Love, Sex, & Magic
Everything was fine.
Everything was going to be fine.
Olivia kept reminding herself as she waited out the clock. Her foot shook nervously as the seconds seemed to pass slowly. Olivia looked down at her watch. She didn't really know why she was nervous. Whatever the results of the pregnancy test didn't really matter because she was in a good place—they were in a good place. They were getting married in three weeks; she was peace in her life. Olivia wasn't planning on having a baby but she wasn't against the idea.
She did wonder how Fitz would react or feel. They had talked about having at least one more child but not recently, not since before their big fight. Olivia shook her head, physically shaking the thoughts from her head before they could even fully form. They were in a much better place than they were seven months ago. She knew that Fitz would be happy if she was pregnant.
Olivia looked down at her watch again, watching the seconds pass until the time had run out. Standing up, she walked over to the counter and picked up the pregnancy test. Two pink lines confirmed that she was in fact pregnant.
Olivia stared at the test for a long moment. She was a little unsure how she felt about the results. A lot was happening in her life now, a lot of good things. Olivia just had to remember to just breathe and take it all in. This was good. Having a baby was a good thing.
Light banging on the bathroom door pulled Olivia's attention from the little piece of plastic in her hand. She shoved the pregnancy test back in its box and put it in the plastic bag that it came in. The door opened and in walked Ava, followed by Teddy who had his hand over his eyes. Olivia found his attempt to respect her privacy adorable.
"She was the one banging on the door. I just opened it for her."
Olivia picked up her daughter.
"I love you both but I do need five minutes in the bathroom alone."
"But you were up here for ten minutes. I know because I watched the time on the TV and asked Karen."
"You can put you hand down."
Teddy removed his hand from his eyes and then asked, "What were you doing up here?"
"What do people normally do in the bathroom?"
"They use the toilet but that doesn't take ten minutes."
"Do you have everything? Are you ready to go?" Olivia asked before Teddy started asking more questions.
"Yeah," he nodded, "But dad isn't back yet."
"He is meeting us there."
Today they were going food tasting at the venue Olivia had picked for their wedding. They had to finalize the menu and since Fitz and the kids hadn't seen the place yet, Olivia thought it would be nice to get everyone involved in the menu picking process.
"We're leaving in five minutes. Make sure you have everything because you're staying with your grandparents tonight."
"Okay," Teddy turned to leave the bathroom.
"Tete," Ava moved in Olivia's arms trying to get down.
Olivia put her down and Ava walked out of the bath room in search of her brother. Watching her daughter walk out of the bathroom, Olivia thought of the last year and a half of her life, seeing Ava grow and reach new milestones, Olivia was happy that she would get to do it all again with this baby.
Fitz was running late. He had got called in after one of his patients had a seizure overnight. He had spent the morning at the hospital consulting with the doctor that had been working the night shift, checking on the little boy, and speaking with his mother. When he finally was able to leave, Fitz realized that he was going to be late for their food tasting. He still had to pick up Jerry because after the tasting, they had to go shopping for tuxedos.
Fitz was twenty minutes late when he pulled his car into the parking space next to Olivia's. Olivia and the kids were still sitting in the car, all of them preoccupied with some sort of electronic device.
Olivia was busy texting someone and didn't notice Fitz approaching. He opened her car door, getting her attention.
"You're late."
"I know," he kissed her, "And I'm sorry."
"You couldn't call?"
"I may have chosen to ignore the time in hopes that it would get me here faster if I wasn't anxiously focused on it."
Olivia received another text and looked down at her phone.
"Who is that?"
Olivia looked up at him but didn't say anything. She went back to finishing the text that she was writing.
"Was everything okay at the hospital?"
"Yeah. My patient had seizure overnight and they had to put him under. His mom wanted to speak with me."
"He's going to be fine, right?"
Fitz opened the back door to let Teddy out.
"Stop Ava," Teddy was trying to be calm but his voice showed his slight annoyance with his baby sister as she reached over to press buttons on his handheld game.
Ava was so use to following Teddy and doing whatever he did, she thought when he pressed buttons, that it meant she should press the buttons too.
Teddy snatched his game out of Ava's reach and the sudden movement startled her. She pouted, ready to start crying.
"Play nice, bud."
Hearing Fitz's voice, Ava reached for him, "Dada."
"Aww Princess."
"I am playing nice but she doesn't listen sometimes."
"She's a baby. She doesn't understand."
"I'm teaching her to understand," Teddy turned to Ava raised his voice as if she was hard of hearing, "NO means don't do it."
Ava not liking being yelled at, took her hand mushed his face.
"Ow," Teddy moved out of her little arms reach.
"Hey, you two stop it," Fitz lifted Teddy out of the car.
"I didn't do anything. I was on level three and she made me lose the game. And then she tried to hit me in the face."
"She didn't do it on purpose," Fitz grabbed Ava out of her car seat, "She was probably just trying to play the game with you."
"My face still hurt," Teddy said to his father's back. He wasn't in pain but he was really upset about losing level on his game because it had taken him a week to reach level three, and his father didn't seem to care.
Olivia examined Teddy's face. He had a small scratch on his cheek. She dug in her bag and grabbed out the baby wipes. She cleaned the scratch with the baby wipe and applied some Neosporin to it.
"Yes," he said just happy that someone was giving him attention in the moment.
"We'll get back to level three."
Olivia looked at her daughter, "When did you become so violent, Ava Belle?"
"She may have watched bad girls club clips on YouTube with someone," Karen interjected, "But who knows? It could be anything."
Olivia shook her head. The older Grant children were going to corrupt her daughter if it was the last thing they did.
After making sure that everyone had all of their things, Olivia locked her car door and they all made their way to the front entrance of the restaurant.
The New Leaf restaurant was located in Upper Manhattan's Fort Tryon Park in a fieldstone cottage designed in the 1930s. New Leaf had magnificent vaulted ceilings, granite archways, a slate roof, and an expansive garden patio. It was the perfect place for the very small wedding that Olivia wanted.
Since Fitz and Olivia had decided that they didn't want to have a long engagement, they had seven weeks to plan their wedding. She wanted something small and casual but she didn't want a courthouse wedding. Fitz literally didn't care if they got married in a junk yard. He just wanted to marry her so he gave her his credit card and let her plan everything. He checked in daily to see what she wanted or needed for him to do.
Olivia was excited for everyone to see the cottage. It was the most adorable little place, and for the price and all that was included, it was totally the perfect place to have her wedding.
"Hello Olivia," the events coordinator Cat Moss greeted as they walked in. She looked to Fitz, "You must be Mr. Grant."
"That would be me."
Olivia introduced Cat to everyone and Cat showed them to their table. There was a younger woman standing by their table.
"This is Dana. She will be here to answer any questions you may have. Your menus tell you everything that is in food and the options that you have to pick from for every course. Your food will be out shortly."
Cat excused herself and her and Dana left them all alone at the table.
"What food? We didn't order yet," Teddy asked once Cat and Dana had left.
"They're going to bring out everything on the menu so we can pick the food that is going to be served at the wedding."
"You're having the wedding here?"
Olivia and Fitz nodded.
"Why are you getting married in a restaurant?"
"Not in the restaurant. Outside in the park. We're going to see it when we're finish eating."
Dana returned with four waiters carrying trays of food. They sat the food down, and as quickly as the waiters came, they left them alone to eat.
"Ooh egg rolls," Teddy grabbed an egg roll off of the sampler plate, "I vote for this. You should have Chinese food at the wedding."
He took a bite of the egg roll.
"This is really good. You should try the egg roll," Teddy said in between chews.
"I had no idea you liked duck," Jerry said.
"What?" Teddy said with a mouthful of food.
"You just ate a duck spring roll," Jerry informed him, reading off of the menu.
Teddy opened his mouth and let the remaining pieces of food fall onto the napkin in front of him.
Fitz looked at Jerry.
"Teddy, remember your manners," Fitz said.
"Why didn't anyone tell me I was eating duck? Is that even something you can eat? Is this legal? Can people just kill ducks?"
"People kill chickens and cows and pigs and fish and you still eat it," Karen said.
"That's different."
"Not really."
"If people kill ducks, what's next? Frogs? Squirrels? Cats?"
"Well actually–"
"Shut up," Fitz said before Jerry could start.
"I take back what I said. I don't want these rolls of lies at the wedding," Teddy pushed his plate away, "Where is the normal people food?"
"We have duck spring rolls, duck confit tortillas, pulled pork tower, asparagus wrapped in prosciutto, short rib croquettes, and both beef and pork sliders," Olivia went over all of the hors d'oeuvres under the meat and poultry section of the menu so that Teddy would know what he is eating.
"The sliders look and sound normal. I think we should go with that," Teddy reached for a slider.
"There is more to choose from. We have to pick six different hors d'oeuvres," Fitz said before reading off the seafood items and the vegetable items.
They filled their plates with different hors d'oeuvres and for a good five minutes, everyone at the table was silent as they ate.
