She stood on the stage and stared out at the faces, which stared mournfully back at her. They were all etched with pain, sadness, and perhaps pity, she couldn't exactly tell. Her sore and tired eyes scanned the room as everyone waited for her to speak, but she didn't know what to say. She never really understood how anyone could verbalize what it felt like for your soul to die not once, but twice. She had been through this before, not even a full five years since she last had to feel her heart wrenched out of her body. Her babies gone. Dead. Too soon and so violently. Her children that she carried within her womb for nine months, the ones she couldn't wait to come out so that she could see their small scrunched up faces for the first time, were gone. But now, now she wished she could have just protected them forever, kept them within her grasp for as long as she could. It was never fair for a parent to outlive their own child, and it was crueler for her to outlive two. She glanced at the front pew and watched her husband hold their middle child to his side as an attempt to console her, and perhaps to console himself. Tears stung her eyes as she silently prayed to God to protect her last living child. She didn't think she would make it otherwise.

She cleared her throat, "I'm…I'm sorry that this is….I'm sorry that I don't really know what to say right now." She glanced around at the familiar faces who nodded at her as an indication to take her time. Her hand reached up and wiped away a stray tear, when a movement from the back of the room caught her eye. Her blood ran cold and her eyes grew large as she stared at the small child whispering to the dirty blonde man that held her on his lap. Jane? Her heart got caught in her throat as she gazed at the child who reminded her so much of her own. Like Jane, the little girl had dark smooth skin, thick curly hair, and wide inquisitive eyes. Finally, it dawned on her. Miracle. It stunned her that she had been fighting for a child she had never even laid her eyes on.

She did her best to tear her eyes away from the back of the room and instead looked at the picture of Malcolm that was propped up beside her. It had been taken that past summer at their home. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, "Malcolm was a bright, smart, funny, ambitious, young man who would do anything for his family." She started out slowly. "He was always up to something and I was always able to catch him before he went through with it." She gave the group a sad smile, "My son was far from perfect and he would be embarrassed if I ever tried to make him out to be that way, but, he was the most amazing young man I have ever known. And I am so thankful that he was in our lives for as long as he was." A man who was sitting in one of the pews, who she recalled was Malcolm's co-worker, doubled over in tears. From what she knew, he was the one who moved fast and got the car off of Malcolm after the accident. "He was a brother to Jane Jones and Mercedes Jones, he was a boyfriend to many," she paused and shook her head with a small smile, "Too many if you ask me, which of course he never did….and he was a friend to all." A shrug lifted her shoulders, "I don't know what my life will be like now without my baby boy….I know what it was like without my eldest daughter and that was….the hardest time in my life….it was hell burying one child….I don't know how I will survive burying two." Margaret Jones walked over to the casket and touched the varnished wood, "I never had a chance to say goodbye to them, I never had a chance to tell them I loved them, I never had the chance to make things right, and I will regret it for the rest of my life…." Her knees buckled beneath her and she broke down in tears, "Why my babies? Why…..God why? I am so sorry." She could feel herself being lifted up only to be encircled in her husband's embrace. She cried into his chest as he moved towards the microphone that was set up.

He shook his head, "This is a very hard time for us right now and we are so grateful and thankful for the love and support everyone has offered to us. Malcolm might be gone from our sight, but his memory and his impact will live on forever as long as we remember him and continue to love him." He sighed into the mic, "Cherish the people in your lives, hold them tight, and never let go." He looked down at Mercedes, who walked up to her parents and stood by her father's side. He pulled her to him and kissed the side of her forehead. The three of them slowly walked down to their pew and let the pastor finish off the service. Mercedes reached out across her father and held her mother's hand. Maggie looked up at her and squeezed her daughter's hand firmly.

When the service and burial was finished, Mercedes shook hands, and hugged family and friends before she made her way over to the people she needed to see the most. Sitting on a bench in the distance sat Sam and Miracle. She was huddled in his heavy black coat away from the cold air. Mercedes could hear him humming 'Let it Go' to her and could hear Miracle's small voice singing along with it. "Hey you two." She said sadly as she approached. Miracle's face lit up and she scrambled from Sam's lap to give Mercedes a hug. The older woman lifted her up in her arms and hugged her tightly.

"Mercy, I'm sorry Uncle Malcolm is gone, but Ms. Jenkins said he's an angel now and gets to play hide and seek with Jesus." Miracle beamed and pressed her cold cheek to Mercedes'. Mercedes couldn't help but laugh at the image. "Maybe he's with my mommy too and I bet she'll play hide and seek. Or maybe jump rope." Mercedes turned her face to look right into Miracle's.

