Here I am again with a new fic. This will be a multi-chapt fic so have patience please. I'm pretty excited about this story and I hope you all like it, too. Please keep in mind that this is a rewrite/AU of season 4 so things will map out differently and characters are going to be different as well.

Warnings for this fic:

-Wincest (Sam/Dean) is endgame for this fic.

-There'll be mentions/references/flashbacks of rape.

-There'll be mentions/references/flashbacks/scenes of torture.

If anything mentioned will bother you, please turn back now.

As always, please review to let me know your thoughts.

Chapter One

Dean honestly wasn't all too sure how he got to the gas station, he had come to in the coffin and climbed out of the earth, and then things were kind of shady after that. His mind was zipping all over the place, trying to piece together all the horrors in his mind. It was hard.

"Let's try going through his back this time!"

"Hm…he doesn't scream as much with the pliers."

"Sick 'em boys!"

"He's afraid of the hounds, we'll have to use them more!"

"Just say yes, Dean, and this will all end."

"Let's take out each rib, one at a time."

"I'm feeling especially horny today, can you take it Deano?"

"Say yes, Dean. You know you want to."

"Let's see how sensitive he is without his eye sight!"

"I think we should make him eat some!"

"Dean? Are you ready to say yes, yet?"

"Oh, I like how smooth this knife is! We have to use it more."



While in the gas station, he hadn't noticed the warning signs while he stood frozen with money in his hands. Didn't notice a thing until all the glass exploded. That got his attention real quick and he dove onto the ground, covering his face with his arms. He swallowed and blinked a few times before getting to his feet. He felt shaky and knew he needed to get somewhere safe. He wanted Sam, wanted to make sure he was okay. He needed to call him.

He grabbed his bag of snacks before heading out to the pay phone he could see. He tried three numbers, two disconnected, one with no answer multiple times before giving up, feeling like he could cry. His body as healed, somehow, but he still ached, still hurt like he was in the pit. Who else could he call? Bobby.


"Bobby!" Dean couldn't help but sag in relief a bit at the familiar voice.


"It's me!"

"Who's 'me'?" Bobby sounded annoyed but Dean couldn't help but smile a little.

"Dean. Bobby—" Click.

"What the hell?" Dean frowned and redialed Bobby only to get hung up on before getting threatened. He could understand. The newspaper in the gas station said he had been gone for five months, which was a long time, granted it had been longer for him, but Bobby probably thought he was a demon or something. He would just have to show up and prove he wasn't.

Hot wiring the crappy, old car was easy, something he didn't really have to think about. It was like tying the laces on a shoes, it was a routine thing. The whole time he made his way to Bobby's all he could think about was Sam. Was he the reason he was out? Did he make a deal? Dean knew he'd have made a deal as soon as he could but he didn't want Sam to deal with Hell. Never wanted him to. Now… God, they'd have to find a way to get him out of his deal.

Then finally, finally, he was at Bobby's. He stared up at the house for a few minutes before gathering the courage to get out of the car and go up to the door to knock. It shouldn't have surprised him, Bobby attacking him but it did. And then he had to cut himself to prove to Bobby he wasn't a shape shifter or a revenant.

"You like that? I know you do, Dean."

"Dean?" Bobby's voice wobbled just a bit but Dean didn't begrudge him for that. The hug grounded him a bit, made the whispers in his mind slide away. But Dean didn't allow himself to focus on Bobby long. Sam. Where was Sam? He was dragged out of his mind by holy water being splashed in his face and while didn't cause steam to rise or really hurt, it itched. He didn't say anything to Bobby, too spooked to know why that was.

It took only a phone call and a minute on the internet to get the address of where his brother was. When he saw, the breath in his lungs kind of just whooshed out. Why else would Sam be around there if not to make a deal and bring Dean back? He jumped to his feet, ready to go see Sam but Bobby put a hand on his arm. He didn't see it coming and flinched back, looking over with wide eyes.

"You alright, boy?" Bobby asked and Dean opened his mouth, ready to lie, ready to say anything to keep a mask up but the concern he saw plain as day in Bobby's eyes had him closing his mouth. He just shook his head and Bobby's eyes narrowed. "You lied, didn't ya?"

