Hey, everyone, VickyT36 here with another ever after high fanfic, enjoy!

Chapter 1: Huntslynn

At Ever After High where the sons and daughters of fairy tales attended, there was a couple there. That couple was Ashlynn Ella the daughter of Cinderella and Hunter Huntsman, the son of the Huntsman.

Ashlynn and Hunter were very happy together, but however there were people who didn't like them together, mostly because Ashlynn was a Royal and Hunter was a Rebel, and it was considered forbidden for them to date.

But they didn't care, they just wanted to be together, luckily their friends didn't mind them together, (Apple may not have approved of their relationship, but Ashlynn was her friend, and she wanted her to be happy).

One morning, Ashlynn woke up in her dorm room, and got out of bed. While she was in the dorm's bathroom, brushing her teeth, her roommate Briar Beauty came in, and started brushing her hair.

"Morning, Briar." greeted Ashlynn.

"Morning." answered Briar.

After cleaning up, and getting dressed, the two applied their make-up at the vanity.

"So big day plan?" asked Briar, as she put blush on her cheeks.

"Hunter and I are having breakfast together, and I can't be late." replied Ashlynn, smearing on her lip gloss.

"You two have gotten closer ever since you revealed your relationship to the whole school."

"I know, but mostly we don't care what everybody else says, we just like each other."

"Well you better hurry down to the castle-teria, they're serving princess hot cakes today."

"In that case, I better hurry, see you later." said Ashlynn, as she hurried out the door.

She walked down to the castle-teria, and saw Hunter waiting her by the entrance.

"Hey, babe." greeted Ashlynn, walking up to him.

"Morning, Ash." replied Hunter, hugging her.

The two went in, and got in line for breakfast. After getting their food, they sat down at a table by the window.

"So got anything planned for today?" she asked.

"Well I thought at lunch, we can grab some food to go, and then have it in the Enchanted Forest." he explained.

"Sounds great, and really romantic."

"You know I love making you happy."

As the two ate, others stared at them out of the corner of their eyes. Even though True Hearts Day was months ago, the sight of a royal and rebel as a couple was still strange.

When breakfast was over, the students went to their classes. While they were in class, the girls gossiped.

"So Ashlynn, how's it going with Hunter?" wondered Cedar.

"Great, we've really gotten close since True Hearts Day, even though we were together before that." answered Ashlynn.

"Combing the three months you've been together after True Hearts Day, and the two months you were together before that. You've been dating for five months, that's longer than any other relationship in high school. Believe me I know." said Cupid.

"Yeah, I know..." said Ashlynn, blushing.

"How long do you think it'll last?" asked Blondie.

"I really don't know, all I know is when we broke up it felt awful. It was like a part of my heart had just been ripped out." Ashlynn explained.

"Wow, that's really deep." replied Briar.

"And really romantic." added Cupid.

"Just be careful, Ashlynn." warned Apple.

"What do you mean, Apple?" asked Ashlynn.

"I'm just saying, things can happen."

"Apple, I know you mean well, but really Hunter and I are fine."

"Okay girls, back to work." said the White Queen.

"Yes, ma'am." the girls said, and went back to work.

In gym class the guys were talking, as they doing pull-ups, and push-ups.

"Noticed that you and Ashlynn have been closer." said Sparrow, to Hunter.

"Yeah." answered Hunter, as the two did push-ups.

"How do you do it?" asked Dexter.

"I just try to do things that make her happy. It's the best feeling ever when I can make her smile."

"Of course, that is the best thing to winning a lady's heart." said Daring, as he did pull-ups.

"You ever think to how long you two will last?" asked Tiny.

"As long as we can make it work, and I think it'll be for a long time."

"All right, boys. Back to work." said Gingerbreadman.

"Yes, Coach Gingerbreadman." said the guys, and to working out.

At lunch Hunter and Ashlynn met outside, and walked into town to pick up their lunch. After picking up a couple of burgers, fries, and sodas, the two went off to the Enchanted Forest. As the two ate, Hunter looked up at Ashlynn, he just stared.

"What are you looking at?" asked Ashlynn.

"I was just remembering when we first met." he answered.

"Yeah, that was great day."

After eating, the two lied down just to look at the clouds in the sky. As they looked Hunter put his hand out, and Ashlynn put hers on top of his, and the two just lied there holding hands, thinking their relationship couldn't be more perfect.

That's chapter 1, plz review and comment no flames plz.