Final chapter. Thank you all for being patient with me over the course of the story, I'm sorry that it was fast paced, but this story needed to be completed no matter what, so thank you for supporting this story. I don't own FushigiBoshi No Futago Hime.

Oh and before I forget, this story is dedicated to cute'lildevil15.

I hope you enjoy.

"Sire, there are two people who are requesting your presence in the throne room," a servant reported. "They insisted that they won't leave until they speak to you and Queen Elsa."

"Very well, I'll go meet with them." Truth stood up and threw on a robe and Elsa did the same. He should be glad that they weren't insisting on speaking with him tomorrow. It was a big day tomorrow. They were celebrating Fine's return with a huge banquet. On his way to the throne room, he could hear his daughters' giggling together about something. The sound easily made him smile.

"King Truth has arrived," the servant announced.

"You may go and rest for the night," Elsa allowed the servant who quickly left.

"I apologize for our appearance, but we don't often get guests at this time." They were a couple; a man with blue hair and a woman with white hair. The air around them felt… Strange.

"I apologize for being so late." The man bowed deeply before introducing himself. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you King Truth. I am the former King of the Abyss, Alex."

Truth's voice was tense as he asked, "What are you two doing here? Haven't you done enough to my family in this lifetime?"

"We're not here to fight, but talk."

Truth glanced to the girl standing next to him, his glare intensifying. Yes, how could he forget? The woman who seemed to know nothing except inflicting pain on others. "Aren't you…?"

"In this form, my name is Moon, sire," she introduce with a bow. "I am also known as the White Demon. In another form, I am indeed the one that you despise."

"Then you really are a monster." Regret painted over her face. Truth's eyes widened a bit. He didn't think she would actually care about the lives that she destroyed. Or did she only just realize the weight of what she stole from those people?

Elsa held onto her husband's hand to calm him and remember his position. She then looked towards the young couple, asking, "Why have you come to chat with us now of all times?"

"Please, allow us to explain ourselves," Moon requested quietly. She seems much more docile than their last encounter.

"Very well then. What could you possibly have to say?"

"We wanted to apologize for everything and explain what went on in the Abyss."

"Elsa, please get Rein, but make sure Fine doesn't come," Truth asked. Elsa nodded and then hurried to her task. Once Rein was there, the two began their tale.

Alex understood his position as King of the Abyss, he understood that the King of the Abyss is someone who is needed and without that person, chaos would occur throughout the planet. He wasn't selfish enough to leave. Eventually he met Moon and they were happy. Well, as happy as two people could be, trapped in a dark, dark place.

But even that bare happiness didn't last.

People were influenced by darkness, that will probably never change, but those people weren't average people. Those people thought of the Abyss as some kind of entity and wanted nothing more than its power to themselves.

Those foolish, foolish people thought that they would be blessed by a god should they commit crime in his name. They sacrificed masses into the Abyss with smiles and joy as the innocent cried out in terror. Their sins became addictive. Soon, one person wasn't enough, two people wasn't enough, five people, ten people, a single town—None of this was enough!

Well, is a town isn't enough… How about an entire kingdom destroyed for the sake of the Abyss?

Unfortunately, that couple couldn't prevent anything before it happened so there were some people from the Kingdom of Sands who sank into the Abyss. Those who lose their souls to the Abyss face an endless torture so the only way to protect those of the Sand Kingdom was to kill them before the Abyss could swallow them up. That was the purpose of the White Demon, someone who could save the innocent from an eternity of agony.

But even if that tragedy ended, it would happen again if they weren't careful. So the White Demon searched for an answer of how to keep the balance but to not need a 'King' for the Abyss. In doing so, she left the King for years and years.

The King became weaker over the years and that is what lead them down this path.

"We were perfectly content with our roles King Truth, Queen Elsa," Alex answered, "I had enough power to not be corroded by the Abyss' influence. We knew the Abyss was crucial for the world's balance, however someone wanted to take control of the Abyss. That's why the Kingdom of Sands sunk in the first place."

Truth didn't know how to react with this new information, but they looked so earnest and sincere that he couldn't believe that they were the same people as in the story. "You didn't want it to sink?"