"Mira, you're amazing. Thank you for saying that to me, I feel a lot better now." Which was true, she honestly felt much better at the image of her siblings finding each other again. Sam stood up and hugged the two important ladies to him. He ducked his head and kissed Mercedes on the lips, which caused Miracle to burst into giggles. Mercedes sighed into the kiss, "I love you both so much. Thank you for coming." A tear rolled down her cheek and Sam wiped it away with the pad of his thumb.

He rubbed her back with his other hand and grinned, "We love you too. Right Mira?" The little girl nodded her head so fast, it looked as if she would fling it right off. Sam laughed and Mercedes smiled widely, "See? Of course we'd be here for you." He leaned in and pressed his forehead to the side of her head. Mercedes closed her eyes and sighed. This is exactly what she needed right now more than anything.

"Mercedes?" A voice behind them startled the trio. Mercedes turned around and stared at her parents. Her mother had been the one who had spoken. Miracle looked at them for a moment and then burst into a wide smile when she saw Mr. Jones.

She reached out for a hug, "Hi poppie!" Terrence reached out and took Miracle from Mercedes. He held her close and reached out a hand to shake Sam's. Sam shook it with a small smile, but kept glancing at Maggie from the corner of his eyes. She was staring at Miracle with an unreadable expression. Miracle looked over at the woman she had never met before and studied her as intently as the woman did. "Hi, I'm Miracle."

Maggie took a deep breath and smiled, "Hi Miracle, I'm Maggie." Miracle smiled back and cocked her head to the side.

"Are you Mercy's mommy?"

Margaret nodded, "Mhm, I am. I was Malcolm's mommy too." She wanted to mention Jane, but bit her tongue.

Miracle nodded, "Uncle Malcolm is playing games in heaven with the angels. He's probably flying and eating tons of candies." Maggie laughed and fought back a few tears.

"Well, that sounds a lot like Malcolm. He's probably playing tricks on them too." She rubbed her hands together and turned her attention to Sam. "Thank you for coming Mr. Evans." Sam slowly nodded and looked at Mercedes. She looked back at him and reached for his hand.

"That's the kind of man Sam is mom…" Mercedes said quietly before looking at her mother.

"Daddy, I'm cold" Miracle pouted.

Terrence hugged her close and turned to Sam. "How about we go inside and get some hot chocolate for Miracle, I think there are some chocolate cookies too, I mean if that's okay." Miracle gave a whoop of excitement.

Sam nodded, "Yea, I'll come with you guys."

"Mercedes I'd like to speak with you." Maggie looked at her daughter, "Please." Mercedes stared back at her and then nodded. Sam squeezed Mercedes' hand and walked off with Mr. Jones and Miracle to warm up inside the church. Mercedes stared after them and then turned her attention to her mother. Maggie led her to the bench that Sam had been sitting on and sat down. "Are you cold?"

Mercedes shook her head, "No, I'm okay." She stared straight ahead. "What do you need to say to me mom?"

Maggie wrapped her arms around herself and sighed, "Cedes….I've made a lot of mistakes in my life…and I've been stubborn….but I won't apologize for wanting my granddaughter in my life. But God knows I was wrong for how I went about it." She watched as her daughter quickly glanced at her, "It's scary how much she resembles Jane at that age, I mean some features are probably her father's but everything else, is Jane."

"Yea, I'm not sure how I really didn't clue in when I first met her, it just didn't seem possible. Sometimes it still doesn't. But mom," She turned to her mother, "Miracle isn't Jane, even if she was a complete identical copy…she isn't her and taking her away from Sam will never make her Jane." Maggie looked down. "Jane's gone mommy, and she is never coming back…you can't fix what happened between you two by taking Miracle."

Her mother looked up at the sky, "I couldn't save her, I couldn't protect her, and I just wanted to do what I could for her child. I never meant for it to get so ugly, I just wanted her."

"Who did you want mom?" Mercedes shook her head, "Miracle or Jane?"

Her mom took a long moment as tears trickled down her face, "I don't even know." Mercedes reached out and turned her mother's face towards her. She then took her hands in her own. "I just missed her so much Cedes….I just wanted to say how sorry I was, I wanted to prove her wrong and show her that Miracle would be happiest with us. I wanted her to see that I was a good mother."

