by the Guys in White. Akira began weighing on the ground, trying to block out the illusion to no avail, allowing Damien to get in a cheap shot by kicking him in the face. Akira was determined not to give up however and kept trying to fight back, only to get booted in the face each time. The illusion was too powerful for Akira to break and in between each kick, he would see glimpses of Minako being dragged away on cuffs by Guy in White agents.
"Leave my brother alone! Please!" Minako pleaded.
"Oh? You want me to stop beating the crap out of your brother, eh?" Damien responded, standing over a bloodied and bruised Akira. He grabbed Akira by his collar and placed a hand to his face. "If you agree to come with me, then I'll spare your brother's pathetic life. However, if you refuse, I'll blow him up right in front of your eyes."
"No," Minako whispered softly, unable to believe what was happening.
"The choice is yours," Damien taunted. "Better make your choice quickly, I'm itching to blow something up."
"No" Minako whispered again, not knowing what to do in this situation.
"Three… two… one," Damien said, prompting Minako to yell "NO!" before the ground started to shake, knocking Damien off of his feet.
In one swift motion, Minako unleashed a devastating kick to Damien's neck, sending him flying backwards and into the wall. Minako then went to check on her brother, picking him up off of the ground.
"Akira, are you alright?" She asked as she helped him to his feet.
"I'm-I'm okay," Akira said. "I've never seen you have that type of reaction to anything, are you alright?"
"I'm fine," Minako replied. "I had no choice but to let loose. Otherwise, you may have died. I can't believe I snapped like that. I'm so sorry you had to see that."
"No, no, it's fine" Akira told her. "How'd you manage to make the ground shake like that?"
"It's part of my powers," Minako answered. "One of my core abilities is the power to manipulate the earth."
"That's awesome," Akira said before directing his attention to Damien. "And now to deal with you…"
Damien growled and hissed "Both of you are fucking dead!" He seemed prepared to take on both siblings at once, but before he could, Valerie, Dani, and Seph arrived.
"Give it up, kid" Seph advised him. "Your Partners in crime have been captured and you have nowhere to go."
Damien looked around, an expression of desperation on his face. He knew he couldn't take on the entire group so he did the only logical thing he could do. Before anyone could make their move, Damien sliced open a portal to the Ghost Zone and made his escape.
In The Next Chapter:
Danny's brawl with Damien was intense, with Danny taking great care to avoid the sociopath's touch while simultaneously trying to rip him a new one. Danny fought from a distance, creating several icicles and launching them at Damien, who deflected them with his shield and returned fire with an ectoblast. Damien intended to use that as a distraction to move in closer, but as soon as he was in range, Danny clobbered him with a hard punch to the face that knocked out several teeth. Danny then grabbed Damien by his leg and hurled him as hard as he could into a tree. Damien ended up being impaled by a tree branch, but didn't let that slow him down as he tore himself free and tossed the tree branch at Danny like a spear. Danny moved to the side, but that gave Damien the opportunity to fire a blast into Danny's gut. His hands sparked as he once again tried to get in close enough to turn Danny into a bomb. Danny wasn't going to let that happen and blocked his attempt with a shield before freezing Damien solid with his ice powers and blasting him with his ghost ray. Danny then froze Damien again before blasting him a second time and repeated the process two more times. Damien however, briefly gained himself a reprieve when he head butted Danny in the face and blasted him in the chest.
We are nearing the climax of this arc. The Guys In White Are making their move at the same time Damien is putting his plan into action. The good news is that at least now half of Damien's gang have been apprehended. The bad news is that this won't make things easier for the heroes one bit. There might not be a Chapter next month as I'm taking some time to write some request fics. However, I will still try to update this fanfic and bring you the conclusion to the Halfa Gene Saga. Stay tuned for more. Peace out!