"No, someone else did that. But rest assured, I took care of them and an incident like that shouldn't happen anytime soon," Moon ensured.

"King Truth, no matter what, I have limitations. I'm sorry that I couldn't protect the people of the Sand Kingdom." Alex's eyes became crestfallen. If only he had more power, none of this would have happened. "After that, I couldn't hold everything as well as I used to."

'Hold?' "Is that why you made Fine the Queen? Did you use my daughter as a tool for your selfishness?"

"I was weak," Alex admitted. "Moon was searching for a way to break the Core. Your daughter was the only choice we had. I'm sorry that we made you all suffer for so long."

As much as he wanted to give them hell for everything his family has been through, it's probably not his place to punish them. The one who should deal out the punishment is the one who best knows the situation and that is obviously someone else.

"Rein," King Truth called out.

Rein had been quiet the entire time and flinched at his call. "Yes Father?"

"I think it's best if you were to handle their punishment."

"Me?" After that story, things looked different. While Rein couldn't forgive them for their acts, there was a strange sense of justice to them. Moreover, at that last moment when the Abyss was about to drag Fine back, this woman saved Fine. "I…"

"It's late," Alex stated, "If you can't decide today, we'll come again tomorrow and you can give it to us then. Or if you don't trust us, we'll stay in the dungeon."

"No, there's no need for that," Elsa insisted, allowing her daughter to sigh in relief. "Please come tomorrow, but please don't make a disturbance."

Rein headed back to her room. Luckily, Camelot insisted that Fine needed to cut her hair and bath so she won't be questioned. Soon after Rein entered her room, Fine came in cheerfully with her waist long hair still wet. "Rein! How does my hair look?"

"It looks nice."

Fine blinked worriedly. "Rein? Is everything alright? You seem tired."

"It's getting late."

"Then should we go to sleep?"

"Wait," Rein grabbed a dryer and a hairbrush, "let me dry your hair first! You'll catch a cold if you sleep like that!"

Fine seemed to remember nothing about human life when she came back. Apparently she hasn't eaten for a decade and hasn't needed to bathe. Maybe those things were meaningless in the Abyss, but now that she's home, Rein's definitely going to help her with dressing up and basic hygiene!

"Sorry about this. I'll do it on my own next time."

"It's alright. I don't mind." Rein just needed a distraction.

How could she decide on a punishment? Rein's always believed in forgiveness, so something like this is impossible for her! Besides, what if she messes up and then sometime terrible happens because the punishment she chose wasn't good enough.

Then there was the fact that besides their actions and that story, Rein knew nothing about them! What would be an effective penalty that would make it so they would never think about doing any of those crimes again?

"Rein?" But there was someone who did know more about them sitting right in front of her. "Are you ok? Is there something that you want to talk about?

"That person who cut your hair that day, what do you think of her?"

"Why are you asking that now?" Rein's blood froze a little from nervousness. "I thought you would ask that sooner."

"Oh really?"

"No one's brought it up so I was shocked, but it looks like everyone doesn't want to ask because they might think that I have bad memories."

"Don't you?"

Fine looked up at Rein and smiled. "There were good times too."

"Do you have good memories with that person?"

Fine nodded. "She was always kind to me, she always listened when I had something to say, she…was the type of person who was willing to do anything for me as long as I asked." Fine clutched onto her nightgown. "She even tortured the Moon Minister after he betrayed me…"

"She did that for your sake?" Fine nodded, her eyes deep in regret. Then wouldn't that make Fine another culprit? But Fine was under the influence of the Abyss… Isn't Fine the victim? "But didn't she do a lot of other terrible things even without you?"

"Even so, I still think she's a good person. I don't think that she would do something without a reason." Fine added, "The person she was waiting for is also a good person. He would tell me stories and talk with me. I really hope that they could met with each other again."

Even if they're good people, they still committed crimes against the people of Mysterious Star. And if they're as good as Fine claims them to be, then how is Rein supposed to punish them?

A warm voice woke her, "Good morning. Or should I say afternoon?"

The white haired girl rubbed her eyes until she could properly see the blue haired man in front of her. "Time?"

