"I wasn't sure you'd come back." Harvey says from his place hanging over Mike's cubicle.
Mike glances up at him before looking back at his computer. It takes him a minute, and he's glad Harvey has this strange newfound patience, but he collects himself. "I'm still working for Louis."
Harvey nods, stilling only after Mike's looked up at him. "It's ok."
They share a difficult smile before Harvey's reached down and ghosted his fingers across Mike's jaw. He's so composed, Mike can't help but think how unfair it is. Then he's walking away.
"We need to talk."
"Come in then." Harvey hasn't looked up yet, so he hasn't seen the panic hidden in Mike's eyes, though he has mostly tucked it behind a mask that even Harvey would be proud of.
"It's about our secret."
"Which one?" Harvey chuckles, but the humor falls away when Mike next speaks.
"Darby knows."
A pause. "What?"
"He figured it out."
"I don't know."
"How do you know he knows?"
"He made it obvious."
"Obvious how?" Harvey's standing now, hands pressed flat into the table to keep them from balling into fists.
"I don't want to run through the whole speech, Harvey, just believe me. He knows."
"I know."
"We should get out of here."
"No, you're right. I'll kill him."
"Harvey-" He's grabbing the man before he's even cleared his own desk. Fists in the lapels of the older man's jacket, they're faces inches apart, he's almost forgotten why he's here. "We don't need to get ourselves thrown into jail."
"That's exactly where we're headed if this gets out." He tries to push around him, but Mike's lips on his stop him in his tracks.
"We'll beat the odds."
It was just one little statement, one that shouldn't really have meant anything, but they've used it countless times before, and Harvey can't help but feel so damned relaxed now that it's out there again. He nods, lips still barely a hairs width apart. "Yeah." He breaths, and it's almost too quiet for either of them too hear, but the brush of their lips together says everything that needs to be said.
"So when are you going to come back and work for me?" They're sipping drinks at the local bar, out for the nth time that week. Ever since Darby found out, they've been slowly going back to their old ways. Before everything got complicated. Before Harvey made partner, and Mike – didn't – go to law school. Back when stolen kisses didn't have consequences and naughty text messages didn't mean you were bad. That didn't change things though.
"Harvey, you know that's not a good idea."
"Why not?" It wasn't that Harvey was itching to drag Mike back to his place and make up for lost time – he knew he couldn't, not after everything that had happened between them – it was just that he was itching to drag Mike back to his place and make up for lost time. Since the kiss, he'd been needing Mike around him more and more, and to a frightening extent. It was just like it was before. Thrumming heartbeat, dry mouth, eyes only for you and all that bs that he thought had long left him.
"We don't work, Harvey."
"I thought we were a pretty kickass team."
"Not like that."
"Then like how?"
Maybe it was the alcohol. Maybe it was the pressure from work, knowing their secret could be blown now at any second. No, he'll just blame the alcohol for what came out of his mouth next. "Because I'm in love with you, Harvey! Because I always have been, and probably always will, and you never gave a damn about me!" It was like the adrenaline coursed through him, hard and powerful, just long enough to get the words out before leaving him quickly, abandoning him to the shock they both were feeling. He was shaking. "You never cared."
A/N: It's short, but the next one will be a long one for sure. R&R please? Merci!