Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or the setting on this fic, or anything related to Gravity Falls in general.
Author's Note: Hello! I'm new here, and this is my first published fic, i guess. I'd really like it if you'd tell me what you think of it and what I did wrong if any. I hope you like it!
xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
Holiday Surprise
The boy jolted awake, forgot how to breathe, choked on his tongue and yelped.
His twin sister only screamed louder. "Tonight! Is! Christmas! Eve! Tonight's the party!"
Mabel said, jumping on Dipper's bed at every exclamation point. He sat up all jittery.
Was it from shock or excitement?
"Yuletide," Dipper thought. It was a big word he used to sound smarter, but the meaning was still the same. "It's finally here!"
The twins raced down to the kitchen. Dipper saw that Mabel had already started baking piles of cookies, and she'd already bought approximately a tank of milk.
"Just how many Santa's do we expect?" Dipper teased.
"Oh there are going to be LOT, brobro. I'm inviting all of our friends!" Mabel jumped for at least the twentieth time that day. Dipper stretched his arms. "That's about half the naughty list- oww- OWW- I think I broke a-"
Mabel had playfully pushed him. It wasn't that playful to Dipper. Let's say Dipper's body wasn't ready.
After that short episode of waking up, Dipper had the words 'Don't let Mabel be your human alarm clock' carved in his mind.
He paused for a while to look at himself and his sister. They both had long, brown, poofy hair. ( for Mabel, long hair was okay, but for Dipper, their parents must be sexist or something. It wasn't even half as long as Mabel's and they wanted it cut! Not that Dipper would've allowed it to grow that long.) They had warm, brown eyes, and the two were the same height now- That was as far as Dipper's puberty had allowed, sadly.
15. That's how old they were. 15 years...
Dipper got himself plain cereal for breakfast with some of the milk Mabel bought. He also grabbed some cookies when she wasn't looking.
Hot and chewy chocolate chips. Nice.
"So what's the plan?" he asked his sister.
Mabel spun around making a trail of glitter snow from her sweater. "Tada~!" she cried. She held a out a plastic bag covered entirely with stickers. Inside were overly decorated Christmas cards.
She shoved them into Dipper's arms.
"You're supposed to deliver these to our friends! The names are at the back. While I phone Grunkle Stan and the others."
Dipper coughed. "Wait, Stan? Stan's coming?"
Mabel's smile widened. Her teeth glowed brighter now her braces were off. "Yes," she answered. "And Soos, and Wendy, and-Heck the entire Gravity Falls! All our friends! Santa Claus is coming to town, baby!"
Dipper couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm. He finished his milk in one huge gulp and stood up. "Let's do this. Finish up before mom and dad get home, to surprise them." he declared.
"Bet ya I'm faster."
"You sure about that?"
"Aww, is Little Dipper scared-?"
"You're on!"
Mabel spun around in celebration, making a cone shaped glitter barrier twist with her. It made her look like a Christmas tree. "Well that can't be, 'cause I'm the Pinetree," he mused silently.
Because of the law of late reaction, it took three seconds for him to get freaked out by what crossed his thoughts. The image of a yellow triangle appeared in his mind, and left as quick as it came. 'No,' Dipper thought firmly. There's no way the supernatural was gate crashing their party.
Not in a million years.
Besides, they haven't seen that demon in two years, give or take. All was well.
Dipper rapidly biked around the city. It was a wonder how his hat didn't just fly off of him. "You've served me well, hat," Dipper said to it. It was sort of true. He couldn't remember it ever getting lost or too small for him.
He raced through the streets, attacking mailboxes with invitations. Mabel made one for nearly ALL the people they knew. All her classmates, friends, Dipper's 'I- guess- you- can- call- them- friends' acquaintances. He wondered if there was enough cookies.
Dipper caught sight of a girl he knew and had no doubt she had a card too. What was her name again? Something that started with a P- no, a D...
The girl stopped walking, and looked around.
"YEAH! YOU!" Dipper called out.
He parked his bike right beside her and reached into the bag. "Umm, what's your name again?"
"Do I know you?" she asked, arms crossed.
"Mabel," Dipper said mechanically. "Mabel's brother. Name?"
The girl's face lit up in recognition. "Oh, Mabel? You must be Dipper! I'm Dianna."
Painfully common name, Dipper thought. "Ah, here!" He handed out her invitation. "Mabel and I are having a party. You're invited," he joyfully informed.
Dianna beamed. "Thanks!" She looked like she was gonna say more, but Dipper still had a race with his sister. "Merry Christmas!" he said, taking off. She waved at him.
Should've asked her to help, sighed Dipper a few minutes later. Oh well. He rode away. This was going to be a long day.
After some time, Dipper was headed home. There was only one card left, and he could pass the house on the way. The card said...
"Vincent." Dipper scowled. Mabel's boyfriend.
It wasn't that he was over protective with his sister, he was just... uncomfortable. Vincent acted like a major cocky douche. Vincent was Robbie( before Mabel fixed him) incarnated. And Mabel was all over him!
Well, sure, he was hot, and tall, and brunette, and varsity, but, NO.
He reached his house, and quickly placed the invitation in the box before- No. Too late.
"Hey, Dippin' sauce. What's that?"
Vincent leaned on the doorframe trying to look cool. He did look cool. Sick.
"It's from Mabel. Just read it man, I'm on a tight schedule-"
"For what? Ghost hunting?" he cackled. Vincent walked to the mailbox and snatched the letter. He smiled. "Aww, Belle's having a party!"
That was one more thing. Calling Mabel 'Belle'? Again, sick.
"Well, ima go now," Dipper tried, but Vincent caught him.
"Just one more thing, Dipdip. Do you still share a room with your sister? 'Cause if you do, you may want to move out. Just for the night. Might get really noisy."
He smirked to himself, and Dipper had enough. "She's only fifteen, and you canNOT do that to her. I won't allow it!" he growled. Vincent only laughed.
"You can go now. Tight schedule, right?" he jokingly patted Dipper on the back. Dipper watched him walk into his house like a hungry wolf. Somehow, he was going to get the two to break up.
"Mabel, I'm back!" Dipper shouted. He entered the house and saw his sister wrapping presents on by the table.
"Oh hey, Dipper! I was just wrapping the presents. You know, after i finished phoning every one hours ago."
"What?" Dipper exclaimed. Mabel got up and did her own victory dance. She pointed both index fingers at Dipper. "HA! I won! In yo' face!"
"That's not right! You must've had a headstart or less people! Or help!"
"Augh, what? Is someone a SORE LOSER?!" She started punching her brother's shoulder again. "Hey, cut it out. Mabel!"
She started tickling him. "Aha- no- stop- seriously, that's enough," Dipper laughed. They rolled over, then sat on the floor. "Okay, okay. Help me wrap these gifts, genius," she giggled.
It took long wrapping all those gifts for all those people. They had baked mac for lunch, and before they knew it, it was time. Mabel was the alarm again.
She made a sudden, ear piercing squeal. "EEEEK! It's party time! Grunkle Stan said he and the others were arriving about NOW!"
Dipper held his head between his knees. "wha..." he groaned, rubbing his ears. The doorbell rang. Mabel jumped to her feet, toppling her brother over. "THEY'RE HERE!"
Dipper joined Mabel waiting at the door. "I can hear his footsteps!" she whispered excitedly. Dipper grinned. "He's at the stairs."
"Guess who's not dead yet!" they heard the old man joke.
The door clicked, but Dipper's sight clouded before he could see his Grunkle. All turned dark.
They fell.