"We've got two hours," he answered as he set down a basket of croissants and a cup of her favorite Earl Grey. "Eat up."

"Thanks for the food." They nibbled on the bread, amazed and calm that the person they've been waiting for is here, living and breathing, after so many years of being apart. Moon stepped out of bed and picked up her corset. "Help me get dressed. I don't want to be too late." He obliged and helped tie her corset. He gently traced the dark marks on her back. "Are they ugly?"


He saw her smile in the mirror. "Liar."

"You have more than I remember."

"People tried to kill me, but I had to appear strong, even if I was covered in blood." So that she could complete the illusion of this beyond powerful Queen of the Abyss. Besides, would those people even think that she was human? "There was no one I could be weak around." That girl especially. She needed someone strong to rely on in this time, so 'Alice' couldn't be dependent on the Queen.

"I'm sorry, Moon."

"I chose this path and I chose to stay with you." Just like how that prince chose to stay with the lost princess. "Besides, why would I abandon my savior?" Why would she leave the only person who understood her? Cared for her? Love her? Before him, she was nothing more than a child of misfortune. "Don't ever make me leave you again."

"I don't intend to. I don't want you to be alone and I don't want to be alone." Never again. He saved her from her strong power. She saved him from that seemingly endless loneliness.

In most fables, they speak of a red thread that tied the fate of two lovers together. However in their case, their string of fate is a pure white.

Camelot smiled as she finished helping the twins into their dresses for the party. "I've always wanted to see you two in matching dresses again! You two really do look like proper princesses." Camelot wiped away a happy tear. "I'll call you two before the party starts, so take this time for any final preparations."

They were dressed in matching white dresses with hints of lace in their respective colors while pearl strands decorated their hair. It's been too long since Fine has seen white. The last thing was a necklace that Shade gave her. A pretty white ribbon necklace.

"So Shade brought that necklace for you!"

"You know about it?"

Rein nodded. "I was there when he brought it."

"Is that so?" Fine smiled a little.

Rein smiled. It was so nice to see her sister so in love. "Shade's going to be so happy when he sees you tonight." Though now Rein feels like she's forgetting something.

"I think that 'Bright' person you were talking about will be happy to see you too."

"I hope so."

"Fine-sama, Rein-sama, it's time."

"That's our cue Fine." Fine nodded and followed Rein's lead.

"I would like you two welcome Princess Fine and Princess Rein," Truth announced as the twin walked through the door. People cheered at their arrival, some who mean it and some who were obliged to do it.

Rein noticed that Fine was kind of hiding at her side. "What's wrong?"

"I've never seen so many people before," Fine whispered as she held onto Rein.

And it certainly didn't help that people were whispering around about the two of them. You would think on such a happy night, some people feel obliged to not talk about not-so-pleasant things. Unfortunately, some people just can't understand that.

"Now what are we supposed to do about the next Queen?"

"But Princess Fine is the oldest!"

"Well, we can trust Princess Rein, I doubt the other is sane."

"She has been in the Abyss…"

"Still, Princess Rein is far too immature, perhaps we can shape this girl to be better than Rein-sama could ever be."

"Though that might make her force Princess Rein out of the country. Besides, the other could destroy the entire planet!"

Why is it that people can't be grateful for a celebration when there is one?

Fine tensed up again, practically quivering as she held onto Rein. Rein was determined to make this a good night for Fine so she couldn't get caught up in all the gossip either.

"Don't worry. They weren't hurt you." Rein smiled, hoping that it would give Fine some comfort, but Fine still had a nervous look on her face. "Well, why don't I introduce you to some people that I know? I'm sure that they'll love you."

"Don't give out other people's judgments so easily, Rein," Solo stated.

"Everyone!" Rein exclaimed.

"Rein, aren't you going to introduce us?" Altezza asked.

"Of course. This is my sister, Fine. Fine, these are—"Fine quickly hid behind Rein. "Fine? What's wrong? They're not going to hurt you. Come on," Rein insisted, pulling on Fine's hand, but Fine sunk deeper behind Rein's figure.

"Don't force her, Rein," Shade said, coming towards the group. "You know she's not used to meeting new people." She's afraid of the unknown.