"I know, but all you'll do is end up hurting Miracle and everyone else. Mom you were an amazing mother, too harsh sometimes, but amazing." Mercedes frowned and looked towards the people milling about, "Malcolm wanted Mira with Sam, he was going to tell you, but…"A sob caught in her throat, "You might not believe me…but he understood."

Maggie nodded, "No, I believe you." She sniffed and bit her lip, "Do you think Mr. Evans will ever let me be a part of her life after everything?" Mercedes shrugged, "I wouldn't be surprised if he wanted to keep her from me, I would probably keep her from someone like me as well."

"I want to say that he would let you, but I don't really know…are you going to call this whole thing off, or is he going to have to fight you in court?"

Her mother shook her head, "Cedes…I have no fight left. It's gone. Whatever I had planned to do, I neither have the energy or the desire anymore." She looked at Mercedes, "I've lost your siblings baby, I would die if I lost you too. I can't lose you. Even if I can't see that little girl….I just can't lose you." She gave her a sad smile, "I love your father very much, but even I could tell he wanted this over with and if I pressed on….I'd lose him too."

Mercedes studied her mother's face and saw a raw fear. "You'd never lose me….ever. You might make me really angry to the point where I would ignore you for awhile….but you'd always be my mom." She took her mother's hand in her own. "I love you, even if you're crazy." She smiled and Maggie sniffed.

"Excuse me, I'm not crazy, just merely driven to unhealthy extents." Her mother informed her with a sad smile.

Mercedes laughed, "You know if Malcolm heard that, you'd get a huge eye roll right? Jane would probably just look at me and start laughing."

Maggie smiled at the image, "She'd probably say something like 'mom, you know you're insane, we know you're insane, just accept the insanity so we can move on okay?'" She imitated her eldest daughter before nodding her head, "Jane would be proud of Miracle….she turned out exactly how she would have wanted, cute, healthy, and from what your father says, sassy."

Mercedes nodded and thought about the man who had helped Miracle become who she was, "You need to apologize to Sam. He deserves an apology."

"Yes, I know. If he'll let me, I'll take him to lunch and apologize profusely." She nodded and then furrowed her brow, "Does Miracle know anything?" Her mother looked alarmed.

Mercedes shook her head, "No…she knows absolutely nothing."

Maggie sighed, she wanted her granddaughter to know who she was, but for right now she would have to respect that she didn't. "Good. That's probably for the best." Mercedes shuddered from the cold breeze. Her mom noticed and slowly stood up. "Let's go inside." Mercedes stood up as well and was pulled into a hug before she could even utter a word. "I love you."

She hugged her mother even tighter, "I love you too mom." The Jones women held on to each for moments longer before Mercedes broke the hug and led her mother towards the church so that they could be surrounded by family and loved ones.


She groaned as the weight beside her began to move in bed. Perhaps if she slowed her breathing down well enough he wouldn't realise that she was actually very much awake. The smaller hand grabbed her shoulder and shook her roughly as an attempt to rouse her from her sleep. "Meeewa..." The voice shouted into her ear. She felt the smaller child climb over her back as if she were a mountain that he was attempting to scale, but instead of spikes and pulleys, he used his fingers and toes. She felt his weight drop in front of her body before a chubby little finger poked her closed eye. She pretended to snore loudly which caused the intruder to whine. "Meeeewa, wake up!" He shook her face before his small hands clasped on to her cheeks and attempted to pry open her mouth. "Meewa, mommy wants youuu!" The three year old squealed into her face. The newly nine year old little girl sighed and finally opened her eyes to stare into her brothers large greenish brown ones. He smiled when he saw that she was awake and plastered kisses all over her face, "Happy birfdayyyyyy!" From behind his back he pulled out a drawn picture of what she could only assume was of her face. It slightly resembled a brown potatoe with large black spots for eyes.

As annoyed as she was to be awoken so rudely, she couldn't stop the smile that stretched across her face. "Awww, thanks Jake! Is that me?" She pulled him into a hug which he gave her back just as tightly. Everyone always told her that she used to hug everyone just like Jake did, but she assumed that was a gross exaggeration.

The little boy nodded, "Uh huh, dats you and scooter!" She sat up in her bed and stared down at the dog who was watching them from the end of it.

She gave the dog a look, "Where were you just now when I was being poked awake!?" The dog lifted his head and scrambled up the bed to nuzzle her neck, "Yea, yea, trying to suck up now huh?" She laughed and pat the dog who then walked over to Jake and licked his arm.