"I'm allergic to nuts so the fried shrimp with the peanut sauce is a no," Jerry was the first one to speak.
"I hate coconut so the coconut shrimp are out," Olivia said.
"That looks like alien food so no," Teddy pointed at the Scallop Crudo.
"I vote for the mini crab cakes," Karen reached for another crab cake.
"I want the spicy grilled shrimp," Olivia had been craving spicy food lately and the grilled shrimp that she just ate hit a spot she didn't even know she had.
"So that is a yes to sliders, crab cakes, and spicy shrimp," Fitz circled the options on his menu.
"Short rib croquettes for me," Jerry added in his favorite pick.
"Are none of you going to pick a vegetable?" Fitz asked.
Olivia, Jerry, Karen, and Teddy all shook their heads.
Ava grabbed a cocktail shrimp off of the plate in front of her and waved it in Fitz's face. Fitz moved his head to the side to avoid getting hit in the face with a shrimp.
"I guess she wants cocktail shrimp added to the menu," he circled Jerry and Ava's picks.
"What are you picking dad?" Teddy asked.
He wasn't necessarily pulled to any of the hors d'oeuvres so he hadn't added his input. Fitz quickly scanned the menu again before deciding.
"I guess I'll go with the fish tacos."
As if on cue, more waiters came out with move food. It was a revolving door of food. Three plates were sat down in front of each of them and then again, they were left alone.
"This is a lot of food," Karen looked at all of the food in front of her.
"I'm up for the challenge of getting through it all," Jerry picked his first plate of food and started eating.
Fitz and Olivia walked hand in hand through the Heather Garden section of Fort Tryon Park. Olivia had one eye on the kids who were ahead of them on the path.
"Do you like it?"
"I love it. It's very you," Fitz looked around at the scenery. "I didn't really take you as the outdoor wedding type but the more I see of this place, I can see why you picked it. This place is a little hidden beauty."
They were having their ceremony at the highest point in Fort Tryon Park, Linden Terrace. It was just steps away from the restaurant with a sweeping view of the Hudson River and The Cloisters towers.
"I invited your dad," Fitz tried to say it casually but it didn't come out like that.
Olivia slowed her walking before coming to a full stop.
Fitz turned to face her, "Before you say anything—"
"Why would you do that?"
"He is your dad."
Olivia stared at him.
"I know that you two haven't talked in a while but he is your dad and he should be at your wedding."
Olivia let go of his hand.
"You're mad."
"Annoyed but I'm trying not to be," she answered honestly.
Fitz reached for her but she pulled away.
"I'm fine," she quickly corrected herself, "I'm going to be fine."
Olivia was trying her best not to get mad because she knew Fitz meant well but having her father at her wedding was the last thing she wanted. They hadn't spoke since the hospital and although Olivia had gotten a lot off of her chest, it didn't stop the fact that her father was a drunk who she had a hard time looking at given all that had happened between them.
"You are stronger than this. Look at what you did for your mother."
"Don't bring my mother into this."
"You tolerate my mother."
"Because I love you."
"It's one night."
"You don't have to convince me. You already invited him," she shrugged, "I'm not going to fight you on this."
Fitz eyed her.
"This 'not fighting me' thing is going to take some getting used to."
"You have one month after the wedding and then I'll be in that ass again."
Fitz smiled at her, looking at her for a long moment.
Olivia dropped her gaze, the intense way that he stared at her had become too much.
"I meant what I said months ago. I don't have it in me to fight you," she stated.
Fitz remembered her words the night that they finally talked to each other after their big fight. Although they had both apologized for their actions and had forgiven each other, he saw it. She was holding back, had been since they made up. They had gotten back to normal or at least something that looked like normal. They were happy, but she was holding back.
Fitz stepped closer to her and raised his hand, cupping her face.
"You do know that you don't have to be scared to talk to me, right?"
She had to know that. He needed her to know that.
"I know," she gave him a weak smile.
He studied her. Her eyes told him everything that he needed to know.
"I love you."
"I know."
"I want you to feel free to voice opinion and disagree with me."
"Are we really having this discussion because I'm not disagreeing with you?"
"You're different."
"Different how? I'm being normal, and easy, and simple."
"You have never been easy or simple."
"You want me to be difficult?"
"I want you to be yourself. I want the painful, difficult, devastating, life changing Olivia Pope that I fell in love with. I don't want you walking around on eggshells and tiptoeing around my feelings because you are afraid that that we are going to fight. Couples argue—"
"We didn't just argue. We almost broke up. There was almost no this," she looked around, noticing the spot where they were going to get married in the distance.
"There was always going to be a this. I had the ring already when we argued. You were always going to be my wife."
Olivia appreciated his words but it didn't change her feelings. Almost losing Fitz was the most devastating thing that ever happened to her. It changed her. She couldn't just go back to the person she was.
Olivia stood in the dressing room examining her dress. She had picked a non-traditional wedding dress. It didn't look like a wedding dress at all, but the moment she saw the blush colored dress with floral embroidery, Olivia knew that she had to have it as her wedding dress. It was simple and beautiful without being understated.
"Sometime before your wedding we would like to see your dress," Olivia heard her mother's voice.
A smile appeared on Olivia's face at the sound of her mother's voice. It amazed her how close the two had gotten over the last few months. They weren't best friends but Maya actively worked hard to make sure she didn't push Olivia or overstep in their developing relationship. Olivia appreciated her efforts and she found that she actually enjoyed being around her mother. It felt nice to have a mom again. They had missed out on so much time of being in each other's lives that they didn't want to waste another moment.
Olivia heard the door open and she turned to see who was entering the dressing room. Her mother stared at her for a moment before apologizing,
"Sorry. I should have knocked."
"It's fine."
Maya pulled Olivia into a tight hug. Olivia wasn't expecting it at first but the moment she felt her mother's hands on her back, she remembered that she was only in her bra and jeans. When the realization hit her, Olivia froze.
"Thank you," Maya said softly but Olivia heard her clearly. "Thank you so much."
Maya had saw the faint scar that was left on her stomach and she knew.
Olivia felt moisture on her shoulder and she didn't know what she was supposed to do. Only a handful of people knew about her being a donor for her mother, and aside from Fitz, no one in her family knew. She had planned on keeping it that way.
"Are you crying," Olivia attempted to ask lightheartedly but her voice came out too low to be considered playful.
"I'm so grateful for you, Olivia."
"For what?"
Maya pulled away from the hug slightly to look at Olivia but she didn't let her go.
"You saved me, Olivia," she said simply, smiling through her tears. "Your whole life you have been saving me. Had it not been for you, I would not have found out what was wrong with me years ago and now if it hadn't been for you, I wouldn't be standing here today. I wouldn't have gotten to see my grandchildren or to see you walk down the aisle."
"I didn't…," Olivia started to lie but let her words fall short. She wasn't use to being in emotional situations with her mother.
"I know that we're not here yet but I just really need you to know how much I love you and appreciate everything that you have done for me."
Maya hugged her again. It was a long hug but Olivia didn't pull away. Olivia couldn't remember a time when she had just been held by her mother and that made her sad. Could she blame the emotions she felt in that moment on her pregnancy? Probably not.
Olivia closed her eyes and pushed back the tears that were threatening to spill over. Maya was right. They weren't there yet and Olivia was not ready to show her mother this side of her.
"I did it for the wrong reasons at first but I'm glad I did," Olivia admitted.
Maya pulled away just enough to look at her, "How could it be for a wrong reason?"
"I wanted to prove that I was a better person than you. I felt like if I had abandoned you when you need me the most like you did me when I was a kid then I was no better than you. I had given you so much power over my emotions and I just wanted it to stop. If I helped you, I was a better person. It was self-righteous of me."
"I don't see it that way. You are a better person than me–"
"I didn't do it for praise," Olivia cut her off, "I didn't tell people that I was a donor for you and I would like to keep it like that."
"I won't say a word."
A moment of silence pass between them.
"I almost lost Fitz because of the surgery," Olivia broke the silence.
She didn't know why she was sharing this with her mother.
"He didn't agree with your choice?"
"He didn't know."
Maya looked at her. The realization that Olivia was alone during her surgery and hospital stay hit Maya and she couldn't help but feel like she had left her daughter alone again.
"Oh Olivia," Maya said sympathetically.
"It's fine now. I made a choice and I didn't tell anyone. He went to visit his parents for a few days to help them with the move here. I dropped him off at the airport that morning and had surgery that afternoon. When he found out he was pissed. We had a huge fight and we almost broke up."
"I'm sorry that you had to go through that alone."
Olivia pulled away from Maya, putting distance between them made her feel not so exposed.
"He said some pretty horrible things to me," Olivia felt that familiar burning in her throat that came with tears but she fought it.
"We both said horrible things to each other. I kept pushing him and he really played on insecurities. We've both apologized and forgave one another but I sometimes think of his words."
Olivia held her hands close to her body, her guard was up but it good to be able to her truth.