"I am not forcing her," Rein protested. Without a word, Fine left Rein's back and hugged Shade tightly.

"She seems to like Shade enough," Altezza commented with a small smirk.

"That's because she knows me. Watch." He tapped on her shoulder and he looked at her with a look that Rein's never seen on him before. Well, she had seen it, but only when he's looking at Milky or his mother. It was a look of love and compassion. "Fine," he called out gently. "Remember all the times I told you about my sister?"

"Yes…" She spoke!

"This is her," Shade pulled Milky in front of Fine who stiffened a little. "Milky, this is Fine." Milky stared at the girl. Milky practically forgot why she wanted to hate the girl in the first place. She seemed so different than she imagined. Not at all like a cruel Queen as she depicted her to be. "Fine, this is my sister Milky."

"Milky…?" Fine called out in confusion, not letting go of her place behind Shade's shoulder. Her hands were trembling. Is she scared because this is the first time that she's met a new person?

So Milky smiled cheerfully at her. "Pleased to meet you, Fine! I'm Milky!"

Such an energetic girl. She's just like how Fine imagined. "Shade talked about you a lot," Fine started out, "You loved to eat sweet things and since your mother was always busy, he would play with you. A lot of his stories involve you and food and more food."

Milky blushed. "Geez Onii-sama! What are you saying about me?"

"But he would always have a kind look whenever he talked about you, he's very proud of you." Fine feigned a small smile. She had to make a good impression right? "I hope to get along with you since your Shade's precious sister and he always makes you sound really fun to be with."

"You look so cute when you smile!"

"What other stories has Shade told us about us?"

"Let's be good friends, ok?"

Fine's smile grew a little wider. "Ok!" Everything feels so warm, not at all like that cold, dark place.

"Princess Fine." Bright stepped up towards her.


"Princess Fine, I hope that you will accept my apologies. I've said rude things about you without truly understanding who you were." Bright bowed low. "Please forgive me."

"Raise your head Prince Bright," Fine requested. "How were you supposed to know?"

"Still, I would like to make a formal apology—"

"But you've already done so much for me by protecting Rein." Bright clutched his fists. Did he really? "You seem like an honest and kind person, Prince Bright," Fine told him as she took his clenched fists. "So much so that you're too concerned about others."

She already understood his character? "Amazing," Rein whispered out. With that kind of judgment, maybe she should be the next Queen. Unlike Rein.

"This is our first meeting, so I'd like to take the time to get to know the person who Rein talks about a lot."

"Fine!" Rein hissed out.

"She talks about me a lot?" Bright asked in confusion.

"Eh? I thought that you two were dating." Instantly, Rein blushed scarlet and looked to the left while Bright looked to the right with his ears red. Everyone around them could just feel the suddenly tense and awkward atmosphere and decided to remain quiet. But Fine remained oblivious. "Aren't you?"

"Fine, that's a sensitive topic," Shade mentioned as he pulled her away.

"But don't they love each other? Shade, in the stories you told me—"

"Fine, there's cake over there!" Shade declared as he pushed Fine over to where cake was. He doesn't want to get blamed for anything.

Now that Rein thought about it… She never answered Bright-sama's confession! With everything going on and her wanting to bond with Fine to make up for lost years, she kind of… Forgot about it? Not entirely forget, but it was just pushed to the back of her mind!

Ah what should she do if Bright changed his mind because she made him wait for so long! What'll she do then?!

"Rein, this tastes really good!" Fine exclaimed as put a macaron in Rein's open mouth.

Rein blinked when she realized that she hand food in her mouth. "Oh, it does," she agreed as she delicately nibbled on the treat. If Camelot was watching, she would've started screaming about proper etiquette, but it did calm Rein down a little.

"So you do love him," Fine concluded.

"Um… Fine, you really shouldn't ask these things so bluntly." Luckily for Rein's heart, Altezza lead Bright to go dance for a bit so he wasn't around to hear Fine. She'll have to thank Altezza later and hit Shade for telling Fine all these things.

"If you haven't say anything yet, isn't tonight a good night to answer? I don't think it's too late and I don't think you should keep such a nice person waiting."