The little boy squealed in delight, "I have cootiessss!" He slid off of the bed and plopped himself on the floor. Scooter slowly jumped down to investigate the rest of the room. Miracle eyed him carefully, she knew that he was getting old and wanted to protect him from getting hurt. Jake grabbed one of her Barbies and pretended it was a plane. She didn't understand the logic of it, but she figured if that could keep him busy while she brushed her teeth then it was a win win. She walked down the hall to the bathroom, washed her face, and brushed her teeth before returning back to her room to find every single toy she owned strewn across the floor.

"JAKE!" She yelled in dismay as he rolled around in the mess. The little boy looked up at her and smiled with his little teeth. Mira tapped her foot on the carpeted floor. "You're helping me clean alllll of this up right now." Jake stared at the mess and then glanced at Scooter. "Oh don't even try it bucko! I created that trick, just ask daddy." She helped him up and he helped her put all of the toys back into a clear bin she had at the foot of the bed. When that was done, she took his hand and walked him out of her room. She could smell eggs and bacon from downstairs, "Is mommy making breakfast?" Jake nodded his head, allowing his golden brown curls to bounce around his head. She held his hand as they made their slow descent down the stairs of their house which they had moved into when Mercedes and Sam got married four years ago. Jake let go of her hand and ran into the kitchen first. Mira waited by the stairs for Scooter who was coming down behind them wagging his tail. She walked into the kitchen to find Mercedes flipping some pancakes. Jake was already in his high chair eating some fruits. "Morning mom." Mercedes turned around at the voice and smiled widely before making her way over to Miracle.

"Good morning birthday girl! Nine years old already." She shook her head and leaned in to kiss Miracle's forehead and give her a hug. Her firm protruding belly poked Miracle's chest, she could feel the baby move at the contact. The little girl reached out and touched Mercedes stomach. "Mallory says happy birthday to you too big sis." Miracle beamed at the mention of her little sister.

She placed her mouth against the belly, "Thanks Mallory, come out soon so I can share my dolls with you." She said against Mercedes' pyjama top. Mira stepped back and took a seat in her chair. She watched as Jake popped a blueberry into his mouth before turning her attention to Mercedes.

They had told her the truth about everything when she was seven, well 'everything' might be an overstatement, she knew that there were probably some things she didn't know yet. Her hand reached her neck and touched the delicate golden necklace that hung there. It had been her mothers. Jane Jones. She had been very confused and very upset. Mostly at her father. They were so close that she couldn't even imagine him lying to her for so long, but he had. She refused to speak to him for a whole week until she had a terrible nightmare that he too had died. Without even thinking about it, she had screamed for him in the middle of the night and he came to her rescue like he always did. Mercedes told her that she could call her aunty if she wanted, but she refused to, she insisted that Mercedes was her mother now no matter what. It had been a tough year, with a lot of mental readjustments, but she had always thought of Mercedes' parents as her other grandparents, so it wasn't a huge deal to her when she found out that they actually were.

Mercedes placed a plate of food in front of her which shook her from her thoughts. "Mira, are you okay?" She gave her a slightly concerned glance.

"Oh, I'm fine. Just thinking." She shrugged and looked around, "Where's daddy?"

Mercedes looked her over a bit more and then glanced towards the hallway, "That's a good question. Let me go find him. Keep an eye on your brother and make sure nothing gets in his -"

"-ears or nose." Mira finished for her before laughing. Mercedes nodded and rubbed her shoulder before leaving the kitchen. Mira ate some of her bacon and eggs before looking back at Jake who was attempting to stuff a grape in his nose. "Jake Michael Evans! You take that grape outcho nose before I call mom in here." The little boy stared at her for a moment as if to call her bluff. Miracle took in a huge breath as if she were going to yell. He pushed on the nostril without a grape and blew through the other one. The grape popped out and on to the floor. Miracle shook her head and tutted at him.

"Don't tell mommy Meewa. Pweese." He gave her a pouty face.

Miracle raised a brow at him, "Hmm, fine, but no more fruits in any hole but your mouth kay?!" The little boy nodded and slowly ate a peach slice. The sound of loud party music sounded from the living room which startled both children. Miracle was about to get up to see what it was when Mercedes and Sam walked into the kitchen wearing party hats and sunglasses. Sam was holding his phone in the air as he blasted out Stevie Wonder's 'Happy Birthday to you'. The couple sang to her excitedly and danced together before pulling Miracle up and twirling her around. She giggled happily and put her hand on her face in embarrassment. When they had finished, she couldn't stop laughing and hugged her dad. He hugged her back just as tightly.

