Welcome to my story. For those of you who have read Pandora Hearts, you'll find a few similarities with that and this plot. Though rest assured, this story will be much simpler than Pandora Hearts. Now then I don't own Pandora Hearts or FushigiBoshi No Futago Hime. Enjoy~

Happiness, joyfulness, love, excitement; those are the emotions common on the day of one's birthday. A certain princess, who was twirling around in her room, was no expection. She loved parties! The dancing, the clothes, the happiness she recieved from the mere idea of it, it was glorious! And what better party than one meant clearly in her own honor?

She stopped in the mirror after twirling in her birthday gown, a pretty light blue number. She just loved dressing up for occasions such as this!

"Rein-sama, please hurry. The guest are already arriving," her caretaker and governess, Camelot informed. "Do you need any assistance?"

"No Camelot, I can do everything myself! Relax yourself tonight, there's no reason to worry!" Rein hummed to herself in a happy manner, but soon tripped over her jewelry box that she had previously left on the ground. A 'crash' and Camelot's cry caused Rein to reassure the older woman, "Don't worry, it doesn't hurt at all..."

"Rein-sama, are you sure you'll be fine?"

"I'm postive, Camelot! Now please go out to greet the guests," Rein earnestly requested."And make sure to enjoy yourself, that's an order." Camelot bowed in apperciation. Her young highness was really an angel of light, so wonderfully considerate with a heart of gold. Rein continued to hum to herself a happy tune as she prepared herself. "Tonight, I'll finally be 16!" she told herself.

Her mother and father were so kind to throw her a special party, Camelot could take a break from trying to teach her of ruling and academics, an absolutely beautiful dress was prepared for her, and her dearest friends were coming, including the prince who had caught her eye. She chuckled and spun; nothing could go wrong tonight!

People were cluttering in, one after another. Fancy ladies on the arms of high class gentlemen, the other royal families of the neighboring kingdoms were also attending in all their finery. Excited chatter spread all around in joy for this glorious event.

"Everyone, if I may have your attention," King Truth loudly called as he tapped on his wineglass. "I welcome you all to the Sunny Kingdom and thank that you have come to join in celebrating my only daughter's 16th birthday with us. Please welcome Princess Rein."

Applause was heard as the door opened for a beautiful princess to appear. Congratulations were heard all around for the dear princess. Rein curtsied and greeted them. "Welcome. Thank you very much for coming to my birthday party. I'm happy that you were all able to make it. Please enjoy yourselves tonight with the food and the dancing that my parents have so graciously provided." Everyone clapped. Rein was perfectly lady-like, a wonderful princess. Anyone who saw her as a child wouldn't have thought that she would grow up to be so mature and pretty.

"Princess Rein." Rein looked up to see the prince that she was pining after! In her mind, she squealed very much like a fan girl. "Would you please give me the honor of being your first dance of the evening?"

"But of course, Prince Bright." She took his hand and headed out to the dance floor with him. "I'm so happy to be dancing with you again, Bright-sama."

Bright smiled. "I'm glad to hear that, Rein." They danced in time with the music and step in place appropriately. He was acting like a proper prince, guiding Rein like a gentleman with curtsy while Rein was kindly trying not to step on his feet.

"Bright-sama, has my dancing improved since the last party that we were both at," Rein asked her darling prince.

"It has," he agreed her. "I'm amazed that you were able to improve in such a short amount of time, Rein."

She thanked him graciously, "It is an honor to hear that from you, Bright-sama." Though she was acting mature on the outside, on the inside, Rein was cheering for herself. All her hard work paid off! Ever since she was little people had called her the most unprincess-like princess in the entire history of Mysterious Star, so she practiced everyday to make sure that she was well behaves and excelled in activities that were suited for a lady of her ranking. It was a hard, rather lonely path for her, since there was no one who could fully understand the feelings of being called unprincess-like.

"Excuse me good sir, but I would like to request a dance with the fair princess." Rein and Bright turned to see a girl wearing a suit-like outfit, though she was wearing a skirt, and a golden mask. What a waste, she should have worn a dress. She would look like royalty especially with those platinum curls of hers. "I would like to wish the princess a happy birthday as well."

"But, of course, it'd be rude of me if I were to keep the star of the night for myself," Bright allowed. "As long as it's fine with Rein, it is fine right?" Rein nodded. How could she deny someone a dance? That would be rude, especially since Bright insisted. But before he left, he placed a chaste kiss on Rein's hand and promised, "I'll come and dance with you again some other time tonight Rein."