Since when was Fine this mature?! Well Fine is older, but when it comes to common sense and all things relating to that, isn't Rein supposed to be better at that sort of stuff? Or is it because she's so innocent about this type of stuff that she just speaks her mind?


"What a beautiful couple!"

Fine's eyes widened as she realized who had come tonight.

Once she heard the chatter, Rein immediately came back to reality and looked towards the center.

In the center of the dance floor, a couple stood out from all the rest. Dressed in a white dress with a skirt of layers of silver and blue lace, the girl waited as all eyes came on her and her well dressed partner. With a simple snap of her fingers, the instruments played and the couple gracefully glided across the floor in tune to the music.

"How pretty!"

"They suit each other very well!"

Ah… So they did come. Rein watched their dance. They looked like any other person in this room, happy beyond relief, but for different reasons. But even if they don't look any different, they still committed crimes against this Star. Even if it was with somewhat good intentions, they still should be punished. But what would be a good punishment?

"Princess Fine," the man appeared to offer his hand towards the girl. Fine took his hand, before he whisked her off to the dance floor.

"Prince Shade," the lady curtsied before taking his hand. Wait, did Shade even say yes or indicate that he was okay with dancing?

"What just happened?" Solo asked.

Despite the sudden requests, the pairs were dancing wonderfully. The music was happy and cheery. Others couldn't help themselves but to join in to smile and laugh.

"You're back," Fine whispered to the man in front of her.

"All thanks to you Princess Fine." He spun her around gently, so that the skirt of her dress would lightly pick up off the floor. "Thank you for everything. I owe you my life and more." Nothing he could possibly do in this lifetime would be able to equate what she had done for him.

"You aren't lonely anymore?"

"Are you lonely?" he asked to answer.

Fine smiled. "Thank goodness your wish came true. Ah, can you please tell me what your name and her name is? Even though she took care of me, I always called her by a moniker and you never formally introduced yourself. "

"I am Alex, Princess Fine and that lady over there is…"

"What are you doing here?" Shade asked coldly. Even if the appearance has changed, even if the aura's become kinder, there's still something that makes her the same.

"My, you saw through me easily. That's a good skill to keep, Prince Shade."

"Are you here to…?" Thousands of thought ran through his mind, none pleasant, but he didn't have a weapons and—

"I have no intentions," she admitted. "I got what I wanted. Now she can have what she wanted. That place won't try to enchain her again and I certainly have no reason to." With a simple smile, she stated, "Alice isn't here anymore."

Shade looked at her as she smiled without hatred, sorrow, or corrosion and saw a different person. Or perhaps, that's the person who she was all along. Someone kind, someone sentimental, someone who wanted free Fine from the darkness. "What is your name?"

"I am Moon, Prince Shade," she introduced with a slight bow. "It is a pleasure."


"An ironic name, isn't it? Light in the dark night, but that role suits you far better. I hope that you will continue that role for that child."

There was so many things that he could think to ask her, but one stood out the most. "Why?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Why did you go through all of this for her sake?" Wouldn't it have been easy to leave her to rot?

"Because she was pushed into a fate that she didn't deserve and I wanted my lover back." It took years for her to find a way to separate him from the crown, but she did find it. "Do you hate what I've done?"

"Yes." She's harmed far more than she's helped.

Her smile didn't falter, but her expression remained calm and understanding. "How blunt."

"But…" And he hates to admit this, "You helped free her."

"Rein freed her and you helped Rein." She lifted her head to look directly at him. "Prince Shade, I know I won't be forgiven for what I did but know that I never hated her and I never wanted to kill her."

"Thank you for being there for her when I couldn't."

Moon smiled. "I hope that you two will be happy together. Now get ready."

"Ready—" Before Shade could even ask, Moon spun him around and let go of his hand so that he was spinning towards the center while Alex did the same for Fine. They spun towards the center and ended up in each other's arms. "Are you alright Fine?"

"I think I prefer eating over dancing," she stated as she tried to regain her balance.

"Should we take a break?" Fine nodded. "How about some more sweets?"

