Responses to reviews because I can't figure out how to reply to it.

Kuroyuki51700-Ok, thanks. I'm really bad at rating things.

Two others also told me to change the rating, and NOW I CAN'T FIND THE NAMES, but thank you as well.

:P Sorry for wrong rating everyone. I am absolutely HORRIBLE at that.

Natsume: Idiot.

me: No! You are the idiot! (gushes) Baka~

Natsume: You're disgusting and weird.

me: (puffs cheeks) So?!

Ruka: Okay, what on earth is wrong with you?

me: I'm excited!

Natsume: I want to f*** Mikan.

Ruka: I don't think you wanting to f Mikan would make you... ah, whatever.

Hotaru: I'm the new character.

(Ruka blushes)

me: Ruka just noticed that 'hot' is in Hotaru's name. Hey, I got an idea! Why don't we try and make words out of your names?!

Natsume: You're absolutely stupid.

me: Hotaru's up. Hotaru, Hotaru... Hot, tar, th...thou...

Natsume: This is going to take a while.

Natsume, Ruka, Hotaru: The Beginning Play is out.

me: To, out, art...

-Beginning Play out-

After sucking Natsume's d**k and licking his balls {Both of them did? o.O lol, let me fix that :P } After Mikan sucked Natsume c**k and licked his balls, Natsume and Mikan kissed each other passionately.

But then, Natsume remembered lunch, "Ah, Mikan, we have to eat."

"I can eat your cum," she explained.

"That's not food," he furrowed his eyebrows.

" 'Kay," she got up, and once Natsume got dressed, they went back to the cafeteria.

After school...

{What's with this whole thing that you can't enter twice. There, I said it! (gush)

Natsume: Idiot.

me: (puffs cheeks) Whatever.}

Mikan went outside to see her father's truck. All the breath in her throat dissipated.

Natsume was right behind her, but Hotaru was next to her, and Ruka was on Natsume's right.

Maybe it wouldn't seem suspicious...

It may seem like Ruka and Natsume had left right after Mikan and Hotaru.

But Mikan knew Reo wouldn't care. He doesn't want Mikan near them, so even if they're right behind her as she's walking out, Reo won't allow it.

Mikan had stopped right when she saw the car, and Natsume bumped into her.

"Mika-" He noticed the dirty truck in front of the school.

"Ruka, we need to leave."


"Come on," Natsume dragged them away.

Mikan carefully walked to the truck. She was relieved and blessed that Natsume had dragged him and Ruka away, but it doesn't change the fact that she was near them.

She carefully opened the passenger's door and placed her bag and purse in the back. She sat down and put her seatbelt on.

She waited for her lecture.

Which came quickly.

"Why was that Nogi boy with you? And the one with blonde hair, is that his brother?" Reo asked, his eyes never leaving the front. Mikan nodded.

"Um, we just left a tiny bit before they did. It was just a coincidence, daddy..." she replied, hushed.

"Right," he scoffed. "It seems you'll need another lesson." She winced.

That night, Reo raped her bad and tortured her worse.

When she went to school the next day, she had to have a ton of paper towels over her now-metal brace since she had to block the blood from leaking out. Also, her chest was wrapped in bandages, and she had wristbands to cover the lines that the chains had made.

They were too close to her; they had ingrained in her wrists.

Her butt was also hurt; it had a brace and was bandaged.

This is what she gets for being careless.

And she felt eyes- Reo was watching her, she thought.

And he was. He hadn't told her, so he could get knowledge of what she would do on a day he wasn't there.

She had to be careful.

She carefully sat in her chair, wincing at the pain.

"Mikan?" she heard the familiar husky voice ask, and she turned to him. "What happened? Are you okay?"

"Ah, yes, I was in an accident yesterday. Stupid drunks," she shook her head.

"And the wristbands?"

"I found them yesterday at the mall. Aren't they cool?" she held them up. He looked from one to the other.

They were normal, orange, not appealing at all, but Natsume agreed to her.

