Disclaimer: I'm sorry but I don't own Degrassi. However, enjoy the fic!

Rating is M.

Summer is coming and going yet nothing can help her situation. She tasted what it's like to be used. Discarded. Carried on like it was no big deal.

Emma Nelson walked around the school with her head down.

"Hey, why don't you give me a blow job...?" "Yeah slut!"

"Did you enjoy the STD...?" She opened her eyes. "No! I hated it!"

Jay was watching her sadly. He only wanted to be her savior. "You all don't know what it's like to lose something sacred only to be thrown away for someone better!"

He slammed one of them into the locker. "Listen, ya little nosey kid...!" Chester froze. "Back off!" He let him go and the stupid shot down the hall like a bullet dart. "Greenpeace."

"How are you feelin...?" "STD free," she said sarcastically. "Look, I came onto you."

"Everybody is staring." He grabbed her hand. "Let em stare."

"You didn't want me." He sighed. He wanted her. Believe him when he said he wanted her.

"As far as you know, it did mean something." She sighed. She knew he was right. He had a girlfriend. "Are you with Alex now...?" "No, she's pissed off at me." "So, why don't you try to get her back...?" "Because, we were losing our spark even before the Ravine." Yeah. Fighting and more fighting. She wanted something he didn't want and tried to shove her little friends at him. She knew how he felt about being passed off like a damned bot. He wasn't going to be her caterer anymore. Amy made her move and before you knew it, they were in the Van. Alex and him were pretty much over and that was just his way of saying, "We're done! Go hang out with Paige!"

Alex passed her glare over to the couple. Amy leaned against her locker. "You know, him and Greenpeace are looking too cozy and comfy. Wanna go over there and pound them...?" Alex: Yo Jay..., STD too good for you...!?

Aw Fuck. "Lexi, go back to your business!" She smirked. "Why don't you tell her who you really are, Jay Hogart!?"

"Ma, I'm your son. I worry about you." He took her hand in his and rubbed a small circle. She faintly smiled. "You're a good boy." "Mama, please don't drink anymore cause I don't want to one day find you dead."

"Jason, baby, call your father to pick you up." "No, I hate that asshole!"

His father never visited on any of the holidays and left him with a drunken mother. She had Breast Cancer and had to have both removed but he's off with his rich girlfriend.

"I want you to meet Ma!" Jay drove them to a small town and showed her all the places he played as a kid including the old playground. There were some weeds still left on the lawn and the used tire swing. He used to push Alex and she used to push him back. "Dad used to push me on the swing... Until he grew old and tired of it."

"Yeah Emma, my home life isn't perfect." She realized she rubbed a sore spot. "I'm sorry." He sighed. He didn't blame her. Just disappointed in himself. When he changed, it was because of his father. He remembered bullying some kid when Alex got him into the Montreal Crew. She also got him into drugs. Alex was the perfect embodiment of perfect until she started to show signs of abuse. It was because her mother's new boyfriend, Wade. He got her into some shit and then, abused her. Alex punched him when he put her mother in a coma. She began to hang out with a new group. Jay fought with their ring leader to become the new leader. They started to rule the school. She was Queen and he was King. Then, she moved and he couldn't stand being without her and so moved too. They dated in Degrassi.

"I want to show you my home life. You'll get to see where I grew up. My city."

"Are you going to show me the Montreal Crew." "No. They are a little too rough around the edges. Why don't I show you my neighborhood...?"

"Go right ahead." And so, they were off again. Jay parked in front of a mobile home. "Don't lie to me Greenpeace. You think I'm poor."

"It does look homey..." He made a cute virgin sign. "Oo, homey. Where did you get your wit...?"


"Jason," came a tired voice. "Honey, did you bring someone...?"

"Yeah. And trust me, it ain't no Alex." "You know how I feel about Lexxi." "Ma, you'll like her."

"Well, don't just stand there! Let her in!"

It was a good conversation. Jay's mom didn't pry too much and she made sure Emma was comfortable. She even cleaned up the house.

"I know we have alcohol..." But Jay just shook his head. "Would you like juice?"

"Yes please."

Linda smiled. "What a sweet girl. Should bring her more often to visit me."

"I told you. She ain't Alex." "Ma..." "You know I loved that girl! I stood up for her but she turned on you!" "Mama, don't start that!"

Emma was wondering why she hated Alex. From what she was told, Alex had a hold on Jay.

"I don't want you to ever think you're worthless," he grabbed a hold of my hand and began to play with my thumbs. I loved the feel of him touching me. Only Jay can send tingles up my spine.

Right now, we're going to Wasaga. We're there to see Sean. I kind of miss him.

"And Ems. Sorry, your dad's laptop." No, he wasn't going to be guilty about that. "I don't hate you anymore for it."

"I should have been more sister. He was like my mom and I shouldn't have just up and taken it." "Sean was there too...?"

"Should have said something." Gee, what's with the guilt trip today? "Am I like your sister," I laughed. Eww. Bad imagination.

"Hardy. Hardy. Har!"

We got there just in time and I saw Sean's bulky frame fixing a car. His face held anger. "Yo Cameron, what's with the long face!?"

"Did you know Ellie was with Craig...?" Yes. The Vampire. Sean's flame. His now ex.

"I'm guessing she dumped you MAN!" Oh. When she was with Craig, she hurt my best friend.

She even sided with Ashley against guys. They made a protesting against dating and P.D.A.

Sean: Let's get out of here!

Sean was driving way too fast. "Slow down bro!"

That's when everything crashed and would change my life forever.

"Get away from me Vampire Slut!" Ellie stood in my way of going to see Sean. "If I was you, I would move," came Jay to my aid. He had a shoulder brace on and was looking to kill the bitch who's a life ruiner. Sean's mother cried fiercely and I physically let out an involuntary gasp. I was having a panic attack. "Someone call 911," as I blacked out.

Everything came in slow motion the next day. Where was I? Why are these walls too white...?

I changed. I'm no longer my outgoing self. I skipped constantly, used drugs, and fucked every guy in town. That's right, I'm a heroine addict.

Jay's right there with me. Everyone I knew, I brought down with me. Why am I so bad? Had Sean really messed me up?

Or was it that bloodless Vampire?

Craig: I can't see you anymore Ellie.

She was wound up about the way she was treated at the funeral. Still pissed that she couldn't see him. She was his girlfriend and boy was she dense.

No one was even on her side.

"Ellie, you were a bitch today and even I agree with Emma!"

I wanted to laugh and walk right up to her and slap her. Ellie: You know, you and Emma are both at fault!

Woah, she was pointing it at me...? Now, I'm ready to kill her.

"It's not my fault, you dumb bimbo!"

The fight was the talk of the school. I heard it from Jay and Jay heard it from this guy and this guy. On and on for a whole massive boring week!

Snake gave me a BIG time lecture. He warned me to stay away from it. But, I couldn't help it! Ellie ticked me the way no one ticked me before and I'm reluctant to forgive!

"Emma, you can't let it get to you."

Be brave. Stand strong. I just want to go to the Ravine.