"What?" Dean asked, confused and blinked a few times.

"You remember." It wasn't a question, or even a suggestion, it was said as a fact.

"I… yes," Dean said and shrugged off Bobby's hand. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Alright. I'm here if you need to, though. You know that, right?" Bobby asked, following Dean out to Bobby's car.

"I know. I just can't, Bobby," Dean said and had to blink again but this time to push his tears back.

"Maybe with Sam?"

"Maybe," Dean whispered as he climbed into the passenger seat. Sam. He needed Sam.

The drive felt like it took forever, Dean kept glancing at the clock but he didn't say a word. Bobby didn't say anything either, but the silence didn't feel awkward. It seemed Bobby understood that idle conversation was something Dean couldn't do right then. He had never been so thankful. Then the engine was off and Dean glanced up, surprised to see they were there.

"You ready?" Bobby asked, climbing out of the car. Dean just glanced at him before heading inside. It took a bribe of fifty bucks to get the room number and then they were making their way to Sam's room. Bobby was following Dean's lead, a few steps behind him and didn't push Dean to knock when he froze outside the motel room door. Dean took a deep breath and then raised a hand to knock. Moments later the door whipped open to reveal a short brunette girl.

"So where is it?" The girl asked but Dean was frozen staring at her. Something seemed… off. He tilted his head and they made eye contact. It was like a mask slipped for just a second and he saw the charred, bloodied face behind the brown eyes. Demon. And the face was familiar. He growled a bit and then was lunging at the girl, sending them both to the ground.

"Dean!" Bobby yelled out as Ruby tried to punch him in the face. Then some was crashing into him and he was the one on his back. He snarled at the face above him only to freeze when he saw wide, hazel eyes. Sam.

"Who are you? What are you?" Hatred twisted Sam's features and he raised a hand to punch Dean who flinched back but then Sam was pulled off of him by Bobby who was yelling something at Sam while Ruby was cowering against the wall. Dean, however, was frozen on the ground, eyes wide.

"Sam?" Dean whispered as the familiar form walked up to him. He struggled against his restraints as tears filled his eyes. Not Sam. No. How did Sam get into Hell?

"Hello, Dean," Sam greeted with a grin and Dean shook his head.

"How are you here?"

"Oh, just decided to give into my dark side. Figured I'd come say hello," Sam shrugged but then his eyes flickered off to the side and Dean's eyes narrowed.

"You're not Sam. New torturing trick, huh?" Dean spat and the one masquerading as Sam shrugged with a grin.

"Guess we can't get passed you in this form, huh?"

"No." Dean said and 'Sam' sighed before he eyed Dean with a sneer, a look of pure hatred. Dean didn't like seeing that look on his face. He knew it wasn't his Sam but it made his gut twist all the same.

"Dean! C'mon, boy, snap out of it!"

"Dean? I'm so sorry! Please," a familiar voice pleaded and Dean blinked a few times to see Sam's face above his own.

"No!" Dean cried out, shoving away causing him to fall off the bed. "I said stop turning into him!"

"Dean?" Sam asked, frozen with wide eyes on the bed while Bobby slowly made his way to Dean who was gasping, trying to get in a breath but it was hard.

"Dean, you're not in Hell. Just breathe or else you're going to pass out on us," Bobby instructed and managed to catch Dean's eyes. It seemed to relax Dean some.

"Bobby?" Dean whispered and Bobby let out a sigh and nodded. "Sam?"

"I'm here, Dean," Sam was suddenly crowding down next to Dean and Dean couldn't have pushed down the wave of love that surged through him if he wanted to. Sammy. Dean flung himself at Sam, his arms coming around his little brother in a tight hug. Sam fell back on his butt, but he didn't push Dean away. No, he just wrapped his arms around Dean and let his brother hold him. Dean didn't want to cry, but he couldn't stop the tears that welled in his eyes and ran down his cheeks. Sam didn't say a word, just held Dean tighter. Dean hadn't felt this good in years, decades. It felt like home.