"Happy birthday beautiful." He kissed the side of her cheek and beamed down at her. "You're not allowed to get any older." He laughed and shook his head at how big she had gotten. She still had a tiny frame, and was short, but her face had matured since she was younger. He had aged too. His hair was no longer blonde, but a darkish brown, and his beard was scruffier than it had been before. He had also gotten a bit pudgy too, but Miracle would never tell him that to his face. Her grandma Mary on the other hand told him all the time, and he would always say that he was eating more to make Mercedes feel good about herself through the pregnancy. Miracle was pretty sure that every female who heard him say that, rolled their eyes at the same time.

"Daddy, I have to get older. How else can I go on the big rides at the fair?" She laughed and looked at him as if he were silly.

Sam shrugged, "We'll put Jake on your shoulders and then give you a huge trench coat as a disguise." He grinned before picking Jake out of the high chair, "What do you think of that bud?"

"Yay!" Jake squealed and smooshed his cheek against Sam's. "Daddy are we goin to the fair?!" Sam rubbed his son's back and shook his head.

He put him back in the chair and touched his own cheek which was very sticky from Jake's face. "Not now, but next summer when you'll be four years old okay?"

Jake pouted, "Dadddddy I wanna go now." The little boy slumped into his chair.

Sam raised a brow, "I know you do, but it's not open. Daddy will take you and Mira to a game place soon okay?" That perked up the little boy as well as his sister. Sam walked over to Mercedes and pecked her on the lips as she carried a plate for him to the table. "Did I tell you that you look beautiful today my darling?" Mercedes gave him a look and swatted him playfully.

"Eat up everyone, we're heading to church soon and we have no time to spare."

Mira cut her bacon with her folk and looked at Mercedes, "Are we going to see poppie and granny Maggie, and grandma, and gramps today? Oh and aunty Quinn?!" Mercedes gave her a sad look.

"I'm sorry hun, they were all busy today with other things, but they said they'll come by sometime this week to say happy birthday to you." Miracle frowned and stared at her plate for a moment. Mercedes walked over and rubbed her shoulder. "I know you're disappointed."

Miracle thought it over for a moment and shrugged, "It's okay I guess. They'll just have to give me an extra gift for everyday they don't see me." She giggled. Mercedes looked at the child and then at her husband who had covered his mouth to laugh.

"You know that this is your child right?" Mercedes shook her head jokingly.

Sam shrugged, "That she is, but to be fair, that sounded a lot like something Maggie would say." He laughed and looked at their daughter.

Mercedes frowned, "You're not wrong…..maybe we should only let them stay with mom and dad one month in the summer instead of two."

"No no, she's just making them stronger." Sam grinned before stuffing a strip of bacon into his mouth.

"Oh so it's about making them stronger huh and not just going out with the boys when the kids are away?" Sam looked at her sheepishly and she stuck her tongue out at him "Alright less chatty, more eatty." Mercedes finally sat down and ate the breakfast she prepared before she would have to rush everyone off to church.


Miracle stood nervously in front of the congregation and held the mic by her mouth before closing her eyes. Normally she and Mercedes did this together, but since baby Mallory had gotten bigger, it made it a bit harder for Mercedes to catch her breath when she sang. So now it was left to Miracle to lead the choir with a beautiful and powerful voice that had surprised everyone. She slightly opened one eye to look at her family, before closing them tightly again. The pianist hit the first few notes before Miracle took a breath and began singing in the mic, "Oh Happy Day," with the choir supporting her. When she was done, the group of people smiled up at her and clapped their encouragement.

The pastor walked up beside her and took the microphone, "That was absolutely beautiful Miracle and everyone would like to wish you a happy birthday today. Do you have any plans?" He leaned the mic in her direction."

Miracle looked out at Sam and Mercedes, "I'm not sure, we might go out and get ice cream. Everyone should come, my daddy's treat." She beamed out at Sam who had gone pale, "Just kidding." She giggled.

The pastor laughed and pat her on the back, "Well that sounds lovely, once again happy birthday from all of us to you." Miracle was finished her song, so she hustled down to Mercedes side.

Mercedes looked at her and smiled, "Are you okay? Feeling shortness of breath? Or anything?" Miracle shook her head no, "Are you sure? Is your chest hurting?"