"Yes Bright-sama!"

"Thank you, good sir," she mentioned as she tipped her hat and took Rein's hand. Together, they swayed to a faster rhythm than the light waltz that Bright had shown her. But why did a girl was to dance with her in the first place? C-C-C-COULD THIS MEAN- "Don't worry, I already have my significant other. I'm not going to take you away from your dearest prince," she assured. "And I wouldn't take him away from you either."

"T-That's not really what I was worrying about." Still she breathed a sigh of relief in her mind. She didn't know what to do in that kind of situation. This was the first time that she's ever danced with a girl. "So, may I know your name? I don't think that I've seen you at any of the parties that I've previously attended."

"I'm not much of a party person, I have things to take care of, and so I am unable to attend festivities such as this often, Princess Rein."

"I see, that's quite a shame," Rein mused, as she tried to keep up with the pace of the dance. True, she had duties that she needed to fulfill, but whenever there was a party, her parents would gladly allow her to go, because they know of how hard she's worked to be princess-like."Parties are a lot of fun, you know. You see people that you love to spend time with, there is plenty of delicious food, and you get to dress up beautifully. What's not to love about them?"

"I see, so that's the type of lifestyle that you've been living." The mysterious girl's aura became strange as well as her words, it was almost… oppressive. "It seems that you only know light because you were born within it and raised within it. How ignorant." What did she mean by that? She was a princess of the Blessing of the Sun, how could she be anything else? "You're still too immature. What a shame. You can't do anything if you're like that and you can never be a true Queen."

The girl let go of Rein's hands and abruptly left the dance floor. "Wait a moment-"

Suddenly another person showed up and asked, "Rein-sama would you like to dance with me?"

The flustered Rein accepted the invitation, but even with dancing, she didn't forget her words. What exactly did those words mean? Perhaps it's better if she forget about it. After all, this rare party that was thrown for her was going to waste if she focused on words from a person who she doesn't even know. Rein excused herself, saying that she was tired and went to get a drink.

"Rein, you don't look that happy," a familiar, deep voice mentioned as a drink was held out for her. She looked to the side to see a rather dark haired prince. "What's wrong? Do you want to dance with Bright again already? Or do you not like the decorations or something?"

She quietly took the drink with thanks. "Do I really look that unhappy, Shade?"

"Not exactly, it's more like you're confused about something. " This was expected of Shade; he always possessed keen insight, ever since they were young. "So does that mean that you thought that you wanted to wear a different dress but thought the one you're wearing right now was fine, and then you had second thoughts?"

"No, that's not it exactly. It's just that…" Shade gave her a questioning look and she shook her head. "Never mind, it's not that important, but what is important is that I haven't see you dance all night yet! And I see how girls look at you!"

"Yeah, half of them probably look at me for power or for my looks. Besides, you know that I don't like dancing that much."

"I still can't believe that there isn't a single girl that you like romantically." Rein found Shade looking at her. "What's wrong? Ah, is it that you like me? But I already have Bright-"

"No you idiot," he told her as he poked her in the head. "It's someone that you might know."

"Is it Lione? Or Mirlo? Or maybe one of the Seed Princesses? Or even one of the princesses from a distant planet? Or even a girl that you met in some town romantically?" Whenever she heard the faintest trances of a romantic conversation Rein would jump right on it and try to set the two people up if she deemed them appropriate with each other. "Tell me Shade! Or could it even be-"

"You're not acting very mature right now," he sang out. "Shouldn't a princess have manners and the decency to let other people have their privacy?"

Rein pouted. "I hate it when you use that excuse." If she's not like a princess, then she's not 'good enough' in the eyes of the adults. It was hard enough when she was travelling from place to place when she was younger, now that she's at a mature age; she's supposed to be more like a princess. But this is still difficult to bear. Since being a 'true princess' isn't really her style, nor her personality. She would love it if she could do nothing but play around and explore a new world.

"Okay, then as an apology, "Shade took her hand and she became flustered "I'll dance with the birthday girl."

Rein smiled. "Thank you, Shade." Shade 'hmmed' in reply, looking slightly embarrassed to be dancing with her. Rein remained to smile good naturedly at his gesture. She knows that he rather relax in a corner and watch over his sister, but she loved it when he showed her his gentle side, it felt more human and natural to her than his normal distant demeanor. "One two three, one two three, one two three…" Rein repeated as the two stepped into the rhythm.

