Lucy whistled cheerfully as she strolled down the dirt road, her keys tinkling at her hip. She took a deep breath of the air, the smell of pine and bluebells making her smile happily.

She was on her way home from one of the few solo missions she took; this one being a simple job entailing the translation of an ancient text. Seeing as Levy was away on a job with Gajeel and Lily, and Freed was also out with the Raijinshuu, Lucy had snapped up the job before anyone else. Not that anyone else would have enjoyed it as much as she had. Fairy Tail was known for its love of violence, not for its knowledge.

A small bluebird flew across the path, making Lucy's smile grow wider as she marvelled at the beauty of nature that surrounded her.

'Plue!' She called out, brushing her hand across the silver key that sparkled at her waist, and giggling as her companion spirit appeared and performed his signature shivery dance.

'Do you mind accompanying me to the town Plue?' Lucy said, kneeling and pulling a small red lollypop out from a small pouch on her waist. The spirits eyes widened as he took the sweet and blissfully sucked on it as he was picked up in his Princesses arms.

The job had been at a large mansion far outside of the town. Usually Lucy would hire a carriage to take her there, however due to the beautiful summer day, the ex-heiress felt the need to walk.

She sighed in pleasure as the rays of light warmed her body, feeling like they coated her exposed skin in a layer of heat.

Suddenly, the peaceful sounds of birds tweeting and the crickets chirping was interrupted by a piercing scream.

Lucy's head snapped in the direction of the sound, and she hastily made her way into the shade of the trees; her skin instantly cooling under their thick foliage that blocked out the sun. She sent Plue back to the spirit world, smiling at his worried gaze, before advancing towards the sound of whimpers.

Her golden keys were clutched tightly in her hand, and the hummed in readiness; aware that they would soon be summoned to battle.

Lucy peered out from a bush, and had to hold back a gasp by biting her lip sharply.

A man with a dark smirk stood in the centre of a small clearing that was still shadowed by the outreaching branches of the surrounding trees. His hair was dark green and greasy, clinging to his scalp, and his eyes glittered with dark promises. He was covered in a black cloak, but in one hand he held a small child by the neck; not any older than six. She had short blue hair, and her tiny hands clawed at his wrist as he squeezed tighter. Her little legs thrashed desperately, trying to find purchase in the air as she dangled from his grip, helpless.

Lucy felt rage clawing up her throat, and stepped out form the bush as she lashed her whip out, slashing the man's wrist and making him cry out as he dropped the girl. The child lay on the ground, gasping in oxygen, before Lucy shouted at her.

'RUN!' The girls ruby coloured, fear filled eyes locked onto her, before she stood and ran from the battle that had already begun.

'How dare you take my little morsel, mage?' The man sneered, his lips drawing back to reveal black and yellow teeth that had been sharpened to a point. Lucy grimaced at the sight, before snapping her whip once more, cutting his cheek. He hissed as blood welled from the thin line that marred his grey cheek.

Slowly, he lifted a hand and wiped the blood on a finger, before staring at it and licking it up. His eyes lifted gradually, travelling purposefully up the blonde woman's body as a disgusting smirk stretched out his features.

'You're going to regret that.' He whispered. Lucy held in the bile that wanted to escape her throat, and glared at the dark mage.

'I don't think so. You're going to regret harming that little girl.' The man started cackling, before lifting his hands as though he held puppet string between his fingers.

Lucy quickly called out Loke and Virgo, silently communicating the plan she'd formed in her mind to them, when her arms were painfully wrenched into the air, causing her to let out a short scream. Loke and Virgo looked on in horror, and were about to attack the man when they disappeared with pained yells of their own. Lucy felt their pain, and nearly sobbed at the severity of it, before her arms were once again manoeuvred without her permission to stretch out on either side.

She could hear her bones clicking and her muscles and joints protesting as they were pulled and pulled beyond their capabilities.

She couldn't help the scream that burst from her lips as her right forearm was snapped downwards, as though someone had folded it in half.

The man before her sniggered at her tears, before twitching his fingers in the air, making Lucy's body simultaneously move at his command. She was thrown against a tree, and found her body pinned there as the man approached.

She nearly gagged when the scent of rotten flesh and blood assaulted her nose as he spoke.

'What did you say, little girl, about me regretting something?' He laughed as his thumb suddenly jerked inwards, making Lucy scream as another snap resounded through the clearing.

Pain obscured her every thought as her broken bones grated against her nerves.

Lucy gritted her teeth, holding back her scream, before she spat in his amused face.

He froze for a second, before his eyes darkened so the whites were completely black and his irises shone a dark purple.