"Yay!" But as soon as they stepped off the dance floor, Shade stopped suddenly. "Shade?"


"Your mother?"

Shade gave a quick nod before hurrying to his mother's side. "Mother, are you sure it's alright for you to be standing?"

Moon Malia smiled. "Yes Shade, I'm perfectly fine so don't worry so much." She turned towards Fine. "Is this the young lady you've been infatuated with?"

"Mother!" Shade quietly hissed out in embarrassment.

Fine bowed deeply, "I'm sorry, Moon Malia-sama! I'm so sorry for everything! I know the things I've done have affected your country and even made some believe that you were the Queen of the Abyss and I know that I cannot do anything to make up for this and apologizing is the least that I could possibly accomplish but—"

"Please raise your head, Princess Fine," Moon Malia gently intruded as she lifted Fine's chin. "It must have been hard on you to be in that place for so many years. After my husband died, Shade became so closed off, so after he met you, I'm happy that the light in his eyes reignited."

Fine shook her head. "I did so much to you and your family. I made people believe that you—"

"You've also been through much, haven't you?" Moon Malia smiled at her. "If you ever come to the Moon Kingdom, I will welcome you with open arms."

"Thank you very much."

"I look forward to your visit. Shade, make sure you take care of her. I hope that you won't do anything to make her upset."

"Yes, mother." She definitely knows, doesn't she?

Fine smiled in relief. "Your mother is so nice, Shade." And it looks like she supports their relationship.

How wonderful that Fine's happy tonight, but there are still a few things that Rein needs to do before the night is over. Rein slipped out into a hallway, knowing that two certain people were already there.

"Good evening," the dancing couple greeted.

"Hello. You two danced beautifully," Rein complimented. And she meant it. They danced like they knew each other's every breath.

"Years of practice." But they weren't here for idle chatter.

"Princess Rein," the man addressed. He bowed low towards her. "I never had the chance to apologize to you personally. I was the reason why your sister suffered, it was because of me that you lost her for so long. Your mother, father, and even yourself were in pain after losing her, for that, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what the Abyss has done, I—"

"Alex." Moon put her hand in front of him. "All of this is my fault. All those sins are mine. If I had been faster, none of this would have happened." Moon walked towards Rein, looking her directly in the eye. "I've harmed your troops, destroyed towns, and killed masses."

"I know." Though it would be stranger if she didn't know that.

"Tell me Princess Rein, what kind of punishment do you bequest upon me? Unfortunately, this person will follow me into any punishment you decide, so… I hope you made a wise decision."

Rein looked at her, honestly looking at her, she can see a woman with so much power and determination who will use whatever means to reach her goals. It's better to have her as an ally since she possesses such power. Then she also sees two people who love each other more than anything. Two people who were willing to follow each other into hell and back.

"You two haven't been together since the Kingdom of Sands fell, right?"

"That's correct."

They've been apart for such a long time… If she was unable to see Bright-sama for years and she knew that Bright-sama was suffering, that alone would hurt her. Moreover, that guilt in their eyes… Heartless people, cruel people, evil people couldn't possess that kind of look of utter regret. And honestly speaking, Rein didn't have it in her to kill anyone.

"Your punishment… is to never betray the kingdoms of Mysterious Star for as long as you live. For as long as you live, you will serve the Sunny Kingdom."

Well, this is unexpected.

"Do you know the meaning of a punishment?"

"Then tell me directly that you killed people only for yourself. Tell me that the only reason why you destroyed was because you're nothing but pure darkness that thoroughly enjoys chaos."

Moon examined her, knowing that there had to be something more to her words. "What did she tell you?"

"Fine told me of people who would do anything for her. She told me that you don't deserve punishments for what you did and I trust her decisions." However a punishment is still in order for the sake of everyone who died at their hands. "But should you ever betray us, then only one of you will be banished while the other is forced to stay. Do you understand?"

Separating them would probably be the heaviest punishment that those two could face.

Moon and Alex looked at each other and kneel down. "We swear to serve the Sunny Kingdom for as long as we shall live." As they spoke, symbols appeared on their hands, the symbol of the Sunny Kingdom.

"What are those marks for?"