"I took a pregnancy test today and it came back positive," Olivia started, she didn't know what was making her open up to her mother so much today. "I'm scared to tell him," Olivia admitted, "When we fought he called me a bad mom because he said that I didn't think of Ava when I made my decision. He said that he wouldn't want to have more kids with someone like me."
"He asked you to marry him, Olivia," Maya said softly. She felt for her daughter, and she knew that she played a part in some of Olivia's insecurities and hang ups.
"I know," Olivia shook her head, "It's stupid. I know he loves me. We both forgave each other and we are in a better place but the words are still in my head. I never seen him so angry and I was the cause of all of it."
"You can't judge a person's character by their worst moment. He was angry and not himself but that does not cancel out the man you know and love. Words he said in anger doesn't change the fact that he loves you and wants a family with you."
"I know."
"Well if you know, then don't overthink it."
Olivia nodded but remained silent.
"This is your wedding dress?" Maya changed the subject as she looked at Olivia's dress.
"It doesn't look like a wedding dress."
"I think that's why I love it so much."
"I thought for sure you would wear a white dress."
"I have a kid. A white wedding dress is really appropriate for me."
"Camille wore white on her wedding day."
"I'm not a white wedding dress type."
"I'm sure you will look beautiful in it," Maya smiled at her, "I'm going to let you get dressed."
Maya left the room and Olivia locked the door behind. She looked at her wedding dress again. The moment that she put it on and walked out there, it would make everything real. She was getting married. She had to keep reminding herself because for once in her life, everything was falling in place perfectly.
Olivia sat up in bed reading on her iPad. She was trying to find a creative way to announce a pregnancy to Fitz. After going to the doctors and getting her pregnancy confirmed, she knew that she had to tell Fitz but she didn't know how.
"Harrison is planning my bachelors party," Fitz said from the bathroom.
"Can you sound less enthused?"
"I'm not enthused."
"You don't want to have one?"
"Not really."
"I thought all men loved ass and titties in their face."
"Not me."
"You're such a liar."
"I'm serious. I think I have outgrown my strip club days."
"I love that you are finally coming to terms with your old age."
"I am a man of mature taste."
"Nina and Camille want me to have a bachelorette party."
"Are you?"
"I'm not interested in it but they seem pretty adamant about it."
"You don't take me for the male in a G-string with his dick swinging in your face type."
"Is that jealousy I hear in your voice?"
"Not one bit," Fitz turned off the light and stepped into the bedroom.
"We should have a joint bachelor and bachelorette party," Olivia suggested. "You don't want to have a party. I don't want to have a party but we're both going to have a party so why not have it together?"
Olivia locked her iPad and sat it on the nightstand.
"We will look like one of those annoyingly in love couples that can't be away from each other for two minutes," he wrapped his arms around her.
"We are one of those annoyingly in love couples," she tugged on the hair at the nape of his neck, "Did you finish writing your vows?"
"I'm getting there," Fitz lifted up Olivia's shirt and kissed her stomach. "How's yours coming?"
"They're coming," she lied. She hadn't even started writing her vows.
Fitz lifted her shirt up more, exposing her breast. She froze when she felt his tongue swirl around her nipple.
"Stop," Olivia attempted to move out of his grasp but Fitz held on tighter, resting his head on her stomach.
"Babe," Fitz whined.
Olivia looked at Fitz, "Yes."
Fitz kissed in between her breast, licking a trail up to her nipple, he sucked her nipple into his mouth.
"Mmm," Olivia moaned.
"You know you want to," Fitz spoke against her skin before taking her other breast into his mouth.
She did want to. They both knew it. It took everything in her but she knew that she had to stop him. Olivia pulled him up by his hair.
"We've been over this."
"It's stupid," he whined, "By far the dumbest idea you ever came up with."
Olivia bit the inside of her mouth to keep from laughing.
"You are worse than the children."
"I don't care. This is absurd. How am I supposed to go another two weeks without sex?"
"This is not the longest time we have went without having sex."
"It's not but the other times you physically couldn't so that's different. Now you are just being cruel."
"I want our wedding night to be special. No sex right now will allow you appreciate the sex more."
"Do I not act like I appreciate sex now?"
"Sex will be better if we miss it a little bit."
"No, it will not. What's going to happen is I'm going to finish in like five pumps and I will never live this down."
Olivia chuckled.
"If you finish in five pumps then it just proves it just proves what I already know, I'm a bad ass in bed."
Fitz buried his face in her chest and mumbled the words, "I hate you."
Fitz placed her hand on his erection. Olivia massaged his penis through his boxers. She felt his breathing change against her neck.
"Touch me," Fitz groaned into her neck.
Fitz pulled his boxers down just enough to free his erection.
Olivia's hand moved slowly up and down his penis at first, using her thumb to tease his tip and his frenulum. Her free hand was in his hair massaging his scalp the way that she knew he liked.
"Shit," Fitz thrust his forward, "Don't stop."
His teeth grazed her shoulder and she felt his warm breath on her as he mumbled incoherently into her neck. She reveled at the feeling of his dick sliding in and out of her hand. It was the most erotic feeling to be able to please the man she loved.
"Where are you going?" Fitz grabbed Ava before she could try to run off again.
Fitz looked through Ava's bag in search of her bathing suit. Ava managed to wiggle her way out of her father's arms and took off running. Her little giggles as she got further away from him made Fitz smile.
"I see someone wants to play today," Fitz stood up just as she made her way to the other side of the lockers.
"Where is Ava?" He asked as he made his way to the other row of lockers. Ava was standing there, her own little version of hide and seek. When she saw Fitz, she laughed and was on the move again.
Fitz scooped her up, "I got you," he nuzzled the side of her face and Ava laughed.
He walked her back over to where their stuff was seated. Fitz went through the bag with one hand until he found her bathing suit. He sat her down and Ava started tugging on the bottom of her shirt. She clearly knew it was time to go swimming. Fitz watched as she tried to get her top off, she was so smart for a one-year-old. He helped her out of her clothes and changed her into her flamingo bathing suit.
Fitz heard the door to the locker room open and looked up to see a brunette woman walking towards them.
"Mr. Grant."
"I'm Gianna, Ava's swim teacher. Olivia called and me that she was feeling a little sick so Ava's dad was bringing her. I just wanted to come in and introduce myself. I didn't know if you had any questions."
"Fitz," he shook her hand, "It's nice to meet you. And no, I don't have any questions."
"Did you bring swim trunks? It's a very active class. The moms are in the water with the kids."
"I should warn you that we don't get many dads around here so it has sort of turned into a mommy and me swim class. You'll be the only guy except for the little guys. Are you comfortable in the water?"
"Yeah. I'm from California. I practically grew up in and around water."
"That's great. Well I'll let you finish getting ready. Class starts in ten minutes. We're the second door on the left."
Gianna left and Fitz continued to get ready. He left the locker room seven minutes later. When Fitz entered the pool room all eyes were on him.
"Hello," he said at the eyes on him.
"Everyone, this Fitz, Ava's dad," Gianna made the introduction, "Olivia is feeling a little under the weather today so Fitz is joining us."
After introductions were made, Gianna began her lesson. She recapped what they had learned last week, more for Fitz's benefit than anything else. Gianna reached for Ava to do demo and Fitz handed her over. He watched as Gianna took Ava over to the mini diving board. Fitz felt anxious because Gianna wasn't really holding on to her but he didn't say anything since she was the teacher.
Fitz eyes grew wide when Gianna pushed Ava off of the diving board. A small splash of water hit the mom closest to the diving board as Ava belly first into the water.
"What the hel-"
"She can swim, Mr. Grant," Gianna pointed at Ava who was swimming back towards Gianna.
Two of the mothers laughed at Fitz's reaction.
Ava made it back to Gianna and Gianna lifted her out of the water.
"Good job, Ava."
Ava clapped.
"Do you want to swim to daddy now?" Gianna pointed to Fitz.
"Dada," Ava clapped again as if clapping was her way of saying yes.
Gianna placed Ava on the little diving board again.
"Swim to daddy, Ava," Gianna pointed towards Fitz one more time before pushing her into the water.
This time Ava swam towards Fitz.
"Dada, sim."
Fitz smiled at the new word he had never heard her use.
"Yay, Ava! You swam," Fitz kissed her cheeks causing her to giggle.
"Awww," three mothers said in unison.
With all the eyes on him, Fitz remembered where he was.
"You're really good with her."
Fitz looked at the woman next to him and smiled.
"That's my job."
"I wish my husband was good with her."
Fitz didn't know how he was supposed to respond to that.
"Today we are going to work on learning to do the backstroke," Gianna voice pulled Fitz's attention in her direction.
Fitz listened as Gianna gave directions on the first set of drills that they were to practice with.
He laid Ava on her back as instructed and she started to sink but he quickly lifted her up. Ava coughed as she back up.
"I'm sorry, princess," Fitz rubbed her back as she coughed.
Gianna swam over to help him.
"You have to talk to her as you do it. Her body doesn't automatically know to float," Gianna told him, "Put your hands here."