One hand shot forwards and gripped her throat, his fingers digging into her flesh as he cut off her supply of air.

Lucy's eyes rolled in the back of her head as her hands clawed at his wrist desperately. It was then that she realised, upon gripping her throat his magic on her limbs had been broken. She quickly reached one hand down to her belt, searching frantically for her keys.

It was then that a deep voice sounded out from behind the mage.

'What do you think you're doing to Blondie?' The mages head snapped around, his grip tightening further on Lucy's neck. Her limbs felt heavy, and her eyes weren't working properly as she pathetically slapped at the hand on her neck.

'What does it look like?' Laxus scowled at the thing standing before him, before growling as he noticed broken arm and leg, vivid and painful bruising appearing on her clear skin. Laxus cracked his knuckles, his face remaining expressionless as he stepped forwards; his signature black, fur lined cloak seeming to flutter behind him as sparks of electricity shot from his skin.

'Looks like you're hurting my Blondie.' Laxus growled out, his mask falling as he snarled at the man before him. The dark mage suddenly started laughing, his grip still tight on Lucy's throat. She now hung limply from his hand, her eyes half lidded. Laxus could hear her heart thumping slowly beneath the obnoxious laughter of the mage before him.

He could feel his temper rising, and huge bolts of electricity surrounded him. Before the dark mage could let go of Lucy and enact his Puppet Magic, Laxus's lightning infused fist slammed into his face, sending the mage crashing through several trees as Laxus caught the gasping woman before she hit the ground.

He held her gently in his immense, muscled arms; careful not to hurt her broken limbs as he cradled her against him. She sobbed as she drew in deep breaths, her healthy arm clutching to his skin tight blue shirt, and her broken limb resting uselessly against her stomach.

He rested his chin against her hair, drawing in her unique vanilla and cherry smell.

'What am I gonna' do with you, huh Blondie?' He whispered, his heart thrumming uncontrollably against his chest.

He hadn't showed it, but when he'd caught sight of her pinned against that tree, he felt his soul freeze in fear. He longed to hold her tighter against him; to press her body fully against his own and clutch her there to reassure the panicking dragon inside of him that she was fine, yet the dragon also knew she was hurt, and doing that would cause her pain.

'Lax… us…' She coughed out, her throat aching from the brutal treatment.

'Ssh Blondie. Let's get you home. Can't believe you got into this trouble on that easy job you took. You're a damned trouble magnet, aren't you?' He refused to let his tears of relief slip from his eyes, and buried his face into her hair.

Lucy reached up her hand and turned her head, pulling his neck down till her lips touched against his. She smiled shakily at him as he pulled away, staring straight into her caramel eyes that radiated comfort. He smiled softly at her, before pressing a soft kiss against her nose, and resting his forehead against hers as his sweet honey breath caressed her face.

Carefully, Laxus stood and carried her in his arms between the trees, her head resting against his chest.

He'd sensed that she was in danger, and had felt her pain from back in Magnolia, and had immediately lightning teleported to as close to her as he could get, before frantically following her scent as the dread grew deep in his gut.

'Laxus… thank you…' Laxus looked down and smiled at his mate, lifting her tiny body so he could nuzzle her neck affectionately.

'No need to thank me Blondie. You're my little trouble maker, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Before you ask, the kid's fine.' Lucy pulled away and smiled up at him, before once again pulling his head down for a kiss. She moaned into his mouth as his tongue slipped inside of her and began to battle with her own. She knew how terrified he'd been for her; she could feel every single emotion he did through the mark that bound them for eternity, and was just as scared when she couldn't escape that mages magic.

She wasn't scared of death in the least. No, she was terrified that she would never see his face again, never hear that rare and beautiful laughter that she caused every time she woke him with a kiss. Lucy had been petrified that she'd never get to run her fingers through his deceptively soft hair, or feel his rough, callused fingers glide across her skin as though in worship to her. She had been afraid that she would never see the one man she loved more than anything ever again.

'I love you Sparky.' She whispered as he ended the passionate kiss. He smiled down at her, his worry finally abating as he looked down at his hurt, yet alive, mate.

'Love you too Blondie. I would love you even more if you stopped finding trouble like you do though. Next time take me along, got it?' Lucy hated the tension and worry she'd caused in his voice, and nodded against his chest as she nuzzled him.

He sighed in relief at her agreement, before gently tightening his grip on her body, and teleporting her home to Fairy Tail and commanding for her to be healed immediately. All throughout, not releasing his hold on her delicate hand that linked itself with his huge fingers; her golden ring sparkling in the light as she stared into his cobalt blue eyes with more love than she'd ever thought she was capable of giving; and more love than he thought he deserved to receive.