Will ran home from school like he did most days. He hated it and wished Mnemosyne didn't make him go, but she said that having a mortal education was just as important as being trained and learning about the gods. Will opened the door and placed his bag in his room. He flopped onto his bed and sighed.

"Do anything interesting today?" Mnemosyne asked him coming into the room.

"No," Will grumbled, "I was forced to play a stupid game."

"Oh," Mnemosyne sat on his bed, "tell me about it."

"I was reading one of the books you gave me at playtime, but then someone touched me and everyone squealed saying that I was 'it'. The girl who had touched me then kissed my cheek. I told them that I didn't want to play, but they made me and it was horrible!"

"That does sound like a silly game."

"Can you take the memory from me?"

"You know that I can't do that, I cannot take important memories. And before you try, you cannot take it from yourself, that's impossible."

"What if I wanted to take an important memory from someone in the future?"

"There would be nothing stopping you. I have made an oath not to take memories from demi-gods that I train."

"Oh, okay. Why can't I take it from myself?"

"Because you need to learn from the past, not run from it, or try to change it."