Don't want to make your girl uncomfortable.

School started, and all the time, Mikan was straight though her back curved in.

She was entirely uncomfortable.

In lunch, the four of them sat together, and Koko joined. Mikan smiled at him.

"Mikan, be careful," he advised, "He's out." This caught Mikan's attention. Reo was at school, watching her? She thought it could've been nervousness or someone else.

"Ah, thank-you for telling me, Koko." He nodded and then walked away as she stuck her tongue out.

But it was only an act. She wasn't angry or anything.

She was grateful.

So very grateful.

In gym, Natsume and Mikan were partners- they were in the weight room.

Mikan watched as he did what he was supposed to, and then Mikan took her turn as Natsume watched.

"Hey Mikan, why are you so good at sports?"

"I practice a lot. I live in a rural area, and thus, I catch my own food." {I am SO sorry if I used the wrong word DX All I know is rural is one of them. You know, the city word and the... the plain-y land where you hunt and or farm and all.}

"I see. Cool."


The teacher called out 'switch', and they went to the next station.

This one was the one where you would pick yourself up and do chin touches.

Mikan went first, and Natsume blushed as he saw her panties. His breathing was now slow and quiet as he stared at them. She was so high, they were in clear view.

It almost made him drool.

She was going up and down, going way more higher than she needed to, and in the way that she was going up and down so fast, her skirt was blowing a bit.

As if he couldn't see it all already.

But she had braces, lots of them, and bandages.

He felt bad- they must have hurt.

"Why are you here if you have braces and bandages, huh? And I mean, gym?"

She looked down at him and jumped down, now finished with her set, "I need to. I can't miss a day just because I'm stiff. And I'm fine with gym."

"I saw you sweating and straining, Mikan."

"I was fine," she argued. "It's your turn." He huffed but got on himself and started his set.

Mikan could see his giant penis through his shirt and pants, and it made her blush.

His penis was rock-hard, so it showed clearly through his pants.

But it was also extremely long. So long in fact, that you could see it peeking out of his pants.

It didn't fit in his boxers or pants.

She could also see his abs- his shirt WAS pretty loose.

But she was worried- her father was watching them, and she was Natsume's partner.

She would get bad punishment tonight. Plenty of rape.

And she did. After school, Reo picked her up, and once home, he f***ed her so hard she bled more than usual.

At the end of it, her p***y wasn't even recognizable. It was covered in blood, and so was her butthole since he'd f***ed there, too.

"Stop hanging around him," Reo snarled in her ear. "Or you won't go to school."

THAT scared Mikan.

She wouldn't see Hotaru anymore if Natsume kept hanging around her.

She had to ignore him and never be by him.

And that's exactly what she did.

Natsume was confused at her sudden silence. She wouldn't talk to him at ALL.

Outside, Reo was grinning at his daughter's actions. He was pleased as Nogi didn't even seem to be there in Mikan's mind.

But Koko went over to Natsume and explained how she would leave if he hung around Mikan, and though Natsume asked questions, that was all Koko said.

And that was all he needed to say.

Natsume started to avoid Mikan, too, but he couldn't stop glancing at her once in a while.

He was worried.

But Natsume, being taught like he was, was EXTREMELY horny, and he couldn't take it.

He handed a note to Hotaru, and Hotaru passed it to Mikan in the bathroom since Natsume told her to give it to Mikan alone.

Mikan read the note. It said:

Dear Mikan,

Hey. I heard from Koko about how you'll leave if you can't stay away from me. I get it- protective fathers and all. But it's kinda driving me insane. Do you think you could meet me at the gate of school at midnight?



P.S. I'd like to do a little of *that* stuff ;)

Mikan knew she couldn't- unlike most people, she was kept awake at night...

By her father's torture.

She didn't get much sleep ever; Reo tortured her all night."

She crumpled the paper up and stuffed it in her pocket, "Tell him no."

" 'Kay." And she did.

Natsume sent another letter through Hotaru, and it read:

Dear Mikan,

Seriously? :'( Why?

