Disclaimer: I don't own the Avengers. Much to my dismay, they are beyond my reach. Which they would probably be grateful for.

Loki tried to ignore the two children following along behind him.

Really, you save them from one abusive father and they latch onto you like a griffyn with mother issues.

He sighed at the sound of the younger one's, "Wait for me." He turned around to frown at them. "Why are you following me?"

The older girl, who looked about seven Earth years, looked up at him with large, solemn green eyes. "Because you saved us. We're your responsibility now."

The younger one nodded, holding onto the hand of her sister. She looked around five. "You have to help us."

Loki snorted. "What am I going to do with two human children?"

The little sister thought about it. "Take care of us?" she suggested.

"And why would I do that?" he asked silkily.

"Because we're small and helpless and cute," she said promptly.

Loki snorted and turned back around. He continued walking while they continued following. And though he didn't know it, that was the start of a long and lasting adoption.

(His, in fact.)


It was the start of a beautiful friend- er, family.