"Hey, Emma. I waited for-" Before Jax could even finish I slammed the door on his face and locked it. I was in no mood what so ever to train right now. I just wanted to be alone. Yes, I did feel bad for slamming a door in his face, but I could find the urge to mutter the words please go away, so I found the actions.

Though when I walked into my room, hoping to find some peace, I noticed Jax outside my window. Thankfully I locked the window, but I couldn't bear to see him outside, puppy pouting. So I closed the blinds and walked back to the kitchen.

Trying so hard not to think. I wanted to make some hot coco and curl up in a warm, fuzzy blanket. Once again that seemed like an impossible mission. Jax appeared once again. He stood there in front of my eyes, wearing his signature leather jacket and a casual pair of jeans.

"What are you doing here?" I asked with my hand over my chest. He gave me such a scare I almost had a heart attack.

"Well you slammed the door in my face. Your window was locked, and let me tell you something; that window is never locked. So you left me no other choice, but to appear here with magic." He said clearly annoyed.

"I forgot you were a wizard." I tried walking past him, but his hand stopped me. He grabbed my arm, making it impossible to take another step.

"Wow! You cannot be serious Emma?" Jax said. Acting over dramatically as if my words caused him pain.

"Look just let go."

"No, your dad invited me to dinner and I'm not going to decline ore lie. Besides being your dad, he also is our principal. I want to be on good terms with him." A few moments of silence walked by before he spoke once again. "What is wrong Emma?"

"Look I don't want to talk about it. I just want to sleep and forgetting about everything. Please just leave Jax, I will tell my dad that you were not feeling well or that I have a lot of homework."

"Emma, talk to me." Jax moved in front of me. I was starring right at him. My heart was pounding. His hand gracefully caressed my cheek.

"I-" I couldn't find any words to utter. There I stood, frozen as ice.

He pulled me and gave me a tight hug. "You can trust me. Look whenever you need to talk to someone I will always just me a spell away."

Before I could say anything else my dad entered. "Emma I'm home with the pizza." He saw Jax and I hugging and began to awkwardly laugh. "I am so sorry. I did not realize you were both having a moment. I'll just go outside."

I quickly pulled way from Jax's embrace. "Don't worry dad we were just talking."

"Okay." Something told me by the tone of his voice he didn't believe a word I said.

"So how long have you two crazy kids been dating?" My dad asked casually before taking another bite of pizza.

I almost choked on my water while Jax smirked. "Dad!" I screamed.

He gave us an innocent smile. Wiping his mouth, and then placed his hands above his head innocently. "What? Emma as your father it is my right to know who my daughter has been dating."

"Emma and I aren't dating." Jax said seriously, which was actually quite a surprise.

"Come on there is no need to keep it a secret. Emma and Jax you both have my blessing did you not see the Jemma shirt, plus the banners."

I covered my face with both my hands out of embarrassment while Jax laughed. "Mr. Alonso, your daughter is wonderful, beautiful, and maybe the greatest person I ever met. I'm hope whomever she dates will make her happy, unfortunately that guy is not I. Though I would be love to date Emma, she is currently still dating Daniel."

I never had seen such an honest Jax. He looked straight at my dad the entire time. No blinking for a second. It was a side of Jax that I had never seen that I found mesmerizing.

"You mean the Miller boy?" My dad asked while I just nodded my head. "But what about the notebook, the whole Mrs. Novoa with hearts? Emma how can you not think about my feelings-"

Guilt was filling me up. I knew how much my dad really loved Jax, and hope much he did not love Daniel. Even though my current status is complicated, and going straight towards break up town, I'm not giving up on Daniel and me. Some relationships are worth fighting for. I'm sure of it. I am 88% percent sure that I am wrong, but 12% sure that I am right. That may not seem like a lot, but that does not mean the percentages will not switch, right?

"Look dad I'm sorry I know how much-" I was unable to finish my sentence.

"Yes you should be. Emma Jax so perfect, and Daniel is so imperfect." He had no idea how much he sounded like the council. "Did you even consider my feelings? I am eventually going to have to accept one of them as my son-in-law-"

My eyes grew wide as the mention of marriage. "Wait marriage is a far, far, extra far away."

"So you are not going to marry the Miller boy?" My dad immediately perked up, while I just glared at him. "Fine I get it. I am just going to my room. Please clean everything up and think about all the reasons Jax is better." I couldn't argue another word since my dad left immediately after he spoke his last word.

"So I guess dinner wasn't a total disaster?" Jax whispered behind me that somehow cause a cold shiver to run up my spine. I sort of forgot he was still here. He noticed I was not giving him any reaction, or at least on he had hoped, so he brought up a new question. "Where were you after school by the way. I planned on walking home with you, but you weren't anywhere to be found. Then when I came to your house, you were here, but depressed. What exactly happened?"

"Look I don't want to talk about, I blocking it out of my head." He looked confused, but decided it was better to just drop the question.

We cleaned the rest of the table in silence, not speaking a single word to one another. There was nothing wrong with silence, but it was just wired, so I decided I had to break it. "So who knew you had feeling's for me, right?"

I expected him to joke around and say as if. Or nah I a thing for your clone, but once again Jax surprised me.

"Emma you know I've liked for a while, that should not be a surprise." He kissed my forehead and then left.

Realization as setting in and I chased after him. "Wait Jax!" I ran outside. He had disappeared leaving behind a bouquet of red roses. With a small note?

Sorry I did not update last Saturday, I sadly got pink eye. I hate being sick especially with pink eye. Anyway I wanted to stick with updating on Saturday. I know it is probably late and most of you will be reading it on Sunday or another day of the week. Anyhow I will start updating earlier on Saturday so you don't actually have to wait till Sunday. Sorry for not updating last Saturday and late this Saturday. I will improve my updating skills. Is that a thing I feel like it is. Anyway thanks for anyone reading this you are all amazing. Don't forget to leave a review telling me what you think.

Question: What was written on the note?

Virtual Computer Hugs! Thanks so much once again I can not believe we reached 102 reviews! You are the best! Extra computer hugs. Without all of you there would probably be no story so thank you! :)


babe303-jemma: Thank you and I will! :)

critic: This is so sweet! I will update more. :)

prettyface107: Thanks their is definitely more to come. :)

awesomeperson123: I will try my best every Saturday! :)

NotReallyAHipster: OMG I agree with you completely. I am a little upset those things do not actually exist! :)

Guest: Mr. Alonso was pretty amazing! :)

SosoHappy: Yes we can. LOL! :)

delightisadream: Thank you! I enjoy writing about Francisco because of his personality. Thanks for being so understanding. I will do my best to update every Saturday, and definitely earlier then today. :)

xDreamingAtMidnightx: You will find out in the next chapter! Thanks I love hearing the reaction all of you felt from the current chapters. :)

LovethatJemma: That is really sweet to hear! I'll try making Saturdays amazing. Sorry I did not update last week. I will though start updating earlier on Saturdays. :)

Aipom4: I agree and glad you can also she her father actually doing that on the show. lol! :)

lovethatignites: Thanks! Glad you loved the banner, cardboard cutout, and T-shirt. Anything with Jax is amazing. I really loved your guess for this chapter. It sounded very interesting! And by the next chapter you will find out what Emma saw I promise! :)