"A witch's promise is engrave onto our skin," Moon explained, "To ensure that we will never betray anyone in the Sunny Kingdom royal family."

"Now then, you still have some other things to do Princess Rein. We wish you luck and thank you," Alex said. "And please give our regards to Prince Bright."

Rein blushed. How many people knew about that?! But it's not like they were wrong…

"You teased her too much, Alex."

"You would've done the same." Well, he certainly wasn't lying.

"Moon!" The white haired woman turned at the sound of her name to see twins older than the ones within this realm in a floating mirror. "We found you!"

Moon reached to touch the mirror, but stopped right before she could meet their awaiting hands. "Thank you for everything," she whispered before she forced the mirror to disappear again.

"That was cruel of you," Alex commented with a teasing smile.

"That's the last time." This is last world after all.

Rein headed back to the ballroom as slipped back in, but not before noticing that Fine was standing at the center of everyone's attention.

"I am Princess Fine, it's nice to meet everyone," Fine introduced. "As you may know, I am the firstborn princess of the Sunny Kingdom. Some of you say that I should be the heir to the Sunny Kingdom Crown, some of you think that I want to banish my sister, some of you don't even know me."

"What is she doing?"


"I…don't know," Rein admitted. They've already introduced her, what else could Fine want?

"For those of you who have and will judge me, I can't stop you. All I can say is that I love my family, more than you think, so please don't assume that I'm out to destroy my sister. She's my twin, I would rather die than harm her."

"Fine," Rein whispered out. Even though she was trembling earlier, she still wanted to deny all of those statements. Fine really is a strong person and Rein was proud to have her as a sister.

"I am here to say that the rightful heir to the Sunny Kingdom throne is my beloved sister, Princess Rein. I know that she will be a wonderful Queen. She's already an amazing princess, practically sacrificing herself just to save me, to save all of you, so I hope that you will look forward to the day she's crowned as Queen."

Fine had spoken to her Father a few days ago, knowing that this had to come up at some point. She didn't want to over complicate things.

"But Fine, you are the rightful heir. Why won't you take the crown?"

"Father, I decline. Let Rein succeed you. She loves this kingdom and its people. She will be a kind Queen. I cannot become Queen." Rein has the trust of her people and the other rulers while Fine has nothing and knows nothing. Besides, Rein is willing to do what's best for her people, she doesn't need to rely on someone to help her rule. "Only if Rein doesn't want to become Queen will I step up."


"I have no right to be Queen while Rein has every right. Besides…" Fine smiled bitterly. "I've been a Queen for too long. Can I go back to being a princess for a while, Father?"

"Of course, Fine." He just wants his daughter to be happy after years of not being able to do anything for her.

Everyone cheered for Fine's decision and for Rein's eventual accession. Yes, tonight should be a happy night for all.

Rein gathered her courage and approached Bright, trying not to look like an octopus. "W-Would you mind accompanying me outside for a moment, Bright-sama?"

"It would be my pleasure," Bright answered with a faint blush and smile. He took her hand and they hurried out so that no one would follow them.

Fine on the other hand was fighting the crowd to go back to her comfortable bubble. Luckily for Fine, Shade lead her out to the balcony, out from that crowded room. Fine sighed in relief. "Thank you Shade."

"No problem. I wanted to take a breather as well."

Fine smiled and looked up into the night sky. "The moon is beautiful," Fine whispered out in awe. It's so gentle yet so bright. It reminds her of Shade. Two figures below caught her eye. "Is that Rein and Bright?"

Shade looked down. So they're finally making a move. "Probably."

Fine looked down and put her hands together. "There!" Fine shouted as she threw the light in her hands up in the air for it to explode into dozens of glimmering balls of light that rained down over Rein and Bright. Fine smiled, hoping that everything would turn out well. They seemed to love each other so much, why wouldn't it work out?

"Are you alright?" Shade asked in concern. Doesn't it take a lot of energy to use her power like that?

"I'm alright," she swore to him. Now out of the Abyss, the light within Fine no longer had to fight for her sanity, so it could grow as freely as it was meant to be. "Hey Shade? Is this world beautiful?"