"No mom, I'm okay. I promise." Miracle looked over at her brother who was passed out in Sam's arms. She thought it was funny how Mercedes went into nurse mode sometimes, but it was always great to have her around when she really got sick. Thankfully majority of her asthmatic symptoms had declined over the years, her breathing only became a concern when she had a cold.

After the service, Ms. Jenkins came and found her. "Miracle you sang your heart out young lady. I am very proud of you and you know that I tell everyone that I was the one who taught you when I used to babysit you." Miracle laughed and nodded.

"I know Ms. Jenkins, I tell everyone you taught me too." She grinned at the old woman. Rumour had it she was dating one of the choir singers fathers, but Miracle technically was not supposed to know that. However, she did notice a bit more pep in the older woman's step. As if hearing her thoughts the old man in question walked past them and winked at Ms. Jenkins. Mira looked at the old woman, who in turn looked at her.

"I don't know what has gotten into that old shoe of a man." She laughed, but Miracle watched as her eyes wondered over to him and then back down to Miracle. "Anyways, I have bought a small little gift for you." She handed Miracle a gift bag.

Miracle took it excitedly and jumped up and down before gently hugging her. "Thank you. Thank you."

Ms. Jenkins nodded, "And tell your parents that they need to bring you and your brother by more often, tell them that just because they moved to a fancy house does not mean they should not come by. I am getting very old." Miracle knew the cue.

"You don't look old Ms. Jenkins." She smiled.

Ms. Jenkins waved her off, but Miracle could see her fighting a grin, "Sure sure, you already got your gift. No need to butter me up like I'm some piece of toast." She reached out and touched Miracle's hair which was divided into two plaits. "Oh Mercedes did a lovely job with your hair, tell her to use the book I gave her okay."Miracle nodded her understanding. "Happy birthday again." With that she walked off towards the direction the older man had gone and disappeared. Miracle raised a brow and went off to find everyone.

She found Mercedes first. She was surrounded by a group of women touching her stomach. "Uh mom?" Mercedes looked at her as if she were a God send.

"Oh I have to go ladies, thank you for the blessings!" She grabbed Miracle's hand and led her away. "Thank you for saving me." She laughed as they went outside into the warm weather.

Miracle winked, "Anytime lady. Ms. Jenkins gave me a gift and then went off with her boyfriend." Realising what she had said she covered her mouth and stared at Mercedes. "I mean ummm."

"Boyfriend? Oh you mean old man Willard? I knew those two were chummy!" Mercedes laughed and walked with Miracle to the car. She could already see that Sam was in the driver's seat and Jake was in the back still passed out. "Okay you can open your gifts when we get home okay?"

"Sounds like a plan Stan." Miracle chimed before slipping into the back of the car. Sam hopped out of the car to help his wife get settled in before he ran back to his side.

He looked in the rear view mirror at her, "Mira, why don't you take a nap. You look a bit tired munchkin." She looked back at him and gave a small yawn. "We'll wake you up when we get in."

To be honest, a nap sounded really good to her at the moment, "Okay daddy." She nodded and nestled her head against the cushion and quickly drifted off into a light nap. When she woke up they were pulling into the driveway of her grandparent's house. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, "Why are we at poppie and granny Maggie's house?"

Sam looked back at her and shrugged, "They said they would be busy for a while, but they left your gift on the front table. It's pretty big though, so you're going to have to help me carry it please. I'd ask your mom but she's already carrying a baby." He turned off the engine and looked at Mercedes. "You can just wait here with Jake."

Mercedes nodded and unbuckled her seatbelt. "Ah, that's better." She grinned. Miracle took off her own seatbelt and stepped out of the car with her dad. He took her hand in his and walked to the door.

He pulled out a set of keys and unlocked the front door. "Ladies first." He smiled and pushed open the door for her to step inside.

"Why thank you kind knight!" She laughed and hopped inside the house to be met with a loud chorus of SURPRISE! Her eyes widened and she almost screamed as she stared at her entire family staring back at her. "Oh my fairies!" She squealed in laughter. Sam had to push her further inside since she was still frozen from the shock. The Jones came towards her and hugged her tightly, before her dad's parents came and did the same thing.

"Happy birthday love." Her grandmother Mary kissed her cheeks and squeezed her close. "You've gotten so big!" Miracle returned the hug.

"Grandma you saw me two weeks ago." She laughed.