Your man,


She giggled at the closing but wrote under it:

Because my daddy has security measures- if I take one step out of my bed, alarms'll go off.

And it was true- her dad always had alarms for all the doors in case someone broke in, and ever since he met Natsume, there have been alarms in HER room.

Not that she had time to sleep- Reo's been punishing her for all the time she's been spending with Natsume.

Natsume frowned at the note, thinking of what crazily over-protective father put ALARMS in his daughter's room when they can't even pay for food.

But it was actually a choice, not buying food.

Tonight was hunting night.

Mikan had the meat as usual.

Reo was a sniper, and a good one at that.

Mikan was the bait; Reo was the killer.

"Here, beary-bear~" she called, her voice showing obvious fright.

She knew what would happen if a bear came.

She heard a shot, knowing that her father had caught a deer by the sounds of the thump.

Then she heard more loud thumps.

She gulped.

It was a bear.

She shut her eyes, waiting for what was to come.

She squealed as the pain went through arm, shirt, and a bit of her chest.

Then the gun went bang.

"I love hearing you scream," Reo said as he walked up. Mikan was holding her arm and chest. Reo picked her up by her weak arm and snarled in her ear, "Don't cover your tits, dear daughter."

"O-Of course, daddy..." she let her arm down, and Reo dragged her back home.

As usual, Mikan was tortured and raped, but at least her good actions today got her less of her torture.

The next day, Mikan's arm was in a sling and bandages. Her chest was also more bandaged, adding onto the stuff she had yesterday.

"What happened, Mikan?" Hotaru asked as Natsume stared intently, waiting for the answer.

"Ah, just a hunting accident!" she said happily, but inside, her heart was racing from lying.

It was NO accident.

"You get hurt every time you go hunting- why can't you stop?" Hotaru asked her.

"But we need to hunt, or we'll starve!"

Not true- they could easily start buying food.

"And again, your shirt had to be sewn up," Hotaru pointed at her shirt, "Nobody in your household sews well, right? So stop getting it torn or at least pay for some sewing or something!"

"I-It's FINE, Hotaru...!" she said nervously.

"One day, that shirt's going to fall apart, and everyone'll be looking at your BREASTS!" she said before walking away. Mikan sighed.

She HATES lying to Hotaru.

Natsume returned to what he was doing.

Day after day, Natsume kept getting hornier and hornier. He wanted Mikan too much.

That night, Natsume and Ruka came home to screaming. Their heads low, they walked to their room...

But not before their father stopped them.

"The girl's really screamin you know," he slurred, obviously drunk. "I put a dildo in her a** and p***y."

"We don't care," Natsume snarled.

"Whoa, tiger. Meow! What's got you on edge, huh? Ohhh, you want a girl, don't ya? Come on," his father slurred, dragging Natsume down to the basement.

"No! Stop! I don't want this! Urgh!" Natsume tried to struggle, thinking of Mikan, but his father drunk wasn't someone you wanted to mess with.

Ruka watched helplessly as they got out of sight.

Natsume was the raping victim today...

He moaned and groaned as the girl sucked his c**k.

"S-Stop it..."

All in his mind was Mikan, Mikan, Mikan.

His father had gotten so into it, Natsume was the one hung by chains as the girl sucked on him, her arms chained behind her.

His father was filming as usual as he chuckled, perverted.

"Stop it, I want..."

"Oh? Natsume, you want your thing in her? Where? Her a**? Okay." And his father instructed the girl to stick his c**k in her butt as Natsume denied, denied, denied...

But it was too late.

He felt violated as the girl humped on him.

'No, no, no,' he echoed in his mind.

"No..." he whimpered. "Father, I don't want this. I don't want... I don't want..."

"If you don't want this, what DO you want?"

"I want HER! Not this girl; I want Mikan!"

"Mikan?" he repeated, hushed, and Natsume realized his mistake.

Now his father would bring Mikan here.

His mouth empty and open, he didn't know what to say.