"Why are you counting?"

"So I don't forget the rhythm," Rein stated obviously. "Maybe if I had skills as good as yours I wouldn't have to count so much."

"You don't need to do that anymore. It was cute when you were 10, but you've grown too old for stuff like that."

"Says you." Rein continued her counting while Shade had that smile to him. "And if I don't do things like it, it gets awkward, because you don't talk to me whenever we dance together." Shade didn't say anything to that. "See it's true!"

"Well, it's not my fault that I don't feel like talking."

"You never feel like talking." Shade let go of one of Rein's hands and flicked her in the forehead. "Shade, that was mean!" He whistled innocently as though he had been acting like the perfect angel tonight. Rein pouted. "Why can't you act like a gentleman for once and look social?"

"Because then I would get mistaken for Bright. Speaking of which, get ready to twirl." A confused look graced her face before Shade spun her in a direction and let his other hand go. Luckily for her, she landed in the arms of Bright so she didn't end up tripping on the floor. Shade smiled. His work was done for tonight.

"Rein, I was just about to go look for you."

"Well, you found me, Bright-sama." She smiled at him, he smiled at her, they were going to dance again but that's when the reverse countdown began. A chill filled the air with a menacing presence, something felt…wrong. "Bright-sama? Are you okay?" He didn't answer her. His eyes were wide open, but what filled them was not fear, it was concern. "Bright-sama?"

He got his sword out jabbed right next to her head. Rein look behind her to see a shadow of a strangely large hand. His eyes were filled with anger and hatred as he demanded, "Get away from her!"

The hand dispersed from the sword and wrapped itself around Rein's legs. The shadow was cold, unusually cold. Rein wanted to collapse from the feeling, but Shade wouldn't let that happen. With a flock of his whip, the shadow moved towards him. "Bright, get Rein out of here! This thing's after her!"

"Got it!"

"Bright-sama, what's going on?!-"

"We'll explain it later! Just don't question anything."Bright picked up Rein and began to run towards the exit, but the shadow expanded itself around the room and blocked the door and the windows. "Shoot!"

"All guards available protect the citizens and the children," King Truth ordered as he pulled out his sword. He hated violence, but he was not willing to lose his friends, his people, or his family to the Abyss, not again! With power and precision, he slashed at the hands that were coming from the single shadow. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough, King Truth soon was caught in its fingers which would not allow him to budge.

"Father!" Rein tried to squirm out of Bright's grip, she needed to help him, or he might die!

"Rein, King Truth can take care of himself, we need to get you out of here!" Bright told her as his father, King Aaron and the flame king, King Wal tried to get Truth out of the shadow. "Your father will be okay!"

"Bright, Rein, come over here, quickly," Elsa beckoned. Bright hurried to the queen. "Get in here, the shadow won't harm you if you're in the Blessing of the Sun. Please hurry!"

"Understood, Queen Elsa!"

"Wait mother, what are those things? Why are they hurting people?"

Elsa looked at her daughter with a pained expression. Rein shouldn't know about this world, just not yet, but with these circumstances, it was impossible to keep the truth hidden. "I will tell you soon, but now just make sure that you're safe. Bright, please protect Rein."


Bright opened the door to the Blessing of the Sun and jumped down before Rein could utter another syllable. They landed on the fluffy golden texture of the inside of the Blessing of the Sun. "We should be safe in here for a while," Bright assured Rein.

"Bright-sama, why aren't you saying anything—"A loud crash was heard, interrupting Rein and Rein began to tremble with fear. Did someone get hurt? Who? Why was this happening? "I need to go back!"

"Rein, calm down," Bright shouted taking Rein's hand. "Right now we would be a burden on them instead of helping, it's better if we just stay here for now."

"But my parents, Shade, and everyone else-!"

"They'll take care of it. Everyone in that room can handle themselves."

"But what about Milky and Narlo and the Seed Princesses and Solo? They can't know how to protect themselves from that thing," Rein shouted in a panic. "We have to go back and get them before something bad happens to them!"

"Rein, I'm sure that they'll be fine."

"But I have to be able to do something, I can't just sit here! "

Bright was going to tell her to calm down, but a new voice was faster. "That's right, you can do something, Rein." From beyond the field of warm fluff, Rein and Bright could see a figure emerging; a beautiful woman with the crown of the Sunny Kingdom princess. "I am Princess Grace, Rein, Bright."