Mary shrugged, "Yes, but you've grown about a foot since then." She pinched Miracle's cheek. Her thirteen year old cousin Connor greeted her as well.

"Hey squirt, happy birthday." Miracle tried to hold in a laugh at the skinny fuzzy moustache that hung over his lip. His voice was deeper than it had been a year before and it often cracked. He had stretched out like a beanstalk and was just as skinny and lanky. She was now up to his chest by this point. The adults called it Pooterty or something like that. She hoped she never went through it.

"Thanks Connor! Nice moustache." He smiled widely at her and touched the fuzz proudly. She felt slight punches on her arm and whipped her head to stare at Jackson who was giving her birthday beats, she glared at the eleven year old. "Jackie, are you sure you want to go down this road, because I'll give you beats even if it's not your birthday yet. I don't mind preparing." She threatened.

Jackson rolled his eyes, "You ain't got nothing pipsqueak, I'm a whole head taller than you now." Where Connor was skinny and lanky, Jackson was stocky and slightly fat. He could sit on Miracle and take her down if he really wanted to, and he had tried it before. But she was short and small, plus very quick so she had her advantages too.

"Hey cut it out you two, this is a happy family event." Quinn walked towards her niece and pulled her into a hug. "Don't you look fancy." She pulled back and smiled as her eyes roamed over her niece's face. "How'd it go at church?"

Miracle clapped her hands together. "It was great Aunty, everyone clapped for me and I think I was louder this time." She smiled proudly.

Quinn's eyes widened, "I'm so proud of you darling. You told everyone I taught you right?"

The younger girl nodded, "Oh yea, they all know you taught me Aunty Quinn." She hoped that Ms. Jenkins would never meet her aunt or else it would be a battle of who taught Miracle to sing.

"Good." She kissed her forehead. "Now let's find you something to eat." Before Quinn could whisk her away there was a bit of commotion by the front door as Mercedes stepped in with Jake.

"Shoot did I miss it all?" The pregnant woman exclaimed as she looked around for Mira. Everyone rushed over to see her, rub her belly, and fawn over Jake.

Quinn looked at Mira and gave her a side hug, "Let me say hi to Mercy first and then we'll find you some food okay?" Mira nodded and watched as everyone got distracted. She took the opportunity to escape upstairs and into her mother's old room. It was where she slept when she and Jake stayed for the summer. She quietly opened the door and stepped inside. The room smelled like Miracle, but there was a hint of something else that she assumed must have been her birth mother. She stood at the vanity and looked at all the pictures of Jane with Mercedes, Jane with her parents, her friends, and Malcolm. Mira vaguely remembered him, she could recall that he had been nice to her. But that was about it. She lifted the picture with him and her mother in it and brought it close to her face. Sometimes she created stories about where the picture was taken and why it was taken. It made the people in them seem much more real.

She stared at her Jane's face and then looked at herself in the mirror. They looked so much alike and she knew it. As she had gotten older, her face had become less of her own and more of her mother's. She stared at the picture again and looked back at the mirror only to be startled to see her grandmother peering at her. Miracle whipped around and stared. "I'm sorry."

Maggie smiled and stepped inside. "Sorry for what Mira. You know that this is your room here, you can go inside whenever you want." She sat down on the corner of the bed. "Do you want to take another picture of Jane with you?" Mira looked at the one in her hand and nodded, "Okay, then it's all yours. Think of it as an extra birthday gift." Maggie opened up her arms and Miracle ran into them, almost knocking the older woman back.

"Granny…" Mira mumbled into her grandmother's embrace.


Miracle sighed, "Do you miss mama Jane and uncle Malcolm?" Her grandmother sighed into her hair.

She let Miracle step back a bit and then looked at the picture, "Always baby. Always. But you know what?"She smiled, "They're still here in my heart so even when I miss them I know that they're okay and that they have each other." Maggie tilted her head to the side, "Plus, I have Mercedes, your dad, you, and Jake in my life, so that keeps me busy."

"And Mallory." Miracle added.

Maggie grinned, "Yes and Mallory."

"Granny?" Miracle sat beside her on the bed.


Miracle looked up at her, "Did you know Jake was named for mama Jane and Mallory is named for uncle Malcolm?"

Maggie nodded, "Yes I did know, and I like it. Do you like it?"

Miracle nodded, "I think it's a good idea. I asked daddy who I was named for and he said him, because I'm his miracle." She smiled, "That makes me happy."