"I-I didn't mean that, father, I-"

"Mikan, huh?" he sneered. "A girl at your school? It is likely that you'd want someone your age. I personally like little girls, too." He licked his lips.

"N-No, father..."

But it was too late.

"Mikan, doesn't this make you feel good?" Reo asked the girl he was f***ing.

But she was too dark, too depressed, to hear.

For days, she hadn't talked to Natsume. All on her mind was him.

"... I SAID, DOES THIS MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD?!" Reo screamed at her, waking her from her thoughts.

"Yes, it-it makes me feel wonderful!" she cried in fear, her eyes wide with tears.

But thirty minutes from then, through Mikan's screams, a knock was heard.

Reo looked up as Mikan silently cried.

"Who the f*** is interrupting?" He started up the stairs. He opened the door, and there stood a man and behind him was Natsume. Reo gave them both a cold stare.

"And what are you doing here?" Reo asked coldly, and the man sneered.

Natsume was gasping, for he'd run after his father. He was only lucky that Ruka had helped him out of his chains. Ruka was a while away, having taken care of the raped lady.

"Father, please! I-I didn't mean it! Please, let's just go!"

"Oh, come on, even if you don' wan her, I do..." he slurred.

"Father, please, let's go," Natsume took his arm and tried to drag him away, but it wasn't enough. Natsume bit his lip.

If he pulled any harder, there'd be a fight.

But if for Mikan...

Natsume gritted his teeth, and for the first time in a really long time, the second time in his life, he defied his father full-force.

He dragged his father with all his might, and a fist collided with his cheek. But still, Natsume continued to drag him as his father beat him along the way.

"I won't- I won't... Let you do ANYTHING to her!" Groaning, Natsume dragged his fighting father out of the forest they were in.

"Never come again," Reo stated coldly, and hearing, Natsume gritted his teeth.

Reo watched until they went out of sight before going back downstairs and continuing to torture Mikan... only worse.

Seeing NATSUME here had p***ed him off. Especially him being with his FATHER here. Who did he think he was? Parents don't meet for a LONG time, the brat.

But little did Reo know, Natsume had just protected Mikan from being raped by someone other than Reo.

Ruka had met up with Natsume two-thirds of the way from home. All three of them were breathing heavily, and when they met up, Ruka stared at his brother.

He was bloody, and still, his father was beating him up. Natsume would need medical attention, and soon enough, it may have to come FAST.

"R-Ruka, we need to lock him up..." Natsume said, groaning.

Ruka couldn't believe it. Natsume went as far to defy their dad while he was DRUNK? What made him so desperate?

Well, he'd have to find out later. Right now, Ruka would have to follow Natsume with no questions and take him to the hospital as soon as possible.

Ruka gulped with a lump in his throat as Natsume trailed him, dragging their father.

It hurt Ruka not to help, but he couldn't get hurt, too. Ruka would have to take Natsume to the hospital, and to do that, he'd need to be unharmed.

Once home, Natsume was a bloody mess, no part un-bloody, and could barely breathe. Still, he pushed on, dragging his father downstairs and chained him up, Ruka watching with wide eyes. Scared for his brother.

Then, once done with chaining their father, Natsume fell back, and Ruka yelled.

Ruka felt his neck and paled.

Losing his breath, he put Natsume on his shoulder and carried him away, getting his phone out and calling 9-1-1.

His brother couldn't die. He wouldn't.

Ruka wouldn't let him die. Never in a million years.

me: (smirks drooling)

Kree: You're really guiding them wrong...

me: That's the point.

Natsume: WHY THE H*** AM I DYING?! D#

Hotaru: I don't THINK she'd do this, but...

Ruka: WAAAH, ONII-CHAN! D=======XX

Kree: You're an idiot, Fire.

me: Baka.

Kree: (rolls eyes)

all: The Ending Play is out.

me: Natsume, Hotaru, and Kree, BE MORE ENERGETIC! DXXX

Natsume and Hotaru: S*** up.

Kree: I. Don't. Care.

-Ending Play out-