"How are you…?" Bright was completely lost for words.

"Ever since I died, I remained within the Blessing of the Sun to watch over the light and pass my power onto the next person who will defeat the darkness," Grace explained. "And now that person has finally come."

"Princess Grace…Do you know what's going on?" Rein asked.

Grace gave the younger princess a gentle smile and Rein felt like all the pressure disappeared. "Rein, right now, everyone is trying to defeat the darkness that resides in Mysterious Star. The birth of the darkness comes from a place known as the Abyss."


"So it's true that no one's told you of this," Grace said with worried eyes. "But that does not change your destiny. Right now, only you Rein can end the Abyss and save everyone in Mysterious Star. Hold out your hand." Rein did as she said and something bright was gathering in her palm. It was so warm… "Use this and you'll be able to purify the darkness."

"How do I use it?"

"You'll know. Now, hurry back to the party hall, before it's too late. Make sure you protect her Bright."

With an overly bright light, Rein and Bright appeared at the dance floor once more. People were fighting against the strange shadow which seemed to grow larger and larger with each passing second.

"Bright?! You were supposed to be protecting Rein! Why are you back here?!"

"I don't know!" Bright shouted as he slashed through the shadows that was trying to lay their hands on the precious princess.

Rein looked down at her hands. She had to figure out how to use this and fast! But what was it? In her hands, there was a compact with the emblem of the Blessing of the Sun. How could she use this? People were screaming louder, the knights as well as other men were fighting to try to protect, and she was useless! People were suffering, but what could she do?

"Remember that magic spell from the past."

Rein's eyes widened. She looked around, wondering whose voice was that. Within that instant, a shadow hand rushed towards her, but it did not catch her, instead Bright was in its clutches. "Bright-sama!"

"Run, Rein!"


"Rein doesn't need to worry about these things. Your father and I will always take care of you until your true love comes for you, Rein."

"All you must do is become a perfect princess. It is not necessary for a princess to know how to fight. You don't want to continue to be called the most unprincess like princess in the history of Mysterious Star, do you Rein-sama?"

Why was she so powerless? Why can't she protect people who are close to her?

"How ignorant. You're still too immature. What a shame. You can't do anything if you're like that and you can never be a true Queen."

As people were struggling to protect, Rein stood there, clutching the compact. There had to be something that she could do! Then as though a spell had been placed on her she shouted, "Light from the Blessing, grant me your power, prominence!" The compact shone brightly, like the sun, causing the shadows to cringle in pain. But they were still there.

"What do you desire Princess?"

Rein didn't know where the voice was coming from, but she somehow knew that it was Princess Grace. "Save everyone in the ball room and make the shadows disappear!" The compact became a sword that found itself in Rein's hands. The sword was so bright and warm, it fit
Rein's grip perfectly, like it was made for her.

Then on complete instinct, Rein sliced through the shadows, with enough precision and force to make the shadows disappear permanently. When it disappeared, the ballroom regained its former light. Rein fell to the ground, shaking in fear. She actually did it…

"Rein! Are you alright?" Elsa looked at her daughter in worry. When she saw that her daughter was on one piece, she hugged Rein, never wanting to let her go. "Thank goodness…"

"Mother, Father…" Rein's eyes were scared; she didn't know what to do. She didn't understand what was happening, so she merely asked, "What is the Abyss?"

Outside, it was dark without a trace of the stars. That person was walking comfortably in the cool night air. The stars were eclipsed by the night's curtain and only the faintest sliver of the moon was visible, allowing her to see all she could. "The first move has been made by the princess of light. How will the other pieces move?"

Now that's over with, three things:

The first is that with my current schedule, I cannot assure weekly updates. Monthly, probably, so I hope that you will be patient with me as I balance my stories (this and my two one shot collections) with my somewhat chaotic life.

The second is that it's actually been a while since I've read anything for this fandom, so I was hoping for a couple of recommendations in terms of fanfiction. I have no preferences for the pairing, but it has to be in English and good.

The third is that I have a somewhat strict deadline for this story. It should be finished by June, so I'm sorry if the plot is too fast sometimes. However be warned that if I cannot complete this story, it could be for lack of inspiration or because it's too terrible (because I, like many people on this site, rather give my readers something good to read).