Her grandmother studied her for a moment, "Your daddy is very proud of who you've become. We're all very proud of you."

"Why? I'm just a normal girl."

Maggie shrugged, "You're smart, you like to help others, and you are nice to your brother. And we like what we're seeing."

Miracle nodded, "Okay."

"Alright, let's take the picture downstairs with you and you can mingle with everyone. Your uncle….Kurt, I believe his name is, brought a lot of clothes for you so we should go check it out. Also the other one with the weird hair….Huck or something—"

Miracle raised a brow, "Puck, uncle Puck, granny Maggie."

"Yes him, he's been eyeing your cake all night, so let's go check it out before he gets to it." Miracle laughed and nodded.

"Granny?" Maggie helped her off the bed and looked at her, "I love you." Miracle gave her a small smile. Maggie took a deep breath and leaned in to hug the shorter child. Five years ago, she would never have seen herself in this place or in this position to be loved by her daughter's child.

"I love you too. Now let's go before your father thinks the house ate you or something." They left the bedroom hand in hand to enjoy the rest of the surprise party.


Miracle sat in bed with Scooter by her side. He was nestled against her sleeping. She had a book about Egypt in her lap. It had become her new obsession since watching the Prince of Egypt a few weeks back. Her dad rapped his knuckles on the semi open door and smiled at her. "You're not sleeping yet?" Miracle shook her head no and closed the book. Her face looked somewhat serious as she stared at him. "What's wrong?" He stepped inside and plopped down on the bed. "Didn't you have fun tonight?"

"Yes daddy. It was a lot of fun seeing everyone and I loved all of the things people gave me." She smiled.

"Okay, so why the pouty face?"

Miracle shrugged, "Because."

Sam waited for her to continue but she didn't. "Because…..Scooter wasn't there?"

Miracle smiled and shook her head, "No. He was there in here." She pointed to her chest. "Daddy….why?" She looked down and then away. "Never mind."

"No Miracle what is it? Remember you said we have to be honest with each other right?"


Sam stared into her face and frowned, "Okay so…."He cocked his head to the side, "what's up buttercup?"

Miracle took a deep breath, "You said mama Jane left me with you and you didn't know her. And I know I was really cute because you took a lot of pictures of me, even some that are really embarrassing, but I don't get why. Why did you keep me?" The whole time she spoke she had been looking down at her hands, but finally she looked up.

Sam was taken aback by the question. He hadn't thought his nine year old would ever ask him that. "Because, I saw you and I loved you." He bit his lip, "I wanted to protect you from everything and everyone and it took me no time to figure out how special you were and how lucky I was that Jane brought you into my life." He shrugged, "You were my Miracle and without you I would never have met Mercedes, or Jake would never be born, or Mallory wouldn't be cooking it up in there. I would have never bought Scoots." The dog opened one eye upon hearing his name, "Daddy wasn't the best he could be before you came to us, but you made me better than I ever was Miracle." Miracle had tears streaming down her face before she crawled forward to hug her dad to her. He hugged her back and wiped his own face. He hadn't noticed that he had started crying too. "I love you very much and every time I go to church I thank God and I thank Jane for bringing you to me."Miracle pulled back and nodded. Her dad reached out and wiped her tears away. "Is that an okay answer?"

"Yes." She smiled. "I love you too."

"Alright then, you've had a long day, so it's time to hit the hay." She groaned at his rhyme, "Listen here, I am the new school Dr. Seuss okay?"

Miracle shook her head and laughed, "Sure dad. Night night." He tucked her under the covers and pat Scooter's head before turning off the lights and leaving the room. She turned towards the picture of her parents and Jake on her night stand and smiled. Her eyes wandered over to the picture of Jane smiling at her. She touched her necklace once again and smiled back, "Thank you." She gave in to the heaviness of her eyes and drifted off to a deep sleep.

A/N: Alright so this is the final chapter of my little Miracle, I hope this story was well worth the read and I would love to hear all feedback or comments that you may have. As always I'd love to thank H.B. for all of the support and help planning this and I would like to thank everyone who has followed me, or liked the story, or who has come into my inbox to say hello. Thank you for everything, I'm blessed to have such amazing readers in my life. Now that this is done I will be continuing silent noise, for those who are interested. Also if you are not reading this on tumblr, if you go to my page and click the story, you will see an updated banner of the Evans family including Jake.

Please excuse an spelling errors, and I am not affiliated with glee