Fitz did as he was instructed. He was actually really proud of himself for keeping Ava afloat. They worked on getting Ava used floating on her back. It was a lot harder than he expected but lucky for him, the mothers around him eagerly stepped in to help.
Teddy took a step back and looked at his work. With Olivia's help he had put together a giant pillow fort in the living room.
"What do you think?"
"It looks awesome."
"Do you think it's big enough for dad to fit in?"
"Yeah," she nodded.
Olivia thought the whole idea of camping out in the living room was cute. She was actually way more excited than any adult should be about getting in a pillow fort.
"Come on, you can help me make the sandwiches."
"Do we have the stuff to make s'mores? You can't camp out without s'mores."
"We can check."
Olivia and Teddy went in the kitchen. She took out the stuff from the refrigerator to make sandwiches while he checked the cabinet for s'more supplies.
"We have everything but chocolate," he called from the pantry.
Olivia picked up her phone and sent a quick text Fitz asking him to pick up some chocolate on his way home.
Teddy washed his hands and pulled up a chair to start preparing the bread.
"Do you want spicy mustard or mayonnaise?"
"You've been eating a lot of spicy foods lately," he said absentmindedly as he grabbed the mustard.
Olivia continued to slice the tomato and remained silent.
"Are you feeling better from earlier?"
Olivia was instantly reminded of the morning she spent halfway in bed and halfway in the toilet. Her first round of morning sickness had hit her.
"I am feeling much better."
Her phone buzzed indicating that she had a text message. She grabbed her phone and looked at her message.
Fitz: Chocolate sounds good...on your nipples, trailing down your stomach to your honeypot.
Olivia laughed at his reference to the television show Outlander that they had been watching together, shaking her head at the inappropriate text Fitz had sent her before responding.
Livvie: Honeypot, haha. Why are you this way?
Fitz: You liked it when Jamie called it a honeypot.
Fitz: Besides you and I both know that you love me like this way...even though you will never admit it.
Livvie: You're no Jamie.
Fitz: It's the kilt thing? I can get kilt.
Livvie: You would look hot in a kilt.
"Do you like my mom?"
Olivia looked over at Teddy. She didn't know where that question came from or how to even begin to answer it.
"If you don't it's okay," Teddy said after Olivia didn't answer his question.
"Why did you ask me that?"
"Because she is family but she is never around. We always have to do stuff with either mommy or with the whole family. Mommy is never invited to anything."
Olivia's phone buzzed and she opened her text, not even bothering to read it before texting him.
Livvie: Your son just asked me if I like Mellie?
"You guys act like she is not family even though she is."
Fitz: Why did he ask that?
Olivia had already started texting him back before he responded so her text came back almost immediately after his.
Livvie: He says that we don't treat her like family even though she is. He always has to do things either with her or with us.
"I don't dislike your mother," Olivia told a semi-lie. She never even thought of Mellie. The way that Olivia looked at it, that was all Fitz's area. He had the kids with her so he was the one who had to deal with her.
Olivia picked up her phone reading the latest text from Fitz.
Fitz: I didn't know he felt that way. I'm sorry you have deal with this one alone. I'll talk to him when I get home.
She didn't respond, instead she gave Teddy all of her attention.
"I thought that you didn't like my mom because of the whole homewrecker thing."
Olivia wasn't aware that Teddy even knew what a homewrecker was.
"What homewrecker thing?"
"Karen isn't friends with Meghan anymore because Meghan and her mom thought that you were a homewrecker. I thought mom might think that you were one to since her and dad got divorced so I asked her. She said you're not a homewrecker, so I just thought that you didn't like her."
"I don't have a problem with your mom."
"How come we don't all do stuff together?"
"We're all busy," Olivia was doing her best to remain neutral. She didn't have a problem with Mellie because she didn't give Mellie space in her head. The two women would never be friends because Olivia didn't trust her. Frankly, Olivia didn't see a reason for her and Mellie to ever cross paths.
"Is mommy invited to the wedding?"
Olivia let out a breath and Teddy stared at her.
"No," she said simply.
"Why not?"
"Normally when people get divorced, they don't come to the wedding of their ex."
"But mommy is family so it is different because family is supposed to come to weddings."
Olivia didn't know what she was supposed to say. How was she supposed to explain to a six year old why his mother was not invited to his father's wedding?
The sound of the front door saved her from having to answer the question.
"Your dad probably can explain it better than me."
Moments later Fitz and Ava came walking into the kitchen.
"What happened in the living room?"
"Pillow fort for Netflix and chill," Olivia said, earning a chuckle from Fitz.
"Dad, how come mom isn't invited to the wedding?"
"What?" Fitz had heard him perfectly clear, he just wasn't expecting that question and didn't know what to say at the moment.
"Mom is family but she is not invited to the wedding. Why?"
Olivia and Teddy stared at him, waiting for his answer.
"Well, uh, when people are no longer in a relationship, they don't usually do things together."
"Even if they are family?"
"Yes. It's no different than when grandma and grandpa lived in California. They didn't always do stuff with us. There were times when we didn't see them all year."
Teddy nodded, satisfied by the answer that his father given him.
"Well you made that look easy," Olivia said just loud enough for Fitz to hear.
"I totally nailed it."
Fitz fingers danced up and down Olivia's spine. The feel of her breath on his neck both calmed and aroused him. He listened to her breathing and good tell she was beginning to doze off.
"You think we should get the kids upstairs?"
"No," her voice sounded drowsy, "We're camping out in the living room, remember?" She looked up at him, placing a kiss on his lips. Fitz squeezed her ass causing her to smile.
"They look too peaceful to disturb," Olivia said as she looked over at Ava and Teddy sleep in the pillow fort.
"Thank you for doing all of this. It was fun."
"It was Teddy's idea."
"How are you feeling?"
"Good. I think I just had a little bug. How swim class?"
"It was good. I almost had heart attack when Ava was on the little diving board."
Olivia laughed.
"I almost lost it the first time I saw it too."
"It's the craziest shit. One minute Gianna has Ava on the diving board, the next thing I know she pushed her slightly and it was this belly flop into the water. I almost cursed in front of the children. But then I saw Ava's little feet going and realized she was swimming back to Gianna."
"I almost kicked that woman in her face the first time she did that. I was so nervous but she says Ava is a natural in the water."
"She really good. Like everything she does, she is super good at."
"You're only saying that because she is your baby."
"Maybe but she was killing it in the water today. Oh, Angela said to tell you hello and she hopes you feel better."
Olivia rolled her eyes.
"I don't like that woman."
"Why? She seems nice."
"She's very patronizing. She is one of those PTA, overachieving, hands in everything that her kids do type of moms. She was a housewife for twelve years before her husband left her for a man."
"You're lying."
"Swear to God. She has been divorced for two years and she has coped with her divorce by becoming a helicopter parent and sleeping around. She sleeps with men like she is trying to prove something since she spent fifteen years with a man who was trapped in the closet."
"A part of me feels sorry for her but her personality makes me not like her. I will give it to her though, she is holding up better than I would be if I was with someone for fifteen years and they left me for a man."
"I can't imagine living your whole life in a lie like that. It couldn't be easy for the guy."
"Really? You're taking his side."
"No. I have no dog in this fight. I just think that it's so easy for people to see the woman's side of things without considering what would make a guy hide his sexuality for years. Yes, it's awful, the years wasted and the kids that are affected but this man was literally not being his true self for years. Having to hide who you are and who you love for years is horrible. I'm sure he didn't leave her because he wanted to hurt her."
Olivia stared at him.
"You're so thoughtful."
"I like to think I lean more towards understanding."
The two fell into a comfortable silence. After a few minutes, Olivia finally spoke.
"My mom knows that I was her donor."
"You told her?"
"No. She walked in the dressing room when I was trying on my dress. You know I still have the faint scar."
"How was that?"
"It was different, good but different. She thanked me and said that she was grateful for me because I had been saving her life since I was a little kid."
Olivia was quiet for a moment before continuing, "I really enjoy my mother."
Fitz chuckled, the tone of her voice was shocked.
"That's a good thing."
"I know. I just keep thinking about all the time that we wasted."
"Don't. You guys are doing good now. There is no sense of thinking about the past."
"We're in a great place now but I just feel like we have more years behind us than we do ahead of us."
"Nonsense. You guys have all the time in the world. I don't think that either one of you plan on going anywhere any time soon."
"I hated her for so long. A part of me feels like I don't have the right to have her as my mom."
"She has always been your mom."
"I know that but I wasn't very nice to her. I didn't try with her because she didn't try with me. I threw her away and now I sometimes feel like I don't deserve a relationship her."
"You have to stop putting the weight of the world on your shoulders. You can't change the past. Your mother never told you she was sick so from your point of view, she wasn't there for you. Neither one of you were wrong. You guys just spent years in a miscommunication. No amount of guilt is going to change the past so you move on from it."