"It's beautiful and ugly but it's nothing like the Abyss."

"Can you show me this world? Of course, Rein has to be there too."

Shade got on one knee and kissed her hand. "I will grant your every wish, my princess."

"Thank you, Shade." Such a brilliant smile, brighter than the moon and stars, warmer than the sun, bigger than any smile he's seen on her face before.

They didn't need any words to know that he belonged to her and she belonged to him. After all, he already swore to her that he would be with her no matter what.

The moon illuminated the flowers, giving the garden a romantic atmosphere to it. It seemed like the perfect spot to finally confess the feelings that she had for the man since they were young.

"B-Bright-sama! Um…" Her mind drew a blank as her words stumbled out. What was she supposed to say? She's dreamed of this moment so many times, but she's always too lovesick to say anything even in her fantasies! "Well… About before, I—!"

Mou! What's she doing?!

Bright gently smiled and loudly stated, "Now that I think about it, I haven't dance with you tonight." Bright extended his hand and Rein looked up at him. "Will you dance with me?"

Rein smiled. "Gladly!"

Right as the next song started, little orbs of light rained down on them. It was a beautiful sight, but where… Rein looked to the source of these little glowing lights and saw Fine with Shade on the balcony. She'll have to remember to thank Fine later.

Their swaying soothe Rein's mind, allowing her to remember all the words that she's ever wanted to say to her first crush, her first love.

"Bright-sama, I want to apologize for making you wait for so long. I was so focused on Fine that I haven't been able to properly response to what you told me."

"You… Have an answer?" he asked. His heart began to thump. Somehow he felt afraid of what she was going to say. Sure he's noticed the little things when it came to how she acted around him, but there were always various possibilities.

Rein nodded. "From the first time I met you, I've thought that you were an amazing person who I could never reach. I wanted to become someone who could stand by you. You are always patient with me no matter how many times I messed up and you're so unbelievably kind."

"I'm not…"

"You are," Rein insisted. "I really, really do love you. I want to stay by your side." Rein's heart softly thumped as she reached to touch his face. She was sure that her face was bright red, but she still asked, "Can I stay by your side?"

Bright trembled as his hands left hers. Rein suddenly felt anxious at his actions, but was soon reassured as Bright swept her into his arms. He whispered, "Thank you."

Rein smiled widely as happy tears fell down her cheeks. Bright set her down and leaned towards her, softly pressing his lips against hers. The kiss mingled with her tears, but was oh so sweet.

Balance is restored. The lost child has returned home. The heir to the throne has a requited love. Happy endings aren't written in stone, but people will continue to strive for them.

So… I kind of owe you guys who do know Moon an explanation for leaving without much of a reason. Let's just say it's all been a ruse that I've planned ever since I was writing Lessons of Life. At least that's how it started. Slowly, the ruse became reality.

In Pure Wishes, I said I could no longer write, but that was wrong. I just couldn't write here anymore because I felt everyone wanted me to always produce something amazing and perfect. As much as I love you guys for liking my writing, I didn't improve at all and I could see a lot of things that I needed help with. At this level, if you can find good criticism, then you can polish yourself. So I lost my confidence because I read my works and didn't feel satisfied like I did before. Only now did my friend tell me that it's because I got better at criticizing and man, I can criticize way better than before.

Also at the time, school was beginning to get even harder, my grades were terrible, and I just couldn't handle it all. I reached my limit. I felt bored and exhausted with my life at the time. I needed a break from everything, I couldn't say so. I forced myself to write out whatever I could until I could leave. During that year I felt that a lot of authors I read from were leaving, so I waited for a chance and left.

I've planned this story for a very long time. Over 2 years, maybe? (Sorry if it didn't turn out that well, it was more of a basic planning) During that time, I popped in once in a while and said something, but… I never had the chance to say sorry for quitting.

But my legacy is over. Both Moon and Alice have gotten through what needed to be done. When the old is worn out, the new come to replace it. Isn't that why we keep moving forward? That's basically what this period was for. I needed to see with my own eyes that this fandom would be okay. While the results are not completely up to my growing expectations, it's enough for now. Therefore, I wish you all good luck.