A/N : Yeah, I agree with AngelK, I forgot how much I like Ryuki back then. Due to the lack of time and also the exams, I'm all stress out! But now it's all finally over, it's like a heavy burden had been finally lifted off my shoulder! I can now write whatever I please and I hope this chapter would not be disappointing to you guys as the obsession is now slowly return to me. Enjoy.

The Inevitable Fate

Chapter 10

"What's wrong with you today, Rik?"

Jerry poked and jabbed Rika on the cheek, softly first, then with full force. Unanticipated, Rika gave a tremendous yelp and cowered back into the corner as familiar shadows from below passed by.

"Eh?" Jerry inclined her head a little, expressing her curiosity. "What is it?"

Rika fumbled. "No…nothing…" and after a few silencing moments as the sound of excited footsteps faded away; she leaned back upon the balcony wall and gazed into the horizon.

 "Are you sick or something? Do you want some painkiller medicine? I've got some in case of emergency in my suitcase."

Rika shook her head and sighed. Upon closer inspection, Jerry stared at Rika who made no notice, not even a slight flutter of lids. And that was when it was Jerry gave a shriek, something to rival to Kazu and Kenta's. Still, Rika remained indifferent.

"Oh no, you're not Rika!" she gasped. "Normal Rika wouldn't sigh and have that, that funny look! Normal Rika wouldn't yell or even give a single damn about the passer-bys! Where have you kidnapped the real Rika to? Where?!! Return her back this instant!" Jerry pointed accusingly at the so-called fake Rika and demanded for the real one back.

Shocked, Rika fixed and gawped at Jerry who cringed ever so slightly behind upon receiving that devious stare.

"Where's the real Rika, huh? Where have you capture her to?" she exclaimed. "And don't you dare come near me, I warn you. I, I know…I know kung-fu! Heiyah!!" She showed her fists, accompanied with a few kung fu ala stuns just to prove to her she really did knew how to defend herself. "I'm prepared!"

Rika whose senses began to synapse with one another, tempted to tell her that the 'real' Rika was locked away at some isolated island and she is doomed to die there but her laughter totally caught her off guard, even Jerry who couldn't looked more certain and proud of herself that she had unmasked the culprit behind the disappearance of the real Rika. "I know you got her! Normal Rika wouldn't laugh like that! She had manners and a cool aura with her unlike you."

"So you are trying to say I'm not a decent girl?"

"You are a fake!!"

"Yeah, I guess somebody finally knew my real identity. I have kidnapped the real her and bound her away from all reaches. Even if you were to threaten me or even kill me, I won't tell you where she is." Rika played off with a cunning smirk and yet something or rather an image of someone kept on pop in and out of her mind.

Jerry began to crack up and stumbled into the other end and fell off on the floor, rolling with laughter. "Man…*laughs* you're…good…"

"Thank you." Rika merely accepted the compliment with a graceful bow. "I guess I never knew the talent I have."

"Bingo," Jerry pinpoint. "You're far from good, you're excellent." And she gave a thumb-up and was met with an equal one.

"Say…" Jerry quietly, her voice slightly hushes with a hint of secrecy as she spoke indirectly towards Rika. "Someone's not herself today…I wonder why…hmm,hmm,hmm…" she trailed of as to induce Rika to reveal her secrets.

"I'm fine, thank you." Her voice was thick with irony. This piqued Jerry's interest furthermore.

"If you really are fine, who is that I see down there when you started to stutter and hide yourself behind the shadows huh?" Jerry waited but nothing came out from her best friend's mouth. "Rid that 'lost in the space' look will ya?"

"I don't have that 'lost in the space' look!" Rika retorted. "I'm merely…thinking." Rika felt a blush creeping onto her face. She had forgotten how weird it was to feel yourself flushing over nothing. Correction, you're flushing our a guy. A voice behind her head spoke out. She mentally kicked the voice back to where it belonged.

"Thinking?" Jerry contemplated. "Thinking…yeah, thinking…" she delved in deeper after that.

Rika shot her an annoyed look and stuck her hand on her waist, a habit of hers just about recently. "Yes, thinking, anything wrong with that?"

"You sure you're thinking all this time? Or –"

"— or," Rika cut her short on the words just on time. "You need me tell ya 'hubby' Takato that her girlfriend got hearts on another guy, I say the bartender?"

Jerry gave 'don't you dare look' and threw a pillow right at Rika who dodged it perfectly. "He's…he's not my steady boyfriend yet!" She stammered and fumbled over her words which in return gave Rika some time to get her revenge.

"Meaning to say you don't actually know what you are feeling for Takato? Hmm…I wonder what would he say to that?"


And a pillow flew right at her…

And another…

And another…

And then another…

It was an endless process.

"Where the heck you got so much pillow from??!!" Rika shouted who got all stress out at dodging and catching to pillow singled-handedly.


Rika ventured a look at the source of voice and found the most irritating people standing on the doorway. It was no other then…

 That's right, Kazu and Kenta… and they were on Jerry's side.


"Hey!" she was baffled at the abrupt appearance of the weirdoes and decided it was a one-sided match. "No fair," she called out but it went on and on. She wanted to surrender but the only problem was – the pillows were flying at every corner, aimed right at her. "Guys, cut this out!!"

"This is so much fun." Kenta said. "Better that playing 'punch-the-hedgehogs' game down at the arcade."

"That's right brother," Kazu replied, his hands full of pillows. "I forgot how much fun is it to irritate Rika. We should consider doing this sometimes together, don't you think so Jerry?"

"Hehe," Jerry smirked. "Look's like I win and Rik gonna have to tell me everything."

"Dream on." Rika replied defiantly, a change of thought.

"Oh yeah?"

"Face me like a real tough woman and we shall deal this one-to-one." Rika demanded a face-to-face duel when she braced herself against the wall – a dead end.

"I told you I will win. I've got faithful supporters."

"I –" Rika was rudely cut off by a loud snap and hurried footsteps heralding the presence of the entire digi-kids team.

"Whoah, what's going on in here?" Takeru was the first to walk in and examine the surrounding only to find strangely, oddly looking silvery linens all over the floor which could only mean one thing, that is –

"—feathers. What are you guys up to this time?" Mimi stepped in, looking slightly distaste.

"You didn't invite us to have fun as well! How could you Rika!" Taichi appeared and mocked.

"Me? I didn't start all this. She did." And everyone turned at Jerry who acted innocent. "Leave me out of this." And she lifted her hand as an act of innocence.

Rika raised an eyebrow.

"Gee, look like you guys really have so much fun." Yamato teased.

" 'Fun' is our little name," Kazu and Kenta grinned. "Say, can we have your autograph Yamato-senpai? Please…."

"And as for you look's like you've got yourself another fan, no – I mean two more fans. I'm envious," Taichi laughed half-heartedly and winked at Yamato. "More fun for me though."

Rika went paled with utter confusion. Something in the distant corner caught her attention and she shrunk behind her own shadow. Her steps faltered and yesterday's event came flashing through her mind like a slow-motion movie. Jerry's eyes wavered and landed on Rika and she tilted her had a bit when she saw that 'lost-in-space' look once more. She ventured a daring look on her mien and found her staring at…--

"Yo, what have I miss again this time?"

It was Ryo.


"An…accident?" Ryo inquired in a rather baffled manner as he inspects the soaked floor in bewilderment.

Rika who stood stoned to the ground fiddled her fingers madly as if moulds have suddenly decided to grow on her moisture palm. She bit her lips and nodded her head continuously and muttered a small ,"Please," but Ryo didn't catch what she was saying.

"Sorry? What did you say again?"

"Pl—ea—se…" The blush was evident.

"…I didn't – catch what you say…"

Rika gluped and tilted her head a bit to the right but her eyes were glued to the floor as if they were fascinated with the dampened woody mosaics. "Can~~you…plzhandmedadrug?"

"You take drug?" Ryo's voice exploded.

His voice struck her as how stupid she was acting but suddenly images of yester events flashed through her mind, her days with Ryo, during the war between the tamers and the D-reaper, during the time where Ryo did thought of sacrificing himself, during the time when Ryo acted to calmly when things weren't going their way, during… Her anger was getting a better grip on her and it was then when the volcano exploded.

 "You always acted as if you know me very well, always make decision without telling me a single thing and then expect me to know what you are thinking, how the HELL am I suppose to know when you acted upon your own will and what the HELL was you thinking when you hugged me like that the other day at school??!! You know what?!! I really, really, REALLY HATE MYSELF FOR Li-lii-kkk~~~eek-!!!"

"Yes? I didn't mean to hurt you but…what have I done this time Rika? I seriously have no idea and what did you say about you really hate yourself for?" Ryo took the sudden awkward situation professionally and scratched his head confusingly as the situation grew more sophisticated.

"Hand me that rug." Rika finally hissed in pure calmness.

"What?" Ryo blinked a hundred times.

 "I say…hand me that rag if you please," she continued as she struck her hand out for the fore-mention old cloth as she mentally kicked herself for her foolish attempt to lose her temper once more in front of the innocent  Ryo. What…what will he think of me now??!!

Walking passed her; Ryo picked up the big piece of junk and threw it right at her, feeling rather curious about her peculiar behavior but opted to speak nothing. He took another piece of rag and proceeded to help her with the dampened spot. Rika secretly stole a glance at him, feeling quite sinful and guilty yet she was glad Ryo had decided to stay and help out and questioned nothing other than the weird conversation they already had. Bizarre yet glad, both uttered nothing as Rika pursed her lips and pinching herself sometimes just to make sure she was not dreaming and to make sure she is still sane.

And Mimi's jaw dropped as she viewed them from the window.

"Done." Ryo smiled and wiped the sweat on his forehead with his hand. "God, this really tires me out." He exchanged look with the ashamed Rika and forced out a sarcastic smile. "I don't know what's going on but I hope we could still be friends after this. And yeah, another thing, I really do hope you don't, by accident, kick the poor pail again or we will have our ass whip by that old fool. See ya."

Rika's heart plummeted as she watched Ryo's departing figure from the shop. The rag fell from her grasp and she flushed. He knew…he knew I did it on purpose! Oh my god, first I lose my temper in front of him now he knew the truth behind the stupid act… How am I supposed to face him now??!!


"Yo, Rika? You there??" Takeru waved his arms alarmingly and snapped Rika out of her thoughts.

Astounded, she released the pillow from her hand and faced the entire team with a half-dead smile.

"I think I wanna get some rest now. My head's spinning. It'll be all right if I sleep in your room…right Yolei?" she stretched her arms and hurried across the room in a swift motion and did not even dare to catch Ryo's worried eyes as a frantic voice echoed behind her.

"Hey, I didn't even indicated a 'yes' yet!" Yolei screamed. "Be careful of my notebook!!"

Mimmy's hand landed on Ryo's shoulder and she spoke to him in a monotone whisper. "She'll be all right, trust me," and with that she too left the room. The others took the indication and too, left the room without second words as Kenta and Kazu complained the team had ruined their chance to annoy Rika. Jerry led them out and shot a curious look at the stagnant Ryo and then to the hallway where Rika have just paddled on a minute before.

Ryo ruffled his hair and followed the lead…dumfounded and perplexed.


Sorry for the long update. I can't say much now as it's one here and I need to attend college the next day. I can't wait for the 100th review!

Signing out,

Psycho_kyugurl a.k.a. Hideko