Olivia took his words in, loving the fact that he was able to calm her fears. She hadn't told anyone but the idea of getting close to her mother both excited and petrified her. She enjoyed getting close to her mother but she didn't want to get close too fast because Olivia didn't feel like she could handle it if they had a fallout. She had looked up bipolar disorder and knew that it could be very unpredictable. Olivia had to think about herself and Ava. She didn't want to start getting attached to the relationship with her mother when it could change at any moment.
"There is this saying," Fitz continued, "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference."
"Did you just quote the Serenity Prayer to me?"
"Is that what that is?"
Olivia nodded.
"Then I guess I did."
"Where did you hear that from?"
"It was framed in a colleague's office."
"It was very fitting here. You give great motivational speeches."
"You think so?"
"You always know the right thing to say."
"Well if this doctor thing doesn't work out, then I know that I have a future in motivational speaking."
"Or you could be a soccer dad, coaching the team and giving the little kids motivational speeches."
He smiled at her, "I like that idea a lot, Livvie."
Fitz reached out for Olivia but was met with an empty bed. He opened his eyes and found that he was completely alone.
"Liv," he called out to her.
When he got no answer, he sighed, a little disappointed that Olivia wasn't in bed with him. Today was supposed to be a lazy day. It was the day before their wedding and both of them had taken off two weeks from work starting today for their honeymoon which started today. They were going to lounge around the house until it was time to go to their joint bachelor and bachelorette party.
Fitz rolled on to his back and closed his eyes. He wasn't ready to get out of bed yet. The smell of food hit his nose and Fitz opened his eyes just seconds before Olivia walked into the room carrying a tray of food.
"You're up," she smiled at him.
Olivia sat the tray down on the nightstand and handed him a coffee mug.
"I see you have been busy this morning," Fitz looked at the breakfast she prepared.
"I wanted to try out a few new recipes," she shrugged.
She had made French toast with Nutella, bananas, and strawberries, and a breakfast grilled cheese with bacon and sunny side up egg. There was fruit, orange juice, coffee for him, tea for her, sausage, and a parfait for her.
"You really outdid yourself, babe," he kissed her.
Olivia could taste the coffee on his tongue and she felt a tingle go all through her. She couldn't wait for him to finish and get to the surprise at the bottom of his cup.
She took a seat next to him in bed and the two started eating and making small talk.
"Do you know exactly what we will be doing tonight?"
Fitz shrugged, "Harrison wasn't happy when I told him we were having a joint party but he says that changes nothing so I'm assuming strippers are still involved."
Fitz looked at her, "Are you okay with that?"
"I'm perfectly fine. I can appreciate a woman's body with the best of any man."
He eyed her, "Seriously?" He didn't know why but he found the idea of Olivia in a strip club both amusing and sexy.
"I have everything that she has. Hell, I might even learn a new trick or two. Besides a strip club is no different than the show we saw in Vegas."
Fitz smiled as he thought of Vegas. That had been an amazing weekend for them.
"I know how bachelor's parties work. I'm not against the strip club, you getting a lap dance, none of it. The only problem I would have with a bachelor party is when guys act like it's their last hoorah and they can go fuck a stripper or some crazy shit like that. But I'm not worried about that with you so I have no problem."
"Do your friends know that we're going to a strip club."
"Yeah," she nodded with a smile, "You are so cute trying to be considered but my friends are wild and can handle anything. I don't know how Camille is going to act but I'm sure she can handle it."
Olivia took a spoonful of her parfait.
"I think we should make a deal right here and right now that tonight will be fun. I don't want you holding back because I'm there and I will do the same. We are going to have fun. It's your bachelor's party. I want you to have all the lap dances you want. I might even get one."
"I would pay to see you get a lap dance," he smirked at her before taking a drink of coffee.
Olivia had been watching him and knew that he was at nearing the end of his coffee. She waited anxiously for any signs that he saw the words at the bottom of the cup. When his brows furrowed, Olivia knew that he had caught the message engraved in the bottom of the mug. Fitz pulled the glass away so that he could read the words. His eyes shot up and looked directly at her.
"Liv, are you…," he stopped mid-sentence when he saw the words on the bowl she was eating out of, 'Eating for two.'
Fitz looked in his coffee mug again and read the words, 'Congratulations! Michael Phelps has nothing on your swimmers. The 5 time baby making champion.'
Fitz laughed as he read the words over again. Olivia watched him, waiting for him to say something. After a few seconds, when he still hasn't said anything, Olivia spoke up.
"Are you happy?" She asked timidly.
"Extremely happy, Livvie," he said without hesitation. Fitz reached for her and pulled her into his lap.
"We're having another baby," his voice was full of joy. "When did you find out?"
"I took a home test three weeks ago but I wanted to get it confirmed before I told you so my appointment was last Wednesday. I'm seven weeks."
Fitz hand had moved under her shirt and he rubbed her flat stomach. The gesture filled Olivia with so many emotions and before she even knew what was happening, tears began to fall down her face.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing," she shook her head.
"Why are you crying?"
"I'm really happy," she closed her eyes to stop the tears from falling.
Fitz wiped away her tears.
"I was nervous about telling you," she admitted, "I didn't know how you would take it."
Olivia didn't say the words but Fitz knew what she was referring to. She thought that he didn't want to have more kids with her because of the words he had said to her in anger. Olivia didn't bring it up much but the fact that his words still made her unsure months later, made him feel like crap.
"But you're happy so I'm happy," Olivia smiled through her tears.
Fitz kissed away her tears.
"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. There are no words to explain how happy I am that you chose me to build a family with."
Olivia blushed.
"We're having a baby," he said excitedly.
"We're having a baby," she repeated his words.
"Wow," Fitz approached Olivia from behind as she looked at herself in the mirror.
She wore a tan strapless dress that was longer in the back than it was in the front. Her thighs were on full display. Being over a month since they actually had sex, Fitz was imagining his head between her thighs.
'Just one more day,' Fitz told himself to stop from jumping on Olivia.
"Our ride is here," he reached out and brushed her hair to the side. He bent down and kissed her shoulder. He couldn't help but to touch her.
"You look beautiful,"
"Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself."
"Is it too late for us to decide to stay home?"
"I think it is," she pecked his lips, "It's going to be fun."
Olivia grabbed her clutch and the two headed out.
When Olivia saw the bus that was parked in front of their home, she turned to Fitz.
"She got a bus."
Fitz nodded, "She got a bus."
Nina got off of the bus and walked towards them.
"Hello, my two favorite people in the world! Are you ready to have the most exciting night of your lives?"
Nina placed a tiara on Olivia's head that said, 'Future Mrs.' and handed her a huge lollipop in the shape of a dick.
"It's only five inches so I'm sure you can handle it."
Nina looked at Fitz, "I didn't forget about you."
She gave him a lollipop in the shape of breast.
"If you suck on the nipples just right, there is a surprise inside for you."
"I always suck on the nipples just right," Fitz looked over at Olivia.
"This is my night with you two," Olivia shook her head.
They got on the bus and was greeted by their friends and family. Nina showed them the drinking station full of alcohol and juices and sodas.
"This is fancy," Fitz held up a straw that had the shape a woman's vulva on it.
Olivia laughed.
"They match the dick straws," Olivia held up her straw.
The two made drinks. Fitz had a tequila and orange juice, Olivia vodka and cranberry minus the vodka. They took their seats and the trip began.
After about ten minutes of random conversation, Quinn suggested that they play a game. Everyone refilled their drinks and the game of 'Never Have I Ever' began.
"Never have I ever used a fake ID," Olivia started off the game with something light because she had a feeling that it would turn pretty dirty very quickly.
Everyone took a drink.
"Wow. Seriously? All of you."
"I can't believe you haven't. What rock are you living under, Liv?" Camille asked.
"I didn't think those were seriously a thing in high demand."
Olivia thought that only people in movies used fake IDs.
"Where do you even go to get a fake ID made?"
"I dated a guy who made fake IDs," Quinn said, "He made mine when I was seventeen."
"College is a wild place. Somebody always knows somebody who can hook you up," Camille said.
"Never have I ever tried anal," Quinn took her turn.
And there it was. It only took one question before the game turned dirty.
Olivia took a drink. She was surprised that she was the only one.
"You know the rules, if you're the only one then you have to tell us about it," Nina reminded her.
"There is nothing to tell. I like dick in my ass," Olivia shrugged.
The bus erupted in laughter.
"Very subtle, Livvie."
"I don't know what I was supposed to say," she buried her face in her hands and laughed. She was slightly embarrassed
When the laughter subsided, Nina took her turn, "Never have I ever had my ass ate."
"Wow. You guys are just jumping right in here," Olivia said.
"We're all grown, sexual people," Nina stated.
It was as if time was slowed down. Olivia hesitated, considering to not admit to this particular thing. Then just as quickly, she remembered that she already admitted to liking anal sex so she took a sip from her glass.
Again she was the only one to take a drink.
Seconds pass without anyone saying anything and then Nina said, "Oh my God. You guys are nasty!"
Nina laughed.
"Yeah, Fitzgerald," Harrison high fived Fitz.
"I didn't say it was with him."
