I don't really even think the M tag should be on this one =3=
I just put it because they are nude and to be safe.
But anyways I hope you enjoy this little tidbit of a drabble!

It had been months now, if Dick were counting properly he would realize nearly a year had passed since they came together like this. As Red Hood and Nightwing the two still fought, but as Jason Todd and Dick Grayson one could almost call them lovers. The two were content as things were, whenever one of them felt particularly needy of someone to share their bed with they would seek each other out. More often than not they would wind up in one of Jason's safe houses, clothing tossed about in a way Jason always complained about the next morning while the two desperately struggled to make it into a bed.

It always ended the same, Jason sound asleep with an arm protectively draped over his mate. It was a funny word to attach to the two, there had never been an "I love you", never a true promise that they belonged only to each other... But with each passing day the Omega found himself growing more and more attached to his bad boy of an Alpha. The fear of telling Jason this, of scaring the man away, had him stay quiet. He was happy to keep things as they were if it meant staying close to him. so here it would stay. Sex. Plain and simple.

But on nights like these, when Jason managed to fall asleep first, Dick could nestle up in his arms and curl up against him. His head resting against the larger male's chest as he listened to the steady heartbeat bellow him. Nightwing rarely had any moments of peace anymore, having lived through so many horrors in his days, but this... This was as close to peace as he would get. There was nothing in the world he would trade it for.

Both men were too suborn to say it out loud, but they thrived off moment like this. And if Dick were to be the one to drift off first it would without a doubt be Jason cradling the male close and protective. The same thoughts running through Jason's head, of wanting to be something more but being too afraid to say it. Dick was Jason's Omega and Jason his alpha, it was an unspoken truth that the two were content in sharing... And maybe someday they would finally allow themselves to acknowledge this, but for now the two would hold each other close, cuddling together in the aftermath of a long heated night together.