"But we all know it was," Nina said smugly. She took great joy in learning all about Olivia's freaky side. Olivia was never one to talk about her sex life despite Nina trying to pull it out of her for years.
"Never have I ever drank while underage," Camille took her turn.
Everyone took a drink.
"If you didn't drink underage, why did you have a fake ID?" Olivia asked.
"To get into clubs. To buy drinks for friends. It kind of made me feel bad ass to do something illegal but harmless."
"Never have I ever slept with a co-worker," Michael said.
Olivia took a drink and everyone eyed her.
"You guys are a judgmental bunch of motherfuckers."
"Who was it? Anybody I know?" Nina asked.
"You knew him in passing maybe. He left about four months after you started," Olivia still didn't reveal his name because she didn't see the point in it.
"Never have I ever had sex on the beach," Harrison took his turn.
Fitz took a drink. Olivia looked at him.
"I grew up on the west coast," he shrugged, "I had just graduated high school and was celebrating with a lady friend. It is not all that it is cracked up to be. I swear I was still getting sand out of my ass when I left for college."
That earned him some laughs for everyone on the bus.
"You didn't think to bring a blanket?" Camille asked.
"It wasn't supposed to happen on the beach. I was cool with just getting it on in my car but she thought the beach would be better since we were already there. She complained about how tight it would be to try to fool around in my car. I was getting sex so I figured I wouldn't complain and I just went with it."
"I swear I learn something new about you every day," Olivia said.
Fitz smiled at her before taking his turn, "Never have I ever owned a sex toy."
Olivia rolled her eyes at him and he laughed. Olivia, Nina, and Quinn all took drinks.
"Never have I ever slept with ten or more people," Olivia looked at Fitz and smiled.
Fitz, Harrison, and Nina all took a drink.
"Never have I ever given a lap dance to a stranger," Quinn took her turn.
Olivia and Nina took a drink.
"I think that this game is rigged," Nina shook her head.
"You're just a freak."
"Says the woman who loves dick in her ass."
"When did these lap dances happen," Fitz asked.
"College. She was forever pulling me into something."
"You are not innocent Olivia. Just better than me at hiding your freaky side."
"Maybe," Olivia smirked.
"Never have I ever had sex in my office or at work," Nina took her turn.
Fitz was the only one to take a drink.
"Early in our relationship before we even started dating, Olivia surprised me at work one night."
"Never have I ever been in handcuffs," Camille said.
Fitz and Nina took a drink.
"Don't even," Nina looked at Olivia.
"I wasn't going to say anything," Olivia laughed.
"Never have I ever smoked weed," Michael said.
Everyone except Michael and Olivia took a drink.
Olivia looked at Fitz, "I can't picture you smoking weed," she then turned to her sister, "Or you for that matter."
"It was college," Camille shrugged, "I can't believe you haven't."
"Weed is amazing," Fitz words caught Olivia by surprise.
"Did you smoke a lot?"
"Not every day a lot but I did it enough. Once or twice a month when I was in my teens. Less when I went to college, like once every other month or so. Once a year, if that once I started my family. I haven't smoked in like five years though."
"You were still smoking five years ago?"
Fitz nodded.
"Wow. There really is so much that I don't know about you."
"Never have I ever kissed someone of the same sex," Harrison said.
Olivia and Nina took a drink.
Fitz looked at Olivia but said nothing and took his next turn, "Never have I ever had a threesome."
Harrison was the only one to take a drink.
"You could have," Nina interjected before Harrison could speak, "I offered. Olivia didn't tell you?"
"Nope. She never mentioned it," Fitz looked at Olivia amused.
"It's because she was joking."
"You wanted me to be serious, didn't you?"
"I keep telling you to leave my out of your bi-curious fantasies."
"Did you ever tell Fitz about the time you tried to take advantage of me while I was drunk?"
"Yes. I took advantage of you because you came into my room professing how beautiful I was and that you would be totally down to sleep with me."
"I was drunk."
"We drank the same amount."
"You drink like a fish. I am a delicate human who does in fact get drunk. Besides you are the one who kissed me."
"You called me a prude. I am not."
"So all it takes is someone calling you are prude for you to kiss a girl?" Fitz asked.
"I had to prove to her that I wasn't," Olivia shrugged.
"Pruuude," Harrison teased. "Now do something about it. Kiss her to prove me wrong."
Olivia looked at Fitz. The smile on his face told her that he found this whole thing amusing. As long as he was cool with it, she was cool with it. They had agreed to have fun tonight so that's what she was going to do.
"Come here, Nina."
Nina always the free spirit didn't think twice. She leaned over and Olivia kissed her. It wasn't a quick peck on the lips type of kiss either. It was a full out kiss that included tongue and Olivia nibbling on Nina's bottom lip. It lasted about ten seconds and when Olivia pulled away, Nina's eyes were still closed but everyone in the room was staring at them.
"Damn girl," Harrison was the first to break the silence, "That was hot as hell."
Fitz was completely turned on watching Olivia kiss Nina. Tomorrow couldn't come fast enough.
"As you all can see, she totally wants me. You didn't even have to do all of that," Nina touched her bottom lip.
"I'm not going to do anything half assed."
Fitz was mesmerized as he watched Olivia dance with Nina. The lights in the private room they were occupying were dimly lit so he had to concentrate to see Olivia in the distance.
Harrison leaned over so that Fitz could hear him over the loud music, "I think I'm in love."
Fitz pulled his attention from Olivia and Nina to look at Harrison. When he saw Harrison staring at Nina, he couldn't say that he was surprised.
"Are you sure it is not the alcohol?" Fitz asked jokingly.
"No, I'm not but if it is, I hope I never sober up."
Fitz remained quiet, taking a sip of his beer.
"How come you guys never set us up?"
Fitz shrugged, "You both are not really the dating type."
"That's why she is perfect for me."
Fitz went back to watching Olivia dance. He wasn't trying to get involved in setting up Harrison and Nina. He didn't hook up friends because if it didn't work out, it would be awkward.
Harrison nudged him, "You have to hook me up with her."
"No," Fitz shook his head.
"Why not?"
"I try not to play matchmaker between friends."
"Come on. We're both adults. I'm sure if we didn't hit it off we would be mature about it."
"Well go talk to her. Just leave me out of it."
"Every good superhero needs a sidekick to assist."
Fitz eyed Harrison for a moment.
"Do you really want me to play wingman?"
"Yeah," Harrison nodded.
"Okay. I'll send her over here," Fitz stood up and walked over to Olivia and Nina.
"I see my favorite girl and her girlfriend are having fun."
The double entendre in his use of the word 'girlfriend' was not lost on Olivia.
"Did you come over here to dance with me?" Olivia asked.
"Nope," he pointed at Nina, "Harrison wants to talk to you."
"Yeah," he nodded, "He kind of has the hots for you or at least is down for some fun adult times. Who knows? But you have won him over tonight. He's pretty smitten with you."
Fitz sucked at being a wingman but he felt like honesty was the best way to go.
"He is kind of cute," Nina said as she looked over at Harrison.
"He is. And he is a good guy. I wouldn't be over here if he wasn't."
"He is a doctor. You have wanted a fine doctor since you found out about Fitz and I," Olivia chimed in.
"I have."
"He is great with kids. Ava loves him–"
"And as her godparents you two should be close," Olivia cut Fitz off, "God forbid something happens to us, you two will be stuck together for life raising a child."
"You do realize that you guys are bad at this? It's a hookup, I don't care how good he is with kids and you telling me if you guys die I'm going to be stuck with him is not the best selling points."
"You're still standing here."
Nina rolled her eyes and walked over towards Harrison.
"I don't know how I feel about this," Olivia said when Nina was out of earshot.
"Me either but they're adults."
"They are literally the same person. It's going to be like they are fucking themselves."
"Not our problem or concern," he took a seat and pulled her down to sit on his lap.
"I am extremely horny," she said in a serious tone.
Fitz laughed.
"Are you?"
"Yes. That's why I have been staying away from you tonight. I have not lasted—"
"Six weeks, two days, and twelve hours," Fitz finished for her.
"Do you know the seconds as well?"
Fitz looked at his watch, "Twenty three seconds."
Olivia shook her head and laughed, "You are a mess."
"Just bettering my time management skills," he wiggled his eyebrows at her.
"Is it time to go home yet?"
"Are you not feeling well?"
"No. I'm fine."
"Are you not having fun?"
"I am. I just want to go home and have naked cuddles with my fiancé."
"No naked cuddles. That always leads to sex."
"Show restraint."
"I'm showing six weeks of restraint."
"Why did you let me make this stupid ass rule?"
"Because I let you have your way most of the time."
"And I love you for it," she kissed him, "But you should have cavemaned it."
"Are you sure you're just drinking cranberry juice?"
"Yes," she giggled, "It is all the dick candy I have been eating tonight. I don't want candy dicks. I want your dick."
Fitz laughed.
"Is that so?"
Olivia nodded.
Fitz kissed the back of her neck and a tingle went down her spine. He trailed kisses up to her ear, pulling her lobe in between his teeth.
"Too damn bad," he whispered in her ear.
"You are terrible," she elbowed him in the side.
Olivia tried to stand up but Fitz held her in place.
"I had to wait so you will wait too."
"You are not supposed to deny a pregnant woman."
"I will not be one of the many dicks you have had tonight."
"Don't say it like that," Olivia laughed.
Fitz pulled her in closer to him, his left hand falling to her thigh.
Olivia turned to face him, "Don't."
"Why not?" His hand moved under her dress.
"We are in a room full of people."
"They can't see us," Fitz ran his finger along her covered slit, "You're definitely not shy."
"I'm not shy but I don't think you should start something that you can't finish."
Fitz slide two fingers inside of her.
"I hate you," Olivia said as she felt her body begin to react to him.
She hated the smug look on his face.
"Cause it feels like you love me," he twisted his fingers inside of her, "I don't think you would be this wet for someone you hated."
"Shiiit," she moaned lowly, gripping his shoulder.
"Do you want me to stop?"
"No," she gasped as she rocked her hips to meet the motion of his fingers, "Please, don't stop."
Olivia felt nauseous and today was not the day for that. She had only had one other day of morning sickness since finding out she was pregnant. Why on her wedding day did her morning sickness decide to come back?
"Go away," she yelled at whoever was on the other side of the door.
Olivia heard the door open but before she could see who it was, she was hit with another way of nausea and was now head first in the toilet. She didn't know how it was possible but her body found more stuff to vomit up into the toilet.
Olivia felt a familiar hand on her back and she sighed. When she felt like she was done emptying her stomach, Olivia lifted her head so that she could see Fitz.
"You are not supposed to be here."
"Where else would I be?"
"It's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding."
"Doesn't apply to us."
Olivia shook her head, "I hate this. Could my morning sickness had picked a worse time to come? We are getting married in a few hours and I feel like shit. I look like shit. Everything's a mess," tears fell down her face.
Fitz gave her a small smile.
"It's not funny. I'm serious. Everything's a mess. I have had my head in the toilet for the last hour. I have vomited up my soul. I don't anything else to give," more tears fell down her face.
Fitz wiped her tears away and placed a kiss on her lips.
"That's nasty. I just threw up."
"I don't care," he kissed her again.
"I'm such a cry baby."
Fitz nodded, agreeing with her.
"You're not supposed to agree with me."
Fitz found Olivia adorable in this moment.
"Pray with me."
"What? Since when are you religious?"
"I'm not. It just seemed like the thing to do. To just take a moment to just chill and be centered before all the chaos of this day falls upon us."
"You want to take one minute to be calm."
He nodded, "One minute before our lifetime."
Fitz grabbed her hand and looked into her eyes, "Today is going to be amazing."
Olivia nodded but didn't say anything. She wanted to believe that today was going to be great but with the way she was feeling, she had her doubts.
Fitz thumbs massaged her hands and they sat quietly for a minutes. Just being around him seemed to calm Olivia.
"I made you some ginger tea and crackers. It will help with the nausea," Fitz helped her up, "Drink it and lay down. We'll see how you are feeling in a few hours."
"We don't have a few hours."
"For you, we have all the time in the world."
The wedding was starting in thirty minutes but instead of getting ready, Olivia was sitting on the floor changing her nephew's diaper.
"Mama pee," Ava pointed at Cameron.
Olivia smiled at her daughter. Ava had a limited vocabulary but she managed to know some form of the names of her siblings, mama, dada, yes, no, swim, 'bana' which was her word for banana, and in her one year old mind, 'pee' was for anything bathroom related.
"Poop," Olivia told her.
Ava looked at with furrowed brows. She looked so much like her father when she did that. Olivia repeated the word a few times.
"Poo pee," Ava repeated what Olivia had said in her own way.
"Close enough," Olivia leaned in and puckered her lips.
Ava grabbed Olivia's face—another thing that reminded Olivia of Fitz—and placed a kiss on her lips. She then leaned down and kissed Cameron. Ava was such a loving little girl.
"Why are you not dressed?"
Olivia looked up at her sister, clearly it was obvious with the dirty diaper and naked baby in front of her.
"Your son pooped."
"Poo pee," Ava repeated.
"You shouldn't be doing that? Where is his father?"
"He forgot to pack his pants so he ran home to get them."
"I specifically asked him to double check the bag and he said he did."
Olivia watched Camille pace.
"Are you okay?"
"Perfectly fine."
"You sure?"
"I just really want this day to be perfect for you."
"It will be."
"How are you so calm? I was freaking out on my wedding day."
"I know. I was there. Today is going to be what it is going to be and honestly, I feel like the walking down the aisle is the easy part," Olivia gave her attention to finishing changing Cameron.
"I'm going to go call my husband. I'll be right back," Camille said before leaving the room.
Olivia dressed Cameron in his onesie and sat him in his car seat. She thought for the sake of her sister's stress levels that she better had finished getting ready.
It took less than ten minutes for Olivia to get dressed. She checked herself out in the full length mirror. Olivia felt like the most low maintenance bride, with the exception of a nude lipstick and eyeliner, Olivia had opted to go without makeup. Her hair was in a crown braid that she had done herself. A few strands of loose hair added to the simple, natural look she was going for.
Olivia was putting on her earrings when someone knocked on the door. She pressed the home button on her phone to see the time. Ten more minutes.
"Come in."
She heard the door open but was too busy grabbing her shoes.
"I'm almost ready. I just have to put my shoes on. Did you ever get in contact with Michael?"
Hearing her dad's voice made Olivia stop in her tracks. She turned to look at him.
"You look beautiful."
"I just wanted to thank you for inviting me. We hadn't talked in a while and I wasn't sure if I would get an invite so thank you."
"You're my dad. I couldn't not invite you to my wedding."
Eli smiled at her words.
Olivia wasn't fully at a place of forgiving her dad but today she was going to be the bigger person. She couldn't live her life angry about the past. She was not going to allow angry or past pain to ruin this day for her.
"I got you something," Eli reached in his pocket and pulled out a small box.
"You didn't have to give me anything."
"You're my daughter and it's your wedding day. It is the least I could do."
Olivia took the box and opened it.
"Anchors are all about being strong and stable. They represent security, stability, and being grounded," Eli explained as Olivia looked at the necklace he had given her.
"Is blue still your favorite color?"
Olivia nodded, lifting the necklace out of its box.
"Look at the back."
Olivia turned the necklace around and saw that it was engraved with her wedding date on it.
"It's beautiful. Thank you," Olivia put the necklace on.
Eli was about to leave when Olivia stopped him.
"Yeah," he turned tp face her again.
"Would you want to walk me down the aisle?"
"I would want that more than anything in the world."
"Okay. I'll meet you out there."
The wedding party was small, just immediate family and friends were nestled in the small garden area surrounding the gazebo.
Fitz stood near the minister as he waited for Olivia to arrive. He spotted her father first, the way that Eli stood in the background, Fitz knew that he was waiting on Olivia. It made him happy that Olivia was going to let him walk her down the aisle.
Olivia made her way towards her dad. She felt butterflies in her stomach, both from excitement and nerves. She focused solely on Fitz, knowing that if she just forgot about everyone else there that she would be able to get through the ceremony.
Olivia hooked her arm in her father's and the two made their way down the aisle.
Fitz didn't take his eyes off of her from the moment he saw her to when she took his hand.
"You look beautiful," Fitz said as he help her up the steps.
"You don't look too bad yourself."
The two stepped into the gazebo.
The minister smiled at them before starting.
"Family, friends, we are all gathered here today to celebrate this couple coming together in holy matrimony. The most famous bible versus that tell us about love come from 1 Corinthians 13: 4-13. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres," the minister started.
Olivia and Fitz weren't super religious so they didn't have any special request when the minister asked them what they wanted read at their wedding. They both found the passage that he had choose to read fitting.
"Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love," he paused allowing his the verses to settle in.
"I always this verse appropriate for weddings because it embodies what true love is. Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. Love transcends, it trust, it opens up your heart and your world. To love is to know the greatest strength. It is through love that we are the closes to God, that we know true faith, hope, and happiness. Today, Fitzgerald and Olivia are solidifying their love by making a vow to each other to love one another. They each have prepared their own vows that they would like to exchange," he turned to Fitz, "Fitzgerald, you will go first."
Fitz looked at Olivia, "Olivia, I loved you since the first time I have laid eyes on you. I didn't know it then but I knew that I felt a strong connection with you. Call it fate or a blessing, I don't know but the moment that you walked back into my life, I knew that I couldn't let you leave. Luckily for me you took pity on me and stuck around."
Olivia smiled at him.
"You became my friend and changed my life forever. You showed me what it is like to have a partner in life. You are the most kind, considerate, compassionate person that I know. Without you, my world doesn't flow as well. I wouldn't be the man that I am today without you," Fitz paused, "You're my air."
"Wow," Olivia said.
Fitz bit his bottom lip before continuing, "I am fortunate for every day that I get to wake up and breath you in. Every day that I get to live with you is a blessing. I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you."
Olivia didn't know how she was supposed to follow up, 'You're my air.' But when the minister turned to her and told her that it was her time, she decided to just speak from the heart.
"I had a hard time trying to write my vows because when I sat down to write them, I realized that their weren't enough words known to man to explain how much I love you. So I'm going to wing it."
Fitz chuckled.
"Fitz, you have opened up my world in ways that I have never even knew were possible. You given me a beautiful daugher and you let me into your children's lives. You taught me what love is. With you, I don't have to be anything. I don't have to be perfect. I don't have to have it all together. In spite of all of my flaws and hangups, you love me anyway. You have accepted me even when I have not be able to accept myself. Just from the way you have loved me, you have made me a better person. I am grateful to have for your love, patience, and understanding. What I feel for you, our escapes definition. But I am ready to spend the rest of our lives trying to figure it out, defining and redefining us and what it means to be in love."
"Not bad," Fitz said low enough for only her to hear.
Olivia bit the inside of her mouth to keep from laughing.
"The rings," the minister said.
Jerry stepped up and handed his dad a ring.
"With these rings you two will solidify the vows that you have made to one another. By placing the rings on each other's fingers you are becoming one in mind, body, and spirit."
"With this ring, I give you my promise that from this day forward you shall not walk alone. My heart will be your shelter and my arms will be your home. We will walk together through all things. You were my yesterday, you are my today, you will be my tomorrow. All that I am I give to you," Fitz placed the ring on Olivia's finger.
"I offer you my love. I offer you my strength. I offer you my weaknesses. I offer you my support. I offer you my loyalty. I offer you my faith, for as long as we both shall live. I give you this ring to wear upon your hand as a symbol of our love and unity. With this ring I marry you," Olivia put the ring on Fitz's finger.
"By the power vested in me by the State of New York, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."
Fitz cupped her face and went in for a kiss. Olivia heard the cheers from her family and friends but soon all sound faded and she was lost in the moment with her husband.
Fitz opened the car door for Olivia. She tried to contain her excitement as she stepped out of the car. She had never flown in a private jet before, and doing so now felt like a very luxurious way to end the evening.
The two walked hand in hand to the plane. Once the boarded, they were introduced to the three person crew of the pilot, co-pilot, and a flight attendant. They took their seats as the crew got ready for their departure in fifteen minutes.
"What's on your mind, Mrs. Grant?"
"How did you do all of this? This seems expensive," Olivia didn't know what she was saying. The fact that Fitz had managed to arrange for a private jet ride to them to Vegas for their honeymoon left her speechless.
"It's worth every penny."
"How did you do all of this?"
"I know a guy."
"You know a guy," she chuckled nervously.
"I do. I know lots of people in high places."
"This is amazing. Thank you."
"Anything for you. I wanted tonight to be really special, and to my knowledge neither have ever had sex on a private jet."
Olivia shook her head, smiling. It was just like Fitz to find a way to spice up their sex life. They had sex more times than she could count but each time was different and special. She had no doubt that tonight would be another moment for the history books.
"Well, there was this one time in college…," Olivia teased but stopped and giggled when Fitz poked her in the side.
Fitz pulled her into his lap.
"This doesn't seem safe."
"You're always safe in my arms."
"That was incredibly cheesy."
"But you love me anyway."
"I do."
"Say it again."
"I do, Fitzgerald. I love so much," she kissed his chin, "I'm going to spend this whole week showing you just how much I love you."
Olivia kissed him. Fitz let her control the pace of their kiss as her tongue slipped into his mouth.
A voice came over the intercom system announcing that they would be taking off in two minutes, and for all passengers to be seated in their seat belts.
"To be continued," Olivia spoke against his lips.
She took her seat next to him and the both put on their seat belts. They sat in silence as they waited for the plane to take off.
After five minutes they were given the go ahead to come out of their seat belts. Fitz stood up and grabbed her hand, pulling her out of her seat.
"Where are we going?"
"You know where we're going."
Fitz walked her to the bedroom near the back of the plane.
He stood closely behind her as Olivia took in the room. She put her hand behind her back, reaching for Fitz. Fitz grabbed her hand, interlocking their fingers.
Fitz left a trail of kisses from her shoulder, up the side of her neck to her ear.
"I loved this dress but all I could think about tonight was getting you out of it," he said in her ear.
Olivia stepped away from him, "I need five minutes."
Fitz sighed.
"You have three."
Olivia went into the bathroom to freshen up. She took her hair out of the braids, leaving her curly hair to fall just below her shoulders. She touched up her makeup and took off her heels before leaving the bathroom.
Fitz was seated on the bed. He had kicked off his shoes, taken off his tie, and unbuttoned the first few buttons on his shirt.
"That was longer than five minutes."
"I'm well worth the wait."
Olivia stepped in between his legs.
"I think you were supposed to be getting me out of this dress."
She turned her back to him. Fitz reached out and unzipped her dress. The material slowly slid off her shoulders, falling down her body and landing on the floor at her feet. She was left in nothing but her lace panties.
Fitz stood up, grabbing her hips, he turned her around. In an instant, his hands roamed over her body as his tongue entered her mouth. He lifted her up and placed her gently on the bed.
The moment she was on the bed, Olivia missed Fitz on her body. She motioned for him to come here and he did.
He kissed her, slowly at first, his tongue explored her mouth like it was the first time. His kisses had a hunger behind it, yet it was delicate.
Olivia craved skin to skin contact so she started working on the buttons of his shirt. Fitz grabbed her hands and held them above her head.
"I got this."
"Fitz, I need..."
Before she could finish her sentence, he kissed her again. Fitz licked down the front of her neck to the valley between her breast. He kissed her nipple before sucking it into his mouth.
Olivia moaned. Fitz glided his hand slowly down her body until he reached her center. He released her nipple, blowing on it, that earned him a moan from Olivia.
"Fitz, please."
"Please what?" He asked before giving her other breast attention.
"I need you…," her words fell short as she felt his thumb circling her clit through her panties.
"You have me," he said before kissing down her stomach.
"I need you inside of me. I can't wait."
Olivia grabbed him by his collar and pulled him back up to her.
"Don't make me beg you," she bit his bottom lip, "We have a few hours on this plane. You can take it as slow as you want for round two but right now, I want to ride my husband's dick."
Fitz loved when she wanted to take the lead in the bedroom. He totally relinquished control and let Olivia take over. Olivia unbuckled his pants and Fitz worked on getting his shirt undone. Soon they were both completely naked.
Olivia pushed Fitz so that he was laying on his back. She straddled him, lowering herself onto his hard member. She gasped as she got reacquainted with his full length again.
Olivia started moving slowly, gradually picking up her pace, Olivia moved up and down on him. Fitz hand traveled up her body, cupping her breast. He thrust up meeting her moving hips. Fitz free hand gripped her hip.
"I missed this so much," Olivia planted her hands on his chest.
"Yeah? Show me how much you missed it."
Fitz twisted her nipple in between his fingers as she rode him.
"That's it. Just like that."
Olivia rode him fast, going from bouncing up and down and circling her hips. Fitz sat up, kissing her chest. Olivia moaned and threw her head back.
"Ooh yes."
Fitz was all over her body the way that she liked it. He managed to flip them over so that he was now on top. Fitz lifted her leg, slipping deeper inside of her.
"Oh God," Olivia chanted as she clung to him.
They worked together falling into their familiar pattern of pleasing one another. His thrust were slow but deep, each one taking Olivia's breath away. Fitz was able to read Olivia's tell. He knew that she was close.
"You're about to come."
Olivia nodded, unable to find words.
"Let go."
Olivia kissed him.
Fitz pulled away from her kiss after a few seconds.
"Let go. You know you want to."
"You first," she teased.
Fitz bit her bottom lip. He grinded into her causing her to scream out his name. It took only four more thrust before Olivia fell over the edge, pulling Fitz over with her.
They clung to each other as they came down from their peaks.
After a few minutes when they had both caught their breaths, Olivia was the first to speak.
"Welcome to the mile high club, Mr. Grant."
"It was a pleasure joining the club with you, Mrs. Grant."
"I think we can step up our membership," Olivia kissed chest.
"Are you ready to go again?"
"Do you need more time, old man?"
"Don't insult me," Fitz rolled her over onto her back.
Olivia went in for a kiss but Fitz dodged it.
"You're going to pay for that old man comment."
"How am I going to pay?"
Instead of answering her, Fitz slid down her body, positioning himself to between her legs. When he was sure that he had her full attention, Fitz spread her lower lips and while looking directly at her, he let his tongue do all the talking for him. Olivia gasped as her back arched. Fitz really knew how to leave her speechless and breathless. Perks of marrying your best friend; they really understand you and your needs.
A/N: Thank you guys for reading & supporting this story over the years. It was my first ever Scandal fanfic & all the readers & people who review this story is what kept me going. There will be a sequel to this story. So even though this one is completed, you will be seeing